It shall be unlawful for any person to directly or indirectly deposit, place or put or permit the depositing, placing or putting into the city sewer system any grease, oil, chemicals or any other substance that might be detrimental to the sewer system or the treatment plant where such sewage is treated.
(1965 Code, sec. 21-74)
It shall be unlawful for any person to construct, maintain, or use any toilet in the city unless it is connected with a water type sewer system. The term "toilet" shall mean a small room or compartment fitted with a seat over a hopper for the reception of human excrement, and any other structure used for such purpose.
(1965 Code, sec. 21-75)
It shall be unlawful for any person to construct, repair, rebuild or build any house, building, or other structure where a person is working for a period of fifteen (15) days or longer without first constructing and maintaining an adequate water closet on the premises where the building, repairing, or construction work is being done; provided however, where repair work is being done on premises that has a water closet on such premises and permission is given by the owner or tenant of such premises for the use of such water closet by the persons working on the job, it shall not be necessary to construct and maintain an additional water closet.
The term "water closet" shall mean a small room or compartment fitted with a seat over a hopper for the reception of human excrement that is subsequently removed by flushing the hopper with water and which is connected with the general sewer system of the city.
(1965 Code, sec. 21-76)
It shall be unlawful to dispose of sewage from any premises within the city in any way except into the city sewer system.
Sewage disposal systems shall be designed and constructed in accordance with specifications promulgated by the city engineer.
It shall be unlawful to construct privies within the city.
(1965 Code, sec. 21-77; Ordinance 1325 adopted 2/14/1994; Ordinance 1854, sec. 1, adopted 1/25/2010)
A waste treatment fee shall be paid to the city by any user of the city sewer system. The sewer fee shall be added to the monthly water bills issued by the city.
(1965 Code, sec. 21-78)
Categories of users:
Residential. Customers with a meter serving only a one-family or two-family residential dwelling.
Multi-Family. Customers with a meter serving a structure that contains three (3) or more dwelling units.
Commercial. Customers conducting retail, manufacturing and other business activities, including, but not limited to, restaurants, laundries, offices and stores. Includes hydrant meter consumption as described in section 19-37.
Institutional. Customers that are churches, public and private schools and other facilities for training and educational purposes.
Irrigation. Customers with a meter that is utilized solely for the irrigation of landscaping or other exterior uses.
The sewer fee shall be collected as follows:
One and two-family residential dwellings shall pay a sewer fee based on the average metered water consumption per month during three (3) complete consecutive billing periods commencing on or after November 15 of each year and terminating upon the completion of three (3) full billing periods ending no later than March of each year.
Public, private or parochial elementary and secondary school shall pay a sewer fee based upon seventy (70) percent of current monthly metered water consumption if meter measures water used for both irrigation and non-irrigation purposes, or one hundred (100) percent of current monthly metered water consumption if the meter measures water used solely for non-irrigation purposes.
Editor's note—Ordinance 1683, adopted Nov. 13, 2006, repealed former § 19-111, and enacted a new § 19-111 as set out herein. The former § 19-111 pertained to rates and derived from the 1965 Code, § 21-79; Ordinance 1253, adopted April 17, 1991; Ordinance 1269, adopted Dec. 9, 1991; Ordinance 1294, adopted Jan. 25, 1993; Ordinance 1336, adopted August 8, 1994; Ordinance 1536, adopted Sept. 22, 2003; Ordinance 1558, adopted August 9, 2004; Ordinance 1660, adopted July 31, 2006.
(Ordinance 1683 adopted 11/13/2006; Ordinance 1812, sec. 10, adopted 2/23/2009)
The monthly charge for sewer service based on the average consumption established by section 19-111(a)(1) and the following rates:
Effective October 1, 2023
Consumption in Cubic Feet (cf)
Residential Rate per 100 cf
Multifamily, Commercial, Industrial Standard Rate per 100 cf
Institutional Standard Rate per 100 cf
Base rate 500 cf or less
501 cf or more
Effective October 1, 2024
Consumption in Cubic Feet (cf)
Residential Rate per 100 cf
Multifamily, Commercial, Industrial Standard Rate per 100 cf
Institutional Standard Rate per 100 cf
Base rate 500 cf or less
501 cf or more
Effective October 1, 2025
Consumption in Cubic Feet (cf)
Residential Rate per 100 cf
Multifamily, Commercial, Industrial Standard Rate per 100 cf
Institutional Standard Rate per 100 cf
Base rate 500 cf or less
501 cf or more
Effective October 1, 2026
Consumption in Cubic Feet (cf)
Residential Rate per 100 cf
Multifamily, Commercial, Industrial Rate per 100 cf
Institutional Standard Rate per 100 cf
Base rate 500 cf or less
501 cf or more
Effective October 1, 2027
Consumption in Cubic Feet (cf)
Residential Rate per 100 cf
Multifamily, Commercial, Industrial Standard Rate per 100 cf
Institutional Standard Rate per 100 cf
Base rate 500 cf or less
501 cf or more
In addition to the charges in paragraph (a) above, certain users of the sanitary sewer system (such as, but not limited to, restaurants, grocery stores, laundromats, washaterias, seafood and meat establishments, and bakeries) shall pay a monthly surcharge based on the biochemical oxygen demand and total suspended solids emitted by such users of the city's sanitary sewer system. The surcharges shall be determined by the appropriate divisions of the San Antonio Water System (SAWS).
Pass-through of third party charges. The above stated sewer surcharges for the affected users of the city's sewer system shall be increased or decreased automatically as the result of any increase or decrease in charges by SAWS.
Editor's note—Ordinance 1683, adopted Nov. 13, 2006, repealed former § 19-112, and enacted a new § 19-112 as set out herein. The former § 19-112 pertained to categories of users and derived from the 1965 Code, § 21-80; Ordinance 1587, adopted July 12, 2005.
(Ordinance 1683 adopted 11/13/2006; Ordinance 1966 adopted 4/8/2013; Ordinance 2026 adopted 7/27/2015; Ordinance 2072 adopted 3/13/2017; Ordinance 2096 adopted 1/22/2018; Ordinance 2113 adopted 10/22/2018; Ordinance 2157 adopted 4/13/2020; Ordinance 2213 adopted 9/11/2023)
The sewer fees authorized herein shall be due and payable at the same time as and in addition to the water charges provided in article II hereof and late payment shall be subject to the same penalties provided in section 19-30 of this chapter. Failure to pay applicable sewer fees after the due date thereof shall result in termination of water service as provided in section 19-31 of this chapter. Water service shall not be resumed until applicable sewer fees are paid.
(1965 Code, sec. 21-81)
Except as provided in this section, the cost of installation, repair, maintenance, relocation and removal of laterals and service lines for connection to the city sewer system shall be borne entirely by users of the city sewer system. "Sewer laterals" for the purposes of this section shall refer to sewer service lines for the transportation of sanitary sewage from a structure to a sewer main owned or operated by the city.
Upon notification by a user of a potential sewer lateral failure, the city shall conduct an inspection of the adjacent sewer main at no cost to the user to determine if the sewer main has caused a failure of the user's sewer lateral.
If a sewer lateral failure is determined by the city to have been caused by a failure of the sewer main, the city shall repair the main by whatever means deemed most appropriate by the city to restore service.
If a sewer lateral failure is determined to be located outside of a user's private property and the sewer lateral serves a single-family or two-family residential structure, the city shall repair the lateral by whatever means deemed most appropriate by the city to restore service.
Prior to the performance of any work by the city, a single-family or two-family residential user must:
Provide the city with evidence acceptable to the city that the sewer lateral has failed;
Provide the city with evidence acceptable to the city that the failure is located outside of the customer's private property;
Clearly mark on the ground surface the location of the sewer lateral failure; and
Sign a release waiving liability or warranty for any and all work performed by city to repair the sewer lateral.
(Ordinance 1854, sec. 2, adopted 1/25/2010)