No preliminary or final plat shall be approved by the planning and zoning commission and no completed improvements shall be accepted by the city engineer unless they conform to the following standards and specifications. All streets and alleys shall be dedicated to the public in accordance with these requirements. No private streets will be permitted. There shall be no reserve strips controlling access to land dedicated or intended to be dedicated to public use.
(Ordinance 1041 adopted 11/1/1983)
The arrangement, width and location of streets shall conform to the city's master plan and shall be considered in their relationship to existing and planned streets, to topography, to public convenience and safety and in their appropriate relation to the proposed land use.
Street and pavement widths.
Widths of street rights-of-way (ROW) and pavement (back of curb to back of curb) shall be as follows:
Type Street
Street (ROW)
Pavement Width
100 feet
80 feet
Minor (through)
60 feet
41 feet
Minor (cul-de-sac)
50 feet
37 feet
*As determined by the commission.
Street intersections.
Street intersections shall be as nearly at right angles as practicable, giving due regard to terrain and topography. All streets, arterial, collector, or minor, unless otherwise approved by the planning and zoning commission, shall intersect at or near ninety degree (90°) angles.
All intersections shall have a minimum of fifteen (15) foot radius at each corner.
Streets intersecting with or extending to meet an existing street shall be tied to the existing street on centerline with distances and angles to show relationship.
Dead-end streets and cul-de-sacs.
Dead-end streets may be platted where the land adjoins property not subdivided in which case the streets shall be carried to the boundaries thereof. In the instances where dead-end streets are otherwise necessary, a cul-de-sac generally not exceeding four hundred (400) feet in length and with a minimum radius of one hundred (100) feet shall be used.
Layout of streets.
All new streets shall be continuations of existing streets and where possible, at the same or greater width and having the same names. Where continuation of a street is not possible, there shall be a minimum offset of one hundred fifty (150) feet between street centerlines.
Streets shall be platted to allow two (2) tiers of lots with an alley between. Intersecting cross streets may not be more than one thousand two hundred (1,200) feet apart, nor less than three hundred (300) feet apart.
Streets shall be platted with appropriate regard to the county roads, drainage and other topographical features.
Curbs and gutters.
Curbs and gutters shall be installed by the subdivider on both sides of all interior streets and on the subdivision side of all streets forming part of the boundary of the subdivision in accordance with City of Stanton construction standards.
Street names.
Names of new streets shall not duplicate or cause confusion with the names of existing streets, unless the new streets are a continuation of or in alignment with existing streets, in which case names of existing streets shall be used.
Street lights.
Street lights shall be installed by the developer at all street intersections within the subdivision and in accordance with construction standards of the City of Stanton.
Alleys shall be constructed in the rear of lots fronting on adjoining streets. The minimum width of an alley shall not be less than twenty (20) feet. Dead-end alleys shall not be permitted. Portland cement concrete alleys shall not be permitted.
(Ordinance 1041 adopted 11/1/1983)
The location and width of sanitary sewer system, water, storm sewer, electrical, anchor, or other city utility easements shall be determined by the city engineer.
Where easements are required for other than public utilities, the location and width shall be acceptable to the private utility company concerned, with the approval of the planning and zoning commission.
Where any public or private utility line is required to be adjusted in location or elevation, the developer shall cause such changes to be made with the approval of the city engineer.
Where the proposed subdivision adjoins an unplatted area, and a utility easement is dedicated on the unplatted property, the developer shall join the dedication of the easement.
Where utility easements are not themselves straight within each block, or if the same do not connect on a straight course with the utility easements of adjoining blocks, then additional easements shall be provided for the placing of guy wires on lot division lines in order to support poles set on curving or deviating rights-of-way or alleys.
(Ordinance 1041 adopted 11/1/1983)
Sidewalks, of minimum four (4) foot width, in accordance with the construction standards of the city, shall be installed by the developer as follows:
On the subdivision side, or sides, of all arterial streets.
On the subdivision side, or sides, of all collector streets.
As deemed necessary by the planning and zoning commission in commercial, industrial, public grounds and multi-family dwelling areas.
(Ordinance 1041 adopted 11/1/1983)
All improvements shall be constructed in accordance with this article and the construction standards of the city. All costs of such improvements shall be borne by the developer. All construction shall be subject to the inspection and approval of the city engineer.
All street corners, alley corners, angle points and curve control points shall be staked with iron rod markers having a diameter of not less than three-eighths inch (3/8") and length of not less than eighteen inches (18").
Streets and drainage.
All streets within or abutting to the proposed subdivision shall be paved and curbs and gutters installed according to the construction standards of the city. Construction shall be subject to the inspection and approval by the city engineer. Required pavement widths shall be determined by the city.
Drainage and drainage structures shall be provided in accordance with construction standards of the city and construction shall be subject to the inspection and approval by the city engineer. A drainage report prepared by a professional engineer shall accompany the preliminary plat. This study shall show the acreage draining into the subdivision, points of runoff concentration, areas subject to flooding, the method for draining the runoff through and away from the subdivision and other pertinent information as required by the city engineer.
Flood areas.
Areas within the jurisdiction of the city planning and zoning commission subject to flood conditions as established by the city engineer will not be considered for subdivision purposes until adequate drainage has been provided.
Water supply and distribution.
All subdivisions shall be provided with water supply and water distribution systems approved by the city engineer in accordance with the city's construction standards.
Standard fire hydrants shall be installed as part of the water distribution system per specifications of the state board of insurance and in accordance with the city's construction standards.
Sanitary sewer.
All subdivisions shall be provided with an approved sewage collection system approved by the city engineer in accordance with the city's construction standards.
Connections with the city sanitary sewer system shall be required except where the city council determines that such connection will require unreasonable expenditures when compared with other methods of sewer disposal. Where septic tanks are installed, the subdivider shall conduct percolation tests under the supervision of the city engineer in order to determine the adequate size of proposed lots. If a sanitary sewage disposal system is to be installed, the plans for such system must be approved by the Texas State Health Department, prior to approval of the final plat by the planning and zoning commission.
Utility lines.
All utility lines that pass under a street shall be installed before the street is paved. When it is necessary that utility lines pass under the street pavements, they shall be installed to a point at least three (3) feet beyond the edge of the pavement or the back of the curb.
(Ordinance 1041 adopted 11/1/1983)