The following words and phrases when used in this article shall, for the purposes of this article, have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this article except where another definition is specifically provided. Any words or phrases used in this article and not referred to in this section shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them as defined in the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law.
Every motor vehicle having a seating capacity of 15 or more passengers in addition to the driver and used for the transportation of passengers.
The Department of Transportation of this state acting directly or through its duly authorized officers and agents.
Every person who operates or drives or is in actual physical control of a vehicle. Whenever the terms "chauffeur" or "operator" or "chauffer's license" or "operator's license" are used in this article, such terms shall be deemed to mean driver and driver's license, respectively.
A motor vehicle which operates under its own power and which precedes or follows a vehicle or combination of vehicles that has been issued a special hauling permit by the Department of Transportation.
The weight of a vehicle without load, plus the weight of any load thereon.
The entire width between the boundary lines of every way publicly maintained when any part thereof is open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel.
A roadway which is divided into two or more clearly marked lanes for purposes of vehicular travel.
The weight of the vehicle unladen, plus the weight of the maximum load to be carried by such vehicle during the registration period or the maximum gross weight for which the vehicle is registered, whichever is greater.
Every vehicle operated or driven upon a public highway which is propelled by any power other than muscular power, except electrically driven mobility assistance devices operated or driven by a person with a disability; vehicles which run only upon rails or tracks; snowmobiles as defined in the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law; and all-terrain vehicles as defined in the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law. The term "motor vehicle" shall exclude fire and police vehicles other than ambulances. For the purpose of this section, the term "motor vehicle" shall exclude farm-type tractors and all-terrain-type vehicles used exclusively for agricultural purposes, or for snowplowing, other than for hire, farm equipment, including self-propelled machines used exclusively in growing, harvesting or handling farm produce, and self-propelled caterpillar or crawler-type equipment while being operated on the contract site.
Any highway, road, street, avenue, alley, public place, public driveway or any other public way.
That portion of a highway improved, designed, marked or ordinarily used for vehicular travel, exclusive of the shoulder and slope. In the event a highway includes two or more separate roadways, the term "roadway" as used herein shall refer to any such roadway separately but not to all such roadways collectively.
Any trailer which is so designed that when operated the forward end of its body or chassis rests upon the body or chassis of the towing vehicle.
The entire width between the boundary lines of every way publicly maintained when any part thereof is open to the public for purposes of vehicular travel.
A motor vehicle designed and used as the power unit in combination with a semitrailer or trailer or two such trailers in tandem. Any such motor vehicle shall not carry cargo, except that a tractor and semitrailer engaged in the transportation of automobiles may transport motor vehicles on part of the power unit.
Any vehicle not propelled by its own power drawn on the public highways by a motor vehicle as defined in this section, except motorcycle sidecars, vehicles being towed by a nonrigid support and vehicles designed and primarily used for other purposes and only occasionally drawn by such a motor vehicle.
Every motor vehicle designed, used or maintained primarily for the transportation of property.
Every device in, upon or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway, except devices moved by human power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks.
Except as expressly permitted by the United States or the New York State Department of Transportation, and except where the requirement for local delivery will permit no alternate legal route, no person shall operate or move or cause or knowingly permit to be operated or moved on any public street in the Town of Blooming Grove any vehicle or combination of vehicles of a size or weight exceeding the limitations provided for in this section.
The width of a vehicle, inclusive of load, shall be not more than 96 inches, plus safety devices, on any Town highway/roadway in the Town of Blooming Grove.
The provisions of Subsection B(1) of this section shall not apply to vehicles and implements or combinations thereof not over 13 feet in width, used solely for farm purposes, during the period from sunrise to sunset, provided that at least two red flags not smaller than 24 square inches be displayed on the left front and rear of each vehicle or implement or combination thereof in such manner as to be clearly visible from the front and rear for a distance of at least 500 feet. However, no such vehicles, implements or combinations thereof shall be operated on any highway after 10:00 a.m. on any Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, except for trips of two miles or less.
The provisions of Subsection B(1) of this section shall not apply to omnibuses or buses used solely for the transportation of children to and from school, but the width of such omnibuses shall not exceed 98 inches.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection B(1) of this section, racks for carrying hay, straw or unthreshed grain may have a width of 10 feet at the top of the rack. In no case shall the width at the base of the rack exceed 102 inches at any portion thereof while on any Town highway/roadway.
Height. The height of a vehicle from the underside of tire to the top of the vehicle, inclusive of load, shall be no more than 13 1/2 feet. Any damage to highways, bridges or highway structures resulting from the use of a vehicle exceeding 13 feet in height where such excess height is the proximate cause of the accident shall be compensated for by the owner and operator of such vehicle.
The length of a single vehicle, inclusive of load and bumpers, shall not be more than 40 feet unless otherwise provided in this subsection.
The length of a semitrailer or trailer shall not exceed 45 feet except as provided in this subsection; provided, however, that the length of any trailer or semitrailer being operated in combination with another trailer or semitrailer shall not exceed 28 1/2 feet.
The length of buses having a carrying capacity of more than seven passengers shall not exceed 45 feet, except that the length of articulated buses shall not exceed 62 feet.
The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to fire vehicles.
Any semitrailer with a length not to exceed 48 feet may be operated on any Town highway, provided that the total length of a combination of vehicles, including such a semitrailer, does not exceed 60 feet.
Additional restriction on length; exceptions.
The total length of a combination of vehicles, inclusive of load and bumpers, shall not be more than 60 feet.
The provisions of Subsection E(1) of this section shall not apply to:
Vehicles of a corporation which are subject to the jurisdiction of the Interstate Commerce Commission, the Public Service Commission or other regulatory body and which are used in the construction, reconstruction, repair or maintenance of its property or facilities, provided that any such vehicle complies with the safety requirements of the laws and regulations of the United States and of New York State pertaining to overlength vehicles.
Vehicles hauling poles, girders, columns or other similar objects of excess length, provided that any such vehicle complies with the safety requirements of the laws and regulations of the United States and of New York State pertaining to such overlength vehicles.
Fire vehicles.
Any vehicle or combination of vehicles which is disabled and unable to proceed under its own power and is being towed for a distance not in excess of 10 miles for the purpose of repairs or removal from the highway.
State and/or municipally owned vehicles engaged in snowplowing, ice clearing or other emergency-type operations.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection E(1) of this section, a bumper overhang of not more than a total of three feet on the front and four feet on the rear of the vehicle shall be permitted.
In determining the number of wheels and axles on the vehicle or combination of vehicles within the meaning of this section, only two wheels shall be counted for each axle, and axles which are less than 46 inches apart from center to center shall be counted as one axle. However, in the case of multiple tires or multiple wheels, the sum or the widths of all the tires on a wheel or combination of wheels shall be taken in determining tire width.
Subject to the provisions of the section of this article governing maximum vehicle gross weights, the weight per inch width of tire on any one wheel of a single vehicle or a combination of vehicles equipped with pneumatic tires, when loaded, shall be not more than 800 pounds.
Subject to the provisions of the section of this article governing maximum vehicle gross weights, the weight on any one wheel of a single vehicle or a combination of vehicles equipped with pneumatic tires, when loaded, shall be not more than 11,200 pounds.
Subject to the provisions of the section of this article governing maximum vehicle gross weights, the weight on any one axle of a single vehicle equipped with pneumatic tires, when loaded, shall be not more than 22,400 pounds.
Subject to the provisions of the section of this article governing maximum vehicle gross weights, the weight on any two consecutive axles of a single vehicle or a combination of vehicles equipped with pneumatic tires, when loaded, and when such axles are spaced less than eight feet from center to center, shall be not more than 36,000 pounds; except where axles are spaced eight feet or greater, but less than 10 feet, the weight on those two axles shall not exceed that permitted by Subsection E(7)(b) of this section and, in addition, shall not exceed 40,000 pounds. Axles shall be counted as provided in Subsection E(2)(f) of this section.
Subject to the provisions of the section of this article governing maximum vehicle gross weights, a single vehicle, or a combination of vehicles having three axles or more and equipped with pneumatic tires when loaded, may have a total weight on all axles not to exceed 34,000 pounds, plus 1,000 pounds for each foot and major fraction of a foot of the distance from the center of the foremost axle to the center or the rearmost axles. Axles are to be counted as provided in Subsection F of this section. In no case, however, shall the total weight exceed 80,000 pounds. For any vehicles or combination of vehicles having a total gross weight less than 71,000 pounds, the higher of the following shall apply:
The total weight on all axles shall not exceed 34,000 pounds, plus 1,000 pounds for each foot and major fraction of a foot of the distance from the center of the foremost axles to the center of the rearmost axles; or
The overall gross weight on a group of two or more consecutive axles shall not exceed the weight produced by application of the following formula:
W = 500 (LxN)/(N-1)+(12xN)+36
Where W equals overall gross weight on any group of two or more consecutive axles to the nearest 500 pounds, L equals distance in feet from the center of the foremost axle to the center of the rearmost axle of any group of two or more consecutive axles and N equals the number of axles in the group under consideration, except that the two consecutive sets of tandem axles may carry a gross load not to exceed 34,000 pounds, provided that the overall distance between the first and last axles of such consecutive sets of tandem axles is 36 feet or more. For any vehicle or combination of vehicles having a total gross weight of 71,000 pounds or greater, this Subsection E(7)(b) shall apply to determine maximum gross weight which is permitted hereunder, subject to the provisions of the subsection of this section governing maximum vehicle gross weights.
No vehicle shall be operated on the public streets of the Town of Blooming Grove other than on pneumatic tires.
For the purpose of this section, the width of pneumatic tires shall be ascertained by measuring the greatest width of the tire casing when the tire is inflated.
No person shall operate or move a vehicle or a combination of vehicles over, on or through any bridge or structure on any highway if the weight of such vehicle, or combination of vehicles, and load is greater than the posted capacity of the structure or exceeds the height of the posted clearance as shown by an official sign.
If a vehicle or combination of vehicles is operated in violation of this section, an appearance ticket or summons may be issued to the registrant of the vehicle or, if a combination of vehicles, to the registrant of the hauling vehicle, rather than the operator. In the event that the vehicle is operated by a person other than the registrant, any appearance ticket or summons issued to the registrant shall be served upon the operator, who shall be deemed the agent of the registrant only for the purpose of receiving such appearance ticket or summons. In addition, a notice containing all pertinent information relating to the charge which is contained on the summons or appearance ticket shall be mailed by or on behalf of the person who issued the appearance ticket or summons to the registrant on file with the Department of Motor Vehicles of said state within five days after the date of issuance of the appearance ticket or summons but at least five days before the return date specified on the appearance ticket or summons. Proof of mailing to the registrant under this section shall be filed with the court in which the appearance ticket or summons is returnable on or before the return date. The provisions of this motor vehicle or to any motor vehicle or trailer which is registered in the name of a person whose principal.
In any case wherein the charge laid before the court alleges a violation of this section, any plea of guilty thereafter entered in satisfaction of such charge must include at least a plea of guilty to a violation of one of the subsections of this section. No other disposition by plea of guilty to any other charge in satisfaction of such shall be authorized; provided, however, that if the prosecuting attorney, upon reviewing the available evidence, determines that the charge of a violation of this section is not warranted, he may consent, and the court may allow, a disposition by plea of guilty to that or another charge in satisfaction of such charge; provided, however, that the court must impose at least the minimum fine as authorized in this section for the offense.
Violations and penalties.
A violation of the provisions of this section shall be punishable by a fine of not less than $200 nor more than $500, or by imprisonment for not more than 30 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, for the first offense; by a fine of not less than $500 nor more than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not more than 60 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, for the second or subsequent offense, in both cases plus the fine provided in Subsection K(2) of this section.
A violation of the provisions of this section by any vehicle or combination of vehicles whose weight exceeds the weight limitations as set forth in any of these sections, or the weight limitations specified by a permit issued by the United States Department of Transportation or New York State Department of Transportation, shall be punishable by fines levied on the registered owner of the vehicle or vehicles, whether at the time of the violation the vehicle was in the charge of the registered owner or his agent or lessee in accordance with the following schedule [in addition to the lines as prescribed in Subsection K(1) of this section]:
Excess Total Weight
Greater Than
Excess Total Weight
Less Than or Equal To
Amount of Fine
Greater than 30,000
$3,000 plus
Where the excess total weight is greater than the limits specified by a United States or New York State Department of Transportation excess weight permit, the permit shall, for the purposes of computing the fine, be deemed void, and the amount of fine shall be determined in accordance with the maximum weight which would have been in effect for the operation of such vehicle if the permit to exceed such maximum weight had not been issued.
The $0.06 per pound in addition to the $3,000 is for each pound greater than 30,000 pounds.
A violation of the provisions of this section by a vehicle or combination of vehicles whose weight exceeds the weight limitations specified by a permit issued by the United States or New York State Department of Transportation shall be punishable by fines levied on the registered owner of the vehicle or vehicles, whether at the time of the violation the vehicle was in the charge of the registered owner or his agent or lessee, in accordance with the following schedule in addition to the fines as prescribed in Subsection K(1) of this section:
Percentage of Excess Weight Greater Than
Percentage of Excess Weight Less Than or Equal To
Amount of Fine
Where the excess axle or axles' weight is greater than the limits specified by a permit issued by the United States or New York State Department of Transportation, the permit shall, for the purposes of computing the fine, be deemed void, and the amount of the fine shall be determined in accordance with the maximum weight which would have been in effect for the operation of such vehicle if the permit to exceed such maximum weight had not been issued.
In connection with the weighing of a vehicle or combination of vehicles, if it is found that there is a violation of Subsection E(7) and also of Subsection E(5) and (6) or both Subsection E(5) and (6) of this section, there shall be a single fine imposed, and the maximum amount of such fine shall not exceed the highest fine that could be imposed under this section.
The court may impose any sentence authorized by this section; provided, however, that any such sentence must include a fine as provided in this section.
All fines collected as a result of the above schedule shall remain the property of the Town of Blooming Grove.