The nature trails park area shall lie within an area of approximately fifty (50) acres in the Olmos Detention Basin lying south of Alamo Heights Boulevard, east of the Olmos Creek, west of Greely Street and north of the Olmos Dam, more particularly described as being bounded by a line:
BEGINNING at the intersection of the south line of Alamo Heights Boulevard and the east line of Jones Maltsberger Road and proceeding in an easterly direction with the south line of Alamo Heights Boulevard to the intersection with the south line of Argo Avenue, a distance of 861 feet, more or less;
THENCE east along the south line of Argo Avenue to the intersection with the west line of Ogden Lane, a distance of 128 feet, more or less;
THENCE south with the west line of Ogden Lane to the end of the Swimming Pool Drive, a distance of 131 feet, more or less;
THENCE south and southeast along the west and southwest side of the Swimming Pool Drive to the west line of Greely Street, a distance of 1300 feet, more or less;
THENCE south along the west line of Greely Street, which is also the east line of Block 111, Argo addition, across Hondondo Avenue to the northeast corner of Block 110, a distance of 415 feet, more or less;
THENCE southwest along the south line of Hondondo Avenue, which is also the north line of Block 110 to the northwest corner of Block 110, a distance of 183 feet, more or less;
THENCE south along the west line of Block 110 to a point 30 feet south of the north line of Lot 7 of this Block 110, a distance of 300 feet, more or less;
THENCE west to the northwest corner of 0.57 acres belonging to Ann Page Chandler, which is also the northeast corner of 0.814 acres belonging to the City of Alamo Heights, a distance of 125 feet, more or less;
THENCE southeast with the west line of the 0.57 acres belonging to Ann Page Chandler, which is also the east line of the 0.814 acres belonging to the City of Alamo Heights to a point in the northwest line of Block 109, a distance of 283 feet, more or less;
THENCE in a southwesterly direction with the northwest line of Block 109 to the center of the Olmos Creek, a distance of 115 feet, more or less;
THENCE in a northwesterly direction with the meanderings of the center line of Olmos Creek to the east line of the Jones Maltsberger Road, a distance of 2,500 feet, more or less;
THENCE north with the east line of the Jones Maltsberger Road to its intersection with the south line of Alamo Heights Boulevard, a distance of 656 feet, more or less, which is the point of beginning.
The following property included within the above perimeter description is excluded from the nature trails area:
A tract 275 feet by 300 feet, a part of O.C.L. 41 adjoining Alamo Heights Boulevard.
The Pony League Baseball Park and parking area.
The Little League Baseball Park, parking area and access roads.
The Alamo Heights Swimming Pool, parking areas and access roads.
Audubon Society Club House and parking area.
(1965 Code, sec. 14-41)
The nature trails park shall be open to the public at such times as may be specified by the chief of police and such park shall be closed at all other times and shall also be closed during any period or periods when the trails or any portions thereof are flooded. The chief of police is authorized to permit use of the nature trails park when it is otherwise closed to the public by special permit. Notice shall be posted at the entrances to the park stating the times of permitted public use. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to be in the nature trails park when the park is closed to the public without a special permit authorizing the use of the park.
(1965 Code, sec. 14-42)