The Treasurer shall be appointed and employed by the Authority at the annual meeting in February without regard to the provisions of Title 11 of the Revised Statutes. The term of the Treasurer shall be for five years. The Treasurer shall hold office for the term of office and until a successor has been appointed and has qualified.
The Treasurer shall make and give such bonds, undertakings or other security for the faithful performance of his or her duties as may be fixed from time to time by the Authority.
The Treasurer shall receive all moneys due to the Authority and shall be the custodian of all funds of the Authority, disbursing the same only on the order of the Authority. He or she shall open a bank account or accounts in a bank or banks from time to time designated by the Authority, and all checks on funds of the Authority shall be honored only when signed by the Chair or Vice Chair and the Treasurer of the Authority. He or she shall perform such other duties as are incident to his office or as may be assigned from time to time by the Authority.[1]
Assistant Treasurer. The Assistant Treasurer may be appointed and employed by the Riverside Sewerage Authority for a term of three years. The Assistant Treasurer shall serve until the expiration of their term and until a successor has been appointed and qualified. The Assistant Treasurer shall possess such powers and perform such duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Authority, the Chair, Vice Chair or the Treasurer. In the absence or incapacity of the Treasurer, the Assistant Treasurer shall be designated by the Treasurer to assume and perform all powers and duties of said Treasurer.
[Added by Res. No. 2020-38A]
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 10, Cash Management Plan.