An Article to protect against the health and safety menace and the expense incident to the littering of the streets and public places by the indiscriminate and uncontrolled distribution of handbills.
(Sec. 20-4.1, R.C.O. 1976)
When used in this Article, "handbill" means any printed or written matter, any sample or device, dodger, circular, leaflet, pamphlet, paper, booklet, or any other printed or otherwise reproduced original or copies of any matter or literature which advertises for sale any merchandise, product, commodity or thing, or which directs attention to any profit or non-profitmaking business, organization, or activity, or which directs attention to or advertises any meeting, theatrical performance, exhibition, or event of any kind whether or not for the purpose of private gain or profit.
(Sec. 20-4.2, R.C.O. 1976)
No person shall throw, cast, scatter, drop or deposit, or cause to be thrown, cast, scattered, dropped or deposited any handbill in or upon any public highway or public place within the County of Kaua'i.
(Ord. No. 35, June 19, 1931; Sec. 12, C.O. 1971; Sec. 20-4.3, R.C.O. 1976)
Any person convicted of violating Section 20-4.3 of this Article is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each offense. A separate offense is committed upon each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.
(Ord. No. 35, June 19, 1931; Sec. 12, C.O. 1971; Sec. 20-4.4, R.C.O. 1976)