There is herby established a design-build project procurement and contracting approach.
(Ord. 3809 § 2, 2002)
“Best value”
shall mean a value determined by objective criteria and may include, but is not limited to, price, features, functions, life-cycle costs, proposed terms and conditions of the contract and other criteria deemed appropriate by the purchasing officer and/or the city council.
shall mean a procurement process in which both the design and construction of a public works project are procured in accordance with this chapter.
“Design-build entity”
shall mean a source that is able to provide appropriately licensed contracting, architectural, and/or engineering services as needed pursuant to a design-build contract. The term “design-build entity” shall additionally include a “design-assist entity.” “Design-assist entity” shall mean a source that coordinates with such appropriately licensed contracting, architectural, and/or engineering services that are or will be under separate contract with the city.
“Purchasing officer”
shall mean, for purposes of this chapter, the director of the managing department as indicated in the request for qualifications or proposal.
“Project development committee”
shall mean at least a five member committee generally comprised of the purchasing officer, a project manager, a representative from city department which oversees the project, one or more city representatives designated by the purchasing officer or project manager, and the city attorney or his or her delegee.
(Ord. 3809 § 2, 2002)
Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, contracts for public works or services may be awarded by the city council to the best value bidder in accordance with this chapter.
(Ord. 3809 § 2, 2002)
Design-build project procurement and contracting shall progress generally as follows:
The purchasing officer or designee shall prepare a set of documents setting forth the nature and scope of the project.
Based on the project documents prepared in subsection A, the purchasing officer or designee may either:
Request project proposals from design-build entities; or
Request qualifications of design-build entities demonstrating that the design-build entity possesses the experience, competency, capability, and capacity to complete projects of similar size, scope, or complexity. Based on the project development committee’s evaluation of the responses to the request for qualifications, the project development committee shall determine which responding design-build entity, if any, will be asked to submit a proposal.
The project development committee shall evaluate each response to the request for proposal and determine which, if any, are acceptable for further inquiry and may seek to enter into discussions with such design-build entities regarding, among other things, further refinement of the project.
Those qualified for further inquiry under subsection C may be asked to present an oral presentation to the project development committee outlining their proposal.
The project development committee shall evaluate and rate each proposal and determine which proposal, if any, should be submitted to the city council for approval. Each proposal shall be evaluated to determine whether it meets the requirements and standards specified in the request for proposal and whether the proposal is the best value proposal. Alternatively, the purchasing officer may reject all proposals.
The contract may be awarded by the city council to the best value proposal.
(Ord. 3809 § 2, 2002)
Requests for proposals under Section 4.14.040(B)(1) or qualifications under 4.14.040(B)(2) shall be published once in a newspaper of general circulation of the city not less than five days before the deadline for submission of proposals or qualifications, unless the city council declares by resolution that an emergency exists.
(Ord. 3809 § 2, 2002)
All subcontractor specialties that are not listed by the design-build entity in the proposal or design-build contract may be awarded by the design-build entity at a later time, unless stated otherwise in the design-build contract.
(Ord. 3809 § 2, 2002)
The city manager or his or her delegee is authorized to develop and implement rules and regulations necessary to carry out the intent of this chapter.
(Ord. 3809 § 2, 2002)