[Ord. No. 849 § 426.1, 10-16-2007]
The regulations herein set forth shall apply to and govern signs or attention-attracting devices in all zoning districts. No sign or attention-attracting device shall be created unless it is in compliance with the regulations herein, and the required permit has been obtained. Any sign or attention-attracting device already established on the effective date hereof, and which sign or attention-attracting device is rendered non-conforming by the provisions herein, and any sign or attention-attracting device which, as a result of subsequent amendments hereto, shall be rendered non-conforming. Non-conforming signs may remain in place as long as the sign is maintained in good and safe condition and the use of the building or site is not changed. Any change in the use of the sign invokes the requirements of a conditional use permit (Section 405.300 of these regulations) before such change is implemented. Inadequate maintenance or change in sign use may result in a demand removal of the sign or bringing the sign into full conformance with these regulations.
[Ord. No. 849 § 426.2, 10-16-2007]
The purposes of these sign and attention-attracting device regulations are as follows:
Regulation and control of all advertising and identification signs or attention-attracting devices placed for exterior observation in order to preserve, protect and promote the public health, safety and general welfare of the residents of the City.
Prevent an adverse community appearance from the unrestricted use of signs or attention-attracting devices by providing a flexible, creative, fair, comprehensive and enforceable set of regulations that will foster a high quality, aesthetic, visual environment for Lake Lotawana, enhancing it as a place to live and do business.
Recognition of the business community's need for adequate business identification and advertising communication by improving the readability and, therefore, the effectiveness of signs or attention-attracting devices by preventing their improper placement, over concentration, excessive height, area and bulk and by limiting such items as illumination or animation.
Ensuring that the public is not endangered or distracted by the unsafe, disorderly, indiscriminate or unnecessary use of signs and attention-attracting devices, including the promotion of traffic safety by reducing the visual distraction of motorists.
Regulating the size, location and content of commercial signage in order to maximize its effectiveness in directing the public to specific buildings and facilities, while meeting the aesthetic goals of the community.
Protection of property values by enhancement of the harmony between residential, commercial and industrial uses by reducing visual clutter and preventing blighting influences.
Coordination of the type, placement and physical dimensions of signs within the different land use zoning districts.
Conflict. When the provisions of this Signage Code appear inconsistent with one another or when the provisions of the Signage Code conflict with provisions found in other adopted ordinances or regulations, the more restrictive ordinance provision shall govern.
Interpretation. The Zoning Administrator shall make interpretations of the provisions of the Sign Code.
[Ord. No. 849 § 426.3, 10-16-2007]
Any sign or attention-attracting device not specifically permitted is prohibited. Unless otherwise permitted by this Chapter, prohibited signs and attention-attracting devices include, but are not limited to:
Snipe Signs. Signs or attention-attracting devices attached to trees, shrubs, telephone poles, benches, street lights or placed on any public property or right-of-way, except warning signs issued by public utility companies, signs erected by public authorities for public purposes, and signs or attention-attracting devices approved by the Zoning Administrator, or their designee, for special events.
Portable Sign. Portable signs or attention-attracting devices designed to be transported by means of wheels.
Signs Posing Traffic Or Pedestrian Hazards. Any sign which constitutes a traffic hazard or is a detriment to traffic safety by virtue of its size, location, movement, content, coloring or method of illumination. Any sign which obstructs the vision between vehicles and pedestrians using the public right-of-way, including, but not limited to, those not meeting the visibility requirements of this Chapter. Specifically prohibited are signs or attention-attracting devices using:
Lights or illuminations that flash, move, rotate, scintillate, blink, flicker or vary in intensity or color, except for time/temperature, date, or similar brief informational displays.
Signs that are of such intensity or brilliance as to cause glare or impair the vision of motorists, cyclists or pedestrians.
Bare bulbs, except for time/temperature devices using bulbs of up to twenty-five (25) watts.
Words and traffic control symbols so as to interfere with, mislead, confuse traffic, such as "stop," "look," "caution," "slow."
Abandoned Signs. Business signs, attention-attracting devices, or portions thereof, that advertise any activity, business, product or service no longer conducted or available on the premises where the sign is located. Abandoned signs shall be removed within three (3) months after meeting the above definition, and any damage to walls, landscaping or other areas shall be repaired to their original condition. Removal shall be the responsibility of the premise owner and any damage to wall, landscaping or other areas shall be at the expense of the owner.
Moving Signs. Signs with visible moving, revolving or rotating parts or visible mechanical movement of any description or other apparent visible movement achieved by electrical, electronic or mechanical means, or with the optical illusion of movement by means of a design that presents a pattern capable of giving the illusion of motion or changing of copy.
Roof Signs/Projecting Signs. Roof-mounted signs or attention-attracting devices or projecting signs which are created or constructed as an integral or essentially integral part of normal roof structure of any design.
Off-Site Signs. Any sign which directs attention to a business, commodity, service, product or activity not conducted, sold, offered or available on the premises where the sign is erected or to which it is affixed.
Changeable Copy Signs. No electronically changeable copy signs are permitted with the exception of time and temperature information when incorporated into allowable sign area.
Fluorescent Colors. Signs using in whole or in part any fluorescent color.
Painted Signs. Signs or attention-attracting devices painted directly onto facades or walls.
Attention-Attracting Devices. Attention-attracting devices in general, unless otherwise approved under this Chapter or through a temporary permit for special events provided for in Section 426.030(A)(1) of this Chapter. Strings of light bulbs may be used for decorative purposes during the holiday season (from Thanksgiving through January), when not in excess of seven and one-half (7 1/2) watts.
Illegal Signs. Any sign otherwise prohibited by law.
Use Of Vehicular Signs.
Purpose. The intent of this provision is to prohibit a vehicle with a vehicular sign from being parked, placed, or stored in an area not owned or controlled by the commercial entity represented by that particular vehicular sign, to promote fairness, general welfare, and competitive equality for all commercial entities.
Vehicular Sign. A "vehicular sign" includes any name, insignia, logo, or sign displayed, mounted, painted or otherwise placed on a trailer, truck, automobile, or other vehicle that is parked, placed, or stored so that the vehicular sign is visible from a public street or right-of-way, or that is parked, placed, or stored for the purpose of displaying advertising signage. A company car or vehicle no larger than a one-ton pickup bearing one (1) name, insignia, logo, or sign displayed, mounted, painted or otherwise placed shall be exempted.
Prohibited Uses Of Vehicular Signs. The use of a vehicular sign in non-residential districts is regulated in accordance with this Subsection. All parking, placement, or storage of a vehicle with a vehicular sign in any non-residential district shall have an appropriate nexus with the commercial entity represented by the vehicular sign; thus, the parking, placement, or storage of the subject vehicle on the property of any entity (public or private) other than the one (1) represented by that vehicular sign for the purpose of advertising or business promotion is prohibited. This prohibition shall not apply to vehicles, with vehicular signs, that are actively providing a service to any entity located on the property on which the vehicular sign is parked.
[Ord. No. 849 § 426.4, 10-16-2007]
Unless otherwise noted, the following types of signs or attention-attracting devices are allowed in any zoning district. These signs and devices are exempt from permit requirements but must be in conformance with all other requirements of this Chapter:
Government Traffic Control Signs. Government traffic control signs and devices (pursuant to the Standard Traffic Ordinance, State of Missouri). Traffic control signs to be installed on private property must meet the requirements of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
Flags. An individual business or development shall be permitted to display a maximum of three (3) flags which shall be limited to the following types: a government jurisdiction, weather conditions, religious, charitable, public and non-profit organizations, or one (1) commercial logo flag displaying a registered or trademarked corporate logo. No flag shall exceed forty (40) square feet in area, and no flagpole shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height. All flagpoles shall be ground-mounted and must comply with the setback provisions established in Section 426.060 of this Chapter.
Directional/Instructional Signs. Signs displayed to convey directions to entrance ways, freight/service doors, restroom and telephone locations or other operational facilities, or to convey parking and traffic restrictions or public safety messages. Wall signs of this type shall not exceed three (3) square feet in area and may be mounted to buildings, fences, walls or, in the case of parking restrictions, may be painted onto curbs and paved areas.
One (1) freestanding directional/instructional sign of up to four (4) square feet in area and four (4) feet in height is permitted at each driveway, and additional signs of this size may be placed at internal locations as needed based on their function.
Public Notice Signs. Signs bearing notice to the public such as "No Trespassing," "No Dumping," "No Swimming," and "Bad Dog" signs shall not exceed two (2) square feet on developed properties. On vacant properties of less than one (1) acre, these signs shall not exceed six (6) square feet in area or four (4) feet in height. On tracts of one (1) acre or greater, these signs shall not exceed sixteen (16) square feet in area nor eight (8) feet in height. A minimum distance of three hundred thirty (330) feet shall be maintained between such signs on properties within the same ownership.
Memorial Signs. Memorial signs or tablets of six (6) square feet or less, including names of buildings and date of erection or other remembrances of persons or events that are non-commercial in nature, when cut into any masonry or rock surface or constructed of bronze or similar non-combustible material that is mounted on the building or adjacent to its entrance.
Art Works. Works of fine art, when not displayed in conjunction with a commercial enterprise (nor display a commercial message), which enterprise may benefit direct commercial gain from such display.
Required Notice. Signs or attention-attracting devices required or specifically authorized for a public purpose by any law, Statute or ordinance.
Address Signs. Permanent address signs of up to two (2) square feet for single residential units or single tenants in multi-tenant buildings, up to six (6) square feet for multi-family buildings with a single street address and individual non-residential buildings under thirty (30) feet in height, and up to twelve (12) square feet for individual non-residential buildings over thirty (30) feet in height. A minimum letter and number height of three (3) inches is required on residential structures and a five (5) inch minimum letter and number height is required on non-residential structures per Building Code.
Temporary Signs. Except as otherwise provided in this Code, temporary signs do not require sign permits. Temporary signs that do not require a permit shall be permitted on any property of the same size as allowed for real estate signs. Temporary signs may be posted for ninety (90) days, at which time they shall be removed or replaced. Temporary signs must be tied to a building permit.
Official Public Notices. Official notices by public officers or employees in the performance of their duties.
Window Sign. Non-illuminated window signs shall be permitted not to exceed twenty percent (20%) of the overall window area per facade and utilizing no greater than fifty percent (50%) of an individual window section on which the sign is placed. In lieu of non-illuminated signs, illuminated signs are permitted in area not to exceed fifty percent (50%) of the area allowed for non-illuminated signs.
Real Estate Sign. "For Sale," "For Lease," and permanent leasing signs as permitted by this Chapter. Individual houses or single-unit dwellings for sale within a multi-unit complex shall have no more than two (2) riders attached. The rider(s) shall be no bigger than five (5) inches by two (2) feet. Signs must be removed within ninety (90) calendar days after closing. For rent and for lease signs must be removed within thirty (30) calendar days after lease or rental agreement signing. Signs not removed within this time period will be removed at the agent's expense and will be billed according to the hourly rate of pay of the City employee for every one-quarter (1/4) hour fraction thereof.
Construction Site Signs. Construction, renovation or remodeling site signs as permitted in this Chapter. Such signs shall be a maximum of six (6) square feet in area and a maximum of four (4) feet in height.
Renovation. The act of repairing or making new the interior or exterior after damage or deterioration.
Remodeling. The act of making structural changes such as, but not limited to, a room addition whether it changes the footprint or not, the changing of electrical, plumbing or HVAC or adding windows where there were none.
Signs must be removed ninety (90) calendar days after the issuance of an occupancy permit or after the expiration of the appropriate permit. Signs not removed within the specified time will be removed by the City at the contractor's expense and will be billed according to the hourly rate of pay of the City employee(s) for every one-quarter (1/4) hour or fraction thereof.
Garage Sale Signs. Garage sale signs shall be permitted provided they do not exceed four (4) square feet in area or four (4) feet in overall height. Garage sale signs shall not be placed earlier than 5:00 P.M. the night before the sale and must be removed by the end of the sale. One (1) sign may be erected at the location of the garage sale, and one (1) sign may be erected on private property at a subdivision entrance or adjacent to the intersection with a collector or arterial street nearest the place of the sale. No sign may be erected on private property without the permission of the property owner. No garage sale sign shall be erected on any public property, public utility pole or public right-of-way.
Menu Boards. Each drive-through restaurant shall be permitted one (1) freestanding or wall-mounted menu board per drive-through window, which shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area or eight (8) feet in height and shall be located adjacent to and oriented toward the drive-through lane. An additional menu board may be considered if queuing lane length, location and configuration justifies placement.
Special Event Sign. Signs and attention-attracting devices, as approved through special event provisions.
Under-Canopy/Awning Sign. In the case of shopping centers or retail complexes of five (5) or more tenants, one (1) under-canopy/awning sign shall be permitted for each business with a canopy or awning. Under-canopy/awning signs shall not exceed four (4) square feet in area, shall be installed at a right angle to the front building wall and shall be a minimum of seven (7) feet above the sidewalk.
Incidental Identification Signs. Identification signs of two (2) square feet or less mounted on or adjacent to an individual tenant entrance.
Signs On Machinery And Equipment. Signs customarily incorporated into machinery or equipment by a manufacturer or distributor, which identify or advertise only the product or service dispensed by the machine or equipment, such as signs affixed to vending machines, newspaper racks, telephone booths and gasoline pumps.
Signs On Vehicles. Signs on a truck, bus, automobile, boat, trailer or other vehicle (i.e., vehicular signs) that are not prohibited by this Chapter, including Section 426.030.
Other Governmental Signs. Signs not otherwise specifically defined or regulated in this Chapter, that are approved by the City and erected by the City or other governmental agency for public purposes. These may include, but are not limited to, welcome signs, special directional signs, and special cultural or historical markers.
Home Occupation Signs. One (1) non-illuminated facade sign not more than one (1) square foot in area, mounted on or adjacent to an entrance to the building, indicating a permitted home occupation to those at or approaching the door. The sign color shall be compatible with the house color.
Now Hiring Signs. One (1) "now hiring" sign not more than six (6) square feet in area and four (4) feet in height is permitted per individual freestanding business, shopping center or other multi-tenant facility.
[Ord. No. 849 § 426.5, 10-16-2007]
Measurement Of Sign Area. The area of a sign shall be measured as the area of any cabinet, panel or any visually or architecturally distinct area enclosing the copy, logo and any other graphic component of the sign. Where individual letters or graphics are used, and no enclosing area is present, the sign area shall be considered as the rectangle, box, circle or other regular geometric shape, or combinations thereof, enclosing the letters, logo or other graphic elements.
Overall Size Of Sign Monument. The overall size of the sign monument shall not exceed three (3) times the sign area for individual business signs, two (2) times the sign area for shopping center and business park signs, and six (6) times the sign area for freeway frontage signs. The monument shall be constructed in the style of and using the materials and finished colors of the primary building.
Three-Dimensional Sign Monuments. The City encourages three-dimensional monuments, particularly at street corners and other high visibility locations. Equilateral triangular signs may have three (3) panels of the allowed size, and cubic signs may have three (3) or four (4) panels of seventy-five percent (75%) of the allowed size. Both three-dimensional and cubic signs may have a depth or base relief on their surface.
Use Of Walls For Monument Signs. A sign may be incorporated into a retaining wall or masonry wall designed to screen parking, loading or service areas. When signs are incorporated into purely decorative walls, the entire wall shall meet the landscape requirements for a sign monument or with not less than one (1) shrub [minimum three (3) gallon container per American Association of Nurserymen] for every four (4) feet of linear wall dedicated to signage.
V-Shaped Signs. The two (2) permitted faces of a standard double-faced sign may be utilized in a V-shaped configuration when the two (2) faces or their supporting structures are connected at the point of the V. The angle between the two (2) faces shall not exceed sixty degrees (60°).
Dual Single-Faced Signs. When dual single-faced signs are permitted, each sign may be of the permitted size, and shall be located on either side of and oriented toward the entrance to the identified property.
Sign Height. The distance from the finished grade at the base of the sign to the top of the highest attached component of the sign. Finished grade elevation shall not include any filling or berming over two (2) feet above the adjacent curb line that was solely placed to provide for the sign location.
Height Of Monument Sign. The height to the top of the sign area shall be as specified for each individual type of sign. The monument structure may exceed the specified height by up to one (1) foot.
[Ord. No. 849 § 426.6, 10-16-2007]
Not In Public Right-Of-Way. No sign, except government-approved traffic control signs, shall be located within the public right-of-way.
Approval Of Location In Easements. Verification of approval by easement owner may be requested by staff for permanent signs to be located within easements.
Setback And Location Of Freestanding Signs. Political, directional or garage sale signs shall be set back five (5) feet from the right-of-way line, with exception to placement within the Lakeside residential area if deemed impractical therein by the Zoning Administrator. All monument, real estate, construction and other freestanding signs shall be set back a minimum of ten (10) feet from the right-of-way line. The setback may be reduced to five (5) feet on wide rights-of-way where the distance from the edge of right-of-way to the outside lane of traffic at ultimate width exceeds fifteen (15) feet. Any proposed freestanding signs shall be located on the lot frontage used to comply with the provisions of this Chapter. Setback from other property lines must provide adequate area for required monument landscape.
Signs Near Intersections. All signs at street intersections or driveway entrances to a public or private street shall be properly sited to ensure a permanently safe sight distance. No sign, except approved directional signs, shall be placed within the required sight-distance setback triangle set forth in this Chapter.
Facade Signs.
For the size, location and placement of "facade signs," facade shall include the entire building elevation parallel to the wall being considered for the facade sign, which is contiguous with the tenants gross leasable floor area. The entire tenant facade area shall be used in determining the size of any facade sign even though the sign cannot be placed in the roof portion of the facade. To address unique architectural circumstances, signs may be located on an exterior wall area that is not contiguous to the lease space for a specific business to be identified. The business must, however, maintain lease area near to the proposed sign location and adjacent to the same exterior wall on which the sign is to be placed. Plans must be submitted, in the context of a sign scheme, to delineate sign area for each tenant sharing the same exterior wall on which the sign is placed. Plans must reflect adequate sign allowances for all tenants and a cumulative total of the sign area that does not exceed that which is allowable for the building elevation that will accommodate such signs. The sign scheme must present an aesthetic quality that is consistent with the intent of this Chapter.
In situations where a business in a single occupant structure, or an individual business in a multi-tenant structure, requests sign area on a facade that consists of two (2) or more parallel exterior walls offset from one (1) another in depth, calculation of allowable sign area will be conducted as follows: If the offset of the walls exceeds twenty percent (20%) of the width of the section of wall on which the sign is to be placed, only that section of wall will be considered in calculating sign area, and letter and logo height.
In calculating allowable sign area on a freestanding canopy facade (i.e., fuel pump island canopies and canopies for drive-through facilities), the surface area of the facade on which the sign is to be placed, including, but not limited to, the support posts and face of the canopy, shall be considered. If the canopy is attached to a structure or a parent structure exists under or behind the canopy, the facade area of the primary structure may be considered in determining the sign area to be utilized on the canopy. Under no circumstances, however, shall the sign area exceed ten percent (10%) of the canopy facade and the sign on the canopy will be allowed only in lieu of a sign on the same side of the building.
Intersecting walls of a building with an interior angle of one hundred thirty-five degrees (135°) to one hundred fifty degrees (150°) may be utilized to accommodate separate facade signs. If each wall is to be considered for a facade sign, only the wall on which a sign is to be placed may be considered in calculating allowable area, and letter and logo height. If the applicant wishes to utilize a sign on only one (1) of the walls, allowable sign area may be determined by using the building dimensions of the two (2) walls as viewed perpendicular to the wall on which the sign will be placed.
Under no circumstances, however, shall the sign area exceed ten percent (10%) of the individual wall area on which the sign is located.
Signs On Awnings. A business identification facade sign may be painted or placed upon an awning as permitted in accordance with respective zoning regulations, and if specified in the approved sign scheme for the building. The entire internally illuminated area of an awning will be calculated as sign area and will be subject to code restrictions regulating such area.
[Ord. No. 849 § 426.7, 10-16-2007]
Overall Design Consistency On Individual Buildings. Signs on individual buildings shall be coordinated with the architecture of the building and with each other so as to present a consistent, planned image.
Monument Sign Design And Materials. Monument signs shall incorporate a supporting base that is a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the width of the monument at its widest point. Monument sign structures shall be constructed utilizing the materials and colors of the primary structure on the site. Actual sign letters and panels shall be of colors and materials as specified in the approved sign scheme.
Alternative Freestanding Sign Design. As an alternative to the monument style, freestanding signs may utilize other types of supporting structures as long as they meet the following criteria and adhere to applicable City Building Codes:
Landscaping is provided as required for monument signs, based on the area of the sign panel and the area between the bottom of the sign and the ground below it.
The sign and its supports shall be of a unified design, either as part of an engineered sign system or as an extension of the building architecture.
All sides, edges and other surfaces shall present a finished appearance, including the capping or boxing of open edges and consistent painting or coating of all surfaces.
Letters On Facade Signs. All permanent facade signs shall be subject to a maximum letter and logo height. The letter and logo height restriction relates (as a percentage) to the average height of the building face on which the sign is placed. The average height of letters per word of a facade sign may not exceed one-eighth (1/8) [twelve and one-half percent (12.5%)] of the facade's average height, and the height of any logo on a facade sign may not exceed one-quarter (1/4) [twenty-five percent (25%)] of the facade's average height. A letter size of eighteen (18) inches is permitted regardless of building height, and no letter or logo may exceed a total height of six (6) feet.
Illumination Limited. All illuminated signs shall conform with the glare (intensity) requirements set forth in this Chapter. Bare neon tube lighting may be utilized in an open channel design to be included in the calculations for allowable sign area.
Construction. All permanent signs shall comply with all appropriate design and construction specifications set forth in the latest edition of the uniform Building Code adopted by reference by the City. Signs shall be constructed and installed so that electrical supply, general wiring, support brackets and fasteners are not visible.
Addresses. Unless otherwise approved by the Zoning Administrator, address numbers with a minimum height of three (3) inches shall be incorporated into all monument signs identifying a single business or group of businesses in one (1) address range.
Maintenance. All signs shall be properly maintained and kept in good condition to include:
A sign shall be maintained so as to be legible and complete.
The sign structure shall be maintained in a vertical position unless originally permitted otherwise, and shall be maintained in safe condition at all times.
All parts and surfaces shall be cleaned, painted or replaced as necessary to maintain the original permitted appearance.
Electrical systems shall be in a safe condition at all times and adhere to the latest adopted standards of the National Electric Codes (NEC).
[Ord. No. 849 § 426.8, 10-16-2007]
Permit Required. It shall be unlawful for any person to erect, construct, alter or relocate any sign within the City without having first obtained a permit therefor, except as provided for in this Chapter.
Work To Be Performed By Owner, Lessee Or Licensed Contractor. The work necessary to construct, install, erect, illuminate, paint or modify signage within the City shall conform with the following:
Work which may be performed by a property owner or lessee:
Painting the face of any freestanding or wall sign;
Installation or attachment of any individual letters, which does not require electrical service or structural modification of the surface or wall to which such letters are being attached; or
Construction and erection of any temporary freestanding sign eight (8) feet or less in height, which is non-illuminated.
Work which shall be performed by a sign contractor, electrical contractor or other contractor licensed with the City to perform such work:
Construction, installation, erection or electrical connection of any sign which is internally illuminated;
Construction, installation or erection of any permanent freestanding sign requiring wind load calculations;
Construction, installation or erection of any sign which is located above a pedestrian walkway or on the front fascia of a canopy over a pedestrian walkway;
Construction, installation or erection of any sign not described in Subsection (B)(1) above.
Application For Permit. All applications for permits under this Section shall be filed by either a contractor licensed to erect signs in the City, or the owner of the property where the sign is to be located or his/her authorized agent. Such application shall include the following:
Name, address and telephone number of owner(s) of property;
Name, address, telephone number and license number or contractor erecting the sign;
The street address or legal description of the property upon which the proposed sign is to be located;
The height, size, shape, style, colors, materials and location of the proposed sign. Sign structures six (6) feet or greater in height require structural plans certified by a licensed engineer;
Written authorization of the owner, his/her lessee or agent to erect the proposed sign;
A plan, sketch, blueprint or similar presentation drawn to scale showing all pertinent structural and electrical details, wind pressure requirements and materials in accordance with this Chapter; and
A statement verifying the height, size, shape and location of existing signage on the premises.
Issuance Of Permit. The procedure for issuing a sign permit shall be as follows:
Upon receipt of an application for a sign permit, the department shall review the plans, specification and other data relating to such sign, and if considered necessary, inspect the premises upon which the sign is proposed to be erected.
No new sign permit shall be issued for a freestanding sign or facade identification sign on property upon which any non-conforming sign is located, until such non-conformity is corrected. On multi-tenant sites, this Subsection shall apply only to the tenant's signage.
If the proposed sign is in compliance with this Chapter and all other applicable laws and codes of the City, a sign permit shall be issued upon receipt of the permit fee.
Permit Fees. Permit fees under this Code shall be adopted by the Governing Body.
Exceptions. Exemption from the requirement to obtain a sign permit shall be permitted under the following circumstances:
The erection, construction, installation of any sign described in Section 426.040 of this Chapter.
The repair, routine maintenance or repainting of any existing sign which is deemed conforming or allowed to continue as non-conforming under provisions of this Chapter.
Expiration Of Permit. A sign permit shall expire and become invalid one (1) year from date of permit issuance. There shall be no refunds of fees for unused permits.
[Ord. No. 849 § 426.9, 10-16-2007]
Subdivisions. Each subdivision will be permitted one (1) double-faced sign or dual single-faced signs at each public street entrance. Permanent subdivision signs shall be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, preferably at the time of plat approval. In reviewing the size and design quality of proposed signs, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider the size of the subdivision, functional classification of adjoining roadway(s), adjacent land use, compatibility of proposed colors and materials with the primary buildings, landscape and other subdivision signs in the surrounding area and available resources for ongoing maintenance. Such signs will also be evaluated in regard to their relationship to signs previously approved under similar circumstance. Signs proposed for existing subdivisions will be reviewed administratively, following the same design considerations as indicated for Planning and Zoning Commission review, to be approved by the Planning Director or upon the Director's request, will be submitted for Planning and Zoning Commission approval.
Multi-Family Complexes. Each multi-family complex shall be permitted one (1) double-faced sign or dual single-faced signs at each public street entry. An additional sign shall be permitted on an adjacent arterial or collector road frontage from which there is no direct access and is within five hundred (500) feet of the use.
Each sign shall not exceed twenty-four (24) square feet for complexes of sixteen (16) or fewer units, and thirty-six (36) square feet for complexes of over sixteen (16) units. Sign height shall not exceed five (5) feet.
A complex with greater than four hundred (400) feet of freeway frontage is permitted one (1) additional monument sign adjacent to that frontage with a maximum sign area of one hundred (100) square feet plus one (1) square foot for each eight (8) feet of frontage over eight hundred (800) feet not to exceed two hundred fifty (250) square feet in area. A maximum sign height of ten (10) feet is permitted for this freeway monument.
An additional monument sign may be utilized to identify the clubhouse or leasing office, of no more than twenty-four (24) square feet in area and no more than five (5) feet in height, located adjacent to the internal road system of the complex.
Public Institutions. Each public institutional building, including schools, houses of worship, and cultural facilities, may have one (1) thirty-six (36) square foot monument sign. An additional sign on a secondary street frontage may be permitted as allowed for an individual commercial building. Sign height shall not exceed five (5) feet. Up to seventy-five percent (75%) of the sign area may consist of a changeable copy panel.
Individual Commercial, Industrial And Office Buildings.
One (1) monument sign may be located on the primary street frontage of a size as listed below. A second sign is allowed on a secondary street frontage based on seventy-five percent (75%) of the allowable size on an arterial street; fifty percent (50%) of the allowable size on a collector street; and twenty-five percent (25%) of the allowable size on a local street only when sole access is provided from that local street. Sign height shall not exceed five (5) feet.
A minimum of two hundred (200) feet of street frontage shall be required for the use of a monument sign. The maximum monument sign area for properties with over two hundred (200) feet but less than three hundred (300) feet of primary street frontage shall not exceed twenty-four (24) square feet. The maximum monument sign area for properties with over three hundred (300) feet of primary street frontage shall not exceed thirty-six (36) square feet.
Monument signs for multi-tenant, internal entrance industrial or office buildings shall be allowed two (2) items of identification to be included on the monument sign, the identification of the building and one (1) additional tenant. If the building is identified by address only, two (2) tenants may be included on the monument sign. If the building name is also the name of a tenant, only the building name and one (1) additional tenant may be identified.
Service Stations. Each service station or other retail gasoline outlet may have one (1) thirty-six-square-foot monument sign, with up to sixty-five percent (65%) of the sign area dedicated to a fuel price panel, including changeable characters. An additional sign on a secondary street frontage may be permitted as allowed for an individual commercial building. Sign height shall not exceed five (5) feet.
Shopping Centers. One (1) monument sign may be located on the primary street frontage of a size and height as listed below, based on the total gross leasable area (GLA) of the shopping center. A second sign is allowed on a secondary street frontage based on seventy-five percent (75%) of the allowable size on an arterial street; fifty percent (50%) of the allowable size on a collector street. Within the allowable sign area, separate tenant identification is also permitted as listed below. No more than fifty percent (50%) of the allowable sign area may be utilized for tenant identification.
Under twenty-five thousand (25,000) square feet GLA: thirty-six (36) square feet of sign area, eight (8) feet in height, may include identification of two (2) tenants.
Twenty-one thousand (21,000) to seventy-five thousand (75,000) square feet GLA: forty-eight (48) square feet of sign area, eight (8) feet in height, may include identification of two (2) tenants.
Seventy-five thousand (75,000) to one hundred fifty thousand (150,000) square feet GLA: sixty (60) square feet of sign area, eight (8) feet in height, may include identification of two (2) tenants.
One hundred fifty thousand (150,000) to three hundred thousand (300,000) square feet GLA: seventy-two (72) square feet of sign area, ten (10) feet in height, may include identification of three (3) tenants.
Three hundred thousand (300,000) square feet GLA or more: eighty-four (84) square feet of sign area, twelve (12) feet in height, may include identification of five (5) tenants.
Business Park Developments. Each business park will be permitted one (1) double-faced monument sign or dual single-faced monument signs at each public street entrance. Permanent business park signs shall be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, preferably at time of preliminary plan approval. On evaluation of the size and design quality of the proposed signs, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider the size of the business park, functional classification of adjoining roadway(s), adjacent land use, compatibility of proposed colors and materials with primary structures, landscape and other freestanding signs in the surrounding area and available resources for ongoing maintenance. Such signs will also be evaluated in regard to their relationship to signs previously approved under similar circumstance. Signs proposed for existing business parks will be reviewed administratively following the same design considerations as indicated for Planning and Zoning Commission review, to be approved by the Zoning Administrator or upon the administrator's request, will be submitted for Planning and Zoning Commission approval.
Highway Frontage Monument Signs. Each shopping center, business park or freestanding commercial or office building with two hundred (200) lineal feet or more of highway frontage on U.S. 50 or four hundred (400) lineal feet or more of other highway (not to be interpreted as State routes) frontage shall be permitted one (1) highway frontage sign as described below:
Height. Maximum height shall be twenty-five (25) feet above the center line height of the nearest through traffic lanes with a maximum sign height of thirty-five (35) feet. Where signs are located more than fifteen (15) feet above the center line, maximum height shall be ten (10) feet.
Size. The permitted sign area shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet, plus one (1) square foot per eight (8) highway frontage feet over eight hundred (800) highway frontage feet with a maximum size of two hundred fifty (250) square feet.
Design. All highway frontage signs shall be of a monument style as defined in the Code; however, creative designs are encouraged, including triangular or cube-shaped signs and other sculptural or architectural elements. The overall size of the monument shall not exceed six (6) times the permitted sign area. Signs shall be designed to present as vertical a cross section as possible when signs exceed ten (10) feet in height.
Restrictions On The Use Of Highway Frontage Signs. Frontage road properties that utilize a highway sign may not utilize another monument sign on the frontage road. Frontage road buildings utilizing highway signs may not utilize facade signs visible to the highway at a height over twenty-five (25) feet. Non-frontage road properties that utilize a highway frontage sign may not utilize facade signage oriented toward the freeway. Refer to other monument sign provisions of this Chapter for limitations related to multiple-tenant identification.
[Ord. No. 849 § 426.10, 10-16-2007]
Multi-Family Or Town House Complexes. One (1) facade sign may be utilized to identify the clubhouse or leasing office, if a monument sign is not used for that purpose. The sign shall be no more than sixteen (16) square feet in area, and oriented to the internal road system of the complex. Average letter height shall not exceed one-eighth (1/8) of the height, and logos shall not exceed one-fourth (1/4) of the height of the facade upon which they are placed. A letter size of eighteen (18) inches is permitted regardless of building height, and no letter or logo may exceed a total height of six (6) feet.
Public Institutions. Each public institutional building, including schools, houses of worship and cultural facilities, may have one (1) identification facade sign per public street frontage.
Each sign may be no larger than five percent (5%) of the total area of the facade upon which it is placed. Average letter height shall not exceed one-eighth (1/8) of the height, and logos shall not exceed one-fourth (1/4) of the height of the facade upon which they are placed. A letter size of eighteen (18) inches is permitted regardless of building height, and no letter or logo may exceed a total height of six (6) feet.
Individual Commercial, Industrial And Office Buildings.
Up to three (3) identification facade signs may be utilized, one (1) per facade, on facades that are architecturally finished to a degree similar to that of the building front. Facade signs shall not be placed on building sides or rears that are directly adjacent to and face residential areas.
Each sign may be no larger than five percent (5%) of the total area of the facade upon which it is placed. Average letter height shall not exceed one-eighth (1/8) of the height, and logos shall not exceed one-fourth (1/4) of the height of the facade upon which they are placed. A letter size of eighteen (18) inches is permitted regardless of building height and no letter or logo may exceed a total height of six (6) feet.
Facade signs on multi-tenant, internal entrance industrial or office buildings shall all include the same identification, either the name of the building or one (1) major tenant in the building.
Shopping Centers And Other Individual Entrance Buildings. Each tenant in a shopping center or other multi-tenant, individual entrance building may utilize one (1) identification facade sign on its entrance facade. A second identification facade sign may be utilized by corner or end tenants only if the second facade is architecturally finished to a degree similar to that of the building front.
Each sign may be no larger than five percent (5%) of the total area of the facade upon which it is placed, except that on facades of a total area of under five hundred (500) square feet, regardless of size, each tenant with its own entrance may utilize a maximum sign area of twenty-five (25) square feet.
No sign may exceed eighty percent (80%) of the total width of the tenant facade. Average letter height shall not exceed one-eighth (1/8) of the height, and logos shall not exceed one-fourth (1/4) of the height of the facade upon which they are placed. A minimum letter size of eighteen (18) inches is permitted regardless of building height, and no letter or logo may exceed a total height of six (6) feet.
[Ord. No. 849 § 426.11, 10-16-2007]
Real Estate/Initial Leasing Signs. Real estate/initial leasing signs are permitted on all properties to advertise the availability of the property for sale and/or the availability of a developed property or portion thereof for lease during the first year after completion of development or subsequent sale or lease of a building or land area. This provision is not intended to provide signage for ongoing leases of individual units of a multi-tenant facility. Each parcel shall be permitted one (1) freestanding sign (a wall-mounted sign of equal size may be utilized if landscape area is not available) for each one thousand (1,000) feet of public street frontage or portion thereof, with a minimum spacing of signs on one (1) frontage of five hundred (500) feet. There shall be a minimum of one hundred fifty (150) feet between signs on separate street frontages. The size and height of a real estate/initial leasing sign shall be as follows:
On a single-family lot or single duplex or multi-family unit or on a multi-family tract of one (1) acre or less, the sign shall not exceed six (6) square feet, four (4) feet in height and shall not be illuminated.
On a multi-family parcel or greater than one (1) acre, the sign shall not exceed sixteen (16) square feet and eight (8) feet in height.
On non-residential parcels with less than four hundred (400) feet of public street frontage, the sign shall not exceed twenty (20) square feet in area and eight (8) feet in height.
On non-residential parcels with four hundred (400) feet or more of public street frontage, the sign shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area and eight (8) feet in height.
On parcels with eight hundred (800) or more feet of street frontage adjacent to highway or frontage road right-of-way, the sign shall not exceed sixty-four (64) square feet in area and twelve (12) feet in height.
[Ord. No. 22-16, 8-16-2022]
In addition to the permit application requirements set forth in Section 426.080, all billboards permits shall require the following information, materials, or inspections:
An Affidavit from a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Missouri that the proposed billboard meets all requirements of the State of Missouri as described in Chapter 226, RSMo., as well as the Highway Beautification Act of 1965.
A geotechnical report, sealed by a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Missouri, shall be provided for all application submittals. The sign foundation and structure shall be designed in accordance with recommendations of the geotechnical report.
All sign designs shall be prepared and sealed by a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Missouri.
Third party special inspections are required in a manner to be directed by the City Engineer.
Restrictions on placement, size, and design:
The structural frame of ground signs shall not be erected of combustible materials to a height of more than thirty-five (35) feet (10,668 mm) above the ground. Ground signs constructed entirely of non-combustible material shall not be erected to a height of greater than one hundred (100) feet (30,480 mm) above the ground. Greater heights are permitted where approved and located so as not to create a hazard or danger to the public.
The bottom coping of every ground sign shall be not less than three (3) feet (914 mm) above the ground or street level, which space can be filled with platform decorative trim or light wooden construction.
Where wood anchors or supports are embedded in the soil, the wood shall be pressure treated with an approved preservative.
Billboards shall be permitted to within five hundred (500) feet of the edge of U.S. Highway 50, including the right-of-way, and also five hundred (500) feet of the edge of State Highway 7, including the right-of-way, in zones designated as Highway Commercial, Light Industrial, and Heavy Industrial.
Billboards shall be constructed to advertise only along U.S. Highway 50.
Billboards shall not be permitted to have mechanical movement.
Billboards may only be illuminated by directional lighting compliant with all other lighting requirements established by the Municipal Code of the City of Lake Lotawana.
Billboards shall not include any flashing, intermittent or moving light or lights, except electronic message boards designating public service information such as time, date, temperature or similar information.
The lighting for any sign that would be visible from any residentially zoned property shall be designed so that no direct glare from any light source is focused, beamed or directed at such property.
Billboard signs shall not exceed a maximum area for any one (1) sign of one thousand two hundred (1,200) square feet with a maximum height of thirty (30) feet and a maximum length of sixty (60) feet, inclusive of border and trim but excluding the base or apron, supports and other structural members.
To provide a safety zone to prevent injury or property damage from collapse caused by acts of nature or other causes, off-premises signs shall meet the following minimum setback requirements from all points of the sign:
At least ninety (90) feet from its nearest edge to the rights-of-way of any interstate or primary highway;
At least ninety (90) feet from all property lines and all roofed structures; and
At least ninety (90) feet from any other structure that would require a building permit for its construction.