Findings. The city council finds that:
Sufficient parking for daily or weekly peaks is important towards furthering economic goals;
Flexible parking ratios enhance opportunities for re-use of buildings and stimulate economic vitality;
The needs of vehicular traffic shall be balanced with the need for adequate bicycle and pedestrian facilities to facilitate a variety of transportation modes;
Creating rarely used parking spaces can result in negative environmental impacts through excessive impervious surface, discourages other productive uses of land, and conflict with pedestrian and bicycle travel;
Shared parking or other parking management tools are an effective method of ensuring sufficient parking;
Parking spillover into residential neighborhoods should be avoided; and
Street parking is not intended to meet the parking needs for private uses.
Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to ensure sufficient and well-designed vehicular and bicycle facilities that satisfy the need for sufficient parking on a property. Parking rates are also designed to achieve maximum efficiency of parking areas and reduce the occurrence of both large numbers of empty spaces or overcrowding in parking lots at daily or weekly peak times.
(Ord. 2988-12 § 11)
"Garage, fully-enclosed"
means a building designed for the parking of vehicles which is fully enclosed on all sides.
"Parking lot"
means an area devoted to the parking of vehicles, including parking spaces, aisles, driveways, and interior and perimeter landscaped areas.
"Parking space"
means an area designated specifically for the parking of a single vehicle that meets the standards of this chapter. In this chapter, the term "space" is the same as "parking space."
"Parking structure"
means a structure designed to accommodate parking spaces that are fully or partially enclosed. Parking structures include underground parking spaces and under-building parking areas. "Parking structure" does not include a garage in conjunction with a single-family or duplex dwelling.
"Tandem parking"
means the placement of two parking spaces in such an arrangement where access to one or more parking spaces is dependent on moving another vehicle. Mechanical lifts, stackers or other similar means of mechanized parking where parking spaces are not independently accessible shall be considered tandem parking.
(Ord. 2988-12 § 11; Ord. 3056-15 § 2)
This chapter applies to all uses on a property where parking is required or voluntarily proposed. The following types of projects require upgrades or changes as specified:
New Construction. New construction shall meet all requirements of this chapter.
Use Change or Expansion. Any change or expansion to a use or structure which requires additional parking shall meet the requirements of this chapter except for parking maximums. Existing parking lots with nonconforming parking space dimensions may be continued.
Restriping and Minor Modifications. Restriping, surface resealing and minor surface changes are not required to update parking lot dimensions to current requirements. Any changes to parking lot layout or dimensions are required to meet the standards of this chapter.
Major Modifications to the Lot. Modifications to the asphalt paving to the baserock level require compliance with this chapter. Changes to paved parking area may also require compliance with Chapter 12.60 (Stormwater Management).
Exemption from Minimum Parking Requirements. A development project located within one-half mile of a major transit stop is not required to comply with minimum parking requirements.
For purposes of this exemption, "major transit stop" means an existing rail transit station or the intersection of two or more major bus routes with a frequency of service interval of fifteen minutes or less during the morning and afternoon peak commute periods. A major transit stop also includes transit stops that are included in an applicable regional transportation plan.
This exemption does not apply to any of the following projects:
Event Centers. For purposes of this exemption, an event center means a community center, activity center, auditorium, convention center, stadium, amphitheater, fairgrounds, or other building, collection of buildings, or facility which is used exclusively or primarily for the holding of sporting events, athletic contests, contests of skill, conventions, meetings, concerts, or shows, or for providing public amusement or entertainment.
A project where any portion of the project is designated for use as a hotel, motel, bed and breakfast inn, or other transient lodging, except where a portion of a housing development project is designated for use as a residential hotel, as defined in Section 50519 of the Health and Safety Code.
This section shall not reduce, eliminate, or preclude the enforcement of any requirement imposed on a new multifamily residential or nonresidential development that is located within one-half mile of a major transit stop to provide bicycle parking, electric vehicle supply equipment installed parking spaces, or parking spaces that are accessible to persons with disabilities that would have otherwise applied to the development if this section did not apply.
Specific Plans. Minimum parking rates for specific plan properties, including the Downtown Specific Plan, Moffett Park Specific Plan, Peery Park Specific Plan, Lawrence Station Area Plan, and El Camino Real Specific Plan are listed within Chapter 19.28 (Downtown Specific Plan District), Chapter 19.29 (Moffett Park Specific Plan District), Book 2 of the Peery Park Specific Plan, Chapter 19.35 (Lawrence Station Area Plan), and Chapter 19.36 (El Camino Real Specific Plan), respectively. All other standards in this chapter apply to specific plan areas.
Design Guidelines. New construction and building or site modifications shall conform to the citywide design guidelines or other applicable guidelines to ensure sufficient and well-designed vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian facilities.
(Ord. 2988-12 § 11; Ord. 3162-20 § 4; Ord. 3206-22 § 2; Ord. 3207-23 § 2)
The following requirements apply to all residential developments, including single-family, two-family and multiple-family dwellings, single-room occupancy facilities, special housing developments and mobile home parks.
Location. Required parking shall be located off-street. Parking is allowed in all required yards. Up to fifty percent of the front yard may be used for vehicle parking. The following special restrictions apply:
Operable Vehicles. Vehicles parked in the front or side yards are limited to currently-registered operable vehicles, trailers and boats. An operable vehicle is a vehicle that can move under its own power and which can operate legally and safely on the highways of the state.
RVs, Trailers and Boats. Effective January 1, 2005, all recreational vehicles (RVs), trailers and boats parked in a front yard shall be parked perpendicular to the street, unless the legal driveway configuration dictates otherwise. RVs, trailers and boats are subject to the vision triangle requirements in Section 19.34.060 (Vision triangles).
Type. Residential developments are required to provide assigned and unassigned parking spaces in accordance with this chapter unless exempted by Section 19.46.030.
Covered Assigned Parking Spaces. Required or voluntarily proposed assigned parking spaces shall be covered. A garage, carport or covered space in a parking structure counts as a covered parking space. Garages or carports shall meet the following dimensions:
Two-Car Garages. A two-car garage shall be four hundred square feet gross floor area minimum. Inside the garage, a minimum area of seventeen feet in width by eighteen feet in depth shall be kept clear of appliances, water heaters, shelves, etc.
One-Car Garage. A one-car garage shall be two hundred square feet minimum. Inside the garage, a minimum area of eight and one-half feet in width by eighteen feet in depth shall be kept clear of appliances, water heaters, shelves, etc.
Carport. Carports shall meet the minimum area standards described for garages and be designed so future enclosures meet the minimum dimensions for garages. Each dwelling unit with a carport is required to provide additional storage of at least three hundred cubic feet for each carport space.
Parking Structure Spaces. Assigned spaces in an underground parking garage shall meet the minimum dimensions of a standard space in Section 19.46.120 (Parking lot design).
Unassigned Parking Spaces. Required or voluntarily proposed unassigned parking spaces may be covered or uncovered and shall meet the requirements of Section 19.46.120 (Parking lot design).
Minimum Spaces. Residential uses must provide minimum spaces in accordance with the use types as described in this chapter unless exempted by Section 19.46.030. When any fraction of a parking space is required, the entire space shall be provided. Conversion of any garage or carport for any residential use shall meet the requirements in Section 19.46.050(e) (Garage or carport conversion).
Parking Lots. Parking lots shall meet the requirements in Section 19.46.120 (Parking lot design).
Parking Surfaces. Parking surfaces shall meet the requirements of Section 19.46.120(c) (Parking lot surfaces and markings).
Mechanized Parking. Parking lifts, carousels or other types of mechanized parking shall be located within a building or parking structure.
(Ord. 2988-12 § 11; Ord. 3056-15 § 3; Ord. 3206-22 § 3; Ord. 3207-23 § 3)
Minimum Spaces. Each single-family dwelling and two-family dwelling shall provide a minimum of four spaces total, two of which shall be covered and not in tandem unless exempted by Section 19.46.030. Covered spaces are required to meet the requirements in Section 19.46.040 (General requirements for residential parking) as shown in Figure 19.46.050 (Single-Family and Two-Family Dwelling Parking Dimensions). Uncovered parking spaces on a driveway with minimum dimensions of seventeen feet in width by twenty feet in depth and located in front of a garage or carport shall count as two of the four spaces required for single-family and two-family dwellings.
Single-Family Homes with Less Than Two Covered Spaces. Any legal nonconforming single-family dwelling with less than two covered parking spaces is subject to the following:
Required Upgrade. Two covered parking spaces that meet the minimum size and dimensions in Section 19.46.040 (General requirements for residential parking) shall be provided if:
An alteration or addition to the dwelling results in four or more bedrooms; or
An addition to the dwelling results in a gross floor area of one thousand eight hundred square feet or more, excluding garages and carports. Homes that already exceed the one thousand eight hundred gross floor area threshold shall provide the two covered spaces with any addition of floor area.
Allowance for Tandem Parking. Without a variance, an approving authority, as part of any discretionary permit or, if no discretionary permit would be otherwise required, a miscellaneous plan permit, may allow a tandem parking garage or carport to satisfy the two covered space requirement pursuant to subsection (b)(1) if the approving authority makes one or more of the following findings:
The width of the subject lot is less than fifty-seven feet; or
Significant structural modifications are required to expand the existing covered parking area into the living area to meet the minimum size and dimensions for two covered spaces.
Additional Parking Required. New developments of single-family or two-family dwellings with limited street parking shall provide an additional 0.4 unassigned parking spaces per unit in addition to the minimum spaces required. Parking spaces on driveways do not qualify as required unassigned parking.
Driveway Widths. A driveway leading to a garage at the rear of the lot shall be at least ten feet wide.
Garage or Carport Conversion. As provided in Chapter 19.79 (Accessory Dwelling Units), replacement parking is not required when a garage or carport is converted to an accessory dwelling unit, or demolished for the purpose of constructing an accessory dwelling unit. Otherwise, conversion of a garage or carport to a non-parking use requires review through a miscellaneous plan permit, which shall be conditioned on replacement of each converted space by a covered space that meets current standards.
Figure 19.46.050 Single-Family and Two-Family Dwelling Parking Dimensions
(Ord. 3207-23 § 4; Ord. 3206-22 § 4; Ord. 3156-20 § 3; Ord. 3154-20 § 6; Ord. 3105-16 § 8; Ord. 3056-15 § 4; Ord. 2988-12 § 11)
"Assigned space"
means a parking space reserved for the exclusive use by the residents of a specific dwell-ing unit.
"Unassigned space"
means a parking space that is not reserved for exclusive use by the residents of a specific dwelling unit; however, unassigned spaces may be reserved for guest use only.
means a person who is not a permanent resident as defined by the homeowners' association or apartment management.
"One-bedroom unit"
means any dwelling with only one bedroom and includes studio and efficiency units.
Minimum Spaces. Multiple-family dwellings are required to provide at least one covered assigned space per unit and additional unassigned spaces in accordance with Section 19.46.040 (General requirements for residential parking) and Table 19.46.060 (Parking for Multiple-Family Dwellings) unless exempted by Section 19.46.030.
Allowances for Tandem Parking. Providing two covered tandem parking spaces may satisfy covered space requirements for up to fifty percent of the units in a multiple-family development. Each set of tandem spaces must be assigned to the same unit. Required unassigned spaces shall not be provided as tandem parking. Tandem parking may be allowed for any parking spaces provided in addition to the minimum number of spaces required. Any allowance for tandem parking shall be approved by the approving body as part of any discretionary permit or, if no discretionary permit would be otherwise required, a miscellaneous plan permit, and shall be consistent with the tandem parking allowance guidelines set forth in the city's High Density Residential Design Guidelines.
Independent Mechanized Parking. Mechanical lifts, stackers or other similar means of mechanized parking where parking spaces are independently accessible may satisfy covered assigned space requirements.
Additional Parking Required. The director or any approving body may require additional unassigned parking spaces beyond the minimum requirements for projects with limited street parking.
Compact Spaces. Up to ten percent of the total number of unassigned parking spaces may be compact in parking lots of ten or more spaces.
Bicycle Parking. New multiple-family developments shall provide bicycle parking in accordance with Section 19.46.150 (Bicycle parking).
Parking Management Plan. If on-site parking is required or voluntarily proposed in conjunction with a new multiple-family development, a parking management plan in accordance with Section 19.46.160 (Parking management plans and tools) is required.
Table 19.46.060
Parking for Multiple-Family Dwellings
Type of Covered Assigned Space Provided
Number of Bedrooms
Number of Unassigned Spaces
One parking space per unit in carport or parking structure
One-bedroom units
0.5 unassigned spaces per unit
2-bedroom units
1 unassigned space per unit
3-bedroom units
1 unassigned space per unit
4-bedroom units or more
Use the 3-bedroom requirement and add 0.15 unassigned spaces for each bedroom above the third bedroom
One parking space per unit in fully-enclosed garage
One-bedroom units
0.8 unassigned spaces per unit
2-bedroom units
1.33 unassigned spaces per unit
3-bedroom units
1.4 unassigned spaces per unit
4-bedroom units or more
Use the 3-bedroom requirement and add 0.15 unassigned spaces for each bedroom above the third bedroom
Two parking spaces per unit
One-bedroom units
0.25 unassigned spaces per unit
2-bedroom units
0.4 unassigned spaces per unit
3-bedroom units
0.5 unassigned spaces per unit
4-bedroom units or more
Use the 3-bedroom requirement and add 0.15 unassigned spaces for each bedroom above the third bedroom
(Ord. 2988-12 § 11; Ord. 3056-15 § 5; Ord. 3206-22 § 5; Ord. 3207-23 § 5)
Minimum Spaces. Single room occupancy facilities shall provide spaces in accordance with Table 19.46.070 (Parking for Single Room Occupancy Facilities) unless exempted by Section 19.46.030.
Compact Spaces. Up to ten percent of the total number of uncovered and unassigned parking spaces may be compact in parking lots of ten or more spaces.
Table 19.46.070
Parking for Single Room Occupancy Facilities
Single-Room Occupancy Unit Size
Required Parking Spaces
Less than 200 square feet
0.25 spaces per unit
200 – 250 square feet
0.5 spaces per unit
Greater than 250 square feet
1 space per unit
(Ord. 2988-12 § 11; Ord. 3206-22 § 6; Ord. 3207-23 § 6)
Definition. "Special Housing Development" includes:
Affordable housing developments for lower income households; and
Senior citizen housing, as defined in California Civil Code Sections 51.3 and 51.12, or successor sections;
Housing for persons with disabilities, as defined in the Federal Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, or successor statutes.
Minimum Spaces. Special housing developments shall provide spaces in accordance with Table 19.46.080 (Park-ing for Special Housing Developments) unless exempted by Section 19.46.030.
Request for Reductions. Special housing developments may request a reduction in parking requirements as described in Section 19.46.130 (Adjustment to parking requirements).
Compact Spaces. Up to ten percent of the total number of unassigned parking spaces may be compact in parking lots of ten or more spaces.
Parking Management Plan. A parking management plan is required for all special housing developments to ensure an adequate mix of assigned and unassigned parking spaces for residents, staff and guests. Parking management plan requirements are located in Section 19.46.160 (Parking management plans).
Table 19.46.080
Parking for Special Housing Developments
Type of Housing
Type of Unit
Required Parking Spaces
Affordable to lower income households
1 space per unit
2 or 3 bedrooms
2 spaces per unit
4 or more bedrooms
2.15 spaces per unit
Unit of any size for senior citizens or persons with disabilities
0.6 spaces per unit
Standard housing (not restricted affordable units)
Unit of any size for senior citizens or persons with disabilities
1 space per unit
Assisted living
Unit of any size
0.25 spaces per resident
(Ord. 2988-12 § 11; Ord. 3206-22 § 7; Ord. 3207-23 § 7)
Minimum Spaces. Mobile home parks shall have two spaces per unit plus one space per employee living off site plus one space per special purpose vehicle unless exempted by Section 19.46.030.
Tandem Parking. Tandem parking is permitted for mobile home parks.
Compact Spaces. Compact spaces are prohibited.
(Ord. 2988-12 § 11; Ord. 3206-22 § 8; Ord. 3207-23 § 8)
Allowable Locations for Parking. Required or voluntarily proposed parking shall be located off-street. Parking is allowed in any required setback area except for required vision triangles described in Section 19.34.060 (Vision triangles). Parking shall be located on site unless a parking management plan is approved with associated parking agreements.
Type of Parking. Parking may be provided in the following forms: surface lots or within parking structures. Parking lifts, carousels or other types of mechanized parking shall be located within a building or parking structure and require approval of the planning commission through a use permit, special development permit, or a plan review permit. Any proposal for mechanized parking shall be accompanied with a proposed parking management plan.
Minimum Spaces. Nonresidential uses shall provide parking in accordance with Tables 19.46.100(a), (b) and (c) (Nonresidential Parking Requirements) unless exempted by Section 19.46.030. All square footage numbers refer to gross floor area of the use. For uses not listed, the director shall determine required parking ratios based on accepted guidelines such as ITE or ULI. When any fraction of a parking space is required, the entire space shall be provided. Uses that provide certain facilities may be allowed fewer parking spaces as described in subsection (d) (Incentives).
Incentives. The total number of parking spaces may be reduced by up to three percent of the total spaces if the development includes the installation of employee showers and locker rooms. Calculations justifying the parking reduction shall be submitted with the planning application.
Shared Parking. Shared parking between developments may be approved as part of a use permit, plan review permit, or special development permit and is not subject to the requirements for multiple uses on a property in subsection (f) of this section.
Multiple Uses on a Property. For multi-tenant properties, the approving body may use a combination of appropriate requirements to determine the required parking. Shopping center uses are regulated separately in Section 19.46.110(i) (Shopping centers).
Mixed Uses Including Residential. "Mixed use" means a development that includes nonresidential uses and residential uses on the same development site. Required or voluntarily proposed parking shall be based on accepted guidelines such as ITE or ULI. Parking management plans are required for mixed use development. Bicycle parking required by Chapter 19.36 (El Camino Real Specific Plan District) shall not be reduced.
Nonresidential Multi-Tenant Properties.
Calculation. In determining which requirements are appropriate in the case of a multi-tenant use on a property that is not a shopping center, any single use occupying thirty percent or less of the total floor area occupied by all of the uses shall be treated as though it were part of the uses occupying the remaining seventy percent.
Captive Market. For uses that are accessory to a larger business and primarily serve the needs of that business, no additional parking is required. Examples include a coffee or snack shop within an office or hotel development or a copy/package store within a business park.
Additional Requirements. Tables 19.46.100(a), (b) and (c) list additional requirements as described in this section.
Specific Use Standards. Refer to Section 19.46.110 (Definitions and parking standards for specific nonresidential land uses) for definitions and information on parking requirements specific to a particular land use.
Bicycle Parking. Refer to Section 19.46.150 (Bicycle parking) for related requirements.
Parking Management Plans. Refer to Section 19.46.160 (Parking management plans and tools) for related requirements.
Loading Spaces. If the use lists "loading space" as an additional requirement, one loading space shall be available per lot as described in the citywide design guidelines. Lots with less than fifteen spaces are exempt from this requirement.
Car Share Spaces. "Car share" means a space for carpool vehicles or a vehicle-sharing provider. If the use lists "car share spaces" as an additional requirement, a minimum of five percent of all parking spaces shall be permanently reserved for the exclusive use of car share vehicles. Car share spaces will be reserved with lot markings, signs, or other techniques.
Electric Car Chargers. New construction of industrial uses, research and development office or other office uses with one hundred spaces or more is required to provide pre-wiring for a minimum of Level 2 electric car chargers for a minimum of three percent of the total parking spaces provided.
Fleet Vehicles. Parking of fleet vehicles is regulated separately in Section 19.46.140 (Parking and storage of fleet vehicles).
Table 19.46.100(a)
Parking Requirements for Restaurant, Commercial Retail and Service
Primary Use
Minimum Spaces / 1,000 sq. ft.
Maximum Spaces / 1,000 sq. ft.
Additional Requirements
Auto sales and rental
No maximum
Auto sales and rental standards
Loading space
Auto service uses
2.5 for retail or office space plus 3 per service bay
No maximum
Auto-related use standards
Bars or nightclubs
Financial institution
Bicycle parking
Hotel or boardinghouse
0.8 spaces/hotel room
1.2 spaces/hotel room
Hotel standards
Loading space
No bar or entertainment
Restaurant standards
Bicycle parking
Including a bar or entertainment
Restaurant standards
Bicycle parking
Restaurant standards
Bicycle parking
General retail and service
Retail use standards
Bicycle parking
Parking management plan
Loading space
Warehouse retail or bulky-merchandise retail
Retail use standards
Bicycle parking
Parking management plan
Loading space
Shopping center
Shopping center standards
Bicycle parking
Parking management plan
Loading space
Table 19.46.100(b)
Parking Requirements for Office, Industrial and Warehousing
Primary Use
Minimum Spaces / 1,000 sq. ft.
Maximum Spaces / 1,000 sq. ft.
Additional Requirements
Industrial uses, research and development office and corporate office
Loading space
Car share
Bicycle parking
Electric car chargers
Administrative, professional and medical office
Loading space
Car share
Bicycle parking
Electric car chargers
Commercial storage or self-storage
Loading space
Loading space
Car share
Bicycle parking
Table 19.46.100(c)
Parking Requirements for Recreation, Education and Care
Primary Use
Minimum Spaces
Additional Requirements
Adult day care center
2.5/1,000 sq. ft.
Child care center
Education use standards
Convalescent hospital
Loading space
Recreation and enrichment
4/1,000 sq. ft.
Bicycle parking
Primary (Grades K-8)
High school (Grades 9-12)
Education use standards
Institution of higher learning
Education use standards
Place of assembly—Community-serving or business-serving
25/1,000 for primary gathering areas
Place of assembly standards
Parking management plan
Recreational and athletic facility
5/1,000 sq. ft. of general area plus 20/1,000 sq. ft. of classroom area
Bicycle parking
Recreational and athletic facility standards
(Ord. 2988-12 § 11; Ord. 3056-15 § 6; Ord. 3194-22 § 13; Ord. 3206-22 § 9; Ord. 3207-23 § 9)
Vehicle parking, bicycle parking and other requirements are described in Tables 19.46.100(a), (b) and (c) (Nonresidential Parking Requirements). This section specifies definitions and additional parking regulations for specific uses.
Auto Sales and Rental. Auto sales and rental is defined in Chapter 19.12 (Definitions). Unenclosed display spaces and storage of cars for auto sales do not count towards required parking. Building areas devoted to vehicle repair and service shall be parked at the minimum for auto-service uses.
Auto-Service Uses. "Auto-service uses" include gasoline stations, autobroker and wholesale auto sales, carwashes and vehicle service and repair as defined in Chapter 19.12 (Definitions). The following requirements apply to autorelated uses:
Secondary Retail. The retail parking rate shall be applied to associated secondary retail such as a gas station convenience market, and related office space or parts supply at a repair shop.
Gasoline Stations. Gasoline pump canopies do not require parking spaces. Spaces in front of air, water or propane supplies do not count towards required parking. Service bays are not a required space.
Car Washes. Accessory car washes with three or fewer employees require a minimum of one additional parking space. Car washes with four or more employees require a parking study.
Education Uses. Education uses are defined in Chapter 19.12 (Definitions). Parking rates are calculated for the maximum number of students or children that can be on-site at any given time.
Hotels. Hotels are defined in Chapter 19.12 (Definitions). Hotels with banquet facilities, meeting facilities or restaurants with a bar require a parking study.
Places of Assembly. Place of assembly includes both business-serving and community-serving as defined in Chapter 19.12 (Definitions). "Primary gathering areas" means rooms such as auditoriums, sanctuaries, primary conference rooms and similar areas. Primary gathering areas include all space within the room, wall to wall. The director or approving body may require additional parking if other areas are expected to generate significant parking demand during use of the primary gathering area.
Recreational and Athletic Facility. Recreational and athletic facility is defined in Chapter 19.12 (Definitions). "Classroom areas" are any space set aside for workout instruction, spinning class or similar use. Classroom areas do not include sport courts.
Retail. Retail uses include retail sales, retail service and personal service uses as defined in Chapter 19.12 (Definitions). Retail does not include auto sales.
General Retail and Service. "General retail and service" means any retail or service business that is not defined as warehouse retail or bulky-merchandise retail. Examples of retail and service businesses include grocery stores, dry cleaners, shoe repair and drug stores.
Warehouse Retail or Bulky-Merchandise Retail. "Warehouse retail or bulky-merchandise retail" means a tenant that primarily sells bulky goods or retail in a warehouse setting that is not part of shopping center. Home improvement stores, discount bulk stores, or furniture stores can be considered warehouse retail or bulky-merchandise retail.
Restaurants. Restaurant is defined in Chapter 19.12 (Definitions). For the purposes of parking, the following clarifications are applied.
Takeout Restaurant. Takeout restaurant does not have any seating. The presence of indoor or outdoor seat-ing requires parking at the rate of "restaurant (no bar or entertainment)." The presence of a bar or entertainment requires parking at the rate of a "restaurant with a bar or entertainment."
Restaurant (No Bar or Entertainment). Restaurants with this parking rate may have takeout services and alcohol sales. Restaurants with a bar, live entertainment or a dance floor shall be parked at the rate for "restaurant with a bar or entertainment." Examples include fast-food restaurants, coffee shops, pizza restaurants, and similar.
Restaurant with a Bar or Entertainment. "Restaurant with a bar or entertainment" means a restaurant includ-ing a bar, dance floor, or live entertainment. For the purposes of this section, a bar is defined as a raised counter area with seating that serves alcoholic beverages and separates customers from employees working behind the counter area. Delivery and take-out service are incidental to the restaurant use.
Outdoor Seating. Additional parking is required for outdoor seating exceeding twelve seats per business. Seats exceeding this amount are required to provide additional parking at the rate of 0.33 spaces per seat for each seat above twelve.
Shopping Centers.
Applicability. Shopping center is defined in Chapter 19.12 (Definitions). All individual businesses within a shopping center use the shopping center parking rate except in the following instances:
A restaurant with a bar or entertainment;
Total recreational and athletic facility square footage of greater than eight thousand square feet; or
Total restaurant square footage (not including takeout restaurants) of greater than forty percent of the shopping center floor area.
Calculation of Parking. For the uses listed above, the applicable parking requirement is calculated for the specified use separately. The remainder of the center is calculated at the shopping center rate.
(Ord. 2988-12 § 11)
Access. Parking spaces shall have direct access to a public or private roadway or shall be served by an aisle or driveway leading to the roadway. All uses requiring or voluntarily proposing more than fifteen parking spaces shall be served by a single two-way driveway or two one-way driveways.
Minimum Dimensions.
Parking Space Dimensions.
Standard Space. Minimum space dimensions are eight and one-half feet in width by eighteen feet in depth. Low-growing groundcover two feet beyond a wheel stop or curb may be counted toward minimum space length provided the landscape island is a minimum of six feet wide interior to the parking lot or four feet wide for perimeter landscaping.
Compact Space. Residential uses may provide compact spaces seven and one-half feet in width by fifteen feet in depth. Low-growing groundcover shall not be counted toward minimum compact space depth. Compact spaces are prohibited for new development of nonresidential uses and mixed uses.
Mechanical Lift Parking. The director or approving body may allow minimum space dimensions for mechanized parking that vary from what is required for standard and compact spaces.
Specialized Spaces. The director or approving body may allow specialized spaces such as motorcycle park-ing or other unique vehicle parking.
Aisle Width and Layout. Aisle width and layout requirements are described in Table 19.46.120 (Parking Lot Dimensions) and as shown in Figure 19.46.120 (Parking Lot Design). Service vehicle access such as fire lanes and solid waste vehicle requirements may expand aisle width requirements for certain projects. Aisle width requirements are dependent on the angle of parking provided. For intermediate-angle parking, the aisle width shall be determined by straight-line interpolation between specified standards. Interlock parking spaces or alternative parking layouts may be approved by the director based on accepted guidelines such as ULI.
Driveways. Minimum one-way driveway width shall be twelve feet and minimum two-way driveway width shall be twenty feet except for residential uses, which may have two-way driveways of eighteen feet in width minimum.
Maneuvering Area. Backing distance for ninety-degree parking spaces shall be twenty-four feet minimum.
Surfaces and Markings.
Parking Surfaces. All parking surfaces shall be permanently paved in compliance with the citywide design guidelines and using one of the following methods:
Currently adopted building codes;
Current geotechnical report for the property; or
As allowed by the director.
Markings. All spaces shall be clearly marked. The director or approving body may modify this requirement for paving surfaces with permeable pavement.
Wheel Stops. Bumper guards, wheel stops or curbs are required for all parking spaces that head into a build-ing, property line, fence or landscaped areas. These barriers shall be installed no closer than two feet from the building, property line or fence.
Parking Areas in Vision Triangles. Parking areas are subject to the vision triangle requirements in Section 19.34.060 (Vision triangles).
Design Guidelines. Parking lot design and lighting is subject to the citywide design guidelines.
Landscaping Area. Parking lot landscaping shall follow the general requirements of Chapter 19.37 (Landscaping, Irrigation and Useable Open Space). A minimum of twenty percent of the parking lot area is required to be landscaped. Parking lots in single-family zoning districts (R-1, R-0, R-1.5 and R-1.7/PD) are exempt from parking lot landscaping requirements.
Shading Requirements. Trees shall be planted and maintained throughout the parking lot to ensure that at least fifty percent of the parking area will be shaded within fifteen years of tree establishment. Up to twenty-five percent of the fifty percent parking lot shading requirement (twelve and one-half percent of the total parking lot area) may be met with installation of solar energy systems rather than trees.
Surfaces Subject to Shading Calculation. All surfaces that can be driven on, including parking spaces, vehicular drives, drive-through lanes and maneuvering areas are subject to shade calculation. The following areas are exempt from shading requirements:
Truck Areas. Truck loading areas in front of overhead door and truck maneuvering and parking areas exclusive of vehicle parking are exempt from shading requirements.
Inaccessible Paved Areas. Paved or surfaced areas not used for vehicle parking, driving or maneuver-ing are exempt from shading requirements provided they are made inaccessible to vehicles by barriers such as bollards or fencing.
Auto Sales. Display, sales, service or vehicular storage areas for automobile sales are exempt from shading requirements. Required parking for auto sales is still subject to shading requirements.
Areas paved prior to January 1, 2002. Surfaces paved prior to January 1, 2002 are exempt from shad-ing requirements.
Calculation of Shading. Shading is calculated by using the diameter of the tree crown at fifteen years or the dimensions of any roofed area within the parking lot.
Groundcover and Shrubs on Parking Islands. Parking islands shall contain living groundcover or shrubs with trees unless it can be shown that groundcover is incompatible with the tree. If living groundcover is found unsuitable, porous, nonliving groundcover may be used.
Table 19.46.120
Parking Lot Dimensions
One-Way Traffic
Parking Angle (degrees)
Vehicle Projection (feet)
Aisle Width (feet)
Bay Depth (feet)
Figure 19.46.120 Parking Lot Design
(Ord. 2988-12 § 11; Ord. 3056-15 § 7; Ord. 3206-22 § 10; Ord. 3207-23 § 10)
Purpose. A parking adjustment permits flexibility in parking requirements to address unusual or specific use or locational characteristics.
Applicability. Adjustments may be granted from parking ratio minimums, maximums or type of bicycle parking provided for nonresidential uses or for special housing developments as described in Section 19.46.080 (Parking for special housing developments). Adjustments are not permitted for residential parking ratios except for special housing developments. An adjustment request may be reviewed by the approving body as part of any discretionary permit or, if no discretionary permit would be otherwise required, a miscellaneous plan permit. Changes in use for existing properties with established parking lots do not require an adjustment to exceed the parking maximum. A request to deviate from any other requirement in this chapter requires a variance.
Findings for Parking Adjustments for Special Housing Developments. To grant an adjustment from a parking minimum for special housing developments, the director or approving body shall find:
One or more of the following applicable characteristics are present:
Location or proximity to transportation;
Variety or forms of transportation available;
Accessibility; or
Services and programs offered, or population served by the housing development.
Based on the characteristics present in subsection (c)(1), the proposed parking is adequate.
Findings for Parking Adjustments from Minimum Parking Ratios for Nonresidential Uses. To grant an adjustment from a parking ratio minimum for nonresidential uses, the director or approving body shall find:
One or more of the following applicable characteristics are present:
There are parking agreements with off-site properties; or
There is a parking management plan that includes valet parking, off-site employee parking, parking agreements, or other demand management tools; or
The uses on a site have complementary peak hours; or
The use is commercial in nature and is intended to serve adjacent employment centers. The use provides adequate pedestrian connections to the site from nearby properties and businesses; or
The use is within one-half mile of a walk from a rail station, light rail station, or major bus stop. A major bus stop is defined as a stop where six or more buses per hour from the same or different routes stop during the peak period in core, corridor or station areas; or
The proposed use has an unusual characteristic that results in less parking demand. This characteristic shall be described and limited in applicable conditions of approval for a discretionary land use permit. Land uses that are permitted by right may not apply for adjustment because of this criterion of unusual characteristics.
Based on the characteristics present in subsection (d)(1), the proposed parking is adequate and will not spill over onto surrounding properties or streets.
Findings for Parking Adjustment from Maximum Parking Ratios. To grant an adjustment from a parking ratio maximum, the director or approving body shall find:
The applicant has submitted sufficient information to prove that additional parking is needed to support the use; and
The site is in compliance with the citywide design guidelines for parking lots; and
The lot complies with current bicycle parking standards; and
Shopping centers may exceed the maximum if the following uses are proposed:
A restaurant with a bar;
A recreational and athletic facility over eight thousand square feet; or
A cumulative restaurant square footage equaling forty percent or more of the total floor area.
Findings for Parking Adjustment from Type of Required Bicycle Parking. To grant an adjustment from the type of bicycle parking required, either secured or bicycle rack, the director or approving body shall find:
The proposed project is a change of use in an existing building; and
An unusual configuration of the site, buildings or parking precludes installation of a particular type of bicycle parking; and
The proposed type of bicycle parking meets the needs of the use.
(Ord. 2988-12 § 11)
"Commercial vehicle"
means any vehicle with a gross vehicle weight of ten thousand pounds or more according to the manufacturer's specifications, which is required to obtain a commercial vehicle license. This definition is intended to be consistent with California Vehicle Code Section 22507.5 or successor statute.
"Fleet vehicle"
means any vehicle owned or operated by the person, company or business which is used for purposes of delivery, pick up or service to patrons of the primary use. A fleet vehicle may also be a commercial vehicle.
Applicability. This section regulates the accessory storage or parking of fleet vehicles in parking lots. Parking of fleet vehicles on streets or on residential properties is regulated in Title 10 (Vehicles and Traffic). Service yards for fleet vehicles require a use permit reviewed by the planning commission.
Commercial Vehicles in Residential Zoning Districts. Storage and parking of commercial vehicles is prohibited in residential zoning districts and residential uses.
Fleet Vehicles in Nonresidential Zoning Districts. Storage and parking of up to five fleet vehicles is permitted on each property for nonresidential uses. Properties with more than five fleet vehicles require a miscellaneous plan permit. To approve the additional fleet vehicle parking, the director shall be able to make the findings that:
The property provides sufficient parking for employees and patrons of the primary use; and
The number of proposed fleet vehicles is consistent with the purpose of the zoning district.
(Ord. 2988-12 § 11)
"Secured bicycle parking"
means lockable facilities such as individual lockers or enclosed, locked, limited-access areas for parking of bicycles. Secured bicycle parking may also be known as Class I bicycle parking. For residential uses, an enclosed garage assigned to one residential unit meeting the minimum area requirements for a two-car garage is considered one secured bicycle parking space.
"Bicycle racks"
means a stationary object to which a bicycle can be locked. Examples include "inverted U" racks or "ribbon weave" racks. Bicycle racks may also be known as Class II bicycle parking.
Applicability. Bicycle parking shall be provided for multiple-family uses and nonresidential uses as specified in Tables 19.46.100(a), (b) and (c).
Number of Bicycle Parking Spaces. Bicycle parking shall be provided in the following amounts:
Multiple-Family Uses. Multiple-family uses of five or more units shall provide one bicycle parking space for every four units, but no fewer than four spaces. All required bicycle parking shall be secured.
Nonresidential Uses. Nonresidential uses shall provide bicycle parking in the amount of five percent of the total number of vehicular parking spaces provided. Industrial uses, research and development office and corporate office shall provide secured bicycle parking for a minimum of seventy-five percent of required bicycle parking spaces. All other nonresidential uses shall provide bicycle racks for a minimum of seventy-five percent of required bicycle parking spaces.
Mixed Uses. Mixed uses shall provide bicycle parking for the residential and nonresidential uses in the proportions required by this section.
(Ord. 2988-12 § 11)
"Parking management plan"
means a plan designed to manage the use of parking on a property. A parking management plan may be a component of a transportation demand management (TDM) plan.
"Valet parking"
means a service where an attendant parks and retrieves patrons' vehicles for free or for a fee.
"Fee-based parking"
means any parking lot where a fee is required to park.
Applicability. Parking management plans shall be provided when required by this chapter. Parking management plans shall be reviewed by the director with a miscellaneous plan permit or by the hearing body reviewing the associated development. Uses in a public parking district are exempt from requirements for a parking management plan unless required as a condition of approval of a planning permit.
Submittal Requirements. Submittal requirements shall include information about peak hour use, vehicular circulation, total number of parking spaces, distribution of parking on the site, needs of specific users, including employees, guests, residents and patrons and other applicable information deemed necessary by the director.
Parking Management Tools. Proposed parking management tools may include valet parking, designation of car sharing or guest spaces, parking agreements, short-term parking, transit subsidies for employees or residents, or other tools to achieve parking efficiency. Valet parking or fee-based parking shall be considered as part of a new or amended parking management plan. To approve valet parking or fee-based parking, the director shall be able to make the findings that:
The proposed fee-based or valet parking will not hinder the parking or circulation on the site; and
If there are multiple uses on the site, the fee-based or valet parking is made available for all uses; and
Valet parking spaces shall not take prime locations in front of existing businesses.
Temporary Uses. Valet parking is permitted at temporary events such as a festival.
(Ord. 2988-12 § 11; Ord. 3056-15 § 8)