The city council finds and declares that the purpose of this chapter is as follows:
To protect the public potable water supply of City of Roseville from the possibility of contamination or pollution by isolating within the customer's internal distribution system(s) or the customer's private water system(s) such contaminants or pollutants that could backflow into the public water system; and,
To promote the elimination or control of existing cross connections, actual or potential, between the customer's in-plant potable water system(s) and nonpotable water systems, plumbing fixtures, and industrial piping systems.
(Ord. 2646 § 1, 1992)
The following words are defined for purposes of this chapter as follows:
"Backflow prevention assembly"
means an assembly or means designed to prevent the undesirable reversal of flow in a potable water distribution system as a result of a cross connection with a nonpotable supply or any matter that may alter the quality of the potable water.
"Backflow prevention assembly tester"
means a person who is certified by the city to perform testing of backflow prevention assemblies owned by customers of the city and who has completed training and holds a current certification from the California-Nevada Section of the American Water Works Association. To maintain city certification, a backflow prevention assembly tester shall continually demonstrate competency in performing tests on backflow prevention devices to the director's or their designee's satisfaction.
"Backflow prevention inspection fund"
means that special interest-bearing fund established pursuant to Section 14.10.040.
means an unprotected actual or potential connection or structural arrangement between the city's potable water system, including a piping system connected to the city's potable water system and located on the premises of a water user or available to the water user, and any source or distribution system containing liquid, gas, or other substances within a customer's premises and/or customer's water system which is not from an approved potable water supply. Bypass arrangements, jumper connections, removable sections, swivel and changeover devices, or other devices through which backflow or back-siphonage could occur, shall be considered to be cross-connections.
means the department of environmental utilities.
means the director of the department.
"Reinspection fee"
means the fee required to be paid upon a finding by an inspector that a backflow prevention assembly is defective or not in compliance with the standards set forth in this chapter and requires retest after repair or replacement.
(Ord. 2646 § 1, 1992; Ord. 6500 § 12, 2022)
No water service connection to any commercial premises shall be installed unless the water supply is protected as required by this chapter.
In the case of premises having an auxiliary water supply that is not or may not be of safe bacteriological or chemical quality and that is not acceptable to the director or designee as an additional source, the property owner shall protect the public water system against backflow from the premises by installing an approved backflow prevention assembly in the service line.
The city may inspect the premises of existing customers to determine if, in the opinion of the director or designee, such premises may require a backflow prevention assembly. In the case of premises having either: (1) internal cross connections that cannot be permanently corrected and controlled; (2) intricate plumbing and piping arrangements where entry to all portions of the premises is not readily accessible for inspection purposes; or (3) a condition that in the opinion of the director or designee constitutes a hazard to health, the property owner shall protect the public water system against backflow from the premises by installing an approved backflow prevention assembly in the service line.
Failure of a customer or property owner to provide for the installation or the upgrading of a required backflow prevention assembly, as specified in subsections B and C of this section, within 30 days following written notification from the city, and for the preservation of the health and safety of the public water supply, the city may temporarily shut off potable water service to the premises and/or customer's system until the customer has installed or upgraded, and tested, an approved assembly to the satisfaction of the director or designee.
Any backflow prevention assembly installed or upgraded on a customer's premises shall be and remain the property of the customer.
(Ord. 2646 § 1, 1992; Ord. 6500 § 13, 2022)
The finance director is hereby directed to establish a special interest-bearing fund entitled the backflow prevention inspection fund. All fees collected pursuant to this chapter shall be deposited in the backflow prevention inspection fund and expended solely to finance the program set forth in this chapter.
This fee is allowed under the California State Health and Safety Code, Division 104, Part 12, Article 2, Chapter 5, Section 116805 (d) that allows water utilities implementing the backflow prevention program to recover their costs to administer the program
(Ord. 2646 § 1, 1992; Ord. 6500 § 14, 2022)
Backflow prevention assemblies may be installed either by the customer or by city personnel.
Backflow prevention assemblies type and installation shall be in compliance with city improvement standards.
Backflow prevention assemblies must be of a type approved by the University of Southern California Testing Laboratory and must comply with Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations. Where there is a conflict between the city improvement standards, University of Southern California Testing Laboratory approved list, and Title 17, the more restrictive shall apply.
(Ord. 2646 § 1, 1992)
After installation of a backflow prevention assembly, a backflow prevention assembly tester shall inspect and test the backflow prevention assembly.
Each backflow prevention assembly shall be inspected and tested at least once annually by a backflow prevention assembly tester.
Where city personnel are required to perform the test, an inspection fee shall be charged to the customer as established by Section 14.10.040.
If a backflow prevention assembly meets required standards established by this chapter, city will send the customer a notice of compliance.
The customer's system should be open for inspection at all reasonable times to authorized representatives of the City of Roseville water department to determine whether cross connections or other structural or sanitary hazards, including violations of these regulations, exist.
The city may terminate the customer's potable water service if the customer fails to have a backflow prevention device inspected and tested within the time period required by the city pursuant to Section 14.10.030(D).
(Ord. 2646 § 1, 1992; Ord. 6500 § 15, 2022)
It is the responsibility of the property owner to install freeze protection. If the backflow assembly cannot be inspected due to the presence of freeze protection material, the freeze protection may be removed. The city shall not be responsible for reinstallation of freeze protection.
The relief port at the bottom of a reduced pressure backflow assembly must not be covered over by freeze protection. All test ports must be easily accessible along with the serial number and model number.
Freeze protection shall be maintained in a neat, aesthetically pleasing condition. Torn or dislodged freeze protection may be removed by city.
(Ord. 2646 § 1, 1992)
If the backflow prevention assembly tester determines that the backflow prevention assembly does not meet the standards established by this chapter, the city will issue the customer a notice to correct. The customer shall make the necessary repairs or replacement within 30 days of issuance of the notice to correct.
The backflow prevention assembly shall be reinspected by a backflow prevention assembly tester within 30 days, at which time a reinspection fee shall be charged to the customer as established by resolution adopted by the city council, as amended from time to time.
Each time a reinspection is required, an additional reinspection fee will be charged to the customer, until such time that the city sends the customer a notice of compliance.
(Ord. 2646 § 1, 1992; Ord. 5800 § 35, 2017; Ord. 6500 § 16, 2022)
(Ord. 2646 § 1, 1992; Ord. 5800 § 36, 2017)
Installation, repair or replacement of a backflow prevention assembly shall be performed by a licensed contractor or, with customer approval, by city personnel.
The cost to the city for materials and labor at the prevailing rate shall be paid by the owner or customer and if unpaid shall become a lien on the property and collectible as taxes.
(Ord. 2646 § 1, 1992)
Failure to maintain a backflow prevention assembly as required by this chapter shall be a violation.
If the director or designee determines that a customer's failure to install, adequately maintain, or otherwise finds evidence that an installed backflow prevention assembly has been bypassed or rendered ineffective and constitutes a threat to the potable water supply, the director may order that water services to the noncomplying customer be discontinued. The director shall notify the customer at least 30 days prior to the proposed determination of service; provided, however, that if the threat to the potable water supply is so immediate that a delay in terminating water service may threaten the public health and safety, the director may terminate service without prior written notice.
A customer who has received a notice of termination of water services from the director may appeal the decision in writing to the environmental utilities director. The appeal must be received by the environmental utilities director prior to the proposed termination date, in which case the termination of services will not occur until after the appeal is heard.
(Ord. 2646 § 1, 1992; Ord. 6500 § 17, 2022)
If any provision of this chapter or the application thereof to any person or circumstances held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this chapter which can be given effect without the invalid provisions or its application, and to this end the provisions of this chapter are severable.
(Ord. 2646 § 1, 1992)