Zoning clearance shall be required prior to the issuing of building permits, and shall be issued by the persons designated by the City Administrator as "Planning Director or designee," after it has been determined that any proposed construction is in conformity with the regulations set forth in this title and applicable sections of the General Plan.
Zoning clearance shall consist of a stamp of approval and a signature of the Planning Director or designee, along with appropriate notes placed upon all copies of the applicant's plot plan, which are required for application for a building permit. No building permit shall be issued until the plot plan has been approved and stamped by the Director or designee.
The Planning Director or designee shall not accept and approve plot plans which do not contain all information needed to clearly indicate the proposed construction, its use and its exact placement on the property, and a legal description sufficient to locate the property on the City's zoning map and County's Assessor's Parcel Map.
A fee set by resolution shall accompany the application.
(Ord. 189 Art. 5 §1(A), 1980; Ord. 206 §1, 1981; Ord. 2018-476 §2)
In case an application for an amendment to this title, an amendment to the General Plan, design review permit, conditional use permit, tentative parcel map, tentative tract map (including vesting maps), or variance is denied, said application shall not be eligible for reconsideration for one year subsequent to such denial unless a new application affecting or including all or a part of the same property is substantially different from the application denied, in the opinion of the Planning Director or designee. Appeal of the Planning Director or designee shall comply with the process set forth in Section 18.80.010.
(Ord. 189 Art. 5 §7, 1980; Ord. 2018-476 §2)
In any case, when interpreting and applying the provisions of this title, if the Planning Director or designee, or the applicant finds that there is an irreconcilable difference of opinion as to the intent or definition of any part of this title, either party may make a written request that the matter be reviewed and interpreted by the City Council. Once the written request is received, the matter shall be placed upon the agenda of the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting that falls more than 20 days after the written request was received.
(Ord. 189 Art. 5 §7(B), 1980; Ord. 206 §1, 1981; Ord. 2018-476 §2)
Whenever the provisions of this title state that a public hearing shall be held on the applications for use permits, variances, appeals, amendments to this title, amendments to the General Plan, design review, tentative parcel map, or tentative tract map (including vesting maps), or changing the boundaries of any district, notices of public hearings shall be given by the body conducting such hearings in a manner conforming with the requirements of Sections 65090 through 65091 and Sections 65853 through 65857, inclusive, of Article 2 of the Government Code. In addition, the City may give notice of the hearing in such other manner as it may deem necessary or desirable.
Upon completion of publication or other notice as provided for in this section, the City Clerk shall cause an affidavit of such publication to be filed in the permanent records of the particular proceedings to which such notices pertain.
(Ord. 189 Art. 5 §10, 1980; Ord. 2018-476 §2)