This table shows the location or gives the disposition of the chapters, sections and subsections of the 1994 Stanton Code of Ordinances within this revised code. The abbreviation “NIC” means the provision is not included in this code, though not necessarily repealed.
Section 1994 Code
Section 2024 Code
Article 1.100 Code of Ordinances
Sec. 1.101
How code designated and cited
Sec. 1.102
Catchlines of articles, sections, and subsections
Sec. 1.103
Definitions and rules of construction
Sec. 1.104
Amendments or additions to code
Sec. 1.105
Supplementation of code
Sec. 1.106
General penalty for violations of code
Sec. 1.107
Severability of parts of code
Article 1.200 Claims for Damages Against City
Sec. 1.201
Notice required
Sec. 1.202
Proof of filing notice required
Sec. 1.203
Service of notice
Sec. 1.204
Waiver of provisions prohibited
Sec. 1.205
Notice to be sworn to
Sec. 1.206
Article 1.300 Fair Housing Regulations
Sec. 1.301
Sec. 1.302
Discrimination in the sale or rental of housing
Sec. 1.303
Discrimination in the financing of housing
Sec. 1.304
Discrimination in the provision of brokerage services
Sec. 1.305
Exemptions and exclusions
Sec. 1.306
Fair housing administrator
Sec. 1.307
Sec. 1.308
Sec. 1.309
Cumulative legal effect
Sec. 1.310
Fair housing administrator to provide assistance
Sec. 1.311
Unlawful intimidation
Sec. 1.312
Cooperation with HUD secretary
Sec. 1.313
Education and public information
Sec. 1.314
Article 1.400 Taxation
Sec. 1.401
Elderly homestead exemption
Sec. 1.402
Taxation of telecommunications services
Sec. 1.403
Delinquent taxes
Sec. 1.404
Taxation of gas and electricity for residential use
Article 1.500 City Fiscal Year
Article 1.600 City Depository
Article 1.700 Disposition of Abandoned, Lost. Stolen or Recovered Property
Sec. 1.701
Chief of police to take into custody
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 1.702
Registration and tagging of property
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 1.703
Public auction of property
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 1.704
Notice of sale
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 1.705
Purchasing agent to conduct sale
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 1.706
Report of sale
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 1.707
Bill of sale
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 1.708
Disposal of worthless property
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 1.709
Insurance against loss
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Article 1.800 Hours at Shelbourn Park
Article 1.900 Code of Ethics
Sec. 1.901
Sec. 1.902
Sec. 1.903
Standards of conduct
Sec. 1.904
Financial interests
Sec. 1.905
Restrictions on representation of others and employment
Sec. 1.906
Penalty for violation of code
Sec. 1.907
Enforcement procedure
Article 2.100 Animal Warden
Article 2.200 Animal Regulations Generally
Sec. 2.201
Sec. 2.202
Running at large
Sec. 2.203
Confinement or animals which have bitten persons
Sec. 2.204
Impoundment of animals at large
Sec. 2.205
Redemption of impounded animals
Sec. 2.206
Disposition of unclaimed animals
Sec. 2.207
Impoundment reports
Sec. 2.208
Barking dogs
Article 2.300 Vaccination and License Requirements
Sec. 2.301
Vaccination required
Sec. 2.302
License fee and term
Sec. 2.303
Owner to obtain license tag
Sec. 2.304
Records to be kept
Sec. 2.305
Applicability to cats
Sec. 2.306
Maximum number of pets per household
Article 2.400 Livestock Regulations
Superseded by Ord. 1495A
Article 2.500 Regulation of Dangerous Dogs
Sec. 2.501
Dangerous dog defined
Sec. 2.502
Chief of police to investigate incidents
Sec. 2.503
Requirements for owners of dangerous dogs
Sec. 2.504
Registration of dangerous dogs
Sec. 2.505
Attacks by dangerous dogs
Sec. 2.506
Article 3.100 Building Code
Sec. 3.101
Standard Building Code adopted
Amnd. by Ord. 1363
Sec. 3.102
Amnd. by Ord. 1363
Article 3.200 Office of Building Official
Sec. 3.201
Office established
Sec. 3.202
Sec. 3.203
Article 3.300 Gas Fitting Code
Sec. 3.301
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 3.302
Use of existing piping and appliances
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 3.303
Bond and license
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 3.304
Powers and duties of inspector
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 3.305
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 3.306
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 3.307
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 3.308
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 3.309
Violations and penalties
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 3.310
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Article 3.400 Plumbing Regulations
Sec. 3.401
Adoption of plumbing code
Sec. 3.402
Inspection and supervision
Sec. 3.403
Sec. 3.404
Applications; permits
Sec. 3.405
Bond required
Sec. 3.406
Street openings
Sec. 3.407
Cross connection and back flow
Sec. 3.408
Article 3.500 Electric Code
Sec. 3.501
Adoption of electric code
§ 4.02.211
Sec. 3.502
§ 4.02.212
Sec. 3.503
Establishment of the office of electrical inspector
§ 4.02.213
Sec. 3.504
§ 4.02.214
Sec. 3.505
§ 4.02.215
Sec. 3.506
§ 4.02.216
Sec. 3.507
Licensing of electricians
§ 4.02.217
Sec. 3.508
License to individual
§ 4.02.218
Sec. 3.509
Bond required
§ 4.02.219
Sec. 3.510
§ 4.02.220
Sec. 3.511
Failure to comply
§ 4.02.221
Sec. 3.512
§ 4.02.222
Article 3.600 Building Inspection Fees
Sec. 3.601
Building permits
Sec. 3.602
Plumbing inspections
Sec. 3.603
Gas inspections
Sec. 3.604
Electrical inspections
Article 3.700 Removal or Demolition of Structures
Article 3.800 Mobile Home Regulations
Sec. 3.801
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 3.802
Time of compliance
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 3.803
Parking regulations
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 3.804
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Article 3.900 Mobile Home Parks
Sec. 3.901
Amnd. by Ord. 3.900
Sec. 3.902
Amnd. by Ord. 3.900
Sec. 3.903
Amnd. by Ord. 3.900
Sec. 3.904
Notices, hearings, and orders
Amnd. by Ord. 3.900
Sec. 3.905
Mobile home parks
Amnd. by Ord. 3.900
Article 3.1000 Water Wells
Sec. 3.1001
Permit required for construction
Sec. 3.1002
Permit application
Sec. 3.1003
Sec. 3.1004
Location of water wells
Sec. 3.1006
Permit and inspection fees
Sec. 3.1007
Penalty for violations
Article 3.1100 Connections to Sanitary Sewer System
Sec. 3.1101
Connections outside of city prohibited
Sec. 3.1102
Permit required to connect to system
Sec. 3.1103
Penalty for violations
Article 3.1200 Flood Damage Prevention Regulations
Sec. 3.1201
Statutory authorization
Sec. 3.1202
Findings of fact
Sec. 3.1203
Statement of purpose
Sec. 3.1204
Methods of reducing flood losses
Sec. 3.1205
Sec. 3.1206
Lands to which this article applies
Sec. 3.1207
Basis for establishing the areas of special flood hazard
Sec. 3.1208
Establishment of development permit
Sec. 3.1209
Sec. 3.1210
Abrogation and greater restrictions
Sec. 3.1211
Sec. 3.1212
Warning and disclaimer or liability
Sec. 3.1213
Designation of the floodplain administrator
Sec. 3.1214
Duties and responsibilities of the floodplain administrator
Sec. 3.1215
Permit procedures
Sec. 3.1216
Variance procedures
Sec. 3.1217
General flood hazard reduction standards
Sec. 3.1218
Specific standards
Sec. 3.1219
Standards for subdivision proposals
Article 3.1300 Dangerous Buildings
Sec. 3.1301
Dangerous buildings defined and prohibited
Sec. 3.1302
Sec. 3.1303
Sec. 3.1304
Penalty for violation
Article 4.100 Regulation of Transient Vendors, Itinerant Merchants and Peddlers
Sec. 4.101
Exercise of police power
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 4.102
License required
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 4.103
License application
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 4.104
Application to be filed with city secretary
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 4.105
Bond requirement
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 4.106
License transferability; fee; cancellation
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 4.107
Activities regulated
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 4.108
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 4.109
Penalty for violations
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Article 4.200 Regulation of Food Establishments
Sec. 4.201
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 4.202
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 4.203
Examination and condemnation of unwholesome or adultered food or drink
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 4.204
Inspection of food establishments
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 4.205
Sanitation requirements for food establishments
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 4.206
Reinstatement of permit
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 4.207
Disease control
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 4.208
Procedure when infection suspected
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 4.209
Health certificates
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 4.210
Enforcement interpretation
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 4.211
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Article 4.300 Junkyards
Sec. 4.301
Nuisance declared
Sec. 4.302
License requirement
Sec. 4.303
Maintenance of premises
Sec. 4.304
Revocation of license
Sec. 4.305
Penalty for violation
Article 4.400 Sale of Fireworks
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Article 4.500 Oil and Gas Drilling
Sec. 4.501
Permit required
Superseded by Ord. adopted 9/8/2014
Sec. 4.502
Application and issuance of permit
Superseded by Ord. adopted 9/8/2014
Article 4.600 Sexually Oriented Businesses
Sec. 4.601
Purpose and Intent
Sec. 4.602
Sec. 4.603
Classification of sexually oriented businesses
Sec. 4.604
Location of sexually oriented businesses
Sec. 4.605
License required
Sec. 4.606
Issuance of license
Sec. 4.607
License fee
Sec. 4.608
Sec. 4.609
Expiration and renewal of license
Sec. 4.610
Sec. 4.611
Sec. 4.612
Appeal; exemption from locational requirements
Sec. 4.613
Transfer of license
Sec. 4.614
Additional regulations for nude model studios
Sec. 4.615
Additional regulations for adult theaters and adult motion picture theaters
Sec. 4.616
Additional regulations for adult motels
Sec. 4.617
Regulations pertaining to exhibition of sexually explicit films or videos
Sec. 4.618
Display of sexually explicit material to minors
Sec. 4.619
Sec. 4.620
Article 4.700 Cable Television Operator Regulations
Sec. 4.701
Sec. 4.702
Information required on monthly subscriber bills
Sec. 4.703
Negative option billing
Sec. 4.704
Subscriber bill itemization
Sec. 4.705
Rates for basic service tier
Sec. 4.706
Rates for equipment and installation for basic service tier
Sec. 4.707
Cost accounting and allocation requirements
Sec. 4.708
Costs of franchise requirements
Sec. 4.709
Charges for customer changes
Sec. 4.710
Notification of proposed rate increase
Sec. 4.711
Initiation of review of basic cable service and equipment rates
Sec. 4.712
City review of basic cable rates and equipment costs
Sec. 4.713
Proprietary information
Sec. 4.714
Burden of proof
Sec. 4.715
Small systems
Sec. 4.716
Written decision
Sec. 4.717
Reduction of rates; prescription of rates
Sec. 4.718
Article 5.100 Office of Fire Marshal
Sec. 5.101
Office created
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 5.102
Duty to investigate fires
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 5.103
Duty to take testimony
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 5.104
Power to summon witnesses and administer oaths
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 5.105
Unlawful to disobey fire marshal
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 5.106
Investigations may be private
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 5.107
Authority to enter premises
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 5.108
Regular inspections
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 5.109
Unlawful to maintain fire hazards
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 5.110
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 5.111
Penalties for violations
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Article 5.200 Operation of Vehicles by Volunteer Fire Department
Sec. 5.201
Designation as emergency vehicles
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 5.202
Required equipment
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 5.203
Issuance of emergency vehicle certificates
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 5.204
Suspension or cancellation of emergency vehicle designation
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Article 5.300 Arson Reward
Article 5.400 Fire Prevention Code
Sec. 5.401
Adoption of fire prevention code
Sec. 5.402
Sec. 5.403
Sec. 5.404
Sec. 5.405
Sec. 5.406
Article 6.100 Stagnant Water, Filth and Tall Weeds and Grass
Sec. 6.101
City administrator/secretary to enforce
Sec. 6.102
Prohibited conditions designated
Sec. 6.103
Notice of violations
Sec. 6.104
Correction or removal of conditions by the city
Sec. 6.105
Filing of statement of expenses
Sec. 6.106
Collection by lien
Sec. 6.107
Article 7.100 Abandoned and Junked Motor Vehicles
Sec. 7.101
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 7.102
Authority to take possession of abandoned motor vehicles
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 7.103
Notification of owner and lien holders
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 7.105
Garagekeepers and abandoned motor vehicles
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 7.106
Junked vehicles as public nuisance
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 7.107
Procedures for abating nuisance
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 7.108
Disposal of junked vehicles
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 7.109
Authority to enforce
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 7.110
Removal of vehicle as obstruction to traffic
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Article 7.200 Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages
Article 7.300 Drainage of Drilling Waste on Streets
Sec. 7.301
Sec. 7.302
Draining on public streets or alleys prohibited
Sec. 7.303
Penalty for violations
§ 4.07.001(d)
Article 7.400 Curfew Regulations
Sec. 7.401
Loitering during specified hours regulated
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 7.402
Disposition of juveniles in violation of article
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 7.403
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Article 7.500 Use of LP Gas in Dwelling Houses
Sec. 7.501
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 7.502
Use of LP gas regulated
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 7.503
Penalty for violations
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Article 7.600 Discharge of Fireworks
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Article 7.700 Discharge of Firearms
Article 8.100 City Administrator
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Article 8.200 City Secretary
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Article 8.300 Municipal Court Judge
Sec. 8.301
Sec. 8.302
Sec. 8.303
Term of office
Article 8.400 Texas Municipal Retirement System Credit for Military Service
Article 9.100 Subdivision Regulations Adopted
Exhibit "A" Subdivision Regulations of the City of Stanton, Texas
Art. 9.03
Chapter 10 Traffic Control
Article 10.100 Traffic Regulations Generally
Sec. 10.101
Justification for regulations
Sec. 10.102
Chief of police to enforce
Sec. 10.103
General speed limits
Sec. 10.104
School zones
Sec. 10.105
Speed of emergency vehicles
Sec. 10.106
Penalty for violations
Article 10.200 Speed Regulations
Article 10.300 Regulations on North Front Street
Sec. 10.301
Operation of vehicles regulated
Sec. 10.302
Penalty for violations
Article 10.400 Parking Regulations
Sec. 10.401
Parking restricted on certain streets
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 10.402
Vertical parking prohibited
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 10.403
Corner parking prohibited
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 10.404
Parking of trucks of over one (1) ton capacity
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 10.405
Parking in public alleyways
Sec. 10.406
Loading and unloading
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 10.407
Parking on U.S. Highway 80
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 10.408
Parking on St. Peter Street
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 10.409
Parking on Saint Anna Street
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Article 10.500 One-Way Streets
Sec. 10.501
College Street
Sec. 10.502
Article 10.600 Removal of Vehicles by Property Owners
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Article 10.700 Traffic Control Devices
Sec. 10.701
Uniform manual applicable
Sec. 10.702
Obedience to signals required
Sec. 10.703
Provisions regarding emergency vehicles
Sec. 10.704
Unauthorized placement of signs
Sec. 10.705
Defacing signs prohibited
Sec. 10.706
City administrator to erect signs
Sec. 10.707
Penalty for violations
Article 10.800 Operation and Parking of Trucks
Sec. 10.801
General purpose and scope
Sec. 10.802
Sec. 10.803
Primary truck routes established
Sec. 10.804
Vehicles transporting hazardous materials
Sec. 10.805
Parking of vehicles transporting hazardous materials and buses
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 10.806
Driving to and from residence of owner or operator of trucks
Sec. 10.807
Prohibiting on street parking by certain vehicles
§ Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 10.808
Penalty for violation
Article 10.900 Traffic on Airport Runways
Article 10.1000 Court Dismissal Fee for Liability Insurance Violation
Article 10.1100 Stop Signs
Article 10.1200 U-Turns
Article 11.100 Franchise Fee for Gas Distribution
Article 11.200 Connection to City Water System
Amnd. by Ord. 1319
Article 11.300 Natural Gas Turn-On Fees
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Article 11.400 Natural Gas Rates
Sec. 11.401
Rates established
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 11.402
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 11.403
Inspection of records
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 11.404
Effective date
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Sec. 11.405
Article not a waiver of rate making powers
Repealed by Ord. adopting Code
Article 11.500 Garbage Collection Fees
Article 11.600 Permit to Connect to Sewer System
Article 11.700 Sewer Connection Outside of City Prohibited
Article 11.800 Industrial Waste Regulations
Sec. 11.801
Sec. 11.802
Prohibited discharges
Sec. 11.803
Chemical discharges
Sec. 11.804
Hazardous metals and toxic materials
Sec. 11.805
Particulate size
Sec. 11.806
Storm water and other unpolluted drainage
Sec. 11.807
Sec. 11.808
Radioactive wastes
Sec. 11.809
Impairment of facilities
Sec. 11.810
Compliance with existing authority
Sec. 11.811
Approving authority requirements
Sec. 11.812
Approving authority review and approval
Sec. 11.813
Requirements for traps
Sec. 11.814
Requirements for building sewers
Sec. 11.815
Sampling and testing
Sec. 11.816
User charge system
Sec. 11.817
Savings clause
Sec. 11.818
Conditions or permits
Sec. 11.819
Power to enter property
Sec. 11.820
Authority to disconnect service
Sec. 11.821
Sec. 11.822
Continuing prohibited discharges
Sec. 11.823
Sec. 11.824
Failure to pay
Sec. 11.825
Penalty for criminal mischief
Article 11.900 Water, Sewer, Sanitation and Tap Rates
Sec. 11.901
Water rates
Sec. 11.902
Sewer rates
Sec. 11.903
Sanitation rates inside city
Sec. 11.904
Sanitation rates outside of city
Sec. 11.905
Water and sewer tap fees
Article 11.1000 Miscellaneous Utility Charges
Article 11.1100 Prohibited Garbage Container Deposits
Article 11.1200 Prohibited Landfill Deposits
Article 12.100 Airport Zoning Board
Sec. 12.101
Board created
Sec. 12.102
Article 12.200 Zoning Ordinances Retained
Exhibit "A" Zoning Ordinance of the City of Stanton, Texas
Art. 9.04
Exhibit "B" Municipal Airport Hazard Zoning Ordinance of the City of Stanton, Texas
Art. 9.02, Div. 1