This chapter may be referred to as the "Roseville Fire Code."
(Ord. 6156 § 8, 2019; Ord. 6594 § 3, 2022)
The 2022 California Fire Code Title 24, Part 9 of the California Code of Regulations, together with Appendices B, BB, C, CC, D, as well as the 2021 International Fire Code, save and except such portions as are hereunder deleted, modified, or amended, are hereby adopted by reference.
(Ord. 6156 § 8, 2019; Ord. 6594 § 3, 2022)
The city council of the City of Roseville finds and declares that the additions, modifications, and changes made to these codes are necessary for the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare due to climatic, geological, or topographical conditions. These amendments are authorized under Health and Safety Code Section 17958 and are identified as follows:
Climatic. Average yearly rainfall for the city is approximately 18 inches; with the majority occurring between October and April. During the summer months, there is generally no measurable precipitation and temperatures for this dry period range from 70 to 112 degrees Fahrenheit. High summer month temperatures are frequently accompanied by light to gusty westerly and northerly winds. The relative humidity during the summer months averages from two to 30 millimeters of mercury (Hg), which is considered arid. The city is surrounded by thousands of acres of grasslands which, during the summer months are dried to the point at which they are exceedingly combustible and easily ignited.
Topographical. The city is segmented by several topographical and physical features, including minor rivers, steep canyons, natural parkways, open space, freeways, railroad tracks, drainage canals, and sprawling industrial facilities. Heavy traffic congestion on city streets acts as a barrier for fire and emergency vehicles providing timely response. Preservation of wetland areas, natural parkways, riparian corridors, vernal pools, open space, and endangered species' habitats have all contributed to access problems while also resulting in exemptions from vegetation reduction programs. These situations, though environmentally important, increase the demands on the fire department due to extreme fire hazards created by increased fuel loading and access limitations.
Geological. The city is located within a seismic design category D area and is subject to ground tremors. Flooding has occurred in the portions of the city that lie adjacent to Roseville's numerous creeks and streams.
(Ord. 6156 § 8, 2019; Ord. 6594 § 3, 2022)
Chapter 1, Section 107 of the California Fire Code, as adopted by the city, is hereby amended to read as follows:
107 Fees. Each person who applies for, requests, or receives a permit, permit amendment, or service furnished by the fire department shall, at such time, pay the applicable fee or fees provided for by resolution of the city council.
Minimum Fee Remittance. Prior to providing service, except for emergency services, a minimum fee remittance is required based on the approved fee established for said service(s). The minimum amount for an estimated fee calculation is required at the time of request for service. Adjustments to the estimated fee may be made depending upon work required.
Modification of Fees. The fire chief shall have the authority to waive or modify any fee imposed due to services provided by the fire department as stated herein and established by resolution of the city council for good cause providing such waiver or modification request is submitted in writing, stating the reason such waiver or modification is necessary, prior to the payment of the fee.
(Ord. 6156 § 8, 2019; Ord. 6594 § 3, 2022)
Chapter 1, Section 111.1 of the California Fire Code, as adopted by the city, is hereby amended to read as follows:
111.1 Appeals. Any person aggrieved by any decision or action of the Chief or designated representative may appeal the decision or action subject to the provisions of Section 16.04.110 of the Municipal Code referring to the Board of Appeals. The Board of Appeals designated therein shall also serve as the Board of Appeals under the California Fire Code. The fire chief or his or her designee shall serve as ex-officio member of the Board of Appeals in all appeals under the California Fire Code.
(Ord. 6156 § 8, 2019; Ord. 6594 § 3, 2022)
Chapter 1, Section 112.4 of the California Fire Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
112.4 Violation penalties. Persons who shall violate a provision of this code or shall fail to comply with any of the requirements thereof or who shall erect, install, alter, repair or do work in violation of the approved construction documents or directive of the fire code official, or of a permit or certificate used under provisions of this code, shall be charged with either an infraction or a misdemeanor at the discretion of the city attorney.
(Ord. 6156 § 8, 2019; Ord. 6594 § 3, 2022)
Chapter 3, Section 307.1.1 of the California Fire Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
307.1.1 Prohibited open burning. Open burning shall be prohibited within the city.
Exception: When authorized by the fire chief in accordance with the California Fire Code.
(Ord. 6156 § 8, 2019; Ord. 6594 § 3, 2022)
Mobile Storage Racks. Mobile storage racks shall have a minimum six-inch fixed separation every four feet of storage.
(Ord. 6156 § 8, 2019; Ord. 6594 § 3, 2022)
Chapter 5, Section 503.2.3 of the California Fire Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
503.2.3 Surface. Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus and shall be surfaced with an AC pavement or equivalent surface so as to provide all-weather driving capabilities.
(Ord. 6156 § 8, 2019; Ord. 6594 § 3, 2022)
Multiple Tenant Buildings. Multiple tenant buildings shall contain the following features:
Multiple tenant spaces serviced by vehicular access to the rear through any driveway, alleyway, or parking lot shall have numbers or addresses placed prior to occupancy on all new and existing buildings as to be plainly visible and legible from the rear access way when deemed necessary by the fire chief.
Multiple tenant spaces serviced by rear access through a corridor, exit passageway, exit court, or exit yard shall have approved numbers or addresses displayed on the rear of the tenant space, when deemed necessary by the fire chief.
Multiple tenant spaces that front on interior walkways or pedestrian malls shall have approved numbers or addresses placed near the entrance door in all new and existing buildings.
Illuminated directory boards shall be provided at vehicular access entrances to multiple building complexes as deemed necessary by the fire chief.
Illumination. Addressing shall be illuminated at night in all new buildings. Address signs shall be internally or externally illuminated. When the luminance provided for the face of an address sign is from an external source, it shall have an intensity sufficient so as to be visible at night from the adjoining access roadway. Internally illuminated address signs shall be provided with equivalent luminance.
(Ord. 6156 § 8, 2019; Ord. 6594 § 3, 2022)
Fire Control Room. An approved fire control room shall be provided for all buildings protected by an automatic fire extinguishing system. Fire control rooms shall meet the following requirements:
Fire control rooms shall contain only fire system control valves, fire alarm control panels and other related fire system equipment.
The location of the fire control room shall be approved by the fire code official.
Fire control rooms shall have minimum dimensions of five feet by seven feet.
Fire control rooms shall be constructed with a one-hour fire rating.
Fire control rooms shall be provided with an exterior access door approved by the fire code official.
Durable signage shall be provided on the exterior side of the access door.
Storage of materials in fire control rooms is prohibited.
New Buildings. An approved automatic sprinkler system shall be provided in every new building where the total fire area is 3,600 square feet or greater.
Passive Purge Sprinkler System. One- and two-family dwellings designed and installed with a sprinkler system in accordance with NFPA 13D shall utilize passage purge on a remote domestic plumbing fixture.
Building Additions. An approved automatic sprinkler system shall be provided in every existing building, except one- and two-family dwellings, when an addition to the floor area is made increasing the size of the building to 3,600 square feet or greater.
Design Criteria. Minimum sprinkler systems design requirements are as follows unless otherwise approved by the fire code official:
Office buildings shall be designed to Ordinary Hazard Group 1.
Mercantile and Storage Occupancies with a ceiling height of up to 20 feet shall be designed to Ordinary Hazard Group 2; with a minimum design area of 3,000 square feet.
Mercantile and Storage Occupancies with a ceiling height exceeding 20 feet shall be designed with a minimum sprinkler density of 0.495; with a minimum design area of 2,000 square feet.
Upright Sprinklers. Upright sprinklers shall be installed in all construction types. Exceptions:
The following construction types: Type IA, IB, IIA.
In all construction types where the roof-system is exposed and contains no ceiling structure or concealed spaces.
Sprinkler systems designed in accordance with NFPA 13D.
Sprinkler systems designed in accordance with NFPA 13R.
Chapter 9, Section 903.4.2 of the California Fire Code, as adopted by the city, is hereby amended to read as follows:
903.4.2 Alarms. One exterior approved audible alarm and visual strobe device, located on the exterior of the building in an approved location, shall be connected to each automatic sprinkler system. Such sprinkler water-flow alarm devices shall be activated by water flow equivalent to the flow of a single sprinkler of the smallest orifice size installed in the system. Where a fire alarm system is installed, actuation of the automatic sprinkler system shall actuate the building fire alarm system. Visible alarm notification appliances shall not be required except when required by Section 907. A single approved audible alarm and visual strobe device shall be provided in the interior of the building in a normally occupied location within each space, unless otherwise required by the California Fire Code.
Chapter 9, Section 907.6.6 of the California Fire Code, as adopted by the city, is hereby amended to read as follows:
907.6.6 Monitoring. Fire alarm systems required by this chapter or by the California Building Code shall be monitored by a Central Station Service (UUFX) that is listed in the current edition of the UL Online Certifications Directory unless otherwise required by the California Fire Code.
Exceptions: Monitoring by a supervised station is not required for:
Single and multi-station smoke alarms required by Section 907.2.11.
Smoke detectors in Group I-3 occupancies shall be monitored in accordance with Section 907.2.6.3.
Automatic sprinkler systems in one- and two-family dwellings.
Combination Alarm Systems. Combination fire and burglar alarm systems are not permitted. Exception: Group R-3 and R-3.1.
Fire-Extinguishing Equipment. Automatic fire-extinguishing systems for the protection of grease removal devices, hoods, duct systems and cooking equipment shall be monitored in accordance with Section 907.6.6.
Fire Alarm Control Panel. Buildings requiring a fire alarm system shall be equipped with a single fire alarm control panel unless approved by the Fire Code Official.
(Ord. 6156 § 8, 2019; Ord. 6594 § 3, 2022)
Chapter 33, Section 3311.1 of the California Fire Code, as adopted by the city, is hereby amended to read as follows:
3311.1 Required access. Approved vehicle access for firefighting shall be provided to all construction or demolition sites. Vehicle access shall be provided to within 100 feet (30,480 mm) of temporary or permanent fire department connections. Vehicle access shall be provided with an AC pavement or equivalent surface capable of supporting vehicle loading so as to provide all weather driving capabilities. Said fire access road shall be constructed prior to the presence of on site combustible products and shall be maintained throughout the construction process.
Premises Identification. Buildings under construction shall have approved address numbers, building numbers or approved building identification placed at the entry point of each fire access road.
(Ord. 6156 § 8, 2019; Ord. 6594 § 3, 2022)
Chapter 56, Section 5608.1 of the California Fire Code, as adopted by the city, is hereby amended to read as follows:
5608.1 General. Outdoor fireworks displays, use of pyrotechnics before a proximate audience and pyrotechnic special effects in theatrical and group entertainment productions shall comply with California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, Chapter 6-Fireworks, and this chapter.
Prohibited Fireworks. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, no person shall possess, manufacture, sell, use, display or explode any dangerous fireworks including, but not limited to, any rocket, firecracker, roman candle, squib, torpedo, wire core sparkler, wooden core sparkler, black cartridge, aerial shell or other combustible device or explosive substance or any kind of fireworks, by whatsoever name known, or any altered safe and sane fireworks within the city.
Public Displays. Public displays of fireworks may be given under permit issued by the fire code official consistent with state law where such displays will take place under the direction and supervision of a state of California licensed pyrotechnic operator.
Public Notice. Applicants for a fireworks public display permit shall provide notice to the surrounding community prior to the public display in accordance with standards approved by the fire code official.
Safe and Sane Fireworks. It shall not be unlawful to possess, use, display or discharge, within the city, those fireworks that are defined and classified as safe and sane fireworks authorized and labeled by the California State Fire Marshal during the period from noon on the 28th of June through midnight on the 4th of July of the same calendar year. Any person in violation of this section with amounts up to but not exceeding 25 pounds shall be cited for an infraction.
Sale of Safe and Sane Fireworks. The sale of safe and sane fireworks authorized and labeled by the California State Fire Marshal, within the city, shall be permitted only between noon and 10:00 p.m. on the 28th of June of each year and 9:00 a.m. through 10:00 p.m. on June 29th through the 4th of July of the same calendar year.
Exception: No person shall sell or offer to sell or expose for sale any safe and sane fireworks to any person under the age of 18 years.
Permits. It is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to sell safe and sane fireworks within the city without having first applied for and received a city permit therefor, in addition to the required state license.
Permit Requirements. The following are requirements for an application for a permit to sell safe and sane fireworks in the city:
No permit to sell safe and sane fireworks shall be issued to any person or business entity except nonprofit organizations.
"Nonprofit organization" means: (i) any nonprofit association, charity or corporation organized pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code or California Revenue and Taxation Code; or (ii) a group which is an integral part of a recognized national organization having such tax-exempt status; or (iii) an organization officially affiliated with and officially recognized by: (A) an elementary school, middle school, and/or high school and/or school district that serves, in whole or in part, the residents of the city, or (B) a public and/or private community college, college and/or university which is located within the boundaries of the city.
Any nonprofit organization that is qualified to sell safe and sane fireworks must meet all of the following criteria for a continuous period of not less than one full year preceding submittal of an application for a permit to sell fireworks required by this chapter and which continues to meet the criteria for the duration of any permit to sell fireworks issued by the city.
The organization must have its principal and permanent meeting place within the city.
The organization must have a demonstrated benefit or provide a service to the citizens of Roseville.
The organization must have a minimum bona fide membership of at least 20 members who either reside in the city or are owners or operators of a business or other establishment located in the city or attest that the otherwise qualified organization will have a minimum of 20 volunteers to staff a fireworks booth. The organization shall provide documentation demonstrating the minimum bona fide membership to the satisfaction of the fire chief.
The organization must not have been found by any court of competent jurisdiction or city administrative hearing officer to be in violation of any civil or criminal local, state or federal law within 24 calendar months prior to the organization's submittal of an application for a permit to sell fireworks.
All applications for permits shall be accompanied by a California State Board of Equalization temporary sales tax permit.
All applications for permits shall be in writing to the fire department on forms supplied by the city.
Applications must be filed 30 days prior to the actual sale or display.
Applications shall set forth the proposed location of the fireworks stand.
Applications shall be accompanied by a certificate of insurance in a form approved by the city attorney showing public liability insurance coverage in a minimum amount of $1,000,000.00.
All applications for permits shall be accompanied by a retail sales permit issued by the California State Fire Marshal.
Applicants shall furnish such other data or information as may be required relating to the issuance of such fireworks permits.
Applications shall identify the name, organizational form, address of the principal meeting place, number of members, the purpose of the organization or corporation and the date it came into existence within the city. Only those organizations that are located within the city limits will be allowed to sell fireworks. Each organization, and its affiliated groups, will be limited to no more than one booth.
Every application shall designate one or more individuals as the fireworks stand safety officer. That individual shall be required to attend a fireworks stand operators safety seminar and orientation session conducted or approved by the city's fire department prior to issuance of the permit. The fireworks stand safety officer(s) must attend the seminar each year regardless of whether or not they have previously attended such a seminar in the past.
Each application shall be accompanied by the applicable permit fee. Such fee shall be nonrefundable. The fee shall be used to defray the expense of administering the provisions of this section and to provide safety and informational material and programming relative to fireworks.
Permit Revocation. The fire chief may suspend or revoke any permit upon proof that the permitted organization or corporation, or any of its members, has violated any of the provisions of this section relating to fireworks. If the fire chief determines that the suspension occurred too late in the limited sales period to have the necessary deterrent effect, he or she may disqualify the permitted person or organization from obtaining a permit for a period of up to two additional years. Such additional disqualifications may be appealed to the city manager in writing within 15 calendar days of the action.
Number of Permits Issued. Except as otherwise provided, not more than 15 permits for fireworks shall be issued during any one calendar year. In the event more than 15 applications for permits are received, priorities for issuing of permits shall be determined by the fire chief as follows:
First priority shall be to those applicants who received a permit in the prior calendar year and actually operated a fireworks stand. Provided, however, that such priority shall expire after five consecutive years, and that nothing herein shall be construed so as to permit more than one fireworks stand per organization.
Second priority shall be to those otherwise qualified organizations.
In the event that the number of applicants within a given class of priority exceeds the number of permits remaining to be granted, then the selection of permittees shall be by lot. Such lottery shall be conducted in public by the fire chief who shall notify all applicants at least five days in advance of the date and time of the lottery.
Temporary Fireworks Stands. Retail sales of safe and sane fireworks are permitted only from within a temporary fireworks stand and subject to the following provisions:
No person other than the permitted organization shall operate the fireworks stand for which the permit is issued or share or otherwise participate in the profits of the operation of such stand.
No person other than the individuals who are members of the permitted organization shall sell or otherwise participate in the sale of safe and sane fireworks.
Each fireworks stand shall have a responsible adult in attendance and in charge of the stand at all times while it is being used for the display or storage of safe and sane fireworks.
Each fireworks stand shall have a fireworks stand safety officer in attendance and in charge at all times while it is being used for the sale or the offering for sale of safe and sane fireworks.
All safe and sane fireworks shall be retained or stored at the approved location of the fireworks stand, and in no event shall fireworks, other than those which have been sold, be removed from the approved fireworks stand location to any other place within the city.
There shall be no drinking or possession of alcoholic beverages in or about the fireworks stand or storage site at any time.
Fireworks stands may only be located on property zoned C-C, G-C, M-1, or M-2.
No fireworks stand shall be located within 25 feet of any other building or within 50 feet of any gasoline station, fuel pump, storage tank, generator or bulk plant.
Fireworks stands shall be located at least 100 feet apart from any other fireworks stand.
Fireworks stands shall comply with the provisions of the Building Code as determined by and at the discretion of the building official. All stands shall be erected under the supervision of the building official. The building official shall require that stands be constructed in a manner which will reasonably insure safety of attendants and patrons.
Temporary electrical wiring within the fireworks stand shall be prohibited.
Electrically powered equipment shall be located at least 10 feet from the fireworks stand.
Each stand shall have at least two approved exits located at opposite ends of the stand.
Any relocation of a fireworks stand shall be subject to prior approval of the fire chief.
Each fireworks stand shall be provided with two two-and-one-half-gallon "water-type" fire extinguishers approved by the fire chief, in good working order and easily accessible for use in case of fire. Such fire extinguishers shall be kept at or immediately near the fireworks stand.
All weeds and combustible materials shall be cleared from the location of the fireworks stand, to a distance of at least 30 feet.
When the fireworks stand is not being used for the sale and/or display of fireworks, all fireworks shall be stored in a manner consistent with one of the following:
Within a reinforced, heavy metal, fully-enclosed container, walk-in type drop box, or its equivalent, as approved by the fire code official; or
Returned daily to the licensed fireworks wholesaler for storage at an approved location.
Igniting Fireworks Near Stand. It is unlawful to discharge or ignite fireworks of any type within 25 feet of a fireworks stand.
Removal of Fireworks Stand. Fireworks stands shall be removed from the temporary locations by noon on the 6th day of July, and all accompanying litter shall be cleared from the locations by that time.
(Ord. 6156 § 8, 2019; Ord. 6594 § 3, 2022)
Appendix B, Section B105.1 of the California Fire Code, as adopted by the city, is hereby amended to read as follows:
B105.1 One- and two-family dwellings, Group R-3 and R-4 buildings and townhouses. The minimum fire-flow and flow duration requirements for one- and two-family dwellings, Group R-3 and R-4 buildings and town-houses shall be as specified in Tables Bl05.l(l) and Bl05.1(2). The resulting fire-flow shall not be less than 1,500 gallons per minute (5,678 L/min) for the prescribed duration.
Appendix B, Section B105.2 of the California Fire Code, as adopted by the city, is hereby amended to read as follows:
B105.2 Buildings other than one- and two-family dwellings, Group R-3 and R-4 buildings and townhouses. The minimum fire-flow and flow duration for buildings other than one- and two-family dwellings, Group R-3 and R-4 buildings and townhouses shall be as specified in Table B105.2 and B105.1(2). The resulting fire-flow shall be at least 50% of the value in Table Bl05.1(2) and not be less than 1,500 gallons per minute (5,678 L/min) for the prescribed duration.
(Ord. 6156 § 8, 2019; Ord. 6594 § 3, 2022)
The city council hereby declares that should any section, paragraph, sentence, or word of this chapter or of this code hereby adopted be declared for any reason to be invalid, it is the intent of the council that it would have passed all other portions of this chapter independent of the elimination therefrom of any such portion as may be declared invalid.
(Ord. 6156 § 8, 2019.; Ord. 6594 § 3, 2022)