The regulations established in this chapter are intended to provide minimum standards to safeguard life, property, and public welfare regulating and controlling the use, materials, construction, location, number, maintenance, and the permitting of certain signs and sign structures. In addition, this chapter is intended to enhance the beauty of the city by limiting visual clutter. The provisions of this chapter are not intended to permit a violation of any provision of any other ordinance or federal or state law.
(2008 Code, sec. 111.01; Ordinance 2001-008 adopted 11/27/2000)
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Approved combustible material
means wood or materials not more combustible than wood and approved plastics.
Approved plastics
means only those slow-burning plastics such as cellulose acetate or methylmethacrylate or other plastics of no greater combustibility as now approved by the Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., for sign use (UL 48).
Balloon or inflatable sign
means a sign in front of or attached to a balloon or other inflatable, inflated or floating device, which measures more than three feet across in any direction.
means a sign made of paper, plastic, or fabric with or without a frame, containing characters, letters, illustrations, or ornamentations, the surface of which exceeds 50 square feet. The term "banner" does not include a flag.
Builder's sign
means a temporary sign which provides direction or announces the location of model homes or group of homes built by one builder.
means a structure made of metal or other material with frames affixed to a building and carried by a frame which is supported by the ground.
Combination sign
means any sign which combines the characteristics of two or more types of signs.
Construction sign
means a sign identifying individuals or companies involved in design, construction, wrecking, financing, or development when placed upon the premises where work is under construction, but only for the duration of construction or wrecking.
Decorative trim
means the molding, battens, cappings, nailing strips, latticing, platforms and letters, figures, characters, or representations in cutout or irregular form which are attached to the sign structure.
Display surface
means the area made available by the sign structure for purpose of displaying the advertising message.
Electric sign
means any sign containing electric wiring such as characters, letters, figures, designs, faces, backgrounds, or outlines illuminated by incandescent or fluorescent lamps or luminous tubes as part of the sign proper.
External illumination
means illumination of a sign by an artificial source of light which is not contained within the sign itself.
means any fabric containing distinctive color, pattern, or symbols, used as a symbol of government, political subdivisions, or nonprofit organizations.
Flashing sign
means an illuminated sign on which the artificial source of light is not maintained stationary or constant in intensity and color when the sign is illuminated. For the purpose of this chapter, any moving illuminated sign displaying alternating illumination being turned on and off which induces a strobe or pulsing effect shall be deemed to be a flashing sign.
Ground sign
means a sign which is supported by two or more columns, poles, uprights or braces placed in or upon the ground and is not part of a building.
means height shall be measured from the grade of the closest curb or if adjacent to or separated from an elevated roadway only by an access road, from the grade of the elevated freeway.
Illuminated sign
means a sign which is an artificial source of light is used in connection with the display of the sign.
means a permanent roof-like structure extending from part of the wall of a building not supported by the ground, and constructed of durable material such as metal, glass, or wood.
Marquee sign
means a sign which is attached to a marquee.
Monument sign
means a sign which is supported upon its own foundation, separate from a building (other than a ground or pole sign).
Nameplate sign
means a non-illuminated sign identifying only the name and occupation or profession of the occupant of the premises on which the sign is located.
Off-premises sign
means a sign which directs attention to a business, profession, activity, commodity, service, or entertainment other than one conducted, sold, or offered upon the premises where such sign is located.
On-premises sign
means a sign which is located upon the premises where the business, profession, activity, commodity, service or entertainment referred to by the sign is located.
Permanent sign
means a sign which is fixed in nature that is erected, affixed, or maintained on a premises for a period of time which is regulated by Table 1, Schedule of Permanent Signs, as set forth in section 30-22.
Pole sign
means a sign that is mounted on a single freestanding column, pole, upright, or brace placed in or upon the ground and is not part of a building.
Portable sign
means any temporary sign supported by the ground but not attached to the ground, which can be regularly moved from a location at periodic intervals, and which is located upon the premises where the business, profession, activity commodity, service, or entertainment referred to by the sign is located. The term "portable sign" shall include the following:
A sign which is mounted on a trailer or wheels or is part of a trailer and by its design can be towed from one location to another by the use of attached wheels or by attaching an axle to existing mounts;
An A-frame-type sign;
A sign affixed by poles to a portable base made of wood, metal, or concrete;
A sign suspended or attached to a stand with an inverted "T" base; and
Any sign that the base is inserted into a sleeve mounted or driven into the ground which can be easily extracted from said sleeve by simply lifting or removing bolts.
means a lot or tract, or a combination of contiguous lots or unplatted tracts if the lots or tracts or combination are under a single ownership and are reflected in the plat or deed records of Johnson County. Multitenant locations shall be considered as being one premises.
Projecting sign
means a sign other than a wall sign suspended from or supported by a building or structure or sign structure and projecting out therefrom.
means the distance by which a sign extends over public property or beyond the building line.
Real estate sign
means a sign relating to the sale, lease, or rental of the premises upon which such a sign is placed.
Roof sign
means a sign erected or maintained in whole or in part upon, against, or directly above the roof or parapet line of a building.
Searchlight sign
means a large outdoor lighting apparatus used to attract attention to a business or a specific location.
Secondary sign
means signs located on premises identifying uses in a mixed-use multitenant commercial shopping center.
means any identification, description, illustration, or device illuminated or non-illuminated which is visible to the general public and directs attention to a project, service, place, activity, person, institution, business or solicitation, including any permanently installed or situated merchandise, or facsimile, or any emblem, painting, flag, banner, pennant, or placard designed to advertise, identify or convey information.
Sign structure
means the supports, uprights, braces, and framework of the sign.
Temporary sign
means a nonpermanent sign erected, affixed, or maintained on a premises for a period of time regulated by Table 2, Schedule of Temporary Signs, as set forth in section 30-22.
Wall sign
means a sign attached or painted directly to an exterior wall of a building or dependent upon a building for support with the exposed face of the sign located in a place substantially parallel to an exterior building wall to which it is attached or by which it is supported.
Warning sign
means a sign containing no advertising material, warning the public of the existence of danger.
Window sign
means a sign attached to, placed upon, or painted on the exterior or interior of a window or door of a building which is intended for viewing from the exterior of such building.
Yard sign
means any sign of a temporary nature other than a development, real estate, builder's or construction sign, which includes the advertisement of a service of which has been performed on premises, or construction/repair that has been performed on premises.
(2008 Code, sec. 111.02; Ordinance 2001-008 adopted 11/27/2000)
Permit required.
No sign shall hereafter be erected, relocated, constructed, altered, or renewed except as provided by this chapter and a permit for the same has been issued by the building official.
Application for a sign permit shall be made in writing upon forms furnished by the building official. Such application shall contain the location by street and number of the proposed sign as well as the name and address of the owner and the sign contractor or erector. The building official may require the filing of plans or other pertinent information such as the method of construction, the method of installation or support, etc.
A sign permit fee shall be paid to the building official for each permit as currently established or as hereafter adopted by resolution of the city council from time to time.
No permit shall be required to change the advertising copy or message on a painted, printed, or changeable letter sign. Painting, repainting, cleaning, or repair maintenance shall not be considered an erection or alteration which requires a permit unless a structural change is made.
(2008 Code, sec. 111.03)
A sign which was erected before the adoption of these requirements shall not be rebuilt, relocated, or altered without conforming to the requirements of this chapter.
(2008 Code, sec. 111.04)
The building official shall require the proper maintenance of all signs and shall inspect every sign within 30 days after it is erected. All signs together with all of their supports, braces, guys, and anchors shall be kept in repair and in proper state of preservation. The display surfaces of all signs shall be kept neatly painted or posted at all times. The building official may order the removal of any sign that is not maintained in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
(2008 Code, sec. 111.05)
No sign shall be erected, constructed, or maintained so as to obstruct any fire escape, window, door, or other opening or shall be so placed as to prevent free passage from one part of a roof to any other part thereof. No sign shall be attached in any form, shape, or manner to a fire escape or shall be so placed as to interfere with an opening which is required for legal ventilation.
(2008 Code, sec. 111.06)
No exposed, uninsulated parts of an electric sign shall be closer than nine feet to the ground immediately below.
(2008 Code, sec. 111.07)
It shall be unlawful for any person to erect any sign which will project or extend over any street, alley, sidewalk or other public property, or which will be supported by a pole, pipe, or other support located or set on any street, alley, sidewalk, or other public property, without first obtaining a permit to do so from the city secretary. Application for such permit shall be filed with the city secretary and shall set forth the proposed location of such sign, the material out of which same is to be constructed, its dimensions, the exact location of the pole, pipe, or other support, if the location is on city property, and the height of such sign, measured from the bottom of the sign to the ground. No such permit shall be issued unless the application is approved by the mayor.
No barber pole and no post or any other device for the purpose of supporting any sign shall be set, placed, constructed, altered, or renewed upon any street, sidewalk, alley or other public space, except as authorized in this section.
No sign projecting over a public driveway shall be hung less than 16 feet above the driveway.
Temporary signs are exempt from the requirements of this section if less than three feet tall and comply with all other city rules and regulations.
(2008 Code, secs. 111.08, 130.40; Ordinance 2011-019, sec. 3, adopted 6/20/2011)
Wind pressure.
Signs shall be designed and constructed to withstand wind pressures in accordance with the building code.
Seismic loads.
In areas of high intensity shock, all signs shall be designed in accordance with local requirements to resist earthquake shock. Wind loads and seismic loads need not be combined in the design of signs and sign structures except that loadings producing the larger stresses need to be used.
Allowable stresses.
The design of wood, concrete, or steel members shall conform to the requirements of the building code. Loads, both vertical and horizontal, exerted on the soil shall not produce stresses exceeding those specified in the building code. The working stresses of wire rope and its fastenings shall not exceed 25 percent of their ultimate strength.
Approved materials for trim.
Nonstructural trim may be made of metal or wood or approved plastics or any combination thereof. Facings, letters and decorations of signs other than electric signs may be made of wood.
Members supporting unbraced signs shall be so proportioned that the bearing loads imposed on the soil in either direction, horizontal or vertical, shall not exceed the safe values. Braced ground signs shall be anchored to resist the specified wind or dead load acting in any direction. Anchors and supports shall be designed for safe bearing loads on the soil and for an effective resistance to pullout amounting to a force 25 percent greater than the required resistance to overturning. Anchors and supports shall penetrate to a depth below ground greater than that of the frost line.
Portable ground signs supported by frames or posts rigidly attached to the base shall be so proportioned that the weight and size of the base will be adequate to resist the wind pressure specified in subsection (a) of this section.
Signs attached to masonry, concrete, or steel shall be safely and securely fastened thereto by means of metal anchors, bolts, or approved expansion screws of sufficient size and anchorage to support safely the loads applied.
No wooden blocks or plugs or anchors with wood used in connection with screws or nails shall be considered proper anchorage, except in the case of signs attached to wood framing.
No anchor or support of any sign shall be connected to, or supported by, an unbraced parapet wall, unless such wall is designed in accordance with the requirements for parapet walls specified in the building code.
Approved plastics for signs.
Approved plastics may be used as the display surface material and for the letters and decorations and facings on signs and outdoor display structures provided that the structure of the sign on which the plastic is mounted or installed is noncombustible.
(2008 Code, sec. 111.09)
Revolving beacons shall not be used in a manner that will create a traffic hazard or where their use may be confused with traffic control devices or emergency vehicle signals. Revolving beacons shall not employ lights of color used in traffic signals.
(2008 Code, sec. 111.10)
Every sign which advertises an event such as an election, a sale, a carnival, a celebration or a revival shall be removed within ten days after the final date of such event. If the candidate whose name is promoted by a sign or if the person, business, entity or sponsoring organization responsible for any other event fails to have such sign removed within such ten-day period, such candidate, person, business entity or sponsoring organization shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon final conviction fined in an amount not to exceed $500.00. Each day any such violation occurs shall be deemed a separate offense punishable hereunder.
(2008 Code, sec. 111.11; Ordinance 98-020 adopted 6/22/1998; Ordinance 2016-019, sec. 1, adopted 8/15/2016)
Pole and monument signs shall not be used in combination on the same premises, except as allowed by section 30-16. Each premises shall be permitted only one pole sign or one monument sign. A pole sign or monument sign may be used in combination with other permanent signs listed in Table I, Schedule of Permanent Signs, as set forth in section 30-22.
(2008 Code, sec. 111.12)
The following regulations apply to permanent off-premises signs adjacent to interstate highways and federal-aid primary highways, as those terms are defined in the Highway Beautification Act. Permanent off-premises signs are only permitted on Interstate Highway 35 in A, C-1, C-2, M-1, and M-2 zoning districts. The following regulations apply to all permanent off-premises signs:
No more than two panels or sign faces will be allowed for each sign.
Each panel or sign shall not exceed 150 square feet in total area.
No off-premises sign shall exceed the height limit as provided for in Table I, Schedule of Permanent Signs, as set forth in section 30-22.
No off-premises sign shall exceed 30 feet in length, inclusive of border and trim.
Each off-premises sign shall have a minimum ground clearance of ten feet.
Along interstate highways and freeways primary highways, a sign shall not be located within 1,500 feet of another sign, on the same side of the roadway.
Along non-freeway primary highways, a sign shall not be located within 1,000 feet of another sign, or one per lot, whichever is less, on the same side of the roadway.
Signs may not be located within 1,500 feet of any public park, public forest, public playground or scenic area as designated by the state department of transportation or other governmental agency having and exercising such authority when said park area is adjacent to the highway.
Spacing from a residential zoning district shall be 500 feet for an off-premises sign.
All off-premises signs shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from any highway right-of-way line.
Existing off-premises signs adjacent to I-35 may be moved up to 400 feet as long as they are not increased in size or height.
(2008 Code, sec. 111.13)
The following signs are prohibited from installation, construction, repair, alteration, or relocation within the city, except as otherwise permitted in this chapter:
A-frame or sandwich-board signs.
A-frame or sandwich-board and sidewalk or curb signs are prohibited except as a temporary sign.
Banners and balloons or inflatable signs.
Banners and balloons or inflatable signs, except as a temporary sign.
Moving and flashing signs.
Moving and flashing signs, except for reader boards which convey a message.
Portable signs.
Portable signs, except as temporary signs.
Signs on parked vehicles.
Signs placed on or affixed to vehicles and/or trailers which are parked on a public right-of-way, public property, or private property so as to be visible from a public right-of-way where the apparent purpose is to advertise a product or direct people to a business or activity located on the same or nearby property. However, this does not prohibit signs placed on vehicles and trailers that are incidental to the primary use or ownership of the vehicle or trailer as transportation.
Signs attached to utility poles or other surfaces.
Signs attached to utility poles or other surfaces which are not the property of the utility or which serve a public purpose and are located within a public right-of-way or easement.
Signs depicting nudity.
Signs that advertise or depict, either graphically or verbally, either by explicit or literal expression, connotation or implied reference, nudity, specified sexual activity or specified anatomical areas as such terms are defined in section 9-43. No models, mannequins, pictures, drawings or sketches depicting nudity or other pictorial or graphic displays of nudity shall be allowed on a sign that is visible to the public from any street, sidewalk or other public place.
(2008 Code, sec. 111.14; Ordinance 2011-034, sec. 1, adopted 9/19/2011; Ordinance adopting 2024 Code)
The following signs are exempt from the provisions and regulations of this chapter:
Public signs.
Signs required by governmental bodies or specifically authorized for a public purpose by any law, statute, or ordinance. Such public signs may be of any type, number, area, height, location, or illumination as required by law, statute, or ordinance.
Signs on vehicles.
Signs placed on or affixed to vehicles and/or trailers where the sign is incidental to the primary use of the vehicle or trailer as transportation.
Warning signs.
Signs warning the public of the existence of danger but containing no advertising material, to be removed within three days upon the subsidence of danger. Such warning signs may be of any type, number, area, height, location, or illumination as deemed necessary to warn the public of the existence of danger.
Flags of governmental entities or nonprofit organizations.
Governmental signs.
Signs of a duly constituted governmental body, including traffic or similar regulatory devices, legal notices, warnings at railroad crossings, and other instructional or regulatory signs having to do with health, hazards, parking, swimming, dumping, etc.
Address numerals and other required signs.
Address numerals and other signs required to be maintained by and placed in accordance with law or governmental order, rule or regulations.
Athletic signs.
Signs used as scoreboards in athletic stadiums.
Directional signs.
Signs which direct vehicles and pedestrian traffic, which may display arrows, words, or other symbols to indicate the direction of facilities.
Directory signs.
Signs which are located in or adjacent to entrances or foyers.
Instructional signs.
Signs, provided there is no advertising of any kind, which provide direction or instruction to guide persons to facilities intended to serve the public, including but not specifically limited to the signs identifying restrooms, public telephones, public walkways, parking areas, and other similar facilities.
(2008 Code, sec. 111.15)
Primary and secondary permanent signs shall be permitted on commercial shopping center sites having multitenants in accordance with the following regulations:
Primary signs.
Each commercial shopping center having multitenants is permitted one primary pole or monument sign identifying the shopping center and the tenants within that center. The dimensions of a primary sign shall be as follows:
Area of primary signs.
Pole sign: 200 square feet maximum.
Monument sign: 100 square feet maximum.
Height of primary signs.
Pole sign: 30 feet maximum height.
Monument sign: Six feet maximum height.
Secondary signs.
In a multitenant shopping center all signs in addition to the primary sign identifying the center and the tenants within the center are secondary signs. Secondary signs shall be permitted on multitenant shopping center sites in accordance with the following regulations:
All pole or monument type secondary signs shall be separated by a distance of at least 100 feet.
Number of signs.
The total number of pole or monument type secondary signs shall be limited according to the table as follows:
Whole Shopping Center Leasable Square Feet
Number of Secondary Pole or Monument Signs
Up to 50,000 sq. ft.
50,000 to 100,000 sq. ft.
100,000 sq. ft.
Area of secondary signs.
Maximum area for a secondary pole sign: 60 square feet.
Maximum area for a secondary monument sign: 48 square feet.
Height of secondary signs.
Maximum height for a secondary pole sign: 25 feet.
Maximum height for secondary monument sign: Six feet.
Other signs.
Each tenant may be permitted one additional sign, which will be limited to one of the following: a canopy, marquee, wall, reader board, or nameplate sign meeting the requirements of Table I, Schedule of Permanent Signs, as set forth in section 30-22.
(2008 Code, sec. 111.16)
Signs may be illuminated provided that the provisions of this section are complied with:
Brightness limitations.
The lighting intensity of a sign, whether resulting from internal illumination or external illumination, shall not exceed 75 footcandles when measured with a standard light meter perpendicular to the face of the sign from a distance equal to the most narrow dimension of the sign.
Signs shall be designed, located, shielded, and directed to prevent the casting of glare or direct light from artificial illumination upon adjacent public right-of-way and surrounding property.
Electrical permit.
All signs in which electrical wiring and connections are to be used shall be subject to the applicable provisions of the city's electrical code.
(2008 Code, sec. 111.17)
No permanent sign shall be located within or block the visibility triangle as depicted in the graphic in section 30-23. Temporary signs shall be permitted within the visibility triangle if they are less than three feet tall and comply with all other city rules and regulations.
(2008 Code, sec. 111.18; Ordinance 2011-019, sec. 4, adopted 6/20/2011)
Any sign authorized in this chapter is allowed to contain a noncommercial message in place of any other authorized message.
(2008 Code, sec. 111.19)
Portable signs may be converted into permanent signs by permanently affixing the portable sign to a foundation or pole. In order to convert a portable sign, the applicant must submit a diagram indicating the structural design of the proposed permanent sign to be reviewed by the code enforcement officer.
(2008 Code, sec. 111.20; Ordinance 2001-008, adopted 11/27/2000)
Variances authorized.
The city council may authorize variances to any restriction set forth in this chapter, including but not limited to the number, type, area, height, or setback of signs, or any other aspect involved in the sign permitting process.
Approval standards.
In granting any variance, the city council shall consider the following criteria:
Special conditions exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and are not applicable to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zone. The city may attach such conditions to granting all or a portion of any variance necessary to achieve the purpose of this chapter;
The strict interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zone under the terms of this chapter;
The special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant and such conditions and circumstances do not merely constitute pecuniary hardship or inconveniences;
Granting the variance will meet the objectives of this chapter and not be injurious to the adjoining property owners or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare;
The request will be the minimum variance necessary to alleviate the special hardship or practical difficulties faced by the applicant in meeting the requirements of this chapter; and
Granting of the variance will be in harmony with the spirit and purpose of this chapter.
Application process.
Any request for a variance shall be made to the city manager, or his designated representative, and be accompanied by a completed application and a nonrefundable filing fee in the amount specified in the current fee schedule adopted by city council.[1]
Editor's note–The current fee schedule adopted by the city council is on file in the city offices.
(Ordinance 2009-01, sec. 1(111.21), adopted 1/19/2009)
Sign Regulation/Sign Type
Permitted District
Permit Required
Maximum Gross Surface Area
(sq. ft.)
Sign Height
Number of Signs
Spacing of Signs
A, C-1, C-2, CBD, M-1, M-2, and I
25% of wall
Attached to structure and not to exceed the roofline
One sign for each exterior wall; not to exceed four in total.
A, C-1, C-2, CBD, M-1, M-2, and I
Off-premises 150' On-premises 300'
Off-premises 20' On-premises 25' 10' from bottom of sign to ground. On-premises signs on property with I-35 or Hwy. 67 frontage 70'
One for each premises, or for each street frontage
10' (any portion of the sign)
100' separation from adjacent ground sign on each premises. Minimum of 50' on adjacent premises
SF-1, SF-2, TF
Attached to structure and not to exceed the roofline
One sign for each exterior wall; not to exceed four in total.
A, C-1, C-2, CBD, M-1, M-2, and I
Off-premises 150' On-premises 300'
Off-premises 20' On-premises 25' 10' from bottom of sign to ground. On-premises signs on property with I-35 or Hwy. 67 frontage 70'
One for each premises, or for each street frontage
10' (any portion of the sign)
100' separation from adjacent pole sign on each premises. Minimum of 50' on adjacent premises
Canopy, marquee or projection
A, C-1, C-2, CBD, M-1, M-2, and I
50% of canopy, marquee or projection
One for each premises, or for each street frontage
A, C-1, C-2, CBD, M-1, M-2, and I
No restrictions
A, C-1, C-2, CBD, M-1, M-2, and I
Off-premises 150' On-premises 300'
8 feet
One for each premises (multi-tenant sites see section 30-12)
10' (any portion of the sign)
No restrictions
All districts
5 sf in SF-1, -2, -3, MH-1, MH-2, MF, TF 10 sf in C-1, C-2, M-1, M-2
10' from top of roof, not to exceed a total distance of 40' from ground
One for each premises, or for each street frontage
A, C-1, C-2, CBD, M-1, M-2, and 1
200 sf in C-1, C-2, CBD, M-1, M-2
10' from top of roof, not to exceed a total distance of 40' from ground
One for each main structure
Sign Regulation/Sign Type
Permitted District
Permit Required
Maximum Gross Surface Area (sq. ft.)
Sign Height
Number of Signs
Time Limitations
Real estate
All districts
Res.= 6 sf/each face and 12 sf total surface. Nonres. = 75 sf/each face and 150 sf total surface
Res.= 5' Nonres. = 15' measured from greater of base of sign or street grade
1 sign/premises and for lots abutting 2 or more streets, 1 sign for ea. street orientation
On-premises (*10' from curb or improved surface) and 15' from any point of vehicular access
No restriction
Must be removed within 7 days of sale, lease, rental
All districts
Max. of 3 located on-premises only
14 days max.
All districts
No restriction
Not to exceed height of main structure
1 sign per premises, on-premises only
No restriction
30 days max.
Balloon or inflatable
All districts
Max. of 2 located on-premises only
Secured on-premises
14 days max.
All districts
No restriction
No restriction
No restriction
On-premises with permission (*10' from curb/improved surface) and 15' from points of veh. access
No restriction
No restriction
All districts
25 sf/ea face and 50 sf total surface
15' measured from sign base or street grade, whichever is greater
1 sign per premises located on-premises only
On-premises (*10' from curb or improved surface) and 15' from any point of vehicular access. No off-premises signs
20' in any direction from any other portable sign
15 days—5 times/year. No more than 30 consecutive days (max. 2 consec. permits) 15-day period before 3rd permit can be issued
All districts
Res. = 50 sf/ea. face and 100 sf total surface. Nonres. = 200 sf/ea. face and 400 sf total surface
15' measured from sign base or street grade, whichever is greater
1 sign/ premises. For lots abutting 2 or more streets, 1 sign for each street orientation. All located on-premises only
On-premises (*10' from curb or improved surface) and 15' from any point of vehicular access.
No restriction
60 days prior to the construction through 30 days after construction completion
Garage sale
Permitted in all districts
1-1/2 sq. ft./one face
No restriction
1 sign located on-premises; 5 signs located off-premises with permission of property owner
So as not to obstruct the view of traffic
No restriction
Sign must be removed 1 day after completion of the event
All districts
Res. = 6 sf/ea. face and 12 sf total surface
Res. = 5' Nonres. = 6' Measured from greater of base of sign or street grade
1 sign/ premises and for lots abutting 2 or more streets 1 sign for ea. street orientation. All located on-premises only
On-premises (*10' from curb or improved surface) and 15' from any point of vehicular access
No restriction
For the duration of the activity and signs must be removed on completion of activity
All districts
Annual permit for off-premises
Res. = 6 sf/ea face and 12 sf total surface. Nonres. = 75 sf face and 150 sf total surface
Res. = 5'. Nonres. = 15' measured from greater of base of sign or street grade
1 sign/ premises located on-premises. 2 signs located off-premises with permission of property owner
On-premises (*10' from curb or improved surface) and 15' from any point of vehicular access
No restriction
On-premises—must be removed within 7 days of sale, lease, rental. Off-premises—permitted noon Friday until noon Monday
*If actual property line is greater than ten feet from curb or improved surface, the greater distance shall be used.
(2008 Code, ch. 111, tables 1, 2; Ordinance 2006-002 adopted 10/17/2005; Ordinance 2011-019, sec. 5, adopted 6/20/2011)
Visibility or sight triangle: The area of unobstructed view required at every street intersection and at the intersection of driveways and streets. Unobstructed view must be maintained in an area between the heights of three feet and seven feet above the height of the adjacent roadway in a triangle formed by the intersection's corner points on the curb 25 feet from the intersection's corner.
Sight Triangle
(2008 Code, ch. 111, graphic)
The city council may, by duly executed license agreement, grant the exclusive right to design, erect and maintain kiosk signs within the city limits.
Kiosk signs shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the specifications contained in the aforementioned license agreement and in this section.
Prior to erecting any kiosk sign, the licensee shall submit a sign location map to the city manager for approval. The sign location map shall contain the location, orientation, and number of individual location signs available for each kiosk sign.
Kiosk sign installation shall include break-away design features as required for traffic signs in the street right-of-way.
Advertisement of price information shall be prohibited on kiosk signs.
No additional or extraneous signs, pennants, flags or other devices for visual attention or other appurtenances may be attached to kiosk signs.
Kiosk signs shall not be illuminated.
Individual sign panels on kiosks shall have a uniform design and color.
Kiosk signs shall not:
Interfere with the use of sidewalks, walkways, bike and hiking trails;
Obstruct the visibility of motorists, pedestrians or traffic-control signs; or
Be installed in the immediate vicinity of street intersections.
Signs shall comply with the visibility triangle requirements contained in the subdivision regulations or other visibility easements provided by code or subdivision plat.
Kiosk sign plazas may be located on private premises along I-35 and Highway 67, other state-maintained roadways, or other private properties within the city on any city street provided written permission is obtained from the premises owner.
Kiosk signs are intended to create a uniform coordinated method of providing direction for prospective patrons of local businesses, prospective purchasers of houses, and parties interested in school or municipal events and facilities within the city limits while discouraging the placement of other unsightly and hazardous off-site directional signs.
In accordance to the specifications contained in the aforementioned license agreement a minimum of two kiosk sign panels per location shall be reserved for the city to use as directional signage to municipal or community facilities, or locations for community events.
The licensee shall be responsible for all construction, installation, maintenance and repair of the kiosk signs at no cost to the city.
Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, any sign authorized under this section to contain commercial copy may contain noncommercial copy in lieu of commercial copy.
The licensee shall administer the kiosk signs and shall fill the individual location sign spaces in accordance with the following criteria:
The spaces shall be filled according to the date the requesting location submits an application or a request is received by the licensee on a first-come, first-served basis.
The number of kiosk signs and spaces on each sign shall be set by the sign location map approved by the economic development director. The licensee may request the placement of additional kiosk signs only if the number of unserved requests will fill an additional sign.
The licensee shall have no discretion to award or not award a space on a kiosk sign based on the type of organization or business that requests placement on a kiosk sign.
The locations listed on a kiosk sign must be within the city limits or ETJ of the city.
(Ordinance 2018-013, sec. 1, adopted 7/16/2018)