All the required approvals shall be obtained prior to establishment of the use. Long-term rentals are a permitted use only as permitted in accordance with City Code, Chapter
197, Zoning, Attachment 1-Table of Permitted Uses and Structures, and only pursuant to a valid long-term rental license issued in accordance with this section by the Planning and Building Department. Any additional requirements of the state shall also be required to be satisfied.
Long-term rentals, as defined in §
150-2, Definitions, shall be subject to the following general requirements:
A. Long-term rental dwellings shall meet all applicable building, health,
fire, and related safety codes at all times including:
(1) That each long-term rental has working smoke detectors in every bedroom,
outside of all sleeping areas, and on all habitable floors;
(2) That each long-term rental has working carbon monoxide detectors
in every dwelling unit with an attached garage or fuel appliances.
(3) That each long-term rental has a properly maintained and charged
fire extinguisher in each long-term rental unit; and
(4) That each long-term rental has GFCI receptacles within six feet of
the outside edge of any sink.
B. Long-term rentals shall not be operated outdoors, in a recreational
vehicle, or any nonresidential structure; and
C. The long-term rental property shall meet all applicable requirements
of the zoning district in which the property is located.