The intent of this section is to reduce traffic congestion and the need for parking on public streets and to provide off-street parking adequate for each type of development in terms of quantity, location and design. This chapter is also intended to help avoid the negative impacts associated with excess off-street parking requirements in the downtown and in adjacent neighborhoods.
(Ord. 1677, 7-19-2010)
No building permit shall be issued within the city limits for the construction or enlargement of any building or structure nor shall said permits be issued for the change of use of any building or structure unless the requirements established by this Zoning Ordinance regarding off-street parking are satisfied. Whenever any building is enlarged, off-street parking shall be provided for said addition. Whenever a change of use is proposed, the number of required parking spaces shall be reviewed. The requirement for additional spaces shall equate to the difference between the number of parking spaces required for the existing use and the proposed use.
(Ord. 1677, 7-19-2010; amd. Ord. 1771, 6-6-2016)
Size. A parking space is typically 9 feet wide and 20 feet deep (See Appendix A for minimum parking lot requirements). In cases where stacking spaces are required or otherwise provided, each stacking space shall be a minimum of 9 feet wide and 20 feet deep.
Location. Off-street parking lots shall be located as hereinafter specified. When a distance is specified, such distance shall be in walking distance measured from the nearest point of the parking lot to the nearest point of the building that such facility is required to serve. Parking lots, including both spaces and maneuvering area(s), shall be located entirely outside of a public and/or private right-of-way, except single family residential and duplexes, which may utilize driveways as a maneuvering area provided that the parking for separate units within a duplex does not conflict. For any use other than single family residential and duplexes, parking spaces which back into an alley shall be set back 10 feet from the alley right-of-way line.
For single family, duplex, and multifamily residential dwellings: Off-street parking is required on the same lot with the building it is required to serve.
For all other uses not herein specified: Off-street parking is required within 300 feet from the zoning lot it is required to serve and must be located within the same zoning classification as the use intended to be served. Noncontiguous lots shall not be used for off-street parking in the R and RA zoning districts. See Section 27.24.040(3) regarding requirements for off-site parking.
Parking spaces shall not be located in any required front, side corner, or side yard, except one off-street parking space for each single family residential use, or one space for each unit within a duplex, may fall into the front yard or side corner yard setback. In addition, multi-family dwelling units not served by an alley may place one off-street parking space per dwelling unit in the required front yard setback area. No parking space in the front or side corner yard shall extend to within 5 feet of the property line (except that parking spaces associated with single family residences or duplexes do not have a required setback, provided that the full 20-foot length of the parking space is located entirely outside of the right-of-way).
Figure 9: Parking Lots
Parking spaces may be allowed to locate within the front and side yard setbacks in the following sections:
In R-5 and RA-2 Zones.
Parking spaces shall be set back 10 feet from the front lot line and 5 feet of the side corner lot line.
Any parking space located within a required front or side corner building setback area shall have a landscape buffer between the parking space and the lot line. (Figure 9)
Parking spaces are allowed in the side yard setback as long as a sight obscuring fence is constructed along the side lot line obscuring the presence of the parked vehicles to the extent fencing is otherwise permitted under this ordinance. This requirement may be waived where this property abuts an existing parking lot. (Note: When a designated parking lot abuts a residentially zoned property other than the R-5 or RA-2 zones, the side yard abutting the residential zone may not be used for parking.)
In B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4, B-5, H-1, I-1, I-2, and P-1 Zones.
Parking spaces shall be set back 5 feet from the front and side corner lot line.
Any parking space located within a required front or side corner building setback area shall have a landscape buffer between the parking space and the lot line. In every case, a minimum 5-foot landscape buffer is required regardless of the building setback. (Figure 9)
Parking spaces are allowed in the side yard setback as long as a sight obscuring fence or landscaping is constructed along the side lot line obscuring the presence of the parked vehicles to the extent fencing is otherwise permitted under this Zoning Ordinance. The requirement may be waived where property abuts an existing parking lot. (Note: When a designated parking lot abuts a residentially zoned property other than the R-5 or RA-2 zones, the side yard abutting the residential zone may not be used for parking.)
Location of parking spaces within a lot are subject to clear vision triangle requirements. (Figure 9)
Plans. A plan of the proposed off-street parking lot shall be submitted along with the application for the building permit for the use the off-street parking is required to serve. Said plan shall clearly indicate curb cuts, lighting, landscaping, construction details, fencing, striping, surfacing materials, pedestrian circulation, snow storage areas and other features which may be required by the Zoning Administrator or the Site Development Review Committee.
When off-street parking spaces are required, the parking lot shall be designed in accordance to the standards of Figure 1, Appendix A.
All traffic control devices such as parking stripes, directional arrows, wheel stops, curbs and other developments shall be installed and completed as shown on the approved plans.
Upon review of any permit application with the city involving existing structures, the parking area design of the affected use shall be reviewed to gain substantial compliance with these regulations.
For driveways and driving aisles where parking spaces do not back into the driving lane, the minimum dimensions are as follows:
Single-family and duplex: 10 feet wide and shall not be located within a side setback area
Multi-family: 10 feet per lane (10 feet for one-way aisles and 20 feet for two-way aisles)
Other uses: 12 feet per lane (12 feet for one-way aisles and 24 feet for two-way aisles)
Construction. All off-street parking lots and associated access areas shall be improved with asphalt or concrete or a comparable permanent hard surface.
Drainage. All off-street parking lots shall be designed and constructed to allow proper drainage in accordance with and subject to public works procedures and standards.
Landscaping and Screening. All parking lots (excluding single family residences and duplexes) shall meet the following conditions. Any landscaping is subject to clear vision triangle requirements. See also: required landscape buffer requirements listed in subsection (2)(d).
A minimum of 5% of the total interior parking lot area (excluding any landscape buffer) shall be landscaped for any parking lot with 10 or more spaces.
The perimeter landscape buffer along a street shall consist of planting materials or planting materials and man-made features to create a visual relief in the form of a hedge, fence, planter box, berm, dividers, shrubbery, grass or trees, or a combination of the above. Perimeter landscaping shall not include round river rocks, gravel, or similar non-vegetative treatments. Perimeter landscaping adjoining a landscaped boulevard shall be designed in cooperation with the city parks director.
A performance bond may be required to ensure compliance with this section and to cover maintenance for a period not to exceed one year after time of planting. (Figure 9)
Lighting. Any lights provided to illuminate any public or private parking lot shall be designed in accordance with the Outdoor Lighting Standards contained in Chapter 27.26 of these regulations.
(Ord. 1677, 7-19-2010; amd. Ord. 1768, 3-21-2016; Ord. 1771, 6-6-2016; Ord. 1824, 3-18-2019)
Nonconforming Uses. Nothing in this Zoning Ordinance shall be deemed to prevent the voluntary establishment of off-street parking lots to serve any existing use of land or buildings even though nonconforming; provided, that all regulations herein governing the location, design, and operation of such facilities are adhered to.
Mixed Occupancies. In the case of mixed uses, the total requirements for the various uses shall be computed separately. Where a lot contains one or more buildings containing 3 or more separate commercial businesses developed and managed as a unit, the parking ratio for "shopping center" may be applied to the property as a whole.
Off-Street Parking and Joint Use. The Zoning Administrator may authorize off-site parking facilities for the following uses or activities under conditions specified:
Off-Site Parking. Off-site parking lots are typically off-site lots utilized solely for parking by the lot being served. The off-site parking lot must abut a public or private street or alley and shall be owned or leased by the owner or lessee of the lot being served. Such parking lot shall have a recorded land covenant and easement which requires such land to be maintained as a parking lot so long as the building and/or use served is in operation or until another suitable parking area is established to the satisfaction of the Zoning Administrator. Off-site parking lots may also be developed as shared parking lots with another use provided that both the lot being served and the lot where the parking is located satisfy the minimum number of required parking spaces.
Joint Use.
Up to 50% of the parking spaces required by this Zoning Ordinance for primarily "night time" uses such as theaters, bowling alleys, bars, restaurants and related uses, may be supplied by certain other types of buildings or uses herein referred to as "day time" uses such as banks, offices, retail and personal service shops, clothing, food, furniture, manufacturing or wholesale and related uses.
Up to 50% of the parking spaces required by this Zoning Ordinance for primarily "day time" uses may be supplied by primarily "night time" uses.
Up to 100% of the parking spaces required by this Zoning Ordinance for a church building or for an assembly facility incidental to a public or private school, may be supplied by the off-street parking lots provided by uses primarily of a "day time" nature.
Conditions Required for Joint Use. The building or use for which application is being made to utilize the off-street parking lot provided by another building or use shall be located within 300 feet of such parking lot in addition to which:
The applicant shall show that there is no substantial conflict in the principal operating hours of the two buildings or uses for which joint use of an off-street parking lot is proposed; and
The applicant shall present to the Zoning Administrator a properly drawn legal instrument to be recorded with the County Clerk and Recorder, executed by the parties concerned for joint use of off-street parking facilities and approved as to form and manner of execution by the City Attorney; such instrument to be filed with the Zoning Administrator.
Access Standards. Access to businesses, service stations, roadside stands, public parking lots and all other businesses requiring motor vehicle access shall meet the requirements as hereinafter provided or as prescribed by the State of Montana pursuant to the Approach Standards for Montana Highways (whichever requirements are greater).
Fences, walls, landscaping, or other obstructions to view which are higher than 30 inches (measured from the level of the established top-of-street curb grade or, if there is no curb, the adjacent street level) shall not be located in any area within the isosceles triangle having sides of 10 feet along the edge of a private drive/parking lot access and along: (i) the inside edge of the sidewalk; or (ii) if there is no sidewalk, the curb line.
Access onto public rights-of-way shall be controlled and be limited to no more than 2 approaches per 100 feet.
Parking lots and driveways serving three or more dwelling units and all other uses shall be arranged to permit vehicular traffic to move into and out of parking lots, driveways, and ramps without the backing of any vehicle onto a street or highway.
Parking lots, driveways, maneuvering aisles, ramps, and turnaround areas shall be kept free and clear of obstructions at all times.
In all cases where there is an existing curb and gutter or sidewalk on the street, the applicant for a permit shall provide a safety island (boulevard) along the entire frontage of the property, except in the area of the permitted driveways if required by the Site Development Review Committee. The boulevard shall be bounded by concrete curb, the height, location and structural specifications of which shall be approved by the Site Development Review Committee.
Where there is no existing curb and gutter or sidewalk, the applicant shall install such curb, gutter and sidewalk and, except for the driveways, shall install a landscaped boulevard along the entire length of the property line if required by the Site Development Review Committee.
No two driveway/access roadways shall be closer to each other than 12 feet on the same parcel, and no roadway shall be closer to a side property line than 2 feet.
Handicapped Parking Spaces. The required number of handicapped parking spaces with the required dimensions shall be provided pursuant to federal law.
Parking Districts. See Figure 10 for parking district maps.
Parking District No. 1. (Figure 10)
The following permitted or conditionally permitted uses on properties zoned R or RA located within Parking District No. 1 shall have the minimum number of off-street parking spaces required under Section 27.24.050 reduced by 50%:
Barber and beauty services
Community center
Day care center
Schools K-8
Special Parking Maintenance District No. 2.
No additional off-street parking is required for a change of use within this district.
Off-street parking for uses listed in Parking District No. 1 and potential reductions thereof shall also apply to this district.
New construction and additions to existing buildings shall provide the following off-street parking spaces (in no case shall more parking be required than is otherwise provided for under this chapter):
One parking space for every 400 square feet of gross floor area.
Parking District No. 3 (Downtown). Property located within Parking District No. 3 is not required to provide any off-street parking.
B-3 (Core Area – Business). Property located in the B-3 zone shall have the minimum number of off-street parking spaces required under Section 27.24.050 reduced by 50%.
Figure 10: Parking Districts
Reductions. The number of required parking spaces may be reduced by one parking space for every bicycle rack (space for minimum of 5 bicycles) provided on the lot, up to a total 5% reduction.
Administrative Adjustments. Administrative adjustments for parking setbacks and minimum number of required parking spaces are provided for in the chapter relating to administrative adjustments. See Chapter 27.35.
(Ord. 1677, 7-19-2010; amd. Ord. 1763, 12-16-2015; Ord. 1771, 6-6-2016; Ord. 1824, 3-18-2019)
Required parking spaces shall be in conformance with this section.
Where alternative standards prevail, the greater applies in conflicting computations.
Where the total quota results in a fraction, the number of required spaces shall be rounded to the nearest whole number (greater than zero).
In the case of a use not specifically mentioned below, the requirements for off-street parking facilities shall be determined by the Zoning Administrator and shall be based upon the requirements for the most similar use listed.
Parking spaces within a structure, such as carports, garages, and parking garages, shall apply toward the total parking space requirement.
Where a calculation is based on gross floor area of a structure, a basement or crawl space shall be included in gross floor area if:
The area has a clearance of 7 feet or more;
There is at least one code compliant access; and
There is a hard floor surface such as steel, wood, or concrete.
The following table provides minimum parking standards by use:
Minimum Parking Standards By Use
Athletic Clubs
1 space per 200 gross square feet of floor area.
Auditoriums, Convention Facilities and Assembly Halls
1 space per 4 fixed seats or 1 space per 40 square feet of gross floor area used for assembly purposes, whichever is greater.
1 space per 300 square feet of gross floor area plus 4 spaces off-street waiting (loading) spaces per drive-in lane (2 stacking spaces per drive-up ATM).
Beauty and Barber Shops
2 spaces per operator.
Bowling Alleys
4 spaces per alley.
Business and Professional Offices
1 space per 300 square feet gross floor area.
1 space per employee.
1 per 5 seats or 90 lineal inches of pew or 40 square feet of gross floor area in the largest assembly area.
Commercial or Trade School
1 space per 3 students, plus 1 space per employee (including faculty) at capacity class attendance period.
Community and Recreation Center
1 space per 250 square feet of gross floor area or 1 space per 4 patrons to the maximum capacity, plus 1 space per employee on the largest shift.
Convenience Grocery
1 space per 300 square feet of gross floor area, plus 1 space per gas pump located at the pump.
Day Care Home, Day Care Center, Group Day Care Home or Nursery School
1 space for teacher/employee plus 1 loading space per 6 students with a maximum of 2 loading spaces to be provided on the street adjacent to the property where the facilities are located.
Furniture, Appliance, Hardware Stores
1 per 600 square feet gross floor area.
Golf Courses
3 spaces per hole of main course, plus 1 space per tee for the driving range.
Grocery and Supermarkets
1 space per 300 square feet of gross floor area.
1 per 2 beds, excluding bassinets, plus 1 per 5 employees on maximum working shift, plus 1 per each staff doctor.
Hotels, Motels
1 per sleeping room plus 1 per each 2 employees, plus 50% of the parking required for accessory restaurants, bars, and convention facilities.
Libraries, Museums and Art Galleries
1 per each 500 square feet gross floor area.
Manufacturing Uses, Research Testing and Processing, Assembling all Industries, Wholesale Business (no outlet sales)
1 per 1,000 square feet gross floor area.
Marijuana cultivation, dispensaries, and manufacturing
Dispensaries: 1 per 300 square feet gross floor area.
Cultivation and Manufacturing: 1 per 1,000 square feet gross floor area.
1 per 5 seats or 90 lineal inches of pew or 40 square feet of gross floor area used for assembly purposes.
Nursery and Landscaping Supply Uses
1 space per 300 square feet of gross floor area of inside sales or display.
Private Clubs and Lodges
1 space per 100 gross square feet.
Recreation Areas (Commercial)
Less than 75,000 square feet of gross area – none required; more than 75,000 square feet or containing a structure with 800 square feet or more of gross floor area – 1 space per 10,000 square feet of gross area or 1 space per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area in the structure, whichever is greater.
Recreational Vehicle Park
1.5 spaces per each recreational vehicle site, plus 1 space per employee on the largest shift.
Repair Services
1 space per 300 square feet of gross floor area.
Single Family Residence, Accessory Single Family, and Duplex: 2 spaces per unit.
Multi-Family: 1 space per efficiency unit and 1.5 spaces per units with 1 or more bedrooms.
Bed and Breakfast: 2 spaces plus 0.5 per sleeping room.
Rooming Houses and Dormitories: Minimum of 1 space per sleeping room (more may be required under the conditional use permit process).
Shelters, Public and Private: 1 space per 5 occupants.
Convalescent or Nursing Homes for Aged, Disabled or Handicapped: 1 space per 8 beds plus 1 space per employee/maximum shift.
Elderly Housing (projects qualifying under federal regulations) and Assisted Living Complexes: 1 space per 2 dwelling units.
Restaurants and Bars
If less than 4,000 square feet floor area: 1 per 100 square feet gross floor area. If over 4,000 square feet floor area: 40 + 1 per 200 square feet gross floor area in excess of 4,000 square feet. Drive-through facilities require 4 stacking spaces per drive-through lane (espresso stands require 3 stacking spaces per window).
1 per 300 square feet gross floor area.
Schools, Elementary and Junior High
1 per each employee plus 1 space per 2 classrooms plus either (i) 1 space per 4 fixed seats or (ii) 1 space per 40 square feet of gross floor area in the largest assembly area, whichever is greater.
Schools, High and Colleges
1 space per 5 students plus 1 per each employee plus either (1) 1 space per 4 fixed seats or (ii) 1 space per 40 square feet of gross floor area in the largest assembly area, whichever is greater.
Shopping Center
1 space per 250 square feet of gross floor area.
Skating Rink, Ice or Roller
1 space per 300 square feet of gross floor area.
Stadiums, Sport Arenas and Similar Open Assemblies
1 per 8 seats plus 1 space per 100 square feet of assembly space.
Swimming Facility
1 space per 75 square feet of gross water area, plus 1 space per employee on the largest shift.
1 per 4 seats.
Vehicle Repair and Maintenance Services
2 spaces per bay in addition to the bay.
Vehicle Sales and Service
1 space per 1,500 square feet of gross floor area plus parking required for repair and maintenance services.
Veterinary Clinic, Pound, Shelter, Commercial Kennel
1 space per 400 square feet of gross floor space.
Warehouse and Storage
1 space per 2,000 square feet of gross floor area for warehouses; 2 per manager's office for storage unit.
(Ord. 1677, 7-19-2010; amd. Ord. 1771, 6-6-2016; Ord. 1866, 10-18-2021)