The purpose of this Article is to establish the policy for granting easements on County real property. Such easements shall be granted pursuant to competitive bidding procedures, except as provided for hereunder.
(Ord. No. 445, February 15, 1983)
The Finance Director may grant easements through contracts approved by the County Attorney as to form and legality, without calling for public bids, when:
The intended use does not conflict with use for immediate public purposes; and
There is no reasonable alternative other than the use of public property; and
The proposed use does not create a nuisance or unreasonably affect public health or welfare; and
There is no conflicting request for use of the particular public property.
(Ord. No. 445, February 15, 1983)
For use by nonprofit organizations or governmental agencies for public purposes, the charge shall be five dollars ($5.00). "Non-profit organization" is defined to mean an association, corporation or other entity, organized and operated exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, literary, cultural, educational, recreational or other nonprofit purposes, no part of the assets, income or earnings of which inures to the benefit of any individual or member thereof.
For use by others, the charge shall be the fair market value as jointly established by the Finance Department and the Department of Public Works, or at the option of the user, the charge shall be the fair market value as established by a disinterested appraiser paid for by the user and approved by the Finance Department.
(Ord. No. 445, February 15, 1983)
The grant of easement shall specify the duration of the easement and may provide conditions for termination, including but not limited to abandonment and public need. The Finance Director, upon approval of the County Attorney, may require such other terms or conditions as necessary.
Risks of the termination of easement for public need shall be at the cost of the grantee. No damages shall be due or payable to the grantee upon termination of easement for public need.
(Ord. No. 445, February 15, 1983)
Easements for a term exceeding one (1) year shall be approved by the Council.
(Ord. No. 445, February 15, 1983)