The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
"Altered" means any material improvement, relocation of or addition to the water supply system which does not include replacement of fixtures.
"Backflow" means any unwanted flow of used, non-potable water or chemical substance from any piping system into the public water supply system.
"Backpressure" means any elevation of pressure in the downstream piping system (by pump, elevation of piping, or steam and/or air pressure) above the supply pressure at the point of consideration which would cause, or tend to cause, a reversal of the normal direction of flow.
"Backsiphonage" means a form of backflow due to a deduction in system pressure which causes a sub atmospheric pressure to exist at a site in the water system.
"Cross-connection" means any unprotected water supply connection, actual or potential, between the City of Alamo Heights water supply system and any other source through which it is possible to introduce any used water, or chemical substance into the public water supply system; By-pass arrangements, jumper connections, removable sections, swivel or changeover devices, or other devices through which backflow could occur, shall be considered to be cross-connections.
"Health hazard" means a potential contamination hazard involving any substance that may cause death, illness, or spread of disease if introduced into the public water supply.
"Non-health hazard" means a potential contamination hazard involving any substance that constitutes a nuisance, or may be aesthetically objectionable, if introduced into the public water supply.
"Non-residential". Includes all properties except one-and two-family dwellings.
"Potential source". Includes, but is not limited to, any lavatory, sink, or vessel which could provide the potential for backpressure and/or backsiphonage to occur thereby contaminating the potable water supply system.
"Residential". Includes only one-and two-family dwellings.
"Water purveyor" means the operator, herein referred to as the City of Alamo Heights, of the public water system which supplies potable water to the public.
(Ordinance 1735 adopted 10/8/2007)