It is in the best interest of the city and the public that a comprehensive plan for the planting and maintenance of street trees, shrubs, and plants in, or which may overhang, public streets within the city, should be developed and established. This chapter is adopted therefore for the purpose of developing and providing for such a plan and program, and for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations relating to the planting, care and maintenance of such trees, shrubs, and plants.
(Ord. 1728 § 1, 1983)
This chapter shall be known and cited as "the street tree ordinance of the City of Roseville."
(Ord. 1728 § 1, 1983)
For the purpose of this chapter, the following terms, words, phrases and their derivations shall have the meanings set forth in this section:
means the parks and recreation director.
"Master street tree list"
means the trees determined by the parks and recreation commission to be suitable and desirable for planting in the streets in the city. The master street tree list shall be reviewed annually by the parks and recreation commission and the director. The master street tree list shall be kept on file at the city clerk's office of the city for public information.
"Official street trees"
means, as to any given area of the city, those trees designated by the director.
"Owner of the property"
means the person, as defined in this chapter, who is the legal owner of the real property fronting on any street of the city, and any lessee of such owner.
includes individual, firm, association, partnership, corporation, company or organization of any kind, and the lessees, trustees, receivers, agents, servants and employee of any such person.
includes all public roads, streets, avenues, boulevards, alleys, parkway and public rights-of-way or any portion thereof in the city.
"Street trees"
means trees growing between a public walkway and the street curb or, if there is no public walkway, then "street trees" shall mean trees growing within a city planting easement which is adjacent to a street.
"Unofficial street trees"
means all the trees planted or growing in the streets, rights-of-way, or planting easements of the city which are not official street trees.
(Ord. 1728 § 1, 1983)
The director or his duly authorized representative shall be charged with the enforcement of this chapter and shall be responsible for the planting, maintenance, and removal of street trees and shrubs upon the public streets and places in the city in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 1728 § 1, 1983)
It is unlawful and it is prohibited for any person other than the director or his duly authorized agent or deputy to cut, trim, prune, spray, brace, plant, move, remove or replace any official street tree or to cause the same to be done unless a written permit to do so shall have been first obtained from the director as provided in this chapter.
(Ord. 1728 § 1, 1983)
It is unlawful for any person to break, injure, deface, cut, saw, mutilate, kill or destroy any street tree; to cause or permit any wire charged with electricity to come into contact with any street tree; and to place, apply, attach or keep attached to any such street tree or to any guard or stake intended for the protection thereof, any wire, rope, sign, paint, or other substances, structure, thing or device of any kind or nature; or to place or maintain any stone, cement, or other substances so that it shall substantially impede the free access of water or air to the roots of any street tree, without having first obtained a written permit from the director.
(Ord. 1728 § 1, 1983)
Any person desiring a permit to do any act or thing for which a permit is required under this chapter shall make written application to the director for such a permit, along with payment of a permit application fee as established by resolution adopted by the city council, as amended from time to time. The application shall set forth the act or things intended to be done, the number, kind, and the location of street trees to be affected, the proposed manner of doing the act or thing and such other information as the director may require. The permit shall be issued when the director finds that the purpose, act or thing is necessary to provide the life, health, safety, or property of the public and that the proposed method is satisfactory.
The action of the director in denying a permit shall be subject to an appeal to the city council. Notice of such appeal shall be filed with the city clerk within 10 calendar days after the denial of such permit. Upon the failure to file such notice within the 10-day period, the action of the director in denying such permit shall be final and conclusive.
(Ord. 1728 § 1, 1983; Ord. 5800 § 15, 2017)
The director may issue master permits to any person doing business as a public utility subject to the jurisdiction of the Public Utilities Commission of the state and to any duly constituted public agency authorized to provide and actually providing utilities service, permitting such person to trim, brace, remove, or perform such other acts with respect to street trees to the extent they encroach as may be necessary to maintain the safe operation of such business. A permit application fee shall be collected as established by resolution adopted by the city council, as amended from time to time.
(Ord. 1728 § 1, 1983; Ord. 5800 § 16, 2017)
The director may remove or cause to be removed any street tree which in the opinion of the director constitutes a hazard or threat to life, health, safety, or property of the public or constitutes a hazard or impediment to the progress or vision of anyone traveling on such streets.
(Ord. 1728 § 1, 1983)
The director may inspect any tree adjacent to or overhanging any street in the city to determine whether the same or any portion thereof is in such a condition as to constitute a threat to the life, health, safety, or property of the public, or constitute a hazard or impediment to the progress or vision of anyone traveling on such streets. Any tree or part thereof growing upon private property but overhanging or interfering with the use of any street which in the opinion of the director endangers the life, health, safety or property of the public shall be declared a public nuisance by the director and abated.
(Ord. 1728 § 1, 1983)
The following are declared to be public nuisances:
Vines or climbing plants growing into or over any street trees, or any public hydrant, pole or electrolier;
The continuous existence of any tree on private property within the city limits that is infested or infected with insects, scale, fungus or growth with constitutes a threat or may be injurious to the trees in the surrounding area;
Within the 30-foot triangle on public or private property at the intersection of any street improved for vehicular traffic any tree, limb, shrub, or other plant reaching a height of more than two feet above the curb grade adjacent thereto, except tree trunks having no limbs lower than eight feet above the curb grade;
Hedges or thorny plants on any street thereof between the curb and sidewalk;
In any street between the curb and property line and thorny plant and any plant or shrub more than 24 inches in height measured from the top of the curb grade;
Poison oak, or castor bean plants on any public or private property;
Any tree or shrub which does interfere with, impair or destroy any street improvement, sidewalk, curb, gutter, sewer, street trees, or any public improvement.
(Ord. 1728 § 1, 1983)
The director shall in writing notify the owner of the property on which such public nuisances exist, describing the nuisance and stating the work necessary to re-move the same, and if the owner of such property does not correct or remove such nuisance within 10 days after receipt of such written notice, the director shall cause the nuisance to be corrected or removed and the cost shall be assessed to such owner.
Any property owner receiving such a notice to abate, may, within 10 calendar days, appeal such determination to the city council, whose decision shall be final. Nothing contained in this chapter shall be deemed to impose any liability on the city, its officers or employees, nor to relieve the owner of any private property from the duty to keep any trees upon his property or under his control in such a condition as to prevent such trees from constituting a public nuisance.
(Ord. 1728 § 1, 1983)
Subdividers are required to plant trees in new subdivisions as approved by the planning commission and the director and as required by the subdivision regulations of the city, Title 18. The species of such trees shall be in conformance with the master tree list of the city.
(Ord. 1728 § 1, 1983)
No person shall interfere with or delay the authorized representative of this city from the execution and enforcement of this chapter except as provided by law.
(Ord. 1728 § 1, 1983)
The city council may by resolution adopt regulations prescribing standards of landscaping and planting of streets, parks and public places therein. A copy of such regulations shall be available for public inspection upon request, and all work performed in streets, parks, or public places shall be performed in accordance therewith.
(Ord. 1728 § 1, 1983)
During the erection, repair, alteration or removal of any building, house or structure, good and sufficient guards shall be placed to prevent injury, damage, or defacement to any park or street trees in the vicinity of such operation.
(Ord. 1728 § 1, 1983)
Except as otherwise provided, a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter shall be an infraction, punishable pursuant to Section 1.20.010.
(Ord. 1728 § 1, 1983)