To provide areas for the location of commercial, industrial, processing and manufacturing uses which are not compatible with those permissible activities and uses in the Commercial or Residential Districts.
To regulate and control development, construction, organization or subdivision for those uses.
To assure that uses which are potentially detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of the public have been located, developed or constructed to substantially eliminate their potential detrimental effects.
(Ord. No. 935, November 14, 2012)
There are two Industrial Districts:
Limited Industrial.
General Industrial.
Limited Industrial shall include uses which are generally in support of but not necessarily compatible with permissible uses in the Commercial District. These Districts shall normally be established within reasonable accessibility and convenience to General Commercial Districts and where there is adequate access to a major thoroughfare.
General Industrial shall include all business, industrial processing, or storage uses that are generally considered offensive to the senses or pose some potential threat or hazard to health, safety and welfare. This District shall not be located adjacent to Residential or Resort Districts unless there is physical or geographical protection from those characteristics of the uses considered to be offensive or hazardous.
(Ord. No. 935, November 14, 2012)
Lot Size. Lot size shall be as follows:
The minimum lot area that may be created or developed in a Limited Industrial District shall be 10,000 square feet.
The minimum lot area that may be created or developed in a General Industrial District shall be 10,000 square feet.
Any existing legal lot or parcel of record as of August 17, 1972, that is smaller than the required size, may be developed for industrial use.
Lot or parcel area shall be calculated in accordance with Sec. 8-4.6(b).
Setback Requirements. Unless as otherwise specified under Subsection (b)(3), setback requirements shall be as follows:
Minimum distance from property lines in a Limited Industrial District:
The minimum distance of any building from the right-of-way line of a public or private street shall be 10 feet unless the building is entered from that side by motor vehicles in which case the minimum distance shall be 15 feet.
The minimum distance from any building to a side property line when the adjacent Use District is industrial or commercial shall be zero. When the adjacent Use District is other than industrial or commercial, the minimum distance to the side property line shall be 10 feet.
The minimum distance of any building to a rear property line when the adjacent Use District is industrial or commercial shall be zero. When the adjacent rear Use District is other than industrial or commercial, the minimum distance to the rear property line shall be 10 feet.
Minimum distances from property lines in a General Industrial District:
Minimum distance of any building from the right-of-way of a public or private street shall be 15 feet.
Minimum distance of any building from a side property line when the adjacent Use District is industrial shall be zero. When the adjacent Use District is other than industrial, the minimum distance to the side property line shall be 15 feet.
Minimum distance of any building to a rear property line shall be 15 feet.
The Planning Director may impose greater setback requirements because of topographic, drainage, air, landscaping, or other health, safety and welfare conditions.
Minimum Distance Between Buildings. The minimum distance between detached buildings on the same parcel shall be 10 feet.
Parcel Dimension Requirements. No parcel shall be created unless:
It has a minimum frontage on a public street of 75 feet in a Limited Industrial District and 100 feet in a General Industrial District;
The average depth of the parcel is not greater than four times its average width in either District; and
The minimum average width is 75 feet in a Limited Industrial and 100 feet in a General Industrial District.
Driveways and Parking Areas. Driveways and parking areas shall be as follows:
The minimum driveway width in Industrial Districts shall be 20 feet if there is two-way traffic and 14 feet if there is one-way traffic.
Parking areas shall conform to standards of design and construction established by the County Engineer, provided that:
No parking lot pavement edge may be located closer than five feet from the right-of-way line of a public street;
No part of parked vehicles shall protrude into that setback;
All parking lots shall be screened from public thoroughfares by a fence, wall or plant screen not less than four feet high, provided that the screening height shall be lowered to the standard as required under the County Traffic Code or to the standards of the Department of Public Works, at street corners, driveway intersections, and other locations. The setback area between the parking area paving and the public right-of-way shall be planted and shall not be paved.
Paved off-street parking shall be provided as follows:
One parking stall for each three employees, or one parking stall for every 500 square feet of gross floor area of the buildings where the number of employees is unknown;
One parking stall designated for visitors for each 200 square feet of office space; and
Parking spaces for trucks, equipment, or other vehicles used in the conduct of the business.
The Planning Director shall determine the distribution of requirements for any particular use or combination of uses and may increase parking requirements when particular uses or locations occur in areas where unusual traffic congestion or conditions exist or are projected.
Building Height. No building or portion thereof shall exceed 30 feet in height in a Limited Industrial District or 50 feet in height in a General Industrial District unless it can be demonstrated that a greater height is essential to the functioning of the development and that no reasonable alternative exists.
Sewers. All industrial development accessible to a public sewer shall provide for adequate sanitary sewer facilities in accordance with standards established by the Department of Public Works and the State Department of Health. In developments not accessible to public sewers, a private sewage disposal system shall be provided that meets the requirements of the Department of Public Works and the requirements of Chapter 57 of the Public Health Regulations of the State Department of Health.
Environmental Impact Statement. The Planning Director, the Planning Commission, or the County Engineer may require an Environmental Impact Statement to be submitted prior to the issuance of any zoning, use or Variance Permit when there is any operation, material or activity which constitutes a potential threat to public health, safety and welfare or to the quality of the environment. When requiring such a statement the precise nature of the items that the Environmental Impact Statement shall cover shall be indicated.
Public Access. The Planning Commission may require the dedication of adequate public access ways not less than 10 feet in width to publicly-owned land or waters and may require the preservation of all historic and archaeological sites known or discovered on the parcel subject to development.
No single retail or wholesale establishment within an Industrial District may occupy more than 75,000 gross square feet in floor area. The gross square feet in floor area of any retail or wholesale establishment within 800 feet of each other, regardless of whether they are attached or detached, shall be aggregated in cases where the stores:
Are engaged in the selling of similar or related goods, wares or merchandise and are operated under common management; or
Share check-out counters, storage areas, or warehouse facilities; or
Are owned, leased, possessed or otherwise controlled, in any manner, by the same individual(s) or business or non-business entity(ies); or
Otherwise operate as associated, integrated or cooperative business enterprises.
(Ord. No. 935, November 14, 2012)
No construction or other development for which Standards are established in this Chapter shall be undertaken within any Industrial District except in accordance with a valid Zoning Permit. The following Zoning Permits, in accordance with Sec. 8-3.1, shall be required for the following activities:
Class I Permit. A Class I Permit must be obtained for construction or development on a parcel where:
The parcel is not located in a Constraint or a Special Treatment District and is not larger than 15,000 square feet; and
The construction or development does not require a Use Permit, a Variance Permit or an Environmental Impact Statement.
Class II Permit. A Class II Permit must be obtained for construction or development on a parcel where:
The parcel is not located in a Constraint District or a Special Treatment District and is larger than 15,000 square feet but not larger than 25,000 square feet; and
The construction or development does not require a Use Permit, Variance Permit or an Environmental Impact Statement.
Class III Permit. A Class III Permit must be obtained for construction or development on a parcel where:
The parcel is larger than 25,000 square feet but not larger than one acre, whether or not the parcel is located in a Constraint District or a Special Treatment District, and the construction or development does not require a Variance Permit or an Environmental Impact Statement; or
For construction or development on a parcel for which a Class I or Class II Permit would otherwise be obtainable except that the parcel is located in a Constraint District or a Special Treatment District.
Class IV Permit. A Class IV Permit must be obtained for construction or development on a parcel that is:
Larger than one acre, whether or not the parcel is located in a Constraint District or Special Treatment District, and whether or not a Use Permit, Variance Permit or Environmental Impact Statement is required; or
For construction or development for which a Class I, II, or III Permit would otherwise be obtainable except that a Variance Permit or an Environmental Impact Statement is required.
To obtain any permit the applicant shall show compliance with the Standards established in this Section and shall submit a plot plan and other information as required by Sec. 8-4.6(d).
(Ord. No. 935, November 14, 2012)
All industrial construction, development or use permitted by, or in accordance with this Chapter in any other Use District shall be carried out in accordance with the Standards established in this Article.
(Ord. No. 935, November 14, 2012)