No person shall own, possess, harbor, control or keep on any premises, any dog, fowl or other animal, that howls, barks, bays, cries, squawks or makes any other noise so continuously or incessantly for a period of 20 minutes or intermittently for an hour or more as to unreasonably disturb the peace or quiet of any person.
In determining whether any sound or noise is ‘‘unreasonable” under subsection A above, the following shall be considered:
The volume of the sound;
The proximity of the sound to residential sleeping facilities;
The time of the day or night the sound occurs;
The duration of the sound; and
Whether the sound is intermittent or constant.
Any person who shall keep or permit to remain on any premises any animal as defined in subsection A of this section is guilty of a violation of this chapter, provided that during the time that the animal is making such a noise, no person or other animal is trespassing or threatening to trespass or no person is intentionally provoking or intentionally teasing the animal.
After determination that a violation of this provision has occurred and prior to issuance of a citation pursuant to Chapter 2.50 of this code, an enforcement officer shall issue at least one warning to the owner or person having care, custody, control or possession of the animal creating the nuisance.
This chapter shall not apply to public animal control agencies or shelters, society for the prevention of cruelty to animals shelters, or humane society shelters.
(Ord. 6268 § 1, 2020)