Note: Prior ordinance history: Ords. 332 and 422.
The city council finds that the continuing increase in the cost of providing fire protection and other public safety services to the city has created an urgent need for adequate funds to provide these services. The following provisions are authorized, and it is further declared that the fees provided for herein are levied pursuant to the legal authority of the city and are for the purpose of providing user cost reimbursement to the city.
(Ord. 423 § 2, 1989)
All new construction in the city shall pay a fee which shall be used to mitigate the impact of the new development on fire protection services. The fees collected under this provision shall be used to construct or equip new fire protection facilities or to improve existing facilities or equipment as shall be recommended by the director of public safety and approved and determined by the city council as reasonable and necessary to mitigate the impact of new development on fire protection services and as set forth in the city fire protection master plan. Such fees shall be established by the city council by resolution.
Imposed Rates. Every person or entity causing to be constructed or established, dwelling, commercial, manufacturing, or public assembly units shall pay to the city in advance said fee.
Base Rate. The base rate as established by resolution of the city council shall be terminated upon completion and implementation of the fire protection master plan or AB 1600 Fee Study or on December 31, 1990, unless earlier amended or terminated by the city council.
Collection and Refunds. The amount of fees due hereunder shall be determined and collected at the time a building permit is issued for the respective development. No permit shall be issued authorizing the construction or establishment of any units without payment of such fee. Refunds for payment made will be allowed upon application, when it is established that the unit has not been established or constructed.
(Ord. 423 § 3, 1989)
The fees as established by the city council by resolution shall be based on direct costs and the city manager shall annually present to the city council for approval, a fee schedule based on the approved fire division study and report regarding costs.
(Ord. 423 § 4, 1989)