Specific Plan 7 shall cover an area of approximately three hundred (300) acres generally bounded by the south side of Buena Vista Avenue to the north, the east side of Rose Drive to the west, the north side of Orangethorpe Avenue along the south, west side of Van Buren Street to the east except for an area north of the county flood control district’s Richfield Channel and the city boundaries see Exhibit A, a copy of which is available for inspection in the office of the city clerk.
(Ord. 89-O-109 § 1, 1989)
The purpose of this specific plan is to assure the consistent development of the East Placentia specific plan area in a manner which meets the growing housing needs of Placentia while adapting to the special characteristics of the land available for residential and commercial development.
(Ord. 89-O-109 § 1, 1989)
The following land use areas shall be established:
Residential including:
Low density,
Medium density,
Medium-high density,
High density;
Neighborhood commercial;
Open space/park;
Oil reserve;
Public institutions;
Parkway vistas.
(Ord. 89-O-109 § 1, 1989)
The resource production overlay is an overlying designation which permits continued oil recovery from existing facilities, but restricts the installation of new recovery facilities or expansion of existing facilities to areas that are designated oil reserve.
(Ord. 89-O-109 § 1, 1989)
Uses permitted within the established land use areas shall be as follows:
Low density residential: detached single-family dwellings including garages, home dwellings, home occupations per Section 23.81.020, accessory dwelling units in compliance with Chapter 23.73;
Medium density residential: single-family detached dwellings, single-family attached dwellings, home occupations per Section 23.81.020, accessory dwelling units in compliance with Chapter 23.73;
Medium-high density residential: single-family attached and detached dwellings, condominium projects/cooperatives, multiple-family dwellings including duplexes, triplexes, apartments, home occupations per Section 23.81.020, common private recreation facilities, accessory dwelling units in compliance with Chapter 23.73;
High-density residential: Condominium projects/cooperatives, multiple-family dwellings including duplexes, triplexes, apartments, home occupations per Section 23.81.020, common private recreation facilities;
Retail businesses conducted within a building which sell antiques, apparel, appliances and hardware, automobile parts and supplies (no repair or service), baked goods, books and stationery, flowers, furniture, jewelry, nursery and garden supplies, sporting goods, groceries (no liquor). Also, drug stores and pharmacies, hobby shops, laundry and dry cleaners (no on-site plant), print shops,
Service businesses including retail sales incidental thereto: Banks and financial institutions (no drive-through), barber, beauty salons, locksmith, restaurants without alcoholic beverage sale,
Office uses: Accountants, architects, attorneys, chiropractors, dentists, doctors, optometrists, travel agencies, insurance companies, public utility offices,
Community facilities: Post office branch,
Small outdoor seating areas per Section 23.81.165,
Use conformity determination.
Notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection, the planning commission of the city of Placentia may, upon application made pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 23.87, review and determine whether a proposed use, not otherwise specified in this subsection, conforms to the intent and purpose of this chapter with regard to permitted uses and has characteristics similar to those uses listed in this subsection. The city administrator shall determine the number of plot plans to be submitted together with the application. The planning commission shall make the findings required by Section 23.87.040(1) and (2) in making any such determination.
Open space/park: Ball fields, snack shops, restrooms, recreation buildings, day care buildings, parking lots;
Oil reserve: Tank farms and other storage facilities, oil wells, existing gang drilling sites;
Public institutions: Schools, public utility and public and quasi-public buildings and uses;
Parkway vistas: Sidewalks and walkways, landscaping, public and private lighting, public utilities, public and street information signs and driveways pursuant to Chapter 23.28 of this code.
(Ord. 89-O-109 § 1, 1989; Ord. 94-O-118 § 1, 1994; Ord. 95-O-100 § 1, 1995; Ord. 97-O-107 § 3, 1997; Ord. O-2010-09 § 6, 2010; Ord. O-2019-01 § 10, 2019)
Uses permitted subject to obtaining a use permit within the established land use areas shall be as follows:
Low density residential: large family day care;
Medium density residential: large family day care, condominium projects/cooperatives;
Medium-high density residential: large family day care;
Retail: department stores, liquor stores, pet store supplies, theaters, tire sales and services,
Service businesses: car washes, cocktail lounges and bars, restaurants with alcoholic beverage sales, restaurants with drive-through service,
Large outdoor seating areas per Section 23.81.165,
Community facilities: churches, convents, monasteries and other religious institutions, day care centers, fraternal organizations, animal hospitals, commercial recreation facilities including tennis, racquetball, bowling, ice skating, athletic clubs;
Oil reserves: new oil wells, new gang drilling sites.
(Ord. 89-O-109 § 1, 1989; Ord. 97-O-107 § 4, 1997)
The maximum permitted density in the established land use areas shall be as follows:
Low density residential: six (6) d.u./net acre;
Medium density residential: fifteen (15) d.u./net acre;
Medium-high density residential: eighteen (18) d.u./net acre;
High density residential: twenty-five (25) d.u./net acre.
(Ord. 89-O-109 § 1, 1989)
Minimum building site area and lot dimensions in these land use areas shall be as follows:
Minimum Lot Size
(in square feet)
Minimum Lot Width
(in feet)
Low Density Residential (LDR)
Medium Density Residential (MDR)
Medium-High Residential (MHR)
High Density Residential (HDR)
Minimum of sixty-five (65) percent of the buildable lots shall be six thousand (6,000) square feet.
Average size of all lots for any development project cannot be less than two thousand nine hundred (2,900) square feet.
Single-family attached or detached units.
Apartment/condominium complexes.
(Ord. 89-O-109 § 1, 1989; Ord. 97-O-114 § 1, 1997; Ord. O-2018-06 § 3, 2018; Ord. O-2023-03, 6/20/2023)
Maximum height for structures in the established land use areas shall be as follows:
Low density residential: thirty (30) feet;
Medium, medium-high and high-density residential: thirty-five (35) feet;
Commercial: thirty-five (35) feet.
(Ord. 89-O-109 § 1, 1989)
Maximum allowable lot coverage by structures in the established land use areas shall be as follows:
Maximum Lot Coverage (net area)1
Required Open Space (per dwelling unit)
Low Density Residential (LDR)
Medium Density Residential (MDR)
100 square feet (detached single-family dwellings)
400 square feet (single-family attached dwellings)
Medium-High Residential (MHR)
400 square feet
High Density Residential (HDR)
400 square feet
Less the required setbacks and open space recreation areas.
Private attached ground-level patios may be credited as an amenity if open on three (3) sides and to the sky. Areas excluded from the open space requirements include all structures (except recreation buildings meeting above criteria), private streets, drives, parking lots and oil well exclusiveuse areas.
In addition, a designated common recreation area shall be provided and contain a minimum of three (3) amenities from the following list for medium, medium high and high density residential, except for detached single-family dwellings within the Medium Density Residential (MDR) land use area which shall contain a minimum of two (2) amenities listed below:
Swimming pool and patio deck;
Spa and patio deck;
Shade structure;
Tot lot with playground equipment;
Tennis, volleyball, basketball or multi-use sports court;
Recreation building with game room or gym equipment;
Barbecue area;
Passive recreation and seating areas.
(Ord. 89-O-109 § 1, 1989; Ord. 97-O-114 § 2, 1997; Ord. 99-O-114 § 1, 1999; Ord. O-2018-06 § 3, 2018)
Minimum building setbacks from actual or assumed property lines in established land use areas shall be as follows (Note: Assumed property lines shall be defined as the boundaries of the designated exclusive use area for each unit):
Land Use Area
Principal Structure and/or Accessory Structure
Patio Cover (Measured from the overhang)
Separation Between Buildings
Low Density Residential (LDR)
Front entry garage: 18'
Side entry garage: 15'
Rear: 20'
Room additions: 10' to rear property line
Side: 25% of lot width, 5' minimum
Side: 5'
Rear: 5'
Medium Density Residential (MDR)
Front: 15', public street
Front: 5', private street
Side: 5'2
Rear: 5'
Side and rear: 3'; 5' if adjacent to street, greenbelt or perimeter boundary
Garage: 20' public street1
Garage: 5' private street1
One-story: 10'
Two-story: 10'
Medium High Residential (MHR)
Front: 15', public street
Front: 5', private street
Side: 5'
Rear: 10'
Side and rear: 3'; 5' if adjacent to street, greenbelt or perimeter boundary
Garages and carports, 0 setback for side and rear yards
Principal structure: 1/2 the principal structures' average height, no less than 10'
Accessory building: 5'
High Density Residential (HDR)
Front: 15', public street
Front: 5', private street
Side: 5'
Rear: 10'
Side and rear: 3'; 5' if adjacent to street, greenbelt or perimeter boundary
Garages and carports, 0 setback for side and rear yards
Principal structure: 1/2 the principal structures' average height, no less than 10'
Accessory building: 5'
Front/corner lots compliance with Section 23.33.060.
Interior lot or side yard: 0'
Adjacent to residential: 35'
Roll-up garage doors equipped with automatic door opener required for garages with less than twenty feet setback. There shall not be a garage setback between five (5) and eighteen (20) feet from a private street or drive. A minimum garage setback of no less than eighteen (18) feet shall be permitted.
The minimum side yard setback for each single-family detached principal structure and/or accessory structure shall be four (4) feet.
Additionally, setbacks for all other uses shall be as set forth in the East Placentia specific plan design guidelines and development standards as approved by the planning commission and/or city council.
Building Site Coverage.
The total area covered by buildings shall be a maximum of one hundred (100%) percent of the building site area, less the required setbacks and open space and recreation areas. If the building site area is subdivided into individual lots, the maximum coverage is one hundred (100%) percent of each lot, less the required setbacks.
For single-family detached homes with a private yard, open space areas shall be provided at a minimum of one hundred (100) square feet per dwelling unit, in addition to required setback areas, which shall be provided within common designated recreational areas. Designated common recreation areas shall contain two or more of the following list of amenities.
For single-family attached homes, a minimum of four hundred (400) square feet of open space area shall be provided, in addition to required setback areas, per dwelling unit, which shall be provided within common designated recreational areas. Designated common recreation areas shall contain a minimum of three of the following list of amenities. Additional amenities not listed may be provided if approved by the planning commission or the city council:
Swimming pool and patio deck;
Spa and patio deck;
Shade structure (minimum one hundred fifty (150) square feet);
Tot lot with playground equipment;
Tennis court or multi-use sports court;
Basketball court or multi-use sports court;
Recreation building with game room or gym equipment;
Volleyball court;
Barbeque areas;
Passive recreation/seating areas.
Private attached ground-level patios may be credited if open on three sides and to the sky above. Areas excluded from the open space requirement include all structures (except recreation buildings meeting above criteria), private streets, drives, parking lots, and oil well exclusive-use areas.
Building Setbacks.
From any public street right-of-way, the minimum building setback shall be fifteen (15) feet. The point of vehicular entry to any garage shall be a minimum setback of twenty (20) feet from any public right-of-way line. Roll-up type garage doors shall be required.
From any private street or drive right-of-way (sidewalks are included in right-of-way, if provided), the minimum setback shall be five (5) feet, provided that garages located less than twenty (20) feet from any private street or drive shall have roll-up type doors and equipped with an automatic garage door opener. There shall not be a garage setback between five (5) and eighteen (18) feet from a private street or drive. A minimum garage setback of no less than eighteen (18) feet shall be permitted.
The minimum side yard setback for each single-family detached principal structure and/or accessory structure shall be four (4) feet.
The minimum rear yard setback for each dwelling unit and/or accessory structure shall be five (5) feet.
(Ord. 89-O-109 § 1, 1989; Ord. 99-O-114 § 2, 1999; Ord. O-2001-03 § 8, 2001; Ord. O-2018-06 § 3, 2018; Ord. O-2023-03, 6/20/2023)
Oil well locations shall be in accordance with the requirements of the state.
No well, water injection, pumping unit or other type, shall be located within one hundred (100) feet of any habitable building, nor shall any such habitable building be erected within one hundred (100) feet of any well not abandoned, except buildings incidental to the operation of the well. The planning commission or city council, while reviewing a development plan review application, may waive or modify the one hundred (100) foot distance requirement subject to making the following findings:
That the use or occupancy of the building is such that the one hundred (100) foot distance requirement is not necessary;
That the building or the drill site incorporates adequate structural and fire safety features to compensate for the reduction in the one hundred (100) foot requirement of this section; and
That the owner of the structure complies with any special safety requirements imposed by the fire department.
(Ord. 89-O-109 § 1, 1989; Ord. 92-O-100 § 7, 1992)
All requirements of Chapter 23.78 of this code shall be applicable to developments in specific plan areas including but not limited to minimum parking, loading and light requirements as well as regulations for the parking and storage of recreational vehicles in residential areas, unless otherwise permitted by the East Placentia specific plan design guidelines. Parking requirements for the established land use areas shall be as follows:
Required Spaces in Garage/ Carport/Open
Recreational Vehicles and Guest Parking Spaces
Low Density Residential (LDR)
2 per unit, both in a garage
1 RV space for each 10 dwellings.
Medium Density Residential (MDR)
2 per unit, one in a garage.
none required.
Medium-High Residential (MHR)
1.75 spaces for each 1 bedroom unit; 1 in a garage or carport.
2 spaces per unit with 2 or more bedrooms; 1 in a garage or carport.
10% of the total number of spaces for guest parking.1
High Density Residential (HDR)
1.75 spaces for each 1 bedroom unit; 1 in a garage or carport.
2 spaces per unit with 2 or more bedrooms; 1 in a garage or carport.
15% of the total number of spaces for guest parking.1
4 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross area for general retail, service and office uses.
Parking for all other uses per Section 23.78 of this code.
A maximum of thirty-five (35) percent of the total number of uncovered parking spaces may be compact parking in developments with more than twenty (20) uncovered parking spaces.
(Ord. 89-O-109 § 1, 1989; Ord. 90-O-111 § 2, 1990; Ord. 97-O-114 § 4, 1997)
All signs shall comply with Chapter 23.90 of this code.
(Ord. 89-O-109, 1989)
Minimum requirements for walls, fences, landscaping, street dimensions, elevated decks, and the fencing and landscaping of oil wells shall be as follows:
Walls and fences per Sections 23.81.100 and 23.81.105;
Landscaping per Chapter 23.77;
Street dimensions per Sections 23.20.020, 23.20.030 and 23.20.035;
Private recreation areas per Section 23.81.055;
Oil wells: fencing per Section 17.12.040;
Oil wells: landscaping per City Policy No. 704, a copy of which is available at the desk of the department of development services;
Elevated decks per Section 23.81.055.
(Ord. 89-O-109 § 1, 1989; Ord. 95-O-101 § 1, 1995; Ord. 97-O-114 § 5, 1997)
The area designated as “oil reserve,” located south of Alta Vista, between Rose and Jefferson shall be used solely for oil extraction activities or for nursery purposes. Any additional development shall require amendment of the specific plan at which time a land use designation shall be applied.
(Ord. 89-O-109 § 1, 1989)
The specific plan area shall also be subject to and governed by the East Placentia specific plan design guidelines and development standards as approved by the planning commission and/or city council, Title 20, Building Codes, Title 22, Subdivisions, as well as those portions of this code that the city deems necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of the city.
(Ord. 89-O-109 § 1, 1989; Ord. O-2018 § 3, 2018)