The intent of the site plan review process is to preserve and
enhance the character of a neighborhood, achieve compatibility with
adjacent development, mitigate potentially negative impacts on traffic,
parking, drainage and similar environmental concerns, improve the
overall visual and aesthetic quality of the Town, and increase the
capability of the Zoning Code to adapt to a variety of unique circumstances.
All applications for site plan review shall be made by the owner
or the owner's agent and filed in accordance with this chapter.
The application shall include, as applicable, the following information.
The Planning Board may require the following be prepared by a licensed
engineer, architect, landscape architect or surveyor, where deemed
necessary for an informed, adequate review.
A. Application form, including the name, address, and signature of the
applicant, property owner, and developer.
B. Present zoning district in which the site is located.
D. Description or narrative of all existing and proposed uses and structures,
including, but not limited to, hours of operation, peak number of
employees, maximum seat capacity, and proposed number of off-street
vehicle and bicycle parking spaces.
E. Identification of historic resources and environmental issues, where
F. A site plan drawn at a scale of one-quarter inch equals one foot
or such other scale as the Planning Board may deem appropriate, on
standard 24-inch by 36-inch sheets, with continuation on 8 1/2-inch
by 11-inch sheets as necessary for written information. Such site
plan include the following:
1) Scale, North arrow, and date.
2) The location of all properties and property lines, their ownership,
uses thereon, subdivisions, rights-of-way, easements, and adjacent
buildings within 100 feet of the property in question.
3) The location and use of all existing and proposed structures on the
property in question, including all dimensions of height and floor
area, exterior entrances, outdoor storage, and anticipated future
additions and alterations.
4) The location of all existing and proposed topography features, including
but not limited to, site grading, open spaces, woodlands, watercourses,
steep slopes (exceeding 15%), wetlands and/or floodable areas within
the 100-year floodplain, and watersheds.
5) The location of existing and proposed landscaping, screening, walls, and fences, including information regarding the size and type of plants and building materials proposed, subject to the requirements of Article
54 of this chapter.
6) The location, height, intensity, cutsheets, bulb type, and light color of all exterior lighting fixtures, subject to the requirements of Article
55 of this chapter.
7) The location of existing and proposed public and private streets, off-street parking areas, loading areas, driveways, sidewalks, ramps, curbs, and paths. Such plans shall include considerations for vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle traffic circulation, parking, and access, subject to the requirements of Article
51 of this chapter.
8) The location of all access connections on both sides of the road
within 500 feet of the subject property.
9) Drawings or sketches that illustrate the height, bulk, and design
characteristics of the proposed building, and indicate major materials
to be used.
A waste and trash management plan including the proposed location,
appearance, and operation of dumpsters or other trash receptacles.
The location, height, size, material, and design of all existing and proposed signs, subject to the requirements of Article
52 of this chapter.
A storm drainage and grading plan showing new and/or modified downspouts and plan or system for the collection and disposal of stormwater, or, if applicable, a stormwater pollution prevention plan. Such practices and systems shall also be subject to the requirements of Chapter
269 of the Town of Manchester Code.
Plans to prevent the pollution of surface or ground water, erosion
of soil both during and after construction, excessive runoff, excessive
raising or lowering of the water table, and flooding of other properties,
as applicable.
The location of existing and proposed utility systems, and if
required, easements. This shall include sewage or septic, water supply,
telephone, cable, and/or electric. If a private sewerage system is
used, plans for the system shall bear the stamped approval of a professional
licensed engineer.
A certified topographic survey extending 50 feet beyond the
property line at no more than five-foot contour intervals. If the
site has susceptibility to erosion, flooding or ponding, contour intervals
of not more than two feet of elevation should also be provided.
A map showing that the proposed site can possess at least 35%
green space including any space occupied by water retention facilities;
The design of all fire protection design elements, including,
but not limited to, the location of fire hydrants, other emergency
zones, and exits.
A natural resource inventory and/or tree survey.
An estimated project construction schedule.
Plans for disposal of construction and demolition waste, either
on-site or at an approved disposal facility.
All NYS SEQR documentation as required by law.
Developer's clause:
On behalf of __________ (Developer-Applicant), we hereby certify and agree that the submitted plans meet all the requirements and specifications described in Article 62 (Site Plan Review), and any other applicable sections of the Town of Manchester Code. Notwithstanding any notes, provisions or specifications in the plans, we agree on behalf of the Developer-Applicant that Town of Manchester Code specifications shall take precedence over any such notes, provisions or specifications which may be inconsistent with and/or not in conformance with the Town of Manchester Code specifications. We further agree that in the event of any inconsistency or ambiguity between the notes, provisions or specifications on the final plans and the Town of Manchester Code, that in all cases the Town of Manchester Code specifications shall be controlling with respect to the work, materials or other requirements.
Signature of Developer
Signature of Developer's Engineer or Design Professional
G. Elevations at a scale of one-quarter inch equals one foot for all
exterior facades of the proposed structure(s) and/or alterations to
or expansions of existing facades, showing design features and indicating
the type and color or materials to be used.
H. Soil logs, test well, percolation test results, and/or stormwater
runoff calculations.
I. A detailed traffic study, upon request of the Planning Board, to
1) The projected number of motor vehicle trips to enter or leave the
site, estimated for daily and peak hour traffic levels;
2) The projected traffic flow pattern including vehicular movements
at all major intersections likely to be affected by the proposed use
of the site;
3) The impact of this traffic upon existing abutting public and private
ways in relation to existing road capacities. Existing and proposed
daily and peak hour traffic levels and road capacity levels shall
also be given.
J. A schedule for completion of each construction phase for buildings,
parking, and landscaped areas.
K. Identification of any state or county permits required for the project
and record of application for and approval status of such permits.