Any person, owner or authorized agent who, within city limits, intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, or demolish any building, structure, or barrier or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any smoke, fire, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, which are regulated by this chapter, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the city and obtain the required registration.
It shall be unlawful for any person, owner or authorized agent to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert or demolish any fence, wall, building, sign, pavement or structure in the City of Alamo Heights, or cause the same to be done, without first obtaining a permit for such work from the director. Without a valid permit, no new construction of any type shall be undertaken, nor shall any improvement, alteration or change be made to any property or structure within the city limits for any of the following (for exceptions see subsection (c) below):
Framing, foundation or envelope [including exterior and interior finishes] of any building, fence or any structure, [including demolition],
Fire protection or prevention systems,
Landscaping on any property, other than single family or duplex residential units,
Electrical wiring of any building, nor shall any building within the limits of the city be wired for the placing therein of electric lights, motors, heating devices or other electrical apparatus, except telephones,
Mechanical, plumbing, sewer and gas systems of any property or structure,
The city's right-of-way {reference chapter 16},
Grade alteration which creates an earth fill in excess of three (3) feet above natural ground level at any point;
No permit shall be required for routine maintenance. Routine maintenance shall be defined as in section 5-13 of this chapter and may include work such as:
Refinishing wood floors, interior painting, wall papering, tiling, carpeting, or installing cabinets, counter tops and similar finish work;
The replacement of missing, fallen, rotten, or broken shingles, siding, fascia trim, decking, exterior doors with the same material and finished color;
Installing swings and other playground equipment accessory to a one-or two-family dwelling;
Minor landscaping, including the replacement of or the planting of small bushes, trees, shrubs in quantities less than twelve (12) pieces, and which do not require excavation to a depth greater than twenty-four (24) inches;
Replacement of lamps or the connection of approved portable electrical equipment to approved permanently installed receptacles;
Replacement of fuses and bulbs, light globes, fluorescent or neon tubes, damaged motors, defective receptacles, switches, cords or minor parts of existing equipment already installed under a previous permit;
Replacing filters, portable household appliances, or plumbing fixtures such as toilets, faucets and hose bibs;
Repair of leaks in drains or pipes; provided, however, that if any concealed trap or pipe becomes defective and it becomes necessary to remove and replace the same with new material, such work shall be considered as new work and a permit shall be obtained and inspection made as provided in this code; and
Repair of leaks or removal of stoppages in pipes, valves or fixtures, and the removal and reinstallation of water closets, provided such repairs do not involve or require the replacement or rearrangement of valves, pipes or fixtures.
Where code violations were noted during routine inspections or reactive complaint investigations, a permit shall be required for the repair or correction of the violation and must be requested and approved prior to repair regardless of the scope of work. Inspections shall be required as per article V of this chapter.
In an emergency or in the case of emergency repairs, the extent of which cannot be determined beforehand, it will be permissible for the permit to be taken out by the next city business day after completion of the work.
(Ordinance 1860 adopted 4/12/2010)
If work requiring a permit was started without a valid permit, and all plans and application have been reviewed for compliance with all applicable codes and ordinances, an applicant may obtain a permit by paying double the regular permit fee.
Work shall begin within such period of time following issuance of the permit as may be limited in such permit and shall be completed within such further time as may be therein provided. Unless formal activity, such as specific inspections required within this chapter, are requested, completed and approved by the director's office within the prescribed time, the permit shall become inoperative and void as authority for any further work. Formal activity as described above shall act as an automatic renewal regarding the permit's expiration date. Automatic renewal shall reset the expiration date to six (6) months from date of said formal activity.
In the event that an active permit is due to or already has expired, and work remains to be accomplished under the original scope of the permit, the director may issue an extension of the permit upon written application for such action and payment of all required fee(s). Such application may be in the form of a letter to the director explaining the request and providing the same information, updated, as the original permit application.
In the event that a permit is allowed to expire without an extension requested and granted, and a request for extension is submitted beyond thirty (30) days from the expiration date, the director may issue a new permit and require the applicant to pay any administrative fee and penalty fee(s).
The building official may deny any renewal request or suspend (for thirty (30), sixty (60), ninety (90) or one hundred eighty (180) days) or revoke any permit with cause, including but not limited to those conditions listed in section 5-59(c) under this Code of Ordinances or failing to fully disclose the same. A person may appeal the building official's decision to deny a renewal request, or suspend or revoke a permit, by requesting a hearing on the matter before the board of adjustment, which shall hear the appeal in the same manner as described in V.T.C.A., Local Government Code Section 211.009(a)(1). A decision by the board of adjustment to grant, modify or deny an appeal under this subsection shall be final.
(Ordinance 1860 adopted 4/12/2010; Ordinance 2196, sec. 2, adopted 1/23/2023)
In the absence of different guidance from a state statute or from the city council, the director shall issue permits only to those individuals noted herein.
Permits shall be issued only to the property owner, or on behalf of the property owner to a registered general contractor, a registered tradesman, or a licensed/registered design professional, pursuant to this chapter. The property owner's signature is required on all submitted permits. Should the property owner desire, the owner may limit or specify others to whom he wishes to delegate authority to request and receive permits.
The possession of an electrician or plumber master certification/license, with photographic identification, is required in order to obtain a permit for said tradesman.
(Ordinance 1860 adopted 4/12/2010)
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert or demolish any building, sign or structure in the city, or cause the same to be done, unless such person, firm or corporation is the holder of a valid registration with said city to perform such work. Such person, firm or corporation shall be herein termed registrant. In extending the rights and privileges of such registration, said city makes no statement of the technical competency of those so registered, and no manner of license is proffered.
No person shall render any general construction, repair, alteration, or improvements to any structures or property as described in subsection 5-50(a) or (b) or commence or continue construction in the public right-of-way within the limits of the city unless said person or entity complies with the requirement of this chapter and chapter 16 streets and sidewalks. All contractors requesting to do work that requires the issuance of a permit in subsection 5-50(a) or (b) shall be registered by the city and said registration shall be valid for a period of one (1) year. Contractors shall be registered as either a general contractor or a tradesman.
An applicant for general contractor registration under this article shall provide to the building official the following information:
The complete name, complete mailing address and telephone number of the firm or corporation;
The name and private mailing address of a principal of the firm or corporation who is a person authorized to bind the firm or corporation in legal agreements;
If the registration is to be as an individual only, the name, mailing address and telephone number of the individual;
Where required by state law, the contractor must hold the appropriate amount of insurance as required by the state and provide proof of insurance to the city. Contractors not required to hold specific insurance by the state are required to obtain at least:
Commercial/multifamily: One million dollars ($1,000,000.00) of commercial general liability insurance (combined property damages and bodily injury) with five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) products and completed operations coverage.
Residential: Five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) of residential general liability insurance (combined property damages and bodily injury) with five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) products and completed operations coverage.
Any applicant intending to apply for a permit relating to residential construction must also submit a sworn affidavit on a format provided by building official containing the following affirmations:
Whether the applicant, or any other person or entity with an ownership interest in applicant (if applicant is an entity), has been named in a stop work order or notice of violation relating to any other permit issued by the city for residential construction within the preceding two (2) year period and, if so, the applicant shall disclose the name and mailing address for each such person or entity so named in a notice of violation.
The applicant for general contractor registration acknowledges that such registration may be revoked or suspended at any time by the building official if the applicant is found to have materially participated in a residential construction project that violates any term or condition of any permit issued for that project, or which violates any other provision of state or local law, and that contractor registration revoked or suspended pursuant to this section may be reinstated after final adjudication of any stop work order or notice of violation issued by the city, upon recommendation by the building official and approval at the sole discretion of the city manager.
Any other information deemed necessary by the building official.
Tradesmen working under the scope of a general contractor are required to register with the city.
An application for registration as a tradesman shall include the following:
The name, address, and telephone number(s) of the contractor(s) who will perform actual construction, including the name, address, and telephone number of an individual representative of the contractor who will be available at all times during construction.
Mechanical, electrical and plumbing-related permits shall be issued only to state licensed and registered tradesman or their specifically designated representative even when working under the scope of a general contractor registration. Said tradesmen shall be master level or higher.
Fees for contractor's registration shall be listed in the adopted schedule of development fees as maintained in the director's office.
Every registrant shall contact the office of the director to ensure the accurate revision of registration information, including any change of address or telephone number, within ten (10) days from the date that the previous information supplied in the application becomes invalid for any reason. Failure to revise inaccurate information, or providing false, misleading or inaccurate information when applying for registration, shall constitute an offense.
The director may, at any time and for any valid reason (including but not limited to those conditions listed in section 5-59(c) under this Code of Ordinances or failing to fully disclose the same), suspend (for thirty (30), sixty (60), ninety (90) or one hundred eighty (180) days) or revoke a contractor's registration. The contractor shall be notified in writing, by return receipt U.S. Mail, sent to the last known address of the contractor as shown on the registration, of the contractor's right to appeal the director's decision by requesting a hearing on the matter before the board of adjustment, which shall hear the appeal in the same manner as described in V.T.C.A., Local Government Code § 211.009(a)(1).
A decision by the board of adjustment to grant, modify or deny an appeal under this subsection shall be final. The board of adjustment's decision for suspension or revocation of the contractor's registration shall include a time frame for the beginning date and duration of the suspension, and the beginning date of the revocation.
If the registration is suspended or revoked, the contractor shall not perform any work in the city during the suspension or after the revocation which requires registration.
City registration verification.
A registration verification, bearing the building official's signature, shall be issued to each person receiving a city registration.
Registrations shall be renewed prior to the expiration date. Each person holding a valid registration shall renew same in sufficient time to have the renewal form returned to the development services department with the appropriate renewal fee prior the expiration date. All city registrations shall expire one (1) year after issuance. Registrations shall be renewed prior to expiration date. Each person holding a valid registration shall renew same in sufficient time to have the renewal form and insurance information returned to the department with the appropriate renewal fee prior to registration expiration date.
Each registration verification, when issued to a contractor, shall be issued to a person and registered in the name of the firm by which the person is employed. The firm shall be known as the holder of such registration and shall notify the code official if the registration holder is no longer in its employment. No further permits will be issued to the firm based upon the previous registration holder's name who is no longer employed by the firm.
It shall be a violation of this Code for any person to alter or amend in any manner, lend, rent, or transfer a registration verification, and for any person to make use of any such rights for which the person is not registered.
Each holder of a city issued verification shall carry registration verification in a format to be designated by the building official on his person at all times while performing construction work covered by this Code and shall present it to the building official upon demand.
The building official is hereby authorized to preserve, alter or amend any documents necessary to effectuate the intent and purpose of this subsection.
Registrations not transferable. No registration shall be transferred and no holder of any registration shall allow his name or registration to be used by any other person, either for the purpose of performing construction work or obtaining a permit under the penalty of forfeiture of registration and payment of fines.
Violations under this section. The following list shall constitute a non-exclusive list of violations under this section. It is unlawful for any registered contractor to:
Display or cause a permit to be displayed or to have in one's possession a registration for doing any construction work, knowing it to be fictitious or to have been canceled, suspended or altered;
Lend or permit the use of any registration for doing any construction work to any person not entitled to it;
Allow any person to display or to represent as one's own city registration for any construction work when the registration has not been lawfully issued to the person displaying it;
Use a false or fictitious name or address in any application for any registration or permit provided for in this chapter or any renewal or make a false statement or conceal a material fact or otherwise commit fraud in making any application;
Perform any contractor work for which a registration is required without having the registration or while the registration is suspended, expired or canceled;
Perform any work for which a permit is required without having the permit or after the permit has been canceled;
Fail or refuse to make the necessary repair or changes for Code violations as provided in a written notice issued by the building official. A reasonable amount of time shall be granted in the written notice taking into consideration the work to be completed and the circumstances. A separate violation is deemed to be committed each day after the expiration of the time for correction provided in the notice until the work is corrected;
Permit any construction work covered by this section to be performed by any person not properly registered, while in control of premises covered by this section;
Remove, break, change, destroy, tear, mutilate, cover or otherwise deface or injure any official notice or seal posted by the building official;
Place or leave the property in such condition that it injures or endangers persons or property authorized to be on the construction site; or
Install work grossly outside of original permit parameters to a degree that may threaten the health, safety, and general welfare of the public, to include, but not limited to, additional structures, square footage, lot coverage and setback/looming limits.
(Ordinance 1860 adopted 4/12/2010; Ordinance 2196, sec. 3, adopted 1/23/2023)
Permits may be issued by the director for:
Interior alterations of any structure;
Exterior alterations or additions to any existing single-family or duplex residence for which:
The scope of work does not meet the regulations as defined in section 5-13 definition for demolition, and when the scope of work involves any structure or project specifically exempted in subsection 5-134(c);
Exterior additions or alterations to all other structures which:
Are not single-family or duplex residences, and
The scope of work does not meet the regulations as defined in section 5-13 definition for demolition, and
The scope of work involves any structure or project specifically exempted in subsection 5-134(c), and
The total cost of construction does not exceed fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00), or
Alteration or replacement of existing exterior finish materials that similarly match the existing finish materials in color, material, and visual impact regardless of the total cost of construction limitation.
Proposed demolitions in which the scope of work does not meet the regulations as defined in section 5-13 definition for demolition, or when the scope of work involves any structure or project specifically exempted in subsection 5-134(c),
New one-and two-family dwelling construction which is not proposed for the replacement of a structure which was subject to demolition review as regulated by article X demolition review,
Street lane and sidewalk closure permits (reference chapter 16),
Projects that do not present a potential negative impact to neighboring properties or the community, and
Miscellaneous permits not governed by demolition review or additional boards or commission's reviews.
If the application packet is complete, and after administrative review of the project is complete and the project conforms to the city's adopted codes and ordinances, the director shall issue the permit if satisfied that the application is accurate, true and made in good faith.
(Ordinance 1860 adopted 4/12/2010)
Building permits for all other new construction, demolitions, additions or alterations to structures that are not exempted in items (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), and (8) of section 5-54 shall be referred to the architectural review board for review. Building permits or projects subject to review by the architectural review board shall be placed on the next available city council agenda and forwarded along with the architectural review board's recommendation for final review. If disapproved by the city council, the submitted permit request shall be denied pending submittal of the requested revisions. Any disapproval by the city council shall require all revisions to be re-submitted for city council review unless specifically noted by the city council. The applicant shall supply such information concerning the proposed project as may be required by the director, architectural review board and the city council.
For the responsibilities and additional processes regarding the architectural review board reference chapter 2 administration section 2-48.
(Ordinance 1860 adopted 4/12/2010)
Plans shall be submitted along with the permit application to the department of community development office for administrative review and shall contain all of the information required in the city's application forms. All plans submitted for review must be submitted in accordance with the Texas Architectural Barriers and Texas Engineering Practice Acts.
New foundations for any conditioned structures must be designed by a licensed professional engineer.
Foundation repairs where a substantial amount of piers are either replaced or added to an existing foundation must be designed by a licensed professional engineer.
All applications for permit with a proposed cost of construction greater than or equal to ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) shall pay the applicable plan review fee. Fees for plan review shall be listed in the adopted schedule of development fees as maintained in the director's office. All plan review fees are non-refundable and due upon receipt of application.
Exceptions: Fire, Trade, and Sign permits shall not be required to submit plan review fees.
The city reserves the right to utilize outside consultants for third-party plan review if necessary to ensure compliance with all adopted codes and ordinances. The city shall notify the applicant prior to submission of any plans to an outside consultant. Fees for plan review by an outside consultant shall be the responsibility of the applicant and shall be in accordance with the adopted schedule of development fees.
Once all reviews of plans are made by the city, the city shall notify the applicant that all comments, plan modifications, letters, etc., shall be incorporated onto the plans and specifications, and thereafter at least two corrected sets of plans shall be submitted to the city for final review and verification. One (1) final set of plans shall be marked "City Approved Plans—City Copy" and one (1) set of plans shall be marked "City Approved Plans—Contractor Copy". The city copy shall remain in the department of community development for the duration of time required by state law and all adopted codes.
An applicant may schedule, upon written request by application, a preliminary project review and meeting. Fees for preliminary project review and meetings shall be listed in the adopted schedule of development fees as maintained in the director's office. All fees are non-refundable and due upon receipt of application. Staff reserves the right to require a preliminary project review and meeting depending on the proposed scope of work.
Even though the city's review of plans and specifications is designed to discover potential code violations, failure to discover all such violations does not relieve the property owner, designer, or contractor from the responsibility of producing an end product that is in total compliance with all requirements of the codes and ordinances as adopted by the City of Alamo Heights.
(Ordinance 1860 adopted 4/12/2010)
Each permit is required to be displayed at the job site in a location that is easily visible to the city inspector and the general public at all times.
The contractor shall maintain an original copy of the stamped approved plans at the job site and failure to have the plans at the job site shall be cause for a failure of any inspection.
(Ordinance 1860 adopted 4/12/2010)
During construction projects, certain aspects of the process may not be visible, or exposed for evaluation during the permit process. If, for any reason, the described scope of work within a permit regarding any specific code requirement is changed, altered, or revised the applicant and/or property owner shall be responsible for submitting revised plans to the director's office for review prior to proceeding with construction. Failure to submit revised plans as required herein shall be subject to penalties under section 5-2 and injunctive relief under section 5-3.
(Ordinance 1860 adopted 4/12/2010)
The purpose and intent of this section is to discourage persons involved in a residential construction project, including a property owner or general contractor, from beginning other major residential construction projects if a previous project is found to be in violation of this chapter or other law, including abandoned or unfinished projects that cause a public nuisance condition and/or substandard or dangerous structure to exist within the city's jurisdiction. This section is not intended, however, to impede issuance of permits for minor construction activities, routine maintenance, to prevent the ability to make a project or residence safe or secure, or abate a nuisance, and the building official shall have discretion to grant any permit or general contractor registration, this section notwithstanding, except for a permit for new residential construction or major renovation, work which changes the footprint of a primary or secondary structure, work which alters the exterior facing facades of primary or secondary structure, pools, or demolition of a primary or secondary residential structure, if prohibited by this section.
If residential construction authorized by a permit issued by the city on or after the effective date of the ordinance from which this article is derived, is not completed within the timeframe specified in the permit (subject to any extensions as may be lawfully granted by city officials) or which is otherwise abandoned by the owner or other person named in a permit related to the project prior to securing final inspection and issuance of a certificate of occupancy for same, such abandonment and/or failure to complete the proposed residential construction shall be considered prima facie evidence of a public nuisance condition and substandard structure on the lot described in the permit(s), which shall promptly be investigated under the direction of the building official and subject to applicable enforcement action(s), if any.
A person or entity (including a person or entity with an ownership interest in an entity applying for a permit) found to have satisfied one (1) or more of the following conditions shall be deemed ineligible to receive any new permit relating to construction or home improvement on any other residential lot, until such time as all the following conditions have been satisfactorily remedied, including full payment of any penalties associated therewith:
An unresolved stop work order or notice of violation relating to a residential permit pending within the city; or
Two (2) or more stop work orders or notice of violations within the immediately preceding twenty-four (24) months relating to residential projects or lots within the city (for the purpose of this section, mere failed inspections shall not constitute a notice of violation); or
Three (3) or more open or unresolved general contractor permits relating to other residential projects within the city which have remained open or unresolved for more than two times (2x) the permit's original stated duration; or
Six (6) or more open or unresolved tradesman permits relating to other residential projects within the city which have remained open or unresolved for more than two times (2x) the permit's original stated duration; or
Currently indebted to the city; or
Entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere (no contest) or been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor arising out of a violation of the building code or local amendments thereto in the state whether or not said violation involves moral turpitude; or
Has been convicted of any penal offense arising out of or related to the performance of a residential building contract or the registered contractor suffers a judgment against them in a civil action predicated upon fraud in connection with the performance of a residential contract; or
One (1) or more violations of City Code section 5-53 contractor's registration requirements, within the immediately preceding twenty-four (24) months; or
Created a public nuisance and/or substandard or dangerous structure within the city as a result of residential construction activities, including failure to timely complete proposed residential construction and/or abandonment of residential construction prior to securing final inspection and a certificate of occupancy for same.
It shall be a defense to any condition satisfied in subsection 5-59(c)(3), (4) and (9), with the exception of a dangerous or unsecured structure condition, that:
The person or entity seeking a permit was providing construction services on the prior permit, and the condition occurred solely due to lack of payment by owner which was rightfully due; or
The person or entity seeking a permit was the developer or owner on the prior permit, and the condition occurred solely due to the abandonment of the project by contractor, and less than one hundred and eighty (180) days has passed since said abandonment.
(Ordinance 2196, sec. 4, adopted 1/23/2023)