A planned sign permit program is required for:
Sign criteria that establish guidelines for specific signs or future signs for tenants in a building complex;
Replacement or significant modification of an existing planned sign permit program for a building complex; and
Off-site subdivision signs not in conformance with an approved design.
A planned sign permit program is optional for all other signs.
If the provisions of an approved planned sign permit program conflict with other provisions of this title, whichever provision is more restrictive shall control.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
Applications for a planned sign permit program shall be filed with the planning department upon forms provided for that purpose. The application shall be accompanied by a non-refundable fee as established by city council resolution.
The application shall contain:
The name, address and telephone number of the owner(s) of the property upon which the sign is to be placed and the owner’s signed consent to the application;
Names, addresses and telephone number of all other owners of property within the building complex and their signed consent to the application;
Three copies of a site plan for the property upon which the sign(s) is to be located, depicting the location of existing building(s), and existing and proposed freestanding sign(s);
Three copies of a sign plan depicting the sign(s) including dimensions, colors, materials, and type of illumination;
Three copies of a scaled building elevation plan indicating the sign location (wall signs only);
A detailed statement of criteria for the proposed signs including, but not limited to: number, type, location, size, height, materials, letter style, colors, and illumination;
A description of the property to be governed by the planned sign permit program; and
Additional copies of the above listed information if the project requires a public hearing by the design committee or city council.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
The director shall provide notice of an administrative review at least 10 days prior to acting on the application.
The notice shall be posted on the subject property and mailed to:
The applicant;
The owner(s) of the subject property and the owner(s) of the building complex (if other than the property owner); and
Those individuals who have requested notice of this application.
The notice of planned sign permit program review shall provide substantially as follows:
The name of the applicant;
The file number assigned to the application;
A description of the proposed planned sign permit program including location;
The environmental determination;
The date of the notice and the deadline to request a public hearing and the date the planned sign permit program will be approved if no public hearing is requested; and
The following statement, in bold letters:
The purpose of this notice is to inform you that an application for the project described above has been submitted to the Planning Department. The Director may approve the application without holding a public hearing, unless a public hearing is requested by you or any individual wanting to comment on the project prior to the scheduled approval date.
To request a public hearing for this project you must do so in writing. Your written request must be received by the City of Roseville Planning Department no later than 5:00 p.m., on the date noted above. If a public hearing is requested, you will receive notice of the date, time, and place of the public hearing.
If a public hearing is not requested prior to the deadline, it is the intent of the Director to approve the application and grant the planned sign permit program without a public hearing. If a public hearing is not requested, the action of the Director to grant the planned sign permit program shall be final.
If prior to the director’s action on the application, any interested party requests a public hearing, a public hearing shall be scheduled and notice shall be provided pursuant to Section 17.08.540.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
If a public hearing is not requested, the director shall approve, conditionally approve or deny the planned sign permit program. The director shall not approve the planned sign permit program unless the following findings are made:
The planned sign permit program is consistent with the provisions and intent of this title;
The planned sign permit program is in harmony with, and visually related to the buildings within the planned sign permit program and the surrounding development; and
The planned sign permit program is consistent with the adopted specific plan sign guidelines for the specific plan or other applicable regulations in which it is located, if applicable.
If in the opinion of the director, the proposed planned sign permit program is not substantially in conformance with the requirements of this title, or that because of its location, size, or design that the public hearing should not be waived, the director shall refer the project for public hearing by the design committee.
Within five days (excluding weekends and holidays) of any decision, the director shall notify the applicant in writing of the outcome including any conditions of approval.
If a person is aggrieved by a decision of the director, a person may, within 10 calendar days of such decision, appeal the decision to the design committee upon the filing of a written appeal with the director and the payment of a non-refundable fee as established by city council resolution.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
If a public hearing is requested, the planning director shall schedule and notice the permit for public hearing by the design committee. The notice of a public hearing shall be as set forth in the Roseville Municipal Code Section 17.08.540.
The design committee may approve, conditionally approve or deny the planned sign permit program. The design committee shall not approve the application unless the findings set forth in the Roseville Municipal Code Section 17.08.225 are made.
Within five days (excluding weekends and holidays) of the design committee’s action, the planning director shall notify the applicant and/or appellant of the design committee’s action including any conditions of approval.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
Upon approval of a planned sign permit program, all future signs erected in the area governed by the planned sign permit program shall conform to the planned sign permit program, and no sign permits shall be issued for signs not in conformance with the criteria of the planned sign permit program. Relief from the provisions or criteria of a planned sign permit program may be granted only with the approval of a new planned sign permit program, or modification to the planned sign permit program.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
Minor modifications to existing planned sign permit programs may be approved by the director without the notice requirements identified in Section 17.08.220, provided the modification meets the following criteria:
The changes are substantially consistent with the intent of the original planned sign permit program and are architecturally compatible with the design intent of the building complex.
The changes are limited to:
Copy type and/or color, or letter return materials and colors;
Method of illumination when not adjacent to residential uses;
Letter size and/or height provided the change complies with the criteria identified in Sections 17.06.215 and 17.06.220; and/or
Any other minor modifications as determined by the director.
Any other modification to an existing planned sign permit program not considered minor shall comply with the processing requirements identified in Article 2 of this chapter.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
Applications for planned sign permit program modifications shall be filed with the planning department upon forms provided for that purpose. The application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee as established by city council resolution.
The application shall contain:
The name, address and telephone number of the owner(s) of the property upon which the sign is to be placed and the owner’s signed consent to the application;
Three copies of a site plan for the property upon which the sign(s) is to be located, depicting the location of existing building(s), and existing and proposed freestanding sign(s);
Three copies of a sign plan detailing proposed changes to the existing planned sign permit program;
Three copies of the proposed planned sign permit program;
Three copies of a scaled building elevation plan indicating the sign location (wall signs only);
A detailed statement of criteria for the proposed signs including, but not limited to: number, type, location, size, height, materials, letter style, colors, and illumination;
A description of the property to be governed by the planned sign permit program;
Additional copies of the above listed information will be required if the project requires a public hearing by the design committee or city council; and
Any additional information or materials necessary for the processing and review of the permit application as deemed necessary by the director.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
Upon the filing of an application for a minor planned sign permit program modification, the director shall review the application within 10 days (excluding weekends and holidays) for conformance with this title and other applicable regulations. If the application meets the requirements of this title, the director shall endorse the application and drawings as “approved.” The director shall not approve the minor planned sign permit program modification unless the following findings are made:
The minor planned sign permit program modification is consistent with the provisions and intent of this title;
The minor planned sign permit program modification is in harmony with, and visually related to the buildings within the existing planned sign permit program and the surrounding development; and
The minor planned sign permit program modification is consistent with the adopted specific plan sign guidelines for the specific plan or other applicable regulations in which the building complex is located, if applicable.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
Any person wishing to erect and maintain a sign within any area governed by a planned sign permit program shall apply for a sign permit as provided in Article 1 of this chapter.
The director shall deny any application not in conformance with the criteria of an applicable planned sign permit program.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)