Resisting or obstructing an officer consists of:
Knowingly obstructing, resisting or opposing any officer of this state or any other duly authorized person serving or attempting to serve or execute any process or any rule or order of any of the courts of this state or any other judicial writ or process; or
Resisting or abusing any judge, justice of the peace, magistrate or peace officer in the lawful discharge of his duties.
Whoever commits resisting or obstructing an officer is guilty of a petty misdemeanor.
(1981 Code, sec. 14-46)
As used in this section a police department animal consists of:
A dog used by a law enforcement or corrections agency that is specially trained for law enforcement or corrections work in the areas of tracking, suspect apprehension, crowd control or drug or explosives detection; or
A horse that is used by a law enforcement or corrections agency for law enforcement or corrections work.
Abuse of a police department animal consists of willfully or maliciously injuring, torturing, tormenting, beating, kicking, striking, poisoning, mutilating, disabling or killing any animal used by any peace officer in the performance of his or her duties or of the functions or duties of the police officer.
Interference with police department animals consists of:
Knowingly abusing, injuring, agitating, frightening, distracting, interfering with, meddling with or obstructing any such animal, or the equipment used on or by such animal; or
Knowingly engaging in conduct designed to abuse, injure, agitate, frighten, distract, interfere with, meddle with or obstruct any such animal from the lawful performance of its official duties.
Whoever commits abuse or interference with police department animals is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine and/or incarceration not exceeding that authorized by state law.
A person convicted of abuse or interference with police department animal may also be ordered to make restitution for the animal’s veterinary bills or, if it is permanently disabled, killed or destroyed, replacement costs of the animal.
(Ordinance 09-40 adopted 2010)
Refusing to aid an officer consists of refusing to assist any peace officer in the preservation of the peace when called upon by such officer in the name of the United States, the state or the town.
Whoever commits refusing to aid an officer is guilty of a petty misdemeanor.
(1981 Code, sec. 14-47)
Impersonating a public officer consists of any person:
Without due authority exercising or attempting to exercise the functions of any peace officer; or
Falsely assuming or pretending to be a peace officer, magistrate or coroner with intent to deceive another.
Whoever commits impersonating a public officer is guilty of a petty misdemeanor.
(1981 Code, sec. 14-48)
Concealing identity consists of concealing one’s true name or identity, or disguising oneself with intent to obstruct the due execution of the law or with intent to intimidate, hinder or interrupt any public officer or any other person in a legal performance of his duty or the exercise of his rights under the laws of the United States or of this state.
Whoever commits concealing identity is guilty of a petty misdemeanor.
(1981 Code, sec. 14-4)
Demanding illegal fees consists of any public officer or public employee knowingly asking or accepting anything of value greater than that fixed or allowed by law for the execution or performance of any service or duty.
Whoever commits demanding illegal fees is guilty of petty misdemeanor.
(1981 Code, sec. 14-49)