All the required approvals shall be obtained prior to establishment of the use. Short-term rentals are a permitted use only as permitted in accordance with City Code, Chapter 197, Zoning, Attachment-1 Table of Permitted Uses and Structures, and only pursuant to a valid short-term rental license issued in accordance with this section by the Planning and Building Department. Any additional requirements of the state shall also be required to be satisfied.
Short-term rentals, as defined in § 150-2, Definitions, shall be subject to the following general requirements:
Short-term rental dwellings shall meet all applicable building, health, fire, and related safety codes at all times, including:
That each short-term rental has working smoke detectors in every bedroom, outside of all sleeping areas, and on all habitable floors;
That each short-term rental has working carbon monoxide detectors in every dwelling unit with an attached garage or fuel appliances;
That each short-term rental has a properly maintained and charged fire extinguisher in each short-term rental unit; and
That each short-term rental has GFCI receptacles within six feet of the outside edge of any sink.
The overnight occupancy of a short-term rental shall not exceed the sum of two persons per bedroom, as defined in § 150-2, Definitions, plus an additional two persons. Children 12 years of age and younger shall not be counted towards the overall number of occupants.
Short-term rentals shall not be operated outdoors, in a recreational vehicle, or any nonresidential structure.
The short-term rental property shall meet all applicable requirements of the zoning district in which the property is located.
Use of the short-term rentals to host commercial activities shall be prohibited.
It shall be the responsibility of the property owner or authorized agent to ensure short-term rental guests comply with the requirements of City Code, Chapters 132, Noise; Chapter 106, Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse; and Chapter 167, Streets and Sidewalks.
Good Neighbor Brochures will be available to every renter.
All advertising for any short-term rental, including electronic advertising on short-term rental websites, shall include the identification number of the short-term rental.
The license holder shall maintain records of all short-term rental booking dates and associated rental income and shall provide it to the City in conjunction with an annual City gross receipts rental tax remittance.
The City shall limit the use of the short-term rental booking records collected under Subsection E to confirm compliance with the provisions of Chapter 172, Taxation, Article II, Gross Receipts Rental Tax. The short-term rental booking records shall only be provided to a third party when required by law.
All short-term rental license holders shall comply with the provisions of any city, county, state, or federal disaster or emergency orders.
The following information shall be made conspicuously visible inside the dwelling: the property's rental identification number and information on maximum occupancy, location of any off-street parking on the property if such off-street parking exists, contact information for the property owner or local representative, emergency numbers, and waste and recycling pickup schedule.
The designated local contact person shall be available 24 hours a day to accept telephone calls from the City and, if requested by the City, respond physically to the short-term rental within a reasonable time period, not to exceed two hours when the short-term rental is rented and occupied. Upon request by the contact person, the City will accompany the contact person to the short-term rental dwelling.
An applicant for a short-term rental license shall submit to the following requirements and documentation:
The name, address, phone number and email contact information of the applicant and the address of the property being applied for.
Attest to the following and furnish the necessary documentation upon request of the Planning and Building Department:
That the applicant has an ownership interest in the property being applied for;
That each short-term rental has the required safety equipment including: working smoke detectors in every bedroom, outside sleeping area, and on all habitable floors; working carbon monoxide detectors in every dwelling unit with an attached garage or fuel appliances; a properly maintained and charged fire extinguisher; and GFCI receptacles within six feet of the outside edge of any sink;
That the property has no outstanding taxes, fees, or City liens, outside of a mortgage;
That the property is not subject to any contractual restrictions precluding its use as a short-term rental, including, but not limited to, homeowner association agreements, condominium bylaws, or restrictive covenants;
That the applicant consents to the inspection of the short-term rental by the Planning and Building Department to confirm attestations of all application information and license requirements, as described in § 150-7A(2);
That in each short-term rental there is a document that provides the property's rental identification number and information on maximum occupancy, location of off-street parking on the property if such off-street parking exists, contact information for the property owner or local representative, emergency numbers, and waste and recycling pickup schedule. This document shall be conspicuously visible within the unit; and
That the Good Neighbor Brochure will be provided to every renter and maintained in the home by the owner, their agent or local contact.
By obtaining a license the property owner agrees to allow the Planning and Building Department the right to inspect a short-term rental to confirm attestations of all application information and license requirements. Inspections shall be performed at an agreed upon time with no less than 48 hours prior notice, except in the case of an immediate threat to public safety. Nonresponse to or refusal of an inspection shall be grounds for the suspension of a short-term rental license.
Any fraud, material misrepresentations, or false statements contained in the attestations, required documentation, or correlating application materials shall be grounds for immediate revocation of a short-term rental license. Furthermore, all requirements herein shall be continuously maintained throughout the duration of the license.
Upon satisfactory submission of the required attestations and requested documentation herein, the Planning and Building Department shall issue a short-term rental license. Said license shall contain:
The address of the short-term rental;
The license holder's name;
The rental identification number, and rental limitations, including maximum occupancy; and
Contact information (name, primary phone number and email) for complaints by guests, of a local contact person who shall be available 24 hours a day to accept telephone calls from City personnel and, when requested by the City, respond physically to the short-term rental within a reasonable time period, not to exceed two hours, when the property is rented and occupied. Upon request by the local contact, the City will accompany the contact person to the short-term rental dwelling.
Any violation of this article and the correlating provisions in the City Code may subject a violator to any remedy, legal or equitable, available to the City.
License violations include:
Operating a short-term rental without a valid short-term rental license;
Advertisement or rental of a short-term rental without proper licensing;
Failure to include the rental identification number of a short-term rental unit in any advertisement or listing;
Advertising a short-term rental outside the permitted scope of a short-term rental license; and
Failure to remit all applicable taxes.
Operation violations include:
Use of the short-term rental for commercial/fundraising activities;
Failure to provide the Good Neighbor Brochure;
Failure to maintain required records;
Failure to ensure short-term rental guests comply with the requirements of City Code, Chapters 132, Noise; Chapter 106, Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse; and Chapter 167, Streets and Sidewalks;
Nonresponse to or refusal of an inspection;
Failure to make conspicuously visible the information required in § 150-6G;
Failure of local contact person to satisfactorily respond to or resolve complaints;
Failure to comply with any disaster or emergency orders; and
Disorderly dwelling.
The short-term rental license fines shall be as approved by the Mayor and City Council and indicated in the schedules maintained by the City of Lewes. The following penalties shall apply to notices of violation:
For license violations:
First violation of an offense: written warning;
Second violation of the same offense: fine;
Third and subsequent violation of the same offense or the sum of six violations of more than one type of offense during the term of the rental license: fine and immediate revocation of short-term rental license.
For operation violations:
First violation of an offense: written warning;
Second violation of the same offense: fine;
Third and subsequent violation of the same offense or the sum of six violations of more than one type of offense during the term of the rental license: fine and immediate revocation of short-term rental license.
Three repeat violations of this article during the term of the rental license or the sum of six notices of violation during the term of the rental license or any revocation of a short-term license shall be grounds for denial of a short-term license issuance or renewal for 12 months from the date of revocation.
Each day a violation continues unresolved will constitute a separate violation.
Nothing contained herein shall be construed to limit the legal remedies available to any other person for the correction of violations of this article and the correlating provisions in the City Code.
Any person having a complaint regarding any alleged violation or violations of this article for a short-term rental shall call the Planning and Building Department at City Hall, Monday through Friday, excluding weekends and holidays. For weekends, holidays, and outside office hours, any person having a complaint should contact the Police Department.
If the complainant feels the property owner or the authorized agent failed to satisfactorily resolve a complaint, the complainant shall notify the City Manager, in writing. The City Manager will investigate the complaint, and if deemed accurate, will authorize the Planning and Building Department to issue a notice of violation to the property owner or the authorized agent.