The governing body or its designated agent(s) or affected agencies identified during the pre-application meeting may investigate, examine, and evaluate the site of the proposed subdivision to verify information provided by the subdivider and to subsequently monitor compliance with any conditions if the preliminary plat is approved conditionally. The submission of a subdivision application constitutes a grant of permission by the subdivider for the governing body, its agents and affected agencies to enter the subject property. This consent applies to members of the public attending a noticed public meeting for a site visit.
(Ord. 1707, 12-19-2011)
Prior to submittal of a subdivision application, the subdivider shall request a pre-application meeting with the Kalispell Planning Department.
The pre-application meeting shall follow the format provided for on the pre-application worksheet. A copy of the worksheet can be obtained from the Planning Department.
The meeting shall occur within 30 calendar days after the subdivider submits a written request for the meeting to the Kalispell Planning Department.
At the pre-application meeting the planning staff shall:
Identify, for informational purposes, the State laws, local regulations and growth policy provisions that may apply to the subdivision review process;
Provide the subdivider or the subdivider's agent with a list of public utilities, local, State and Federal agencies, and any other entities that may be contacted for comment on the subdivision application and the timeframes that the public utilities, agencies, and other entities are given to respond.
If, during review of the application, the planning staff or the Planning Board contacts a public utility, agency, or other entity that was not included on the original list, the planning staff shall notify the subdivider or subdivider's agent of the contact and the timeframe for response; and
Identify particular additional information the planning staff anticipates will be required for review of the subdivision application pursuant to Section 28.02.04. This does not limit the ability of the planning staff to request additional information at a later time;
Determine if an environmental assessment as provided for in Appendix B is required or if parts or all of the assessment are to be waived.
Minor subdivisions and subdivisions proposing less than 30 residential dwelling units are to be considered for waiver unless environmental issues, advisory agency or neighborhood concerns require a portion or all of an environmental assessment to be completed for the project.
Unless the subdivider submits the subdivision application as provided in Section 28.02.04 of these regulations within 90 days of the pre-application meeting, the subdivider must request a second pre-application meeting prior to submitting the application.
(Ord. 1707, 12-19-2011)
The subdivision application and review process is comprised of the following two phases in accordance to Title 76, Chapter 3, M.C.A.:
Preliminary plat;
Final plat.
(Ord. 1707, 12-19-2011)
For both major and minor subdivisions the review process is as follows:
Element Review: Within five working days of receipt of a subdivision application, the Planning Department shall determine whether the application contains all of the materials required by Section 28.02.02, Pre-Application Conference, and by Appendix A (Preliminary Plat), or Appendix B (Environmental Assessment), of these regulations, as applicable, and shall notify the subdivider, or the subdivider's agent if authorized by the subdivider in writing to receive such notification, of the Planning Department's determination.
If the Planning Department determines that elements are missing from the application, the Planning Department shall identify those elements in the notification and no further action shall be taken on the application until the missing elements are submitted.
The subdivider may correct the deficiencies and resubmit the application.
If the subdivider corrects the deficiencies and resubmits the application, the Planning Department shall have five working days to notify the subdivider or the subdivider's agent whether the application contains all the materials required by Section 28.02.02 and by Appendix A or Appendix B of these regulations, as applicable.
This process shall be repeated until the subdivider submits an application containing all the materials required by Section 28.02.02 and by Appendix A or Appendix B of these regulations, as applicable, or the application is withdrawn.
Sufficiency Review: Within 15 working days after the Planning Department notifies the subdivider or the subdivider's agent that the application contains all of the required elements as provided in subsection A, the Planning Department shall determine whether the required elements contain detailed, supporting information that is sufficient to allow for the review of the proposed subdivision under these regulations and shall give written notification to the subdivider of the subdivision of the Planning Department's determination.
If the Planning Department determines that the information in the application is not sufficient to allow for review of the proposed subdivision, the Planning Department shall identify the insufficient information in its notification and no further action shall be taken on the application until the material is resubmitted.
The subdivider may correct the deficiencies and resubmit the application or withdraw the application.
If the subdivider corrects the deficiencies and resubmits the application, the Planning Department shall have 15 working days to notify the subdivider or the subdivider's agent whether the resubmitted application and required elements contain detailed, supporting information that is sufficient to allow for review of the proposed subdivision under these regulations.
This process shall be repeated until the subdivider submits an application that contains detailed, supporting information that is sufficient for review of the proposed subdivision under the provisions of these regulations, or the application is withdrawn.
A determination that an application contains sufficient information for review as provided in this subsection does not ensure that the proposed subdivision will be approved or conditionally approved by the governing body and does not limit the ability of the Planning Department, Planning Board or City Council to request additional information during the review process.
Once the Planning Department has determined that the application is sufficient, the Planning Department shall schedule a public hearing and publish notice of the time and place of the hearing.
The review period of 60 working days or 80 working days if the proposed subdivision contains 50 or more lots begins once the Planning Department has given notice of sufficiency to the subdivider or the subdivider's agent. Notification constitutes the date when the reviewing agent or agency has sent the notice to the subdivider.
Within 60 working days or 80 working days if the proposed subdivision contains 50 or more lots the governing body shall approve, conditionally approve or deny the proposed subdivision according to Section 28.02.06.D of these regulations, unless the subdivider and the subdivision administrator agree to an extension or suspension of the review period.
Subdivision review and approval, conditional approval or denial shall be based on those regulations in effect at the time a subdivision application and preliminary plat is deemed to contain sufficient information for review. If regulations change during the element or sufficiency review, the determination of whether the application contains the required elements and sufficient information, and the subdivision review, shall be based on the new regulations.
(Ord. 1707, 12-19-2011)
Subdivisions are grouped into three categories for review purposes. Each category is described and referenced below:
Major Subdivision: A subdivision containing six or more lots/spaces/units, as well as the second or successive minor subdivision where a cumulative total of six or more lots/spaces/units is proposed from the original "tract of record" in existence on July 1, 1973. See Section 28.02.06.
Minor Subdivision: A subdivision containing five or fewer lots/spaces/units. And this plat and all previous minor plats proposed from the original "tract of record" in existence on July 1, 1973 do not exceed a total of five lots/spaces/units. See Section 28.02.07.
Minor Subdivision—Waiver of Preliminary Plat: A minor subdivision which, because of its minimal impacts, has the preliminary plat requirements waived. See Section 28.02.08.
(Ord. 1707, 12-19-2011)
A subdivision containing six or more lots/spaces/units, as well as the second or successive minor subdivision where a cumulative total of six or more lots/spaces/units is proposed from the original tract of land.
Application: Complete applications must be received at least 30 days prior to the Planning Board meeting at which the plat will be presented. The subdivider shall submit the following to the Kalispell Planning Department:
Preliminary plat application (form available at Kalispell Planning Department).
Copies of the preliminary plat and one reproducible set of supplemental information (See Appendix A).
Application fee as established by the Kalispell City Council.
One reduced copy of the preliminary plat not to exceed 11 inches by 17 inches in size suitable for photocopier use.
Additional information requested during the pre-application process.
Action by the Planning Staff: Upon receipt of the submitted documents, the Kalispell Planning Department shall review them to determine their completeness pursuant to Section 28.02.02. If the submitted documents and information are found to be incomplete or insufficient, the applicant shall be notified of the deficiencies and informed that the application will not be formally accepted for processing until the missing items are submitted pursuant to this section. Upon receipt of the complete application, the Kalispell Planning Department shall:
Distribute copies of the submitted application for review and comment to the appropriate departments, agencies and utility companies, as deemed necessary by the Planning Department;
Set a date for public hearing by the Kalispell City Planning Board. Applications must be received at least 30 days prior to the Planning Board meeting at which the plat will be presented. The notice of such hearing shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City not less than 15 days prior to the date of the hearing, exclusive of the date of notice and the date of hearing. The subdivider and each property owner of record immediately adjoining the land included in the plat shall be notified of the hearing by registered or certified mail not less than 15 days prior to the date of the hearing, exclusive of the date of notice and the date of hearing;
Review the submitted plat and supplemental information to determine compliance with these regulations and prepare its report which shall include comments received from other departments, agencies and utility companies, findings of fact concerning the public interest and recommendations;
Submit the application, staff report and associated agency and public comments to the Planning Board members and to the subdivider at least five days prior to the meeting;
Present the application and staff report at the hearing.
Action by the Planning Board: The Planning Board shall:
Review the application, Kalispell Planning Department staff report, comments from other departments and other supplemental information;
Hold public hearing(s) and receive public comments;
Prepare and adopt written findings of fact. Such findings of fact shall be based on the consideration of the following:
Effects on agriculture and agricultural water user facilities,
Effects on local services,
Effects on the natural environment,
Effects on wildlife and wildlife habitat,
Effects on public health and safety,
Conformance with the following:
These regulations,
The City of Kalispell Zoning Ordinance,
The Kalispell Growth Policy,
The Montana Subdivision and Platting Act;
Based on the above findings, make a recommendation to the Kalispell City Council to approve, conditionally approve or deny the preliminary plat. The Planning Board, at its discretion, may not make a recommendation:
A positive recommendation may incorporate reasonable conditions of mitigation to reasonably minimize potentially significant adverse impacts identified above,
When requiring conditions of mitigation, the Board shall consult with the subdivider and shall give due weight and consideration to the expressed preference of the subdivider,
A subdivision shall not be denied based solely on its impact on educational services;
Within 10 working days after the public hearing, the Planning Board shall submit the following in writing to the subdivider and the governing body:
Recommended findings of fact based on the evidence in subsection C.3 that discuss and consider the subdivision's compliance with and impact on subsections C.3.a through f of these regulations,
A recommendation for approval, conditional approval (including any recommended conditions and/or mitigation measures), or denial of the subdivision application and preliminary plat,
A recommendation for approval or denial of any requested variances (see Section 28.07.01), and
A finding as to whether any public comments or documents presented for consideration at the Planning Board's public hearing constitute information or analysis of information that the public has not had a reasonable opportunity to examine and on which the public has not had a reasonable opportunity to comment.
Action by the City Council: Upon receipt of the Planning Board recommendation, the City Council shall:
Review the application, Planning Board recommendation, staff report, public comments, and other related information, and thereupon, shall adopt the written findings of fact as presented by the Planning Board or make and adopt new written findings of fact. Such findings shall be based on the following:
Effects on agriculture and agricultural water user facilities;
Effects on local services;
Effects on the natural environment;
Effects on wildlife and wildlife habitat;
Effects on public health and safety;
Conformance with the following:
These regulations;
The City of Kalispell Zoning Ordinance;
The Kalispell Growth Policy;
The Montana Subdivision and Platting Act.
Based on the above findings, the Council shall then approve, conditionally approve, or deny the preliminary plat within 60 working days or 80 working days if the proposed subdivision contains 50 or more lots of the Planning Department's notice of sufficiency to the subdivider or the subdivider's agent, unless the subdivider consents to an extension of the review period. A subdivision shall not be denied based solely on its impacts on educational services.
All comments and documents regarding the subdivision shall be submitted to the subdivision administrator, rather than to the City Council directly, to be forwarded to the City Council.
If new information or analysis of information, that has never been submitted as evidence or considered by the Planning Board, has been submitted to the City Council, the Council shall proceed as set forth in subsection D.4.a.
If the City Council determines that public comments or documents presented at the public hearing constitute new information or an analysis of information regarding the subdivision application that the public has not had a reasonable opportunity to examine and on which the public has not had a reasonable opportunity to comment, the City Council shall determine whether the public comments or documents are relevant and credible with regard to the governing body's decision, pursuant to subsections D.4.c and d;
If the City Council determines the information or analysis of information is either not relevant or not credible, then the City Council shall approve, conditionally approve, or deny the proposed subdivision without basing its decision on the new information or analysis of information; or
If the City Council determines the new information or analysis of information is relevant and credible, then the City Council shall direct the Planning Board to schedule a subsequent public hearing;
The Planning Board shall consider only the new information or analysis of information that may have an impact on the findings and conclusions that the City Council will rely upon in making its decision on the proposed subdivision.
New information or analysis of information is considered to be relevant if it may have an impact on the findings and conclusions that the City Council will rely upon in making its decision on the proposed subdivision.
New information or analysis of information is considered to be credible if it is based on one or more of the following:
Physical facts or evidence;
Corroborated personal observations;
Evidence provided by a person with professional competency in the subject matter; or
Scientific data.
If a subsequent public hearing is held pursuant to subsection D.4.c, it must be held within 45 days of the City Council's determination request of a subsequent hearing. Only the new information or analysis of information shall be considered at the subsequent public hearing.
Notice of the time, date and location of the subsequent hearing shall be given by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the county not less than 15 days prior to the date of the subsequent hearing.
At least 15 days prior to the date of the subsequent hearing, notice of the subsequent hearing shall be given by certified mail to the subdivider and each adjoining landowner to the land included in the preliminary plat.
The notice shall be posted at a conspicuous place on the site of the proposed subdivision.
If a subsequent public hearing is held, the review periods per Section 28.02.04.B will be suspended as of the date of the City Council's decision to schedule a subsequent hearing. The 60 working-day or 80 working-day review period resumes on the date of the City Council's next scheduled public meeting for which proper notice for the public meeting on the subdivision application can be provided.
City Council Approval:
Upon approving the preliminary plat, the Council shall provide the subdivider with one copy of a dated and signed statement of approval along with one signed copy of the plat. A signed approval statement and a signed copy of the plat shall be returned to the Kalispell Planning Department and the third signed copy of the preliminary plat shall be retained in the file in the City Manager's office.
A positive recommendation may incorporate reasonable conditions of mitigation to reasonably minimize potentially significant adverse impacts identified above.
If conditions are placed on the preliminary plat, the reason for imposition of the condition(s), evidence justifying imposition of the condition(s) and information regarding the appeal process as provided for in Section 28.07.06 of these regulations shall also be provided in writing to the subdivider.
When requiring conditions of mitigation, the Council shall consult with the subdivider and shall give due weight and consideration to the expressed preference of the subdivider.
A subdivider may be required to pay or guarantee payment for part or all of the costs of extending capital facilities related to public health and safety, including, but not limited to, public roads, sewer lines, water supply lines and storm drains to a subdivision but the costs must reasonably reflect expected impacts attributable to the subdivision.
The Council may not require a subdivider to pay or guarantee payment for part or all of the costs of constructing or extending capital facilities related to education.
A preliminary plat shall be in force for three years.
A preliminary plat or a phase of a phased preliminary plat approval may be extended by the Council for an additional two year period as follows:
The owner shall submit a written request for extension to the Planning Department 30 days prior to the expiration date.
The request shall document the existence of an unusual hardship.
If a final plat has not been filed at the end of the additional two year period, the owner may appeal to the City Council for one final extension not to exceed two years as follows:
The owner shall submit a written request for a preliminary plat extension plan to the Planning Department 60 days prior to expiration of the last extension. The request shall document:
The existence of an unusual hardship;
That a significant public good would be accomplished through the extension as opposed to a specific economic hardship related to the owner;
That there are no changes to the immediately abutting properties that would be adversely affected by the approval process; and
Because of the lapsed time since original approval, that the preliminary plat is not in conflict with recently changed policies or regulatory schemes adopted by the City that would be undermined by the further time extension.
After the preliminary plat is approved, the City Council may not impose any additional conditions as prerequisite to final plat approval providing said approval is obtained within the original or extended approval period as provided in subsection E.7.
The subdivider shall not proceed with any construction work on the proposed subdivision, including grading and excavation relating to public improvements until such time that an approval or conditional approval is granted by the City Council. Construction may be commenced upon approval of the preliminary plat subject to any required conditions of approval. Upon approval of the preliminary plat, the subdivider may proceed with the preparation and submission of the final plat for approval by the City Council. Prior to final plat approval, lots may not be sold (see Section 28.02.09).
The governing body may withdraw approval or conditional approval of an application and preliminary plat if it determines that information provided by the subdivider, and upon which the approval or conditional approval was based, is inaccurate.
Note: If preliminary plat is approved, proceed to Section 28.02.09, Final Plat Process.
City Council Denial: If the City Council denies the preliminary plat it shall forward one copy of the plat to the subdivider accompanied by a letter from the City Manager stating the reason for disapproval, evidence justifying the denial and information regarding the appeal process provided for in Section Section 28.07.06 of these regulations. A subdivision shall not be denied based solely on its impact on educational services.
(Ord. 1707, 12-19-2011)
A subdivision containing five or fewer lots/spaces/units where all lots/spaces/units have proper access, and this plat and all previous minor plats from this tract of land do not exceed a total of five lots/spaces/units shall be considered a minor subdivision.
Application: The subdivider shall submit the following to the Kalispell Planning Department:
Preliminary plat application form available at Kalispell Planning Department;
Copies of the preliminary plat and one reproducible set of supplemental information as provided for in Appendix A;
Application fee as established by the Kalispell City Council;
One reduced copy of the preliminary plat not to exceed 11 inches by 17 inches in size suitable for photocopier use;
Additional information requested during the pre-application process;
Sufficient documentary evidence from the public records demonstrating that the subdivision will be the first minor subdivision from a tract of record.
Action by Planning Staff: Upon receipt of the submitted documents, the Kalispell Planning Department shall review them to determine their completeness pursuant to Section 28.02.04. If the submitted documents and information are found to be incomplete or insufficient, the applicant shall be notified of the deficiencies and informed that the application will not be formally accepted for processing until the missing items are submitted pursuant to Section 28.02.04. Upon receipt of the complete application, the Kalispell Planning Department shall:
Distribute copies of the submitted application for review and comment to the appropriate departments, agencies and utilities companies, as deemed necessary by the Planning Department;
Review the submitted plat and supplemental information to determine compliance with these regulations and prepare its report which shall include comments received from other departments, agencies and utility companies, written findings of fact concerning the public interest and a recommendation;
Submit the application, staff report and associated agency and public comments to the City Council and to the subdivider at least five days prior to the meeting;
Present the application and staff report at the City Council meeting.
Action by City Council:
The Kalispell City Council shall review the application, staff report and other related information and, thereupon, shall prepare and adopt written findings of fact. Such findings shall be based on the following criteria:
Effects on agriculture and agricultural water user facilities;
Effects on local services;
Effects on the natural environment;
Effects on wildlife and wildlife habitat;
Effects on public health and safety;
Conformance with the following:
These regulations;
The City of Kalispell Zoning Ordinance;
The Kalispell Growth Policy;
The Montana Subdivision and Platting Act.
Based on the above findings, the Kalispell City Council shall then approve, conditionally approve or deny the preliminary plat application within 35 working days from the date a completed application was filed with the Kalispell Planning Department unless the subdivider consents to an extension of the review period in writing.
All comments and documents regarding the subdivision shall be submitted to the subdivision administrator, rather than to the City Council directly, to be forwarded to the City Council.
If new information or analysis of information, that has never been submitted as evidence or considered by the Planning Board, has been submitted to the City Council, the Council shall proceed as set forth in subsection 4.a.
If the City Council determines that public comments or documents presented at the public hearing constitute new information or an analysis of information regarding the subdivision application that the public has not had a reasonable opportunity to examine and on which the public has not had a reasonable opportunity to comment, the City Council shall determine whether the public comments or documents are relevant and credible with regard to the governing body's decision, pursuant to subsections 4.c and d;
If the City Council determines the information or analysis of information is either not relevant or not credible, then the City Council shall approve, conditionally approve, or deny the proposed subdivision without basing its decision on the new information or analysis of information; or
If the City Council determines the new information or analysis of information is relevant and credible, then the City Council shall direct the Planning Board to schedule a subsequent public hearing;
The Planning Board shall consider only the new information or analysis of information that may have an impact on the findings and conclusions that the City Council will rely upon in making its decision on the proposed subdivision.
New information or analysis of information is considered to be relevant if it may have an impact on the findings and conclusions that the City Council will rely upon in making its decision on the proposed subdivision.
New information or analysis of information is considered to be credible if it is based on one or more of the following:
Physical facts or evidence;
Corroborated personal observations;
Evidence provided by a person with professional competency in the subject matter; or
Scientific data.
If a subsequent public hearing is held pursuant to subsection C.4.c above, it must be held within 45 days of the City Council's determination request of a subsequent hearing. Only the new information or analysis of information shall be considered at the subsequent public hearing.
Notice of the time, date and location of the subsequent hearing shall be given by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the county not less than 15 days prior to the date of the subsequent hearing.
At least 15 days prior to the date of the subsequent hearing, notice of the subsequent hearing shall be given by certified mail to the subdivider and each adjoining landowner to the land included in the preliminary plat.
The notice shall be posted at a conspicuous place on the site of the proposed subdivision.
If a subsequent public hearing is held, the 35 working-day review period is suspended as of the date of the City Council's decision to schedule a subsequent hearing. The 35 working-day review period resumes on the date of the City Council's next scheduled public meeting for which proper notice for the public meeting on the subdivision application can be provided.
City Council Approval:
Upon approving the preliminary plat, the Council shall provide the subdivider with one copy of a dated and signed statement of approval along with one signed copy of the plat. A signed approval statement and a signed copy of the plat shall be returned to the Kalispell Planning Department, and the third signed copy of the preliminary plat shall be retained by the City;
A positive recommendation may incorporate reasonable conditions of mitigation to reasonably minimize potentially significant adverse impacts identified above;
If conditions are placed on the preliminary plat, the reason for imposition of the condition(s), evidence justifying imposition of the condition(s) and information regarding the appeal process as provided for in Section 28.07.06 of these regulations shall also be provided in writing to the subdivider;
When requiring conditions of mitigation, the Council shall consult with the subdivider and shall give due weight and consideration to the expressed preference of the subdivider;
A subdivider may be required to pay or guarantee payment for part or all of the costs of extending capital facilities related to public health and safety, including, but not limited to, public roads, sewer lines, water supply lines and storm drains to a subdivision but the costs must reasonably reflect expected impacts attributable to the subdivision.
The Council may not require a subdivider to pay or guarantee payment for part or all of the costs of constructing or extending capital facilities related to education.
A preliminary plat shall be in force for three years.
A preliminary plat or a phase of a phased preliminary plat approval may be extended by the Council for an additional two year period as follows:
The owner shall submit a written request for extension to the Planning Department 30 days prior to the expiration date.
The request shall document the existence of an unusual hardship.
If a final plat has not been filed at the end of the additional two year period, the owner may appeal to the City Council for one final extension not to exceed two years as follows:
The owner shall submit a written request for a preliminary plat extension plan to the Planning Department 60 days prior to expiration of the last extension. The request shall document:
The existence of an unusual hardship;
That a significant public good would be accomplished through the extension as opposed to a specific economic hardship related to the owner;
That there are no changes to the immediately abutting properties that would be adversely affected by the approval process; and
Because of the lapsed time since original approval, that the preliminary plat is not in conflict with recently changed policies or regulatory schemes adopted by the City that would be undermined by the further time extension.
After the preliminary plat is approved, the City Council may not impose any additional conditions as prerequisite to final plat approval providing said approval is obtained within the original or extended approval period as provided in subsection D.7;
The subdivider shall not proceed with any construction work on the proposed subdivision, including grading and excavation relating to public improvements, until such time that an approval or conditional approval is granted by the City Council. Construction may be commenced upon approval of the preliminary plat subject to any required conditions of approvals. Upon approval or conditional approval of the preliminary plat, the subdivider may proceed with the preparation and submission of the final plat for approval by the City Council. Prior to final plat approval, lots may not be sold. See Section 28.02.09.
The governing body may withdraw approval or conditional approval of an application and preliminary plat if it determines that information provided by the subdivider, and upon which the approval or conditional approval was based, is inaccurate.
Note: If preliminary plat is approved, proceed to Section 28.02.09, Final Plat Process.
City Council Denial: If the City Council denies the preliminary plat, it shall forward one copy of the plat to the subdivider accompanied by a letter from the City Manager stating the reason for disapproval, evidence justifying the denial, and information regarding the appeal process provided for in Section 28.07.06 of the regulations. A subdivision shall not be denied based solely on its impact on educational services.
(Ord. 1707, 12-19-2011)
Based on information and discussion at the pre-application conference, the requirement for a preliminary plat may be waived by the Planning Director. The subdivider must request the waiver in writing and the Planning Director must determine:
The plat contains five or fewer lots;
There is no public dedication of streets or public or private parkland;
All lots have legal and physical access conforming to these regulations;
Each lot has a suitable building site and there are no environmental hazards present;
Municipal sewer and water are adequate and in place;
The subdivision complies with these regulations and current zoning regulations;
No significant effects are anticipated on agriculture and agricultural water user facilities, local services, the natural environment, wildlife and wildlife habitat and the public health and safety.
When a preliminary plat has been waived, the City Council shall adopt findings of fact for approval based on subsections A.1 through 7 concurrent with final plat approval.
Note: If the preliminary plat is waived, proceed to Section 28.02.09, Final Plat Process.
(Ord. 1707, 12-19-2011)
Purpose: The purpose of the final plat is to review the proposed subdivision for proper final engineering and subdivision design, to provide for dedication of lands required for public use, for the construction of public improvements, and for conformance with the preliminary plat. The final plat shall incorporate all modifications required in its preliminary review.
Phasing of Final Plat Submittals: The applicant, as part of the preliminary plat approval, may propose to delineate on the preliminary plat two or more final plat filing phases and establish the schedules of the preliminary plat review and approval.
Each phase must be freestanding, that is, fully capable of functioning with all the required improvements in place in the event the future phases are not completed or completed at a much later time.
If the applicant proposes a phased subdivision, a phasing plan must be submitted which outlines:
A plat delineating each phase and a general time frame for each phase;
Public improvements phasing plan showing which improvements will be completed with each phase.
The preliminary plat of a phased subdivision shall have time limits:
If a subdivision is part of an approved planned unit development (PUD) which contains a specific phasing plan complete with time lines, such phasing plan shall be binding.
For all other subdivisions, upon final plat approval of the first phase, final plats for each successive phase must be filed within two years of the previous final plat approval. Failure to meet this time frame will cause the preliminary plat to void.
When phasing was not indicated in the preliminary plat approval, the applicant shall submit to the Kalispell Planning Department a phasing plan complying with subsections B.1 and 2 and Appendix A, Preliminary Plat—II.D, Phased Projects. Said phasing plan shall be approved by the Kalispell Planning Department (subject to appeal to the City Council) prior to submittal of the final plat application for the first phase.
Minor modifications to an approved phasing plan which do not change impacts on the adjoining property may be approved or denied by the Planning Director.
Sale of the Lots Prior to Final Plat:
A final subdivision plat must be approved and filed for record with the County Clerk and Recorder before title to the subdivided land can be sold or transferred in any manner, except after the preliminary plat of a subdivision has been approved or conditionally approved, the subdivider may enter into contracts to sell lots in the proposed subdivision if all of the following conditions are met:
That under the terms of the contracts, the purchasers of the lots in the proposed subdivision make any payments to an escrow agent which must be a bank or savings and loan association chartered to do business in the State of Montana;
That under the terms of the contracts and the escrow agreement, the payments made by purchasers of lots in the proposed subdivision may not be distributed by the escrow agent to the subdivider until the final plat of the subdivision is filed with the County Clerk and Recorder;
That the contracts and the escrow agreement provide that, if the final plat of the proposed subdivision is not filed with the County Clerk and Recorder within the period of the preliminary plat approval, the escrow agent shall immediately refund to each purchaser any payments made under the contract;
That the contracts contain the following language conspicuously set out therein: "The real property which is subject hereof has not been finally platted, and until a final plat identifying the property has been filed with the County Clerk and Recorder, title to the property cannot be transferred in any manner."
Building Permits: No building permits shall be issued on a property with an approved preliminary plat until the final plat is approved and recorded or the preliminary plat is withdrawn.
Final Engineering Plan Approvals:
Prior to submitting a final plat application, engineering plans for all public infrastructure and utilities shall be submitted to the City for approval in accordance with the conditions of the approved preliminary plat.
The subdivider shall utilize the R/W and utility application form found in Appendix C in submitting the required documents for review to the Kalispell Planning Department.
The R/W and utility plans application must be approved prior to the start of construction of any improvements in conjunction with the subdivision unless written approval has been granted by the Planning Department to allow specific work.
Review of R/W and Utility Plans Application:
Once the required numbers of engineering plans have been submitted and the fees paid, the Planning Department shall distribute the plans to the appropriate City departments for their review, comments and approval.
Each department will have 30 calendar days to review the plans and either:
Approve the plans; or
Provide comments and request additional information that will lead to plan approval.
Approval of comment letters from the reviewing City departments shall be submitted to the Planning Department within the 30 day review period.
The Planning Department will then forward the approval or comment letters to the subdivider and when appropriate to the design engineer.
If revisions to submitted plans are required, the subdivider or applicant's engineer shall revise the plans as necessary to address all the comments received on the plans.
Once revisions are completed by the applicant, the revised plans shall be resubmitted to the Planning Department.
The revised sets of R/W and utility plans shall be reviewed again in accordance to the procedures set out in subsections 4.a through c.
This process shall be repeated until the subdivider submits plans that are approved by each department, or the application is withdrawn.
Plan Approval: The Planning Department shall notify the subdivider and the engineer of plan approval in writing once all departments have approved the plans and the plans meet all the subdivision's conditions of approval.
The applicant may proceed with the final plat application once the necessary infrastructure is installed.
Final Plat Application:
After receiving the preliminary plat approval or conditional approval, the subdivider may proceed with the preparation and submission of the final plat of the proposed subdivision. All required improvements shall either be installed, or the subdivider shall enter into a subdivision improvements agreement with the City Council prior to the filing of the final plat guaranteeing the installation of remaining improvements (See Appendix F, Subdivision Improvement Agreement);
A complete application for final plat approval shall be submitted to the Kalispell Planning Department at least 60 days prior to the expiration date of the preliminary plat. (Because of processing time, complete final plat applications submitted less than 60 days prior to expiration face the possibility of expiring prior to City Council review and final action.) The submittal shall include the following:
Written application form provided by Kalispell Planning Department;
Application review fee as set by the Kalispell City Council;
One opaque and one mylar copy, or two mylar copies; four blueline copies; one eleven (11) inch by 17 inch reduced copy, a digital copy of the final plat and three blueprint copies and of the final plat prepared in accordance with Appendix D;
All attachments to the final plat as specified in Appendix D;
Certification by the subdivider indicating which required improvements have been completed on the site or are subject to an attached subdivision improvements agreement in conformance with Appendix F securing the future construction of public improvements to be installed.
Action by the Planning Office:
The Kalispell Planning Department shall review the submitted plat and documents with regards to:
Compliance with the approved preliminary plat;
Compliance with the conditions of approval imposed by the City Council;
Compliance with the City of Kalispell Subdivision Regulations;
Compliance with the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act.
If the Kalispell Planning Department determines that the submitted final plat and attachments are complete and in substantial compliance with subsections 1.a through d, it will review and make its recommendation to the City Council.
The City Council must approve the completed final plat application and recommendation prior to actual expiration of the preliminary plat.
The final plat must conform to the preliminary plat map and conditions of preliminary plat approval.
Insignificant changes which have a minimal impact on the scale or scope of the project or immediate neighborhood shall be so noted in the Kalispell Planning Department report to the City Council.
Changes which either the Planning Director or the City Council determines to be substantial shall be returned to the Planning Board for rehearing and consideration as amendments to the original preliminary plat following procedures outlined in either Section 28.02.06 or 28.02.07. Substantial changes would include:
Moving ingress-egress points;
Re-arranging five or more lots;
Increasing the number of lots;
Significant relocation of buildings, parking facilities or common areas;
Requesting a deletion or substantial change to any condition of written approval except when a condition of approval is effectively changed as a result of new or modified governmental regulations.
Action by the City Council:
The City Council shall approve the final plat if:
The final plat conforms to:
The conditions of approval set forth on the preliminary plat;
The Montana Subdivision and Platting Act;
The City of Kalispell Subdivision Regulations and in particular Appendix D;
The final plat substantially conforms to the approved preliminary plat;
The subdivider has installed all the required improvements or has entered into a written subdivision improvements agreement with the City of Kalispell pursuant to Appendix F of these regulations.
If the final plat is disapproved, the reasons for disapproval shall be stated in the minutes of the City Council and a copy forwarded to the subdivider.
The City Council may withdraw approval of a plat if it determines that information provided by the subdivider, and upon which such approval was based, is inaccurate.
The acceptance of land dedications shall be made by specific action of the City Council and shall be noted on the plat.
The City Council shall approve or deny a final plat application within 30 days after receiving the Kalispell Planning Department recommendation, unless the subdivider waives in writing the right to have such a decision within the prescribed time limit. The City Council shall notify in writing the subdivider and the Kalispell Planning Department of its approval or denial of the final plat.
Final Plat Filing: The subdivider shall have 30 days from the date of the approval of the final plat to file the approved final plat and documents as described in Appendix D with the County Clerk and Recorder.
(Ord. 1707, 12-19-2011)
Correcting Filed Final Plats: Correction of drafting or surveying errors that in the City Council's opinion will not materially alter the plat, its land division, or the improvements to less than the standards contained herein, may be made by the submission of a corrected final plat for the City Council's approval. The plat shall be entitled "Corrected Plat of the (name of subdivision) Subdivision" and the reason for the correction shall be stated on the face of the plat.
Amending Filed Final Plats:
Changes that materially alter the final plat or any portion thereof or its land divisions or improvements shall be made by the filing of an amended plat showing all alterations. Within a platted subdivision, any division of lots which result in an increase in the number of lots, or which redesigns or rearranges six or more lots, must be reviewed and approved by the City Council and an amended plat must be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder.
The amended plat shall be subject to procedural requirements for major and minor subdivisions (Sections 28.02.04 through 28.02.07). Amended plats shall be subject to all standards contained in these regulations.
The final amended plat submitted for approval shall comply with the final plat requirements of Section 28.02.08 and Appendix D with the exception that the title shall include the word "Amended" ("Amended Plat of the [name] Subdivision" or "[Name] Subdivision, Amended").
The relocation of common boundaries and the aggregation of lots within platted subdivision where five or fewer of the original lots are affected are exempt from approval procedures as a subdivision. In such case, an amended plat shall be prepared following the requirements of Appendix D, except that in place of the City Council's approval, the landowner certifies that the approval of the City Council is not required pursuant to Section 76-3-207(1), M.C.A., as amended.
(Ord. 1707, 12-19-2011)
Subdivisions created by lease or rent, such as manufactured home and recreational vehicle parks, are exempt from the surveying and filing requirements of the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act, but must be submitted for review and approved by the Kalispell City Council before portions thereof may be leased or rented.
Manufactured home parks and recreational vehicle campgrounds comprised of six or more dwelling units, lots, or spaces shall comply with and shall be processed in accordance to the procedure stated in Section 28.02.06 and Article 4 of these regulations.
Manufactured home parks and recreational vehicle parks comprised of five or fewer dwelling units, lots, or spaces shall be reviewed under Section 28.02.07 or 28.02.08 and Article 4 of these regulations.
(Ord. 1707, 12-19-2011)