It shall be unlawful for any person or persons within the area of any city park to commit or do any of the following acts:
Operate wheeled vehicle.
To drive or propel any motor vehicle, motorcycle, motorbike, motor scooter, or other motor-driven device or any wheeled vehicle, excluding a wheelchair used for the purpose of conveying an invalid, into, along, across or through any portion of any park, except in and along the parking area provided for parking vehicles, which parking area and driveways thereto shall be designated off the 200 block of Greely Avenue.
Shoot firearms, fireworks or explosives.
To shoot, fire, or explode any firearms, fireworks, firecrackers, torpedoes, explosives of any kind, mechanically powered guns, air rifles, pellet guns, or slingshots in any part of the park.
Act as a solicitor or vendor.
To be or act in the vocation of a solicitor, agent, peddler, vendor, mendicant, beggar, strolling musician, showman, or bootblack, in any part of the park.
Bring dogs or other animals into the park.
To bring any dog or other animal into the park except that a dog being securely fastened to a leash and accompanied by the owner or an attendant may be permitted in the park during the hours that the park is open to the public.
Camp or sleep in park.
To camp or sleep within the park or any portion thereof.
Alcoholic beverages.
To possess alcoholic beverages within a park.
Erect or post signs.
To place or erect any sign, bulletin board, or advertising device of any kind whatsoever, or to attach any notice, bill, poster, or sign to any tree, shrub, fence, railing, post or structure within any park.
Remove, mutilate or damage park property.
To remove, destroy, mutilate, deface, damage or disfigure any structure, monument, statue, vase, fountain, wall, fence, railing, bench, trees, plants, shrubs, bridges, pathways, signs, markers, feeders, or any other property in the park, or to dump trash or other matter within the park.
To build, start, or cause to be started a fire of any kind.
Carry on with boisterous language or lascivious conduct.
To conduct or carry on any boisterous or insulting language or be guilty of any disorderly, lewd or lascivious conduct of any kind in any part or area of the park.
The foregoing rules and regulations shall not be construed to apply to workmen, either employees of the city or employees of an independent contractor employed by the city, in the legitimate discharge of their respective duties.
(1965 Code, sec. 14-43; Ordinance 1452 adopted 2/9/2004)