If construction security fencing is proposed, it shall be categorized as a temporary structure, but such installation shall require a building permit separate and independent from any other required permit if not previously included within the master building permit plans. Fees for construction security fencing shall be the same as for other related building permits unless previously included within the master building permit plans (see section 5-12). The fencing may be no higher than eight (8) feet in height from lowest adjacent grade, and shall be either chain-link or other similarly transparent material. Construction security fencing may be located within the city's non-paved right-of-way (outside of any vision clearance areas for intersections visibility) and shall be reviewed by the director's office on a case by case basis. Construction security fencing shall not be equipped with any form of barbed-wire, to include concertina or razor wire.
(Ordinance 1860 adopted 4/12/2010)
Construction sites that do not provide permanent restroom facilities shall provide a portable water closet at all times during periods of active construction and while any permits are active. Portable water closets shall be located in the rear of the property if accessible. When the rear of the property is not accessible by alley or street, portable water closets are permitted to be located within the front yard but shall be placed a minimum twenty (20) feet from the front property line. At no time shall any portable water closet be located within the required side setbacks or within any city right-of-way. All portable water closets located at construction sites, whether active or not, must be cleaned on a weekly basis or more to prevent unsanitary conditions.
(Ordinance 1860 adopted 4/12/2010)
All contractors and subcontractors shall prevent the dispersal of trash and debris from a project site by providing appropriate waste containers on-site and by daily clean-ups of such debris on the project site and off the project site when such debris has migrated from the site. Other construction debris created by the project shall be cleaned up daily and deposited in appropriate waste containers or otherwise removed from the site. Construction debris from other project sites controlled by a contractor or a property owner shall not be brought to another project site or owned property under the control of the contractor or property owner for the purposes of disposal in any type of waste container that may be located on the latter site. Any waste container set out on a project site shall be removed from the site within five (5) working days of the completion of the project for which the waste container was placed on such site. Each project that may occur on a construction site is considered to be a separate project for the purposes of this subsection. Construction dumpsters and/or trash receptacles shall be placed at a construction site only during active periods of permitted construction and shall be placed in a location on the property that is outside the city's paved right-of-way, obscured from the public view where practical, and shall not obstruct visibility from any street, alley, or driveway intersections.
All contractors and subcontractors shall control the potential dispersal of particulate material and noxious or nuisance fumes occurring on a project site, and to minimize their effects on persons outside of the limits of the project site.
All contractors and subcontractors, before creating a potential dispersal of particulate material or noxious or nuisance fumes, shall endeavor to familiarize themselves with potential concerns of the surrounding neighborhood and advise those with respiratory and other medical problems that might be adversely affected by particulate material and noxious or nuisance fumes of the approximate time that such potential dispersal will be occurring so that they might remove themselves from the affected area, stay indoors or take other appropriate steps to reduce the impact of such dispersal on themselves.
(Ordinance 1860 adopted 4/12/2010)
Portable storage units shall not be constructed or placed on any property without first obtaining a permit prior to delivery.
Portable storage units shall be limited to thirty (30) calendar days from the date of issuance of the permit.
Portable storage units associated with an approved building construction project shall be permitted to remain on-site until the approval of the projects building final inspection or the expiration of the master building permits' expiration date if less.
All portable storage units must be located:
On a paved all-weather surface except for approved construction sites,
Within all setbacks, and
As far from the front property line as possible.
Temporary construction offices shall not be constructed or placed on any property without first obtaining a permit prior to delivery.
Temporary construction offices associated with an approved building construction project shall be permitted to remain on-site until the approval of the project's building final inspection or the expiration of the master building permit expiration date if less.
All temporary construction offices must be located:
Within all setbacks, and
As far from the front property line as possible.
(Ordinance 1860 adopted 4/12/2010)
All responsible parties for projects or permits issued under this chapter shall be required to follow or utilize all BMPs and other good house-keeping protocols synonymous with federal standards directly associated with EPA's general permit for other construction sites regulated under federal law.
(Ordinance 1860 adopted 4/12/2010)
Construction materials shall be stored or located within the property lines of the lot where construction has been approved by permit. No materials shall be stored outside the property lines or within the city's right-of-way without specific written permission from the director.
(Ordinance 1860 adopted 4/12/2010)
In the event construction is to be performed on a vacant residence or to an extent that requires the occupants to move out during construction, the gas meter will be locked out, the electric meter removed by City Public Service (utility provider), and a temporary electric meter is to be set and used for construction purposes if deemed necessary by the building official.
(Ordinance 2180, sec. 4, adopted 10/11/2021)