It is unlawful for any person to use or occupy any part of any street, sidewalk or alley in the city for the purpose of keeping, storing or displaying any goods, wares or merchandise, signs or advertisements, crates, boxes, refuse or rubbish, or otherwise to encroach upon any part of any such street, sidewalk or alley, in the conduct of any business or pursuit, but all such streets, sidewalks and alleys shall at all times be kept clear and unobstructed; provided, that in the case of buildings or other works, the superintendent of public works may issue a permit for temporary obstructions on such conditions as he may prescribe, and upon the condition that upon the completion of such work all materials or other obstructions shall be removed; and except in cases where permits shall have been issued for gasoline pumps or other structures, which may remain until otherwise ordered by the city council.
(Prior code § 21.15)
It is unlawful for any person on any public street, way or sidewalk to interfere with the free passage of persons or vehicles thereon, by taking part in any procession or parade, or by loafing, loitering or congregating thereon; or by selling or demonstrating any goods, articles or appliances thereon, or by conducting any demonstration of strength or skill, show or exhibition thereon; or by conducting any meeting or speaking thereon; after being requested by any peace officer of the city to disperse, move on or cease such interference; provided, that public processions, parades and meetings may be held on such streets, alleys or sidewalks with a valid permit issued pursuant to Chapter 9.37 of this code.
No person shall sit, lie or sleep in or upon any highway, alley, sidewalk or crosswalk or other public way open for pedestrian travel within the city. The provisions of this section do not prohibit sitting upon a public highway, alley, sidewalk, or crosswalk or other public way open for pedestrian travel if:
Necessitated by the physical disability of such person; or
Viewing a legally conducted parade; or
On a bench lawfully installed for such purpose.
Violation of this section may be charged as either an infraction or misdemeanor in the discretion of the city attorney.
(Prior code § 21.16; Ord. 1384 § 2, 1978; Ord. 2191 § 1, 1989)
Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 13.12.010 and 13.12.020, the city council may grant to any person a permit to use a sidewalk in an area that is zoned for commercial purposes, upon the following conditions:
The applicant has obtained in advance the written approval of the owner or managing agent of the property upon which the sidewalk fronts;
That such application may only be made for special events, which shall be limited to no more than four in any calendar year;
That, in any event, free passage upon the sidewalk for which a permit is granted shall not be so obstructed as to require pedestrians to step from the curb into the street; and
Such other conditions as may be necessary for the protection of the public safety and convenience.
(Ord. 1458 § 1, 1979)
Notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter, the operator of a restaurant or café may place tables, chairs, umbrellas or awnings on a city sidewalk located within a public right-of-way, provided that:
Such use of the sidewalk by the restaurant operator is consistent with the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Roseville; and
A minimum horizontal clearance of four feet from the street curb to the tables and chairs is maintained at all times, free from open car doors, car bumper overhangs or other encroachments as determined by the development services director; and
The operator maintains a valid perpetual encroachment permit and insurance pursuant to Roseville Municipal Code Chapter 13.28 for the duration of the encroachment.
(Ord. 2722 § 1, 1993; Ord. 5279 § 10, 2014)