All houses connected to the water and sewage system of the city shall be charged the garbage collection fee as heretofore set by the city council and to be set from time to time hereafter for such collection of garbage.
No exemption or exception shall be allowed to any connected house for private collection and hauling of garbage.
The water department of the city is directed to collect such fees and for all persons charged with such fees who shall refuse or fail to pay such fees, the water department shall disconnect the water lines from his or her premises until such fee is paid. Sufficient notice of termination and an opportunity to avoid such termination shall be provided prior to such termination.
(Ordinance 979B, secs. 1—3, adopted 11/4/1980; Ordinance adopting 1994 Code; 1994 Code, art. 11.500)
It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit and dispose of the following materials in garbage dumpsters:
Wood exceeding two feet in length.
Street sweepings.
Catchbasin contents.
Waste or leftover materials resulting from grading, excavation, construction, alteration, wrecking of buildings, structure walls, roofs, streets, walks or other facilities.
Oil filters.
Waste oil.
Asbestos material.
Hazardous waste.
Special waste.
Any person who shall violate any provision of this section shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine in accordance with the general penalty provision found in section 1.01.009 of this code.
(Ordinance 1214, secs. I, II, adopted 10/11/1993; 1994 Code, art. 11.1100; Ordinance adopting 2024 Code)
It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit and dispose of the following materials in the City of Stanton and Martin County Landfill #2189:
No whole tires (sliced tires only).
No lead acid batteries.
No oil filters.
No waste oil.
No asbestos material.
No hazardous waste.
No special waste without approval.
No freon.
(Ordinance 1214A, sec. I, adopted 10/11/1993; 1994 Code, art. 11.1200)