[Code of Bylaws, § 2-1; Bylaws Art. 4 § 9, 3-7-1970]
All elected boards and committees shall keep an attendance record of all members at all regular and special meetings called by the board or committee. Such attendance record shall be made a part of the written annual report to the board of selectmen.
[Code of Bylaws, § 2-2; Bylaws Art. 4 § 10, 3-7-1970; Bylaws Art. 28, 5-4-1974; Bylaws Art. 31, 5-1-2001]
All elected and appointed boards and committees of the town shall submit to the town clerk, on a form approved by the town clerk, all minutes of meetings, special or regular, within 30 days following a meeting. Minutes of executive sessions shall be submitted as soon as publication will not defeat the purposes of the executive session.
[Code of Bylaws, § 2-18; Bylaws Art. 2 § 1, 12-6-1975; Bylaws Art. 5, 4-5-1980; Bylaws Art. 49, 4-4-1987]
The annual meeting for the transaction of town business, other than the election of town officers, shall be held on the first Tuesday in May at 7:00 p.m. and if there is unfinished business subsequent adjourned meetings shall be held on the following weekday evenings consecutively at 7:00 p.m. until final adjournment. The annual meeting for the election of town officers shall be held on the last Tuesday in April.
[Code of Bylaws, § 2-19; Bylaws Art. 1 §§ 1, 2, 3-2-1968; Bylaws Art. 49, 4-4-1987; Bylaws Art. 56, 5-2-2006]
Notice of every town meeting, whether the annual or a special meeting, shall be given by posting an attested copy of the warrant therefor at the post office, library, and senior center in the town and in addition at available public places in West Millbury, Bramanville, Dorothy Pond and East Millbury.
[Code of Bylaws, § 2-20]
Every town officer, the chairperson of each multiple member body, the head of each department and the head of each division within the said departments shall attend all sessions of the town meetings at which warrant articles pertinent to their agency are or may be acted upon for the purpose of providing the town meeting with information pertinent to all such matters as appear in the warrant for the town meeting.
In the event any town officer, chairperson of a multiple member body, department head or division head is to be absent due to illness or other reasonable cause, such person shall designate a deputy to attend to represent the office, multiple member body, department or division. If any person designated to attend the town meeting under this section is not a voter, such person shall, notwithstanding, have a right to address the meeting for the purpose of compliance with this section.
[Code of Bylaws, § 2-26; Bylaws Art. 3 § 1, 11-12-1940]
All articles in the warrant for any town meeting shall be taken up in order of their arrangement, unless otherwise decided at the town meeting by a majority vote.
[Code of Bylaws, § 2-27; Bylaws Art. 3 § 2, 3-7-1959; Bylaws Art. 17, 2-10-1987; Bylaws Art. 49, 4-4-1987; 5-7-2019 ATM by Art. 26]
Except as designated otherwise in this paragraph, at all Town Meetings the main floor of the meeting place shall be reserved for qualified voters only and no vote, either by ballot or other form, shall be received by the meeting from any qualified voter seated in any portion of the meeting place other than the main floor. Non-registered voters, members of the press, and other guests will be admitted to a designated seating area on the main floor indicated by signage, except those non-voters employed by the Town may be admitted to the main floor by special pass.
[Code of Bylaws, § 2-28; Bylaws Art. 3 § 5, 11-12-1940]
No motion shall be received at an adjourned town meeting for the reconsideration of any vote passed at a prior meeting unless notice of such reconsideration shall have been given at the meeting at which the vote was passed; provided, however, that this section may be suspended in any particular case by a vote of three-fourths of those present and voting.
[Code of Bylaws, § 2-29; Bylaws Art. 3 § 6, 11-12-1940]
After an article in the warrant for a town meeting has once been acted on, it shall not be again considered at the same meeting, except by a majority vote of those present and voting.
[Code of Bylaws, § 2-30; Bylaws Art. 3 §§ 7, 8, 3-11-1950; Bylaws Art. 33, 4-4-1981; Bylaws Art. 6, 10-7-1986]
A quorum for a town meeting shall be 100 registered voters.
[Code of Bylaws, § 2-31; Bylaws Art. 3 § 9, 3-6-1971]
All committees formed or established by the town meeting shall report as directed by the town meeting. If no report is made as directed or within a year after its appointment, a committee shall be discharged unless the town meeting shall have granted an extension of time.
[5-4-2021 ATM by Art. 19]
Any motion requiring a two-thirds favorable vote may be declared by the Moderator without a count, unless the vote so declared is immediately questioned by seven or more voters or a count is requested by the Moderator.