Whenever necessary to make an inspection to enforce any provision of this chapter, or whenever the director or city engineer has cause to believe that there exists, or potentially exists, in or upon any premises any condition which constitutes a violation of this chapter, the city may enter such premises at all reasonable times to inspect the same, and to inspect and copy records related to stormwater compliance. In the event the owner or occupant refuses entry after a request to enter and inspect has been made, the city is hereby empowered to seek assistance from any court of competent jurisdiction in obtaining such entry.
(Ord. 4822 § 1, 2010; Ord. 5787 § 33, 2017)
During any inspection as provided herein, a city representative may take samples, perform any testing deemed necessary, and take photographs to aid in the pursuit of the inquiry or to record site activities. This authority may include the installation of sampling and metering devices on private property, or requiring the person owning or occupying the premises to supply samples. The enforcement officer may require monitoring, analysis, and reporting of discharges from any premises to the city's municipal storm drain system. Upon service of written notice by the enforcement officer, the burden, including the cost of these activities, analyses, and reports incurred in complying with the requirement, shall, to the extent permitted by law, be borne by the landowner or occupant of the facility or activity for which testing and monitoring has been requested or performed.
(Ord. 4822 § 1, 2010; Ord. 5787 § 34, 2017)
The director or city engineer may require by written notice that any person engaged in any activity and/or owning or operating any facility that may cause or contribute to stormwater pollution, illegal discharges, and/or non-stormwater discharges to the storm drain system or waters of the United States, to undertake at said person's expense such monitoring and analyses and furnish such reports to the city as deemed necessary to determine compliance with this chapter.
(Ord. 4822 § 1, 2010; Ord. 5787 § 35, 2017)
Whenever the director or city engineer finds that a discharge of pollutants is taking place or has occurred that will result in or has resulted in pollution of stormwater, the storm drain system, or waters of the United States, the director or city engineer may require by written notice to the owner of the property and/or the responsible person that the pollution be remediated and the affected property restored at the landowner or other responsible person's expense within a specified time pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 4822 § 1, 2010.; Ord. 5787 § 36, 2017)