The provisions of this article shall be applicable to dogs and cats in the city.
(Ordinance adopting 1994 Code; 1994 Code, sec. 2.201)
It shall be unlawful for the owner or keeper of any dog or cat to permit such a dog or cat to run at large within the city, regardless of whether or not such dog or cat has been vaccinated for rabies or whether or not such dog or cat has been issued a license tag under the provisions of this chapter; provided, however, that if such dog or cat has been issued a license tag, it shall not be unlawful for the owner or keeper to take such dog or cat with him if the dog or cat is kept at all times on a leash and under the control of the owner or keeper.
(Ordinance 926, div. I, sec. II, adopted 8/2/1977; 1994 Code, sec. 2.202)
If any person shall make an affidavit before the chief of police or judge of the municipal court that any dog or cat has bitten any person within the limits of the city it shall be the duty of the chief of police to direct the owner or keeper of such dog or cat to keep him securely confined for not less than ten (10) days and to release such dog or cat only upon written permission of the health officer or a duly licensed veterinarian. In the event such owner or keeper fails or refuses to comply with such directions, such dog or cat shall be impounded in the city pound for the required period of observation, and shall be released to the owner or keeper only after payment of the pound fees provided for in section 3.02.005. All procedures are to comply with 25 TAC section 169.27 and current state law.
(Ordinance 926, div. I, sec. IV, adopted 8/2/1977; 1994 Code, sec. 2.203; Ordinance adopting 2024 Code)
It shall be the duty of the animal control officer and his assistants to pick up and impound any dog or cat found running at large in violation of this article and to take proper care of all dogs or cats so impounded.
(Ordinance 926, div. I, sec. V, adopted 8/2/1977; 1994 Code, sec. 2.204; Ordinance adopting 2024 Code)
The owner or keeper of any animal impounded under the provisions of this article shall redeem, reclaim, and receive possession of such animal within seventy-two (72) hours after the same has been impounded, upon payment to the city of a pound fee in the amount established by the city and, in addition thereto, the payment of the license fee if the animal has not been previously licensed for the current year.
(Ordinance 926, div. I, sec. VI, adopted 8/2/1977; 1994 Code, sec. 2.205; Ordinance adopting 2024 Code)
Should the owner or keeper of any impounded dog or cat fail to redeem the same as provided in section 3.02.005 within seventy-two (72) hours, the dog or cat shall be destroyed by the animal control officer in a manner approved by the American Humane Society; provided, however, that no dog or cat wearing a license tag shall be destroyed prior to one hundred twenty (120) hours after notifying the owner or keeper of such dog or cat, by mailing to such owner or keeper a notice of impoundment at the mailing address furnished the city at the time of issuing the license.
Any time subsequent to expiration of the redemption period and prior to destruction of any dog or cat under the provisions hereof, the city may sell the dog or cat so impounded to the first person tendering to the city the pound fees and license fees provided for in this article.
(Ordinance 926, div. I, sec. VII, adopted 8/2/1977; 1994 Code, sec. 2.206; Ordinance adopting 2024 Code)
It shall be the duty of the animal control officer to report in writing to the city administrator-secretary, once each month, the total number of animals impounded, the total number of animals redeemed or sold, and the total number of animals killed under the provisions of this article.
(Ordinance 926, div. I, sec. VIII, adopted 8/2/1977; 1994 Code, sec. 2.207; Ordinance adopting 2024 Code)
Any person who shall harbor or keep on his premises or in or about his premises, or premises under his control, any dog, which, by loud or unusual barking or howling, shall cause the peace and quiet of the neighborhood or the occupants of the adjacent premises to be disturbed, or reasonably liable to be disturbed, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine in accordance with the general penalty provision found in section 1.01.009 of this code.
(Ordinance 926, div. I, sec. IX, adopted 8/2/1977; 1994 Code, sec. 2.208)