Note: Prior ordinance history: Ord. No. 1945CCS § 11, adopted 6/8/99.
Notwithstanding any provisions of the California Building Code, California Residential Code, California Fire Code, California Building Standards Code, State Housing Law or other codes adopted by any Chapter in Article VIII of the Municipal Code to the contrary, the following local amendments shall apply.
(Added by Ord. No. 2054CCS § 11, adopted 10/8/02; amended by Ord. No. 2244CCS § 11, adopted 11/27/07; Ord. No. 2328CCS § 21, adopted 11/9/10; Ord. No. 2527CCS § 10, adopted 11/22/16; Ord. No. 2623CCS § 12, adopted 10/22/19; Ord. No. 2727CCS § 13, adopted 10/25/22)
The purpose of this Chapter is to promote public safety and welfare by reducing the cumulative impact of certain individual construction and building projects, each with an increased potential demand on the rescue and fire suppression resources of the community. The City Council establishes the policy of regulating both new and existing buildings in this class by requiring approved automatic fire extinguishing and detection systems, standpipes, fire resistive doors, and other construction to be provided in these structures at the time of their construction, conversion, alteration and maintenance so as to significantly reduce the potential demand from simultaneous incidents on emergency service resources.
(Added by Ord. No. 2054CCS § 11, adopted 10/8/02; amended by Ord. No. 2244CCS § 11, adopted 11/27/07; Ord. No. 2527CCS § 10, adopted 11/22/16; Ord. No. 2623CCS § 12, adopted 10/22/19; Ord. No. 2727CCS § 13, adopted 10/25/22)
The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to all new and existing buildings within the City, as indicated below. Structures for which a building permit has been issued prior to November 1, 2002, shall be considered as existing buildings.
(Added by Ord. No. 2054CCS § 11, adopted 10/8/02; amended by Ord. No. 2244CCS § 11, adopted 11/27/07; Ord. No. 2527CCS § 10, adopted 11/22/16; Ord. No. 2623CCS § 12, adopted 10/22/19; Ord. No. 2727CCS § 13, adopted 10/25/22)
For purposes of this Chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
"Full automatic fire sprinkler system"
means a system that meets the requirements of the Fire Code adopted by Chapter 8.40 of the Municipal Code.
"Automatic fire detection alarm system"
means a system that complies with Santa Monica Fire Department requirements and is an approved arrangement of smoke, rate-of-rise, fixed temperature, or any other detector, which is approved for the use intended. The system shall alert all occupants of a building in case of fire and, when required by the Fire Chief, notify the Fire Department through Central Station Monitoring.
"Fire alarm system"
means a system or portion of a system consisting of components and circuits arranged to monitor and annunciate the status of a fire alarm or supervisory signal-initiating devices and to initiate the appropriate response to those signals.
"False alarm"
means an activated fire alarm or fire alarm signal from any fire alarm system which is responded to by the Santa Monica Fire Department but for which no emergency situation exists or where there is no evidence to indicate that there was an emergency situation as determined by the responding officer. False fire alarms, that qualify under this Section include:
Alarm caused by improper installation or maintenance of the fire alarm system. This includes missing backup batteries, loose connections; poorly installed or mounted smoke detectors near air vent or otherwise overly sensitive detection devices;
Alarm caused by construction and/or demolition to the fire alarm system;
Alarm caused by construction-related activities such as dust or painting operation;
Alarms caused by problematic or out-of-service fire alarm systems;
Alarms caused by failure of providing proper notification to the responsible parties (alarm company and fire dispatch) of a fire alarm system in repair, test;
Alarms caused by occupant or owner conducting a fire drill;
Alarm caused by a burglar alarm reported as a fire alarm by an alarm company;
Alarm for which there is no explanation. If a cause for the alarm cannot be identified—no pull station activated, smoke was not present, etc.—the alarm system will be assumed to have malfunctioned.
"Fiscal year"
means the period from and including July 1st of any year to and including June 30th of the following year.
means any person who owns the premises in which a fire alarm system is installed or the person or persons, who lease, operate, occupy or manage the premises. The owner shall be responsible for the activation of a fire alarm system. This includes all occupancy classification as defined in the California Building and Fire Codes as adopted by the City of Santa Monica.
means any individual, or entity, as defined in Section 1.12.150 of this Code.
(Added by Ord. No. 2054CCS § 11, adopted 10/8/02; amended by Ord. No. 2233CCS § 1, adopted 5/22/07; Ord. No. 2244CCS § 11, adopted 11/27/07; Ord. No. 2527CCS § 10, adopted 11/22/16; Ord. No. 2623CCS § 12, adopted 10/22/19; Ord. No. 2727CCS § 13, adopted 10/25/22)
When Required. An approved automatic fire sprinkler system shall be installed as set forth in this Chapter under the following conditions:
In all newly constructed buildings, without regard to floor area or area separation walls except detached one-story two-car residential garages (including minor accessory uses such as laundry areas or bathrooms under one hundred square feet) provided that the new garage is located a minimum of six feet away from any other building on the same lot.
Throughout any existing building, when there is a change in occupancy classification to a more hazardous division, as shown in Table 8.44-A or as determined by the Fire Chief or the Fire Marshal.
Occupancy Class
Groups E and I
Groups A, Divisions 1, 2, 4 and 5
Group R, Divisions 1 and 2 and Group A, Division 3
Group H, Divisions 1, 2 and 5
Group H, Divisions 3 and 4, Group L, Group F
Groups B and M; Group S, Divisions 1 and 2
Group R, Division 3
Group U, Division 1
To use the table - Step 1. Find the existing occupancy classification or division in the occupancy class column. Step 2. If the new occupancy classification or division is ranked above the existing class, then the entire building requires a full automatic fire sprinkler system.
Throughout any existing building greater than one thousand square feet, whenever more than fifty percent cumulative, of the existing floor area, including mezzanines, is added to within three calendar years.
Throughout any existing building one thousand square feet or less, whenever more than seventy-five percent cumulative, of the existing floor area, including mezzanines, is added within three calendar years.
Throughout any existing building greater than one thousand square feet, whenever more than a cumulative fifty percent of the interior walls and/or ceilings are exposed.
Throughout any existing building one thousand square feet or less, whenever more than a cumulative seventy-five percent of the interior walls and/or ceilings are exposed.
Throughout any existing building other than a single-family dwelling, whenever an additional story is added.
Throughout any single-family dwelling greater than one thousand square feet, whenever an additional story is added and the new floor area for the additional story increases the existing floor area by more than thirty-three and one-third percent.
Throughout any single-family dwelling one thousand square feet or less, whenever an additional story is added and the new floor area for the additional story increases the existing floor area by more than fifty percent.
Throughout any existing building or structure determined to be used primarily for public assembly more than five thousand square feet in total floor area. This subsection shall not apply to buildings or structures with an approved full automatic fire sprinkler system or to churches and theaters with fixed seating.
Throughout the entire floor of any existing building equipped with a partial fire sprinkler system whenever more than fifty percent of the floor space is altered or reconfigured.
In a newly constructed ADU attached or detached, when the single family dwelling has an existing residential automatic fire sprinkler system.
Throughout any existing single family dwelling less than one thousand square feet with an attached ADU that adds seventy-five percent to the original home floor area.
Throughout any existing single family dwelling greater than one thousand square feet with an attached ADU that adds fifty percent to the original home floor area.
When a newly constructed ADU is greater than one hundred fifty feet from the primary street access and has no rear alley access.
Exceptions. The requirements of subsection (a) of this Section shall not apply to:
Hospitals as defined in Health and Safety Code Section 1250;
Buildings such as power plants, lookout towers, steeples, grain houses, and similar structures with noncontinuous human occupancy only when so determined by the Fire Chief;
When a fire sprinkler system is required in any building that does not have a designated occupant and use at the time fire sprinkler plans are submitted for approval, the system shall be designed and installed to deliver a minimum density of not less than that required for Ordinary Hazard, Group 2, with a minimum design area of not less than three thousand square feet.
When a subsequent change in occupancy classification requires the fire sprinkler system to deliver a higher minimum density, it shall be the responsibility of the building owner to upgrade the system to the required density for the new use.
(Added by Ord. No. 2054CCS § 11, adopted 10/8/02; amended by Ord. No. 2165CCS § 1, adopted 8/9/05; Ord. No. 2244CCS § 11, adopted 11/27/07; Ord. No. 2328CCS § 22, adopted 11/9/10; Ord. No. 2527CCS § 10, adopted 11/22/16; Ord. No. 2623CCS § 12, adopted 10/22/19; Ord. No. 2727CCS § 13, adopted 10/25/22)
The Fire Chief and Building Officer are jointly authorized to promulgate standards regarding the installation and type of automatic fire sprinkler systems required by Section 8.44.050 of the Municipal Code.
(Added by Ord. No. 2054CCS § 11, adopted 10/8/02; amended by Ord. No. 2244CCS § 11, adopted 11/27/07; Ord. No. 2527CCS § 10, adopted 11/22/16; Ord. No. 2623CCS § 12, adopted 10/22/19; Ord. No. 2727CCS § 13, adopted 10/25/22)
New buildings or structures housing any occupancy classification having floors used for human occupancy more than fifty-five feet above the lowest level of Fire Department vehicle access shall be defined as a high-rise building or structure. Such high-rise buildings or structures shall comply with the high-rise building requirements contained in Section 403 of the California Building Code unless modified through modifications and/or alternate materials and methods approved by the Fire Marshal and the Building Officer.
These requirements shall not apply to:
Hospitals as defined in Health and Safety Code Section 1250;
Buildings used exclusively as open parking garages;
Buildings such as power plants, lookout towers, steeples, grain houses and similar structures with noncontinuous human occupancy only when so determined by the Fire Chief.
Any full automatic fire sprinkler system installed in any high-rise building shall have two connections with control valves to independent risers on each floor level, with each riser being of the size necessary to supply the required water supply.
(Added by Ord. No. 2054CCS § 11, adopted 10/8/02; amended by Ord. No. 2244CCS § 11, adopted 11/27/07; Ord. No. 2445CCS § 35, adopted 11/12/13; Ord. No. 2527CCS § 10, adopted 11/22/16; Ord. No. 2623CCS § 12, adopted 10/22/19; Ord. No. 2727CCS § 13, adopted 10/25/22)
General. In every existing apartment, dwelling unit, guestroom, one- or two-family dwelling or condominium, hotel or motel room, smoke detectors shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of this Section.
Existing Group R Occupancies. On or before July 1, 2001 approved and listed smoke detectors, which may be battery-powered, shall be installed and located in accordance with the California Fire Code.
Residential Occupancy Remodels. Approved and listed smoke detectors, which meet the provisions of the California Building Code, shall be installed when any of the following occurs:
Addition of a story which increases total floor area by more thirty-three and one-third percent; or
More than fifty percent of the existing roof structure is removed; or
The floor area of an existing residence with a floor area of one thousand square feet or less increases more than seventy-five percent; or
The floor area of an existing residence with a floor area of more than one thousand square feet increases more than fifty percent.
Transfer of Property. Prior to the sale or exchange of residential buildings subject to Chapter 9.08 of this Municipal Code, the seller shall certify, on the report of residential building record, that approved and listed smoke detectors have been installed. Smoke detectors, which may be battery-powered, shall be installed and located in accordance with California Fire Code.
Maintenance. Smoke detectors shall be maintained in an operable condition at all times. Detectors shall be tested, maintained and cleaned at least annually by the building owner. Proof of maintenance and cleaning shall be maintained by the building owner for a minimum of five years. New batteries shall be installed in smoke detectors annually or in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. When it is determined that any installed smoke detector was manufactured more than ten years prior to the effective date of this Chapter, it shall be replaced.
Exception: Single-family dwellings, which are owner occupied, do not need to maintain a written record of proof of maintenance and cleaning.
Service. Smoke detectors shall be tested, cleaned, serviced, and replaced as needed every five years by a licensed C-10 electrical/fire alarm contractor. Written record of the service for each detector shall be maintained by the building owner and shall be made available for review by the Fire Department upon request. Written certification of the required five-year service shall be submitted to the Fire Prevention Division of the Fire Department.
Exception: Single-family dwellings, which are owner occupied, do not need to maintain a written record.
Hearing Impaired Occupants. In a dwelling unit occupied by one or more hearing impaired persons, each smoke detector shall cause the operation of approved notification appliances for the hearing impaired. Visible notification appliances used in rooms where hearing impaired persons sleep shall have a minimum rating of one hundred seventy-seven candela for a maximum room size of fourteen feet by sixteen feet. For larger rooms, the notification appliance shall be located within sixteen feet of where the pillow is normally located. Wall mounted visual notification appliances which are part of a smoke detector shall be located between four and twelve inches below the ceiling measured to the top of the smoke detector. Visual notification appliances in non-sleeping areas shall have a minimum rating of fifteen candela.
Exception: Where a visual notification appliance in a sleeping room is mounted more than twenty-four inches below the ceiling, a minimum rating of one hundred ten candela shall be permitted. Since hearing deficits are often not readily apparent, the responsibility to advise the property owner or manager shall rest with the hearing impaired party. The responsibility for compliance shall rest with the property owner or manager.
(Added by Ord. No. 2054CCS § 11, adopted 10/8/02; amended by Ord. No. 2244CCS § 11, adopted 11/27/07; Ord. No. 2527CCS § 10, adopted 11/22/16; Ord. No. 2623CCS § 12, adopted 10/22/19; Ord. No. 2727CCS § 13, adopted 10/25/22)
General. Fire protection systems shall conform to the standards adopted by Chapter 8.40 of the Municipal Code and to supplemental requirements of the Fire Chief.
System Monitoring. Alarm systems, required by Chapter 8.40 of the Municipal Code shall be monitored by an approved and listed central station. Exception: Fire sprinkler systems containing less than six heads may be provided with a local alarm.
Annunciation and Control. Extinguishing systems shall include control valves and signaling devices to control and indicate system operation by floors or other approved subdivisions. An approved annunciator panel shall be provided in an approved location near the principal entrance.
Fire Department Connections and System Zones. Systems shall be provided with listed Fire Department connections at approved locations on public street frontages. Multiple exterior connections and system zones shall be interconnected.
Design, Approval, Acceptance, Testing and Maintenance. Fire alarm systems shall be maintained in an operable condition at all times. When required by the Fire Chief, an approved fire watch shall be provided and maintained while a fire and life safety system is inoperative or impaired. The fire watch shall be maintained until the inoperative or impaired system is restored a fully operational condition and a test is approved by the Fire Department.
Approval, Acceptance, Testing of New Fire Alarm Systems. New fire alarm systems shall be designed, installed, tested and maintained in accordance with the provisions of the National Fire Alarm Code published by the National Fire Protection Association.
Existing Fire Alarm Systems. Existing fire alarm systems shall be tested and maintained in accordance with the provisions of the National Fire Alarm Code.
Notification Devices. All one- and two-family dwellings having a fire sprinkler system installed in compliance with NFPA 13-D, NFPA 13D, NFPA 13R and NFPA 13 systems shall have a weather-proof horn/strobe installed on the address side of the building or as approved by the Fire Marshal.
(Added by Ord. No. 2054CCS § 11, adopted 10/8/02; amended by Ord. No. 2244CCS § 11, adopted 11/27/07; Ord. No. 2328CCS § 24, adopted 11/9/10; Ord. No. 2527CCS § 10, adopted 11/22/16; Ord. No. 2623CCS § 12, adopted 10/22/19; Ord. No. 2727CCS § 13, adopted 10/25/22)
General. This Section shall be applicable to all existing automatic fire sprinkler systems installed prior to January 1, 1996. At the time of required five-year service, the seismic protection of all automatic fire sprinkler systems shall be inspected in accordance with this Section. The C-16 contractor performing the inspection shall prepare a written notice of system deficiencies, which shall be submitted to the Fire Prevention Division.
Standard. Seismic protection shall comply with the 1996 Edition of NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems.
Restricted Fasteners. Through bolts with washers and nuts shall be used to secure earthquake bracing in wood members. Lag screws shall not be used to secure longitudinal bracing in wood members.
Powder-driven studs shall not be used to secure earthquake bracing in concrete or masonry members. When it is determined that powder-driven studs have been used, they shall be replaced with an approved fastener.
Suspended Ceilings. Ceilings shall be braced with splayed seismic bracing wire.
Unsupported Sprinklers. Sprinkler drops longer than eight feet shall be braced with splayed seismic bracing wire.
Armovers. Armovers used to position sprinkler heads in ceilings shall be braced with splayed seismic bracing wire.
Branch Lines. A listed wrap-around hanger shall be installed on all branch lines within eighteen inches of the end.
Unlisted Mechanical Couplings. All unlisted mechanical couplings shall be replaced with approved and listed mechanical couplings.
Unbraced Systems. Listed bracing shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 13, 1996 Edition.
Threaded Pipe. All sprinkler systems shall use shop-welded branch lines. The branch lines shall be secured to cross-mains by approved grooved mechanical fittings. Longitudinal and lateral bracing shall be installed on feed mains, cross-mains and branch lines larger than two and one-half inches. Bracing shall be installed on smaller branch lines that could strike light fixtures, building system components, and building structural members.
Threaded Pipe Sway Bracing. No thin wall pipe shall be used for sway bracing. Pipe used shall be minimum Schedule 40.
Retaining Straps. All C-clamp type hangers shall be equipped with retaining straps.
Notification and Enforcement. Notification, enforcement and compliance shall be in accordance with Sections 8.44.060 and 8.44.070 of the Municipal Code. When it is determined that an existing automatic fire sprinkler system does not meet the minimum standard, the building owner shall be notified in accordance with this subsection.
(Added by Ord. No. 2054CCS § 11, adopted 10/8/02; amended by Ord. No. 2244CCS § 11, adopted 11/27/07; Ord. No. 2527CCS § 10, adopted 11/22/16; Ord. No. 2623CCS § 12, adopted 10/22/19; Ord. No. 2727CCS § 13, adopted 10/25/22)
Prior to installation of any automatic fire extinguishing, life safety or fire protection system required by this Chapter, the Fire Chief shall approve the plans and specifications for the system.
(Added by Ord. No. 2054CCS § 11, adopted 10/8/02; amended by Ord. No. 2244CCS § 11, adopted 11/27/07; Ord. No. 2527CCS § 10, adopted 11/22/16; Ord. No. 2623CCS § 12, adopted 10/22/19; Ord. No. 2727CCS § 13, adopted 10/25/22)
False Alarm Reports Required. A report shall be generated by the Santa Monica Fire Department responding fire companies as deemed necessary by the Fire Marshal. The report shall include whether or not the alarm was a "false alarm" as defined in Section 8.44.040(d) of this Code.
Fire Alarm Requirements.
Every person owning or maintaining a fire alarm system shall post a notice containing the name and telephone number of the persons at which they may be reached at any time of the day or night to be notified to render repairs or services when the fire alarm is activated. Such notice shall be posted near the fire alarm panel and or the remote annunciator panel in such a position so as to be legible.
The owner or the owners' representative of any fire alarm system shall be responsible for deactivating any alarm within one hour after notification or after reasonable efforts have been made to notify the owner or owners' representative that such alarm has been activated and is ringing. The ringing of an alarm for a period in excess of one hour after such notification or efforts of notification have been made is hereby declared to be a public nuisance and subject to misdemeanor prosecution or summary abatement.
(Added by Ord. No. 2233CCS § 2, adopted 5/22/07; amended by Ord. No. 2244CCS § 11, adopted 11/27/07; Ord. No. 2527CCS § 10, adopted 11/22/16; Ord. No. 2623CCS § 12, adopted 10/22/19; Ord. No. 2727CCS § 13, adopted 10/25/22)
The following response fees shall be levied and paid by the responsible party (owner or lessee) of a location that includes a fire alarm system. The fees are based on the total number of false alarms, as defined in Section 8.44.040, which generate a fire company's response to the location during the same fiscal year.
No response fees shall be charged for the first and second false alarm responses to a location during the same fiscal year. Based on the costs associated with the Fire Department's emergency response to a false alarm, a fee set by resolution of the City Council shall be charged for the third false alarm response and each subsequent false alarm response made to a location during the same fiscal year. The Fire Chief shall cause to be issued a monthly bill for the unpaid service charges accrued during the billing period and any prior periods. Such bill shall be due and payable within fifteen days after the billing date.
All remedies shall be cumulative, and the use of one or more remedies by the City shall not bar the use of any other remedy for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this Chapter. The amount of any service charge shall be deemed a debt to the City. An action may be commenced in the name of the City in any court of competent jurisdiction for the amount of any delinquent debt thirty days after it becomes due and payable. Payment of any service charge shall not prohibit criminal prosecution for the violation of any of the provisions of this Chapter.
A location with a fire alarm system that generates more than five false alarm responses during a single fiscal year may be declared a public nuisance and the owners as defined in Section 8.44.040 shall be prosecuted.
(Added by Ord. No. 2233CCS § 3, adopted 5/22/07; amended by Ord. No. 2244CCS § 11, adopted 11/27/07; Ord. No. 2527CCS § 10, adopted 11/22/16; Ord. No. 2623CCS § 12, adopted 10/22/19; Ord. No. 2727CCS § 13, adopted 10/25/22)
A penalty of ten percent shall be added to the fees required by Section 8.44.150 in connection with any fees that are not paid in the time and manner required by Section 8.44.150.
(Added by Ord. No. 2233CCS § 4, adopted 5/22/07; amended by Ord. No. 2244CCS § 11, adopted 11/27/07; Ord. No. 2527CCS § 10, adopted 11/22/16; Ord. No. 2623CCS § 12, adopted 10/22/19; Ord. No. 2727CCS § 13, adopted 10/25/22)