The purpose of the “P-V” district is to create landscaped thoroughfares with common setback requirements for all districts that abut designated thoroughfares. The intent of said district is to beautify and integrate the street scene.
(Prior code § 25-272; Ord. 72-O-101 § 2, 1972)
Uses permitted in the “P-V” district shall be as follows:
Sidewalks and walkways;
Public and private lighting;
Public utilities;
Public street and information signs;
Signs in commercial districts pursuant to Section 23.90.180.
(Prior code § 25-273; Ord. 72-O-101 § 2, 1972; Ord. 92-O-100 § 2, 1992)
Uses prohibited in the “P-V” district shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following:
Vehicular parking;
Aboveground utility appurtenances, excluding light standards and fire hydrants;
Buildings and structures.
(Prior code § 25-274; Ord. 72-O-101 § 2, 1972)
Width. The width of the parkway vista shall be thirty-five (35) feet, measured from the back of curb. This width may be reduced where the planning commission finds that special circumstances exist and the intent of this chapter can be fulfilled by abutting open spaces. All improvements within thirty-five (35) feet of the curb shall be subject to approval of the planning commission whether the parkway vista is full width or reduced width.
Landscaping. The parkway vista shall be fully landscaped with the exception of those areas used for sidewalks or walkways. Street trees may be required to be integrated into the landscape design and placed in locations other than those specified in Title 22. Said landscaping shall be maintained by the fee owner of said property, or his agent.
Irrigation System. A permanent underground irrigation system shall be provided to all landscaped areas.
Sidewalks. The design, location and construction of sidewalks shall conform to city standards. A curvilinear design is encouraged and may be required.
Driveways. Driveways shall be to city standards.
(Prior code § 25-275; Ord. 72-O-101 § 2 (part) 1972; Ord. 82-O-112 § 1, 1982)
All development in the “P-V” district shall be subject to review under “Site Development Approval,” as set forth in Chapter 23.75 of the Municipal Code. The planning commission shall determine if the design, including sizes, types and locations of plant materials, is acceptable.
(Prior code § 25-276; Ord. 72-O-101 § 2, 1972; Ord. 92-O-100 § 3, 1992)
The “P-V” district is a combining district and is designed to work in conjunction with the base zone with which it is combined. Therefore, that portion of the parkway vista which is not dedicated public right-of-way may be used to satisfy setback, minimum area, and open space requirement of the base zone, subject to a majority vote of approval of the total membership of the planning commission or city council.
(Prior code § 25-277; Ord. 72-O-101 § 2, 1972; Ord. 92-O-100 § 4, 1992)