[Ord. 2018-2, 8/27/2018]
Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the meaning of terms used in Parts B and C shall be as follows:
Borough of Cornwall, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania.
The owner of an improved property who, prior to, upon or after the effective date hereof, has contracted or contracts for and/or is receiving or shall receive water service for a consumer unit from the water system.
A building under one roof and occupied by one family or business; or
A combination of buildings in one enclosure or group and occupied by one family or business; or
One side of a double building or house having a solid vertical partition wall; or
Each room or group of rooms in a building occupied or intended for occupancy as a separate business or as separate living quarters by a family or other group of persons living together or by a person living alone; or
Each apartment, office or suite of offices in a building or house having several such apartments, offices or suites of offices and using in common one or more hallways and one or more means of entrance; or
Any trailer occupied by one family or business; or
Any other unit or category listed in the schedule of rates set forth in §11-212.
Any room, group of rooms, house trailer or other enclosure occupied or intended for occupancy as separate living quarters by one family or other group of persons living together or by a person living alone, upon an improved property.
A dwelling unit or an equivalent dwelling unit. Each dwelling unit shall be 1 EDU and each nonresidential unit shall be assigned a number of EDUs based upon the estimated or actual water consumption, which is based upon the 2010 census for the Borough indicating 2.24 persons per household multiplied by 65 gallons per day per capita (158 gpd per EDU), as mandated by Act 57 of 2003.
Any building, group of buildings, or land upon which buildings are to be constructed which is or may be served by the Borough.
Any consumer unit other than a residential unit.
Any person having an interest, whether legal or equitable, sole or partial, in any improved property.
Any individual, firm, partnership, company, association, society, corporation, limited liability company, or any other group or legal entity.
Any consumer unit or other enclosure connected, directly or indirectly, to the water system and occupied or intended for occupancy as separate living quarters by a family or other group of persons living together or by a person living alone, excluding institutional dormitories, or any other consumer unit that uses less than 250 gallons per day.
The water distribution facilities, including all related facilities heretofore or hereafter constructed, installed or acquired by or for the Borough, including all property, real, personal and mixed, rights, powers, licenses, easements, rights-of-way privileges, franchise and other property or interest in property of whatsoever nature used or useful in connection with such facilities, and together with all additions, extensions, alterations, improvements and betterments thereof or thereto which may be made, installed or acquired from time to time, by or for the Borough and which shall be owned and operated by the Borough.
[Ord. 2018-2, 8/27/2018]
Water rates and other charges established under §11-213 are imposed upon and shall be collected from the owner of each improved property which shall be connected or which is required to be connected with the water system, whichever first occurs, and upon owners of EDUs not connected nor required to be connected to said water system, whether the benefit resulting from such connection shall be direct and indirect, and regardless whether water service is actually utilized, which water rates and other charges shall commence and shall be effective for water service available to use on and after the date of connection to the water system, or the date when connection was required to be made by the Borough, or in the case of owners of EDUs not connected nor required to be connected to the water system, on or after the date of purchase of the EDUs, whichever first occurs, and shall be payable as provided in this Part.
[Ord. 2018-2, 8/27/2018]
Except as additionally provided in subsections .2 through .4 of this Section or as otherwise provided, water rates and other charges for the use and benefit of the water system from any improved property constituting a residential unit or units, or a nonresidential unit where volume of water usage shall be metered by the Borough, shall, as to treatment costs, be based upon a minimum operating and maintenance charge plus volume of water usage, adjusted, if appropriate, as provided herein and calculated per quarter annum as set forth in Appendix A of this Part.
Additionally, all owners of residential units, nonresidential units, and/or EDUs whether connected or unconnected to the water system shall pay a quarterly flat rate debt service charge per EDU as set forth in Appendix A of this Part which amount shall be in addition to the charges for treatment, operations and maintenance imposed under subsection .1 of this Section.
Additionally, all owners of residential units, nonresidential units, and/or EDUs whether connected or unconnected to the water system shall pay a quarterly base charge per EDU for a portion of the fixed costs for the operations and maintenance as set forth in Appendix A of this Part which amount shall be in addition to the charges for treatment, operations, maintenance and debt service imposed under subsections .1 and .2 of this Section.
Additionally, all owners of residential units, nonresidential units, and/or EDUs whether connected or unconnected to the water system shall pay a quarterly capital improvement charge per EDU as set forth in Appendix A of this Part which amount shall be in addition to the charges for treatment, operations, maintenance, debt service and base charge imposed under subsections .1, .2 and .3 of this Section.
Nothing herein shall be deemed to amend, alter or change the existing rules and regulations governing the use of the water system of the Borough, which shall remain in full force and effect.
Multiple-Use Consumer Units.
Where more than one consumer unit is located in one building, house or other structure and such building, house or other structure, at the discretion of this Borough, is served through one common water meter, multiple charges per quarter annum shall be imposed for each consumer unit located in such building, house or other structure.
For all consumer units served through such common water meter, the multiple charge per quarter annum shall be computed in the following manner: (1) the total consumption of water through such common water meter shall be divided by the number of consumer units served thereby; (2) the schedule of rates set forth in subsection .1 of this Section as from time to time may be established by the Borough for computing water rates and other charges shall be applied to the resultant quotient; and (3) the resultant pro rata charge for each consumer unit shall be multiplied by the number of such consumer units receiving water service through such common water meter to arrive at the total bill for all such consumer units served through the common meter; provided, however, that there shall be charged any minimum rate or charge as from time to time may be established by the Borough per quarter annum for each consumer unit computed on the same basis as if each consumer unit was served by a separate water meter.
[Ord. 2018-2, 8/27/2018]
In the event the Borough, at any time or for any reason, shall read the water meter of any residential unit or nonresidential unit on a monthly basis, the meter readings for the appropriate three months shall be consolidated and treated as one total for purposes of computing water rates and other charges under this Part, as appropriate.
[Ord. 2018-2, 8/27/2018]
Water rates and other charges imposed by this Part shall be payable on the dates and shall cover the periods as follows:
For the owner of an improved property whose bill, under provisions of this Part, shall be computed independent of water volume usage metered by the Borough, the billing dates shall be July 1, October 1, January 1 and April 1 of each calendar year and shall cover a quarter annum billing period consisting of the immediately preceding three complete calendar months.
The provisions set forth above in this subsection .1 notwithstanding, the owner of an improved property and the Borough may agree, from time to time, upon such other billing dates and periods as may be appropriate or desirable; provided, however, that billings shall be rendered for periods not less frequent than quarter annum periods.
All bills for water rates and other charges shall be payable upon the date thereof and the appropriate amount, computed in accordance with this Part, shall constitute the net bill. If water rates and other charges shall not be paid within 30 calendar days after the applicable date upon which such shall be payable, an additional sum of 5% per quarter shall be added to such net bill, which net bill, plus such additional sum, shall constitute the gross bill, which gross bill shall be then due and payable. Payment made or mailed and postmarked on or before the last day of the applicable thirty-calendar-day period shall constitute payment within such period. If the end of such thirty-calendar-day period shall fall on a legal holiday or a Sunday, payment which shall be made on or mailed and postmarked on the next succeeding weekday which is not a legal holiday shall constitute payment within such period. If a bill for sewer service or other charges shall be delinquent for a period of 45 days or more, water service may be discontinued by the Borough upon prior written notice.
In the event water rates and other charges imposed under provisions of this Part shall become applicable to any improved property constituting a residential unit or nonresidential unit during a billing period, as set forth in subsection .1 of this Section, or in the event service to any improved property constituting a residential unit, or nonresidential unit, shall begin after the first day or shall terminate before the last day of any billing period, as set forth in subsection .1 of this Section, water rates and other charges for such billing period not based upon volume of water usage shall be prorated equitably, as appropriate, for the applicable portion of the billing period.
Every owner of an improved property which is connected to the water system initially shall provide the Borough with and thereafter shall keep the Borough advised of his correct address. Failure of any owner to receive appropriate bills for water rates and other charges shall not be considered an excuse for nonpayment nor shall such failure result in an extension of the period of time during which the net bill shall be payable.
Each bill for a consumer unit for water service shall be made out in the name of the owner. Each owner shall provide this Borough with, and continuously shall keep this Borough advised of, his correct address. Failure to receive a bill for water service shall not be considered an excuse for nonpayment, nor shall such failure result in an extension of the period of time during which such bill shall be payable without penalty.
No allowance or rebate will be made for unoccupied property unless and until (A) the owner shall have notified the Borough of such vacancy in writing, and (B) such vacancy shall continue for at least 90 days. In any such event, service shall be restored only upon the execution of a new application therefor.
No allowance or rebate will be made for or on account of the discontinuance of any service set forth in the application for service unless and until the owner shall have notified the Borough in writing of such discontinuance.
Reconnection Charge.
If water service is shut off and reconnected at the request of an owner, as appropriate, the charge imposed shall be $25.
If water service is shut off for nonpayment of a delinquent water bill, or for failure to abide by the rules and regulations applicable to the water system, the charge imposed shall be as follows:
Charge for Sending Shut-Off Letter
Shut-Off Charge
Reconnection Charge
After-Hours Shut-Off or Reconnection Charge
If a check payable to the Borough is dishonored by the customer’s bank, a charge of $25 per dishonored check shall be imposed.
[Ord. 2018-2, 8/27/2018]
Proper officers of this Borough are authorized, empowered and directed to do all things and to take all legal action necessary, including the filing of municipal claims and liens, in accordance with law, to enforce collection of water rates and other charges established and imposed hereby and otherwise to carry out provisions hereof.
Any person who or which shall violate or assist or permit any other person to violate any of the provisions of this Part shall, upon conviction thereof in a summary proceeding, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $1,000, plus costs, including the Borough’s reasonable attorneys’ fees incurred in the enforcement proceeding. Each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate violation. Each section of this Part violated shall constitute a separate violation.
[Ord. 2018-2, 8/27/2018]
This Borough, from time to time, in accordance with law, by appropriate resolution, may adopt such additional rules and regulations as, in the opinion of the Board of this Borough, may be desirable, beneficial or necessary for or in connection with use and operation of the water system and which shall govern and control the distribution and supply of water by this Borough to consumers.
Any such rules and regulations shall be construed in conjunction with provisions hereof and shall become effective upon the date fixed by this Borough upon adoption thereof.
[Ord. 2018-2, 8/27/2018]
Sewer rates and other charges imposed by this Part shall be a lien on the improved property connected to or required to be connected to and served by or able to be served by the water system; and such water rates and other charges which shall be delinquent shall be filed as a lien against the improved property so connected to or required to be connected to and served by or able to be served by the water system, which lien shall be filed and shall be collected in the manner provided by law for collection of municipal claims.
In the event that the Borough institutes any actions to collect delinquent water rates and charges, the owner shall be responsible for all costs arising out of any collection action, including but not limited to costs of certified mail and costs of service of process.
[Ord. 2018-2, 8/27/2018]
The Borough shall have the right of access at reasonable times to any part of any improved property served by the water system as shall be required for purposes of inspection, measurement, sampling and testing and for performance of other functions relating to service rendered by the Borough through the water system.
[Ord. 2018-2, 8/27/2018]
The owner of each improved property connected to the water system shall be responsible for all acts of tenants or other occupants of such improved property insofar as such acts shall be governed by provisions of this Part.
[Ord. 2018-2, 8/27/2018]
The Borough reserves the right to adopt and promulgate, from time to time, additional classifications and water rates and other charges therefor, or modifications of the schedule of water rates and other charges as set forth in this Part, which additional classifications and water rates and other charges, or modifications, as the case may be, shall be construed as a part of this Part.
The Borough reserves the right to adopt and promulgate, from time to time, such additional rules and regulations as it shall deem necessary and proper for the use and operation of the water system, which rules and regulations shall be construed as a part of this Part.
[Ord. 2018-2, 8/27/2018; as amended by Ord. 2023-1, 2/13/2023]
All water rates and other charges shall be payable to the Treasurer of this Borough or to such other officer or representative of this Borough as shall be authorized, from time to time, by resolution of this Borough, to accept payment thereof. The Treasurer or such other duly authorized officer or representative of this Borough shall pay over to a depository designated by the Borough by resolution, all water rates and other charges received within seven days of receipt thereof, together with a statement showing the total amount collected. Until so paid over, the Treasurer or other duly authorized officer or representative of this Borough shall segregate all such water rates and other charges so collected in an account separate and distinct from all other funds of this Borough and shall hold the same in trust for purposes set forth in aforesaid Part.
The below rates are effective for all consumption for bills as of April 1, 2023.
Operation and Maintenance Charge per 1,000 Gallons of Water Consumed during the Quarter Annum for Which the Billing Is Rendered:
In accordance with §11-213.1
Treatment Charge for 1,000 Gallons of Water Treated during the Quarter Annum for Which Billing Is Rendered:
In accordance with §11-213.1
Debt Service per EDU:
In accordance with §11-213.2
Base Charge per EDU:
In accordance with §11-213.3
Capital Improvement Charge per EDU:
In accordance with §11-213.4
Schedule “B” is hereby established, setting forth special charges for the sewer system:
SCHEDULE B – Special Charges
Change of Ownership Fee
Leak Investigation/Sewer Credit Charge (for Consumption Greater than 10,000 Gallons)
Inspection Fee for New Main Construction
$2/LF (minimum $1,000)
(These rates and charges may be amended from time to time by Resolution of the Cornwall Borough Council.)