The following words or phrases as used in this Chapter shall have the following meanings:
A determination that the volumetric amount of storm drainage which enters the storm drainage system from a parcel is substantially different from the average storm drainage.
Annual budget.
The annual costs for the storm drainage and storm drainage system to provide for, among other related matters, the funding, including the establishment of a reserve balance, permitting, maintaining, planning, designing, reconstructing, constructing, environmentally restoring, regulating, water quality testing, and inspecting of storm drainage and the storm drainage system and the management and administration thereof. The annual budget shall be based on the budget adopted by the City Council in the fiscal year in which the stormwater management user fees are imposed except the fees imposed in Fiscal Year 1995-96 shall be based on the projected stormwater management budget for Fiscal Year 1996-97.
Average storm drainage.
The average amount of storm drainage which enters the storm drainage system from a parcel, based on runoff factors established by the Los Angeles County Flood Control District.
Basic measurement unit (BMU).
The proportionate stormwater runoff from the average single family residential parcel. The average single family residential parcel has an area of 0.1526 acres and a runoff factor of 0.4176. The product of these numbers is .0637 and is defined as the basic measurement unit. All single family residential parcels consist of one (1.0) basic measurement unit.
Basic fee (BF).
The fee/charge for one (1.0) PBU.
The City of Santa Monica.
City-wide PBU's.
The number of PBU's collectively for every parcel in the City.
The Director of the Environmental and Public Works Management Department, or his or her designee.
A municipal corporation, city and county, county, state, federal, or governmental body, agency or entity.
The legal owner of the parcel of real property, except when the legal owner of the real property is such due to the holding of a mortgage, note or other such security, in which case the "owner" shall be deemed to be the beneficial owner of said parcel of real property.
The smallest, separately segregated lot, unit or plot of land having an identified owner, boundaries, and surface area which is documented for property tax purposes and given an assessor's identification number by the County of Los Angeles Tax Assessor.
Parcel billing units (PBU).
The number of basic measurement units for a particular parcel and, except for single family residences, is determined using the following formula:
(parcel size) x (runoff factor)
Single family residences have one PBU.
Parcel size.
The size of the parcel measured in acres.
Runoff factor.
A number that represents the amount of average storm drainage from a parcel for a particular land use. The runoff factor shall be derived from the runoff factors utilized by the Los Angeles County Flood Control District, a copy of which shall be maintained on file in the City Clerk's Office.
Single family residential parcel.
A developed parcel with one single family detached housing unit.
Storm drainage.
The water that enters the City's storm drainage system. From the standpoint of source, it may be a combination of the runoff from residences, commercial buildings, industrial plants and institutions, together with any groundwater and surface water that may be present.
Storm drainage system.
All of the property involved in the operation of the storm drainage collection and disposal system for the City of Santa Monica, including conduits, natural or artificial drains, channels and watercourses, together with appurtenances, pumping stations and equipment.
An owner, whether private, governmental, or otherwise of a unit, building, premises, lot, or parcel in the City of Santa Monica.
(Added by Ord. No. 1811CCS § 1 (part), adopted 7/25/95)
The City designates the City's storm drainage system as a City enterprise and utility. This utility will be supported all or in part by the imposition of a stormwater management user fee on all parcels of property within the City which discharge stormwater to the City's storm drainage system or are otherwise served by the City's storm drainage system, except as otherwise provided in this Chapter. The purpose of this utility is to provide for, among other related matters, the funding, including the establishment of a reserve balance, permitting, maintaining, planning, designing, reconstructing, constructing, environmentally restoring, regulating, water quality testing, and inspecting of storm drainage and the storm drainage system and the management and administration thereof.
(Added by Ord. No. 1811CCS § 1 (part), adopted 7/25/95)
There is imposed on each and every parcel in the City, and its owner, a stormwater management user fee. This fee is necessary to pay for: (1) the operation, administration, maintenance, improvement, environmental restoration, and replacement of the existing storm drainage system; (2) the operation, administration, maintenance, environmental restoration and replacement of future such systems; (3) improving the quality of stormwater; (4) complying with local, state, and federal stormwater regulations; and (5) to pay for, or secure the payment of, any indebtedness incurred for these purposes. All of the proceeds of these fees are in payment for use of the City's Stormwater Management Utility by developed and undeveloped parcels and their owners. This fee shall not exceed the reasonable cost of providing the services, facilities or regulatory activity for which the fee is charged.
The basic fee shall be calculated by applying the following formula:
BF =
Annual budget
City-wide PBUs
The stormwater management user fee for each parcel shall be calculated by applying the following formula:
Annual fee = PBU x BF
For Fiscal Year 1995-96, only one-half the annual fee shall be imposed on each parcel.
The annual fee for non-City governmental parcels shall be reduced by the percentage of the annual budget attributable to proposed capital expenditures.
(Added by Ord. No. 1811CCS § 1 (part), adopted 7/25/95)
There is hereby established a special fund in the City Treasury entitled "The Stormwater Management Enterprise and Utility Fund," herein after referred to as the Fund.
All revenues from the stormwater management user fees established pursuant to Section 7.56.030 shall be deposited into the Fund.
Monies deposited into this Fund shall only be expended for storm drain and storm drainage related purposes as described in Sections 7.56.020 and 7.56.030.
Appropriations shall be made as provided for by the City Council.
Monies in the Fund which are received by the City subject to any limitations on their use may only be expended in accordance with those limitations.
(Added by Ord. No. 1811CCS § 1 (part), adopted 7/25/95)
The stormwater management user fee shall be collected by and be payable to the Los Angeles County Tax Collector for the 1995-96 fiscal year, and each subsequent fiscal year, along with the general taxes, fees, and charges collected by the Tax Collector.
The stormwater management user fee shall be an obligation of the record owner of each parcel billed for storm drainage service. The fee shall be due and payable on the date that Los Angeles County tax payments are due.
The fee shall be considered delinquent if payment is not received within thirty days of the date the payment is due and payable. The City shall impose a ten percent nonpayment penalty on all delinquent accounts. An additional one percent penalty shall be imposed for each additional thirty-day period the amount remains unpaid.
If the bill is not paid within sixty days of the date the payment is deemed delinquent, the amount owing shall constitute a lien against the parcel receiving the service, and the City shall notify the assessee of the lien as provided for in Health and Safety Code Section 5473.11. The lien shall remain in effect for three years unless released upon payment of the delinquent amount plus all penalties associated therewith or otherwise discharged.
If any portion of the collection or expenditure of the stormwater management user fee provided for in this Chapter is declared invalid or unconstitutional, the remaining collection, or expenditure of the stormwater management fee shall not be affected but shall remain in full force and effect.
(Added by Ord. No. 1811CCS § 1 (part), adopted 7/25/95)
The Director shall have the power to provide for adjustments which reflect, insofar as determined reasonably possible by the Director, the receipt from a premises into the storm drainage system of quantities of storm drainage which may be substantially different from the average storm drainage, as said term is used in this Chapter.
Any user may apply in writing to the Director for an adjustment within thirty days from the date the tax bill is mailed with respect to the period for which the user seeks adjustment.
The Director shall provide for action to be taken and a determination to be made upon each application for adjustment within thirty days from the date said application is filed whenever reasonably possible, and shall cause the applicant to be immediately notified in writing of any determination on the application for adjustment. Request for production of additional information may be made of the applicant, and if the applicant fails to produce the requested information within fifteen days from the date of mailing the request therefor, the adjustment proceedings may be terminated or such other action may be taken as is deemed by the Director to be appropriate.
Any person who has filed an application for adjustment and received a determination thereon, and who has likewise complied with the procedures of this Section, may request a hearing before a Hearing Examiner within the time and manner set forth in Section 6.16.030. No hearing request shall be held unless, within the time period to request a hearing, the person has first paid the disputed fee under protest.
An adjustment determination shall become final upon the termination of time for filing a hearing before a Hearing Examiner as provided for in this Section where no request has been filed. In the event a request has been timely filed, the determination by Hearing Examiner shall be final on the date that the decision is rendered except for judicial review. The Hearing Examiner's decision shall not be appealable to the City Council.
The filing of an application for adjustment or a request for a hearing before a Hearing Examiner from a determination therein shall not stay continued and further billing during the course of time consumed in said proceedings. Any such continued and further billing will be adjusted, if appropriate, at the termination of the proceedings in conformance with the determination therein. Acceptance of any payment by the Los Angeles County Tax Collector on behalf of the City subsequent to the application for adjustment shall not preclude billing and collection different from or in excess of such payments and in conformance with said final determination.
Where a determination or adjustment has become final as provided in this Section, future tax bills shall reflect such adjustment, unless otherwise determined by the Director.
(Added by Ord. No. 1811CCS § 1 (part), adopted 7/25/95)
The fees and charges established by this Chapter shall supersede all previously established fees and charges for the same regulation, product or service.
(Added by Ord. No. 1811CCS § 1 (part), adopted 7/25/95)
The Director shall annually review the stormwater management user fee and recommend to the City Council relative to any necessary rate adjustments so as to ensure that each user will pay his or her proportionate share of the costs of storm drainage services.
(Added by Ord. No. 1811CCS § 1 (part), adopted 7/25/95)