The purpose of the “C-O” district is to provide a district for office type uses, yard and open space and architectural requirements similar to those in residential districts, in order that such uses can be located in close proximity thereto.
(Prior code § 25-75)
Uses permitted in the “C-O” district shall be as follows:
Accessory use or building incidental to allowable uses;
Business, executive and financial offices;
Medical, dental offices and clinics;
Personal service businesses including but not limited to barber shops, beauty/hair salons, newsstands and other similar uses provided they shall remain incidental and subordinate to the intended office use of the building or property;
Private parking lots and garages;
Professional offices.
(Prior code § 25-76; Ord. 72-O-109 § 19, 1972; Ord. 79-O-119, 1979; Ord. 92-O-126 § 1, 1992)
The city recognizes that certain uses, although consistent with the purpose of the “C-O” district, have special characteristics which have the potential to adversely affect adjoining businesses and/or property owners. These uses shall therefore be reviewed individually pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 23.87; those uses include the following:
Churches, provided, however, that:
In approving the use permit the planning commission shall consider a church as a temporary use approved for a time period of not more than three (3) years. The use permit shall be reconsidered at the end of this time period,
All activity (other than church office staff) shall be prohibited on Monday through Friday prior to 6:00 p.m.
Hospitals, including related and/or necessary supporting facilities, such as: pharmacies, medical laboratories and out-patient clinics, when constructed or included as part of the original development;
Medical and dental laboratories, but not including manufacturing of products for general sale or distribution;
Personal service establishments including massage establishments (pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 8.44), acupressure clinics, tattoo parlors (pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 23.86) and other similar uses;
Schools and studios for arts, crafts, photography, music and dance;
Other uses which the planning commission finds are consistent with these stated uses and which create no more traffic, parking or congestion in the area.
In approving the use permit, the planning commission shall consider the following in addition to the findings required by Chapter 23.87: operating hours; impacts on adjacent business and/or residences; impacts on existing parking; impacts on city services; concentrations of similar uses. Also, where large assemblages of people are involved, the planning commission shall consider the ability of the operators to provide services for and control the subject number of persons.
(Prior code § 25-77; Ord. 79-O-110, 1979; Ord. 84-O-116 § 2, 1984; Ord. 87-O-101, 1987; Ord. 92-O-126 § 2, 1992; Ord. 96-O-105 § 1, 1996; Ord. O-2002-12, 2002; Ord. O-2011-07 § 4, 2011; Ord. O-2016-02 § 4, 2016)
Maximum allowable height in the “C-O” district shall be thirty-five (35) feet, except when located adjacent to properties zoned R-A or R-1, where the maximum height shall be thirty (30) feet, however, a thirty-five (35) foot maximum height shall be permitted when two (2) feet of additional setback is provided for every one (1) foot of additional height.
(Prior code § 25-78; Ord. 79-O-119, 1979; Ord. 87-O-102, 1987)
Minimum building site and lot width in the “C-O” district shall be five thousand (5,000) square feet; fifty (50) feet in width.
The city council upon receipt of a report from the planning commission may, by a majority vote of its total members, approve subdivisions with less than the minimum lot width and depths on irregularly shaped and oddly located lots, such as those resulting from curved or angular street layouts, particularly triangular shaped corner lots, trapezoidal lots, and lots with more than four (4) lot lines; provided however that in no case shall the minimum frontage be less than fifty (50) feet at the property line.
(Prior code § 25-79; Ord. 454 §§ 1, 6, 1967)
Maximum allowable lot coverage in the “C-O” district shall be one hundred (100) percent less required parking area and landscaping.
(Prior code § 25-80)
Minimum front yard in the “C-O” district shall be fifteen (15) feet. On corner lots, there shall be a fifteen (15) foot frontage setback along both street frontages.
(Prior code § 25-81; Ord. 79-O-119, 1979)
Minimum side yard in the “C-O” district shall be zero (0) unless site borders any residential district, then any side yard shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet except where a greater setback distance shall be required pursuant to Section 23.30.040. The required side yard shall be a minimum of fifteen (15) feet adjacent to a public right-of-way. All of the required yard area shall be landscaped and maintained as a condition of the use.
(Prior code § 25-81; Ord. 79-O-119, 1979; Ord. 87-O-130, 1987; Ord. 90-O-117 § 3, 1990)
Minimum yard in the “C-O” district shall be zero (0) unless site borders any residential district, then any rear yard shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet except that a greater setback distance shall be required pursuant to Section 23.30.040. The required rear yard shall be a minimum of fifteen (15) feet adjacent to a public right-of-way. All of the required yard area shall be landscaped and maintained as a condition of the use.
(Prior code § 25-81; Ord. 79-O-119, 1979; Ord. 87-O-130, 1987; Ord. 90-O-117 § 4, 1990)
The provisions of Chapter 23.78 shall apply in determining the amount of parking space that must be provided for each use.
(Prior code § 25-82)
The provisions of Chapter 23.90 shall apply to signs in the “C-O” district.
(Prior code § 25-82.1; Ord. 72-O-109 § 20, 1972)
All architectural plans, plot plans and detailed planting plans shall be submitted to the planning commission as set out in Section 23.75.010. A minimum ten (10) percent of the building site shall be landscaped.
(Prior code § 25-83)