All real and personal property within the city, not exempt under the constitution laws of the state, is declared the subject of taxation by the city and shall be assessed and taxed pursuant to the provisions of the general laws of the state.
(Prior code § 23.1; Ord. 1301 § 8, 1974)
Pursuant to the election authorized by the general laws of the state, the city council elects that all duties of assessing and collecting real and personal property taxes and the execution of all laws pertaining thereto for all that property subject to taxation within the city shall be performed by the county and the officers, agents and employees designated by law to perform such functions.
(Prior code § 23.2; Ord. 1301 § 8, 1974)
The council shall, on the Wednesday preceding the last Tuesday of August of each year, fix the rate of city taxes, designating the number of cents levied on each one hundred dollars of assessed value of property and shall levy the same upon all taxable property in the city. Such levy shall become a lien against the property so taxed in the manner provided by the general laws of the state.
(Prior code § 23.3; Ord. 1301 § 8, 1974)
All the provisions of the general laws of the state shall be applicable to the assessment and collection of taxes within the city.
(Prior code § 23.4; Ord. 1301 § 8, 1974)