The enumeration of particular powers by this Charter shall not be held or deemed to be exclusive, but, in addition to the powers enumerated therein or implied thereby, or appropriate to the exercise of such powers, it is intended that the city shall have, and may exercise, all powers of local self-government, and all powers enumerated in the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, it would be competent for this Charter specifically to enumerate. All powers of the city, whether expressed or implied, shall be exercised in the manner prescribed herein, or when not prescribed herein, then in the manner provided by the general laws of Texas relating to cities.
The city council shall have power by ordinance or otherwise to provide means for protection against conflagrations and for guarding against fires. It may prescribe fire limits, stipulate and provide for minimum requirements for construction of buildings within such fire limits, regulate or prohibit the erection, building, replacing or repairing of buildings within such limits; may prescribe that the buildings within such fire limits be made or constructed of fire-resistant material; and may further prescribe limits within which only fire-resistant roofing may be used; it may also by ordinance regulate, prescribe, govern or forbid the storage of lumber, building material of any kind or inflammable or explosive goods, wares and merchandise of any and every kind within certain limits and prescribe limits within which such materials may be stored, housed or carried.
The city shall have the power to provide for the health, safety, and welfare of its inhabitants by establishing all necessary rules and regulations protecting the health, safety and welfare of the city.
The city council shall have the power by ordinance or otherwise to regulate, license and inspect public or private persons, firms, institutions, corporations, common carriers, or associations operating, managing, or conducting any activities, but not limited to, any of the following:
Place of public accommodation, hotel or any other public sleeping or eating place;
Place or vehicle where food or drink of any kind is manufactured, prepared, stored, packed, served, sold or otherwise handled within the city or limits of said city; all food and beverage vendors and samplers must have a health permit which must be obtained prior to an event;
Any and all health conditions; and
Sanitary wastewater disposal system.
The city shall have the power to;
Define all nuisances and prohibit the same within the city and outside the city limits for a distance in accordance with state law; and
Have the power to police in all parks or grounds, streets right-of-way owned by the city or under lease to the city and lying both outside and inside said city; and
Penalties or fines:
The city shall have the power to provide for the fixing of penalties for failure of any person, firm, corporation or association to comply with any such rules and regulations so prescribed by the city council under the provisions of this section; it being the intention to vest in the city council not only the powers expressly enumerated in this section but all other powers reasonably necessary for the protection of the health of the city and its citizens.
The city may assess, levy and collect any and all character of taxes for general and special purposes on all subjects or objects, including occupation taxes, license taxes and excise taxes, which the city may lawfully assess, levy and collect under the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas; may borrow money on the faith and credit of the city by the issuance of bonds or notes of the city, and may issue warrants in payment of lawful obligations of the city; may create, provide for, construct, regulate and maintain all things of the nature of public works and improvements whether for pleasure or otherwise; may define, prohibit, abate, suppress and prevent all things detrimental to the health, morals, comforts, safety, convenience and welfare of the inhabitants of the city, and all nuisances and cause thereof; may regulate and restrict the construction, height, and the material used in all buildings and maintenance and occupancy thereof; may license any lawful business, occupation or calling that is susceptible to the control of the police power; may license, regulate, control or prohibit the erection of signs or billboards within the corporate limits of said city; may provide for public library and maintenance thereof; may provide that gas companies, bus companies, telephone companies, telecommunication companies, and electric light companies, or any other companies or individuals furnishing public utility service, to make and furnish extension of their service to such territory within the corporate limits as may be prescribed from time to time by ordinances; may provide for the issuance of permits for erecting all buildings, for the inspection of the construction of buildings, in respect to proper wiring for electric lights and other electric appliances, piping for gas flues, chimneys, fire escapes, plumbing and sewer connections, and to enforce proper regulations in regard thereto; may provide for the enforcement of all ordinances enacted by the city, by a fine as authorized by state law; provided that no ordinance shall prescribe a greater or less penalty than is prescribed for a like offense by the laws of this state.