Where practical difficulties, unique site or building design, or other physical restrictions on the land or buildings not generally shared by other properties result from the strict application of the requirements of this title, exceptions from such requirements may be granted by the director pursuant to this chapter; provided, however, that no exception from the provisions of Chapter 17.12 is permitted.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
Applications for an administrative permit for sign exception shall be filed with the planning department upon forms provided for that purpose. The application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee as established by city council resolution.
The application shall contain:
All the required information as outlined in Section 17.08.215;
A description of the exception and a justification for the request including specific facts to support the findings set forth in Section 17.08.440; and
Any additional information or materials necessary for processing and review of the application as deemed necessary by the director.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
Upon the filing of an application for an administrative permit for sign exception, the director shall review the application for conformance with this title, a planned sign permit program, if applicable, and other applicable regulations. If the application meets the requirements of this title, a notice of intent to approve will be sent and if there is no request for a public hearing, the director shall endorse the application and drawings as “approved.” A public hearing may be required for any exception at the discretion of the director.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
The director shall approve, conditionally approve, or deny the administrative permit for sign exception application.
The director shall approve the sign exception when the following findings are made:
The requested sign is consistent with the purpose and intent of this title.
The requested signs are in harmony with the individual building, and visually related to the buildings within a planned sign permit program and the surrounding development.
The requested signs are consistent with the adopted specific plan sign guidelines for the applicable specific plan or other applicable regulations in which it is located.
There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applying to the land, buildings, uses, or signs involved which do not generally apply to other land, buildings, or signs in the neighborhood.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
Within five calendar days of the date of the director’s decision, the director shall notify the applicant in writing of the outcome of the sign exception review, including any conditions of approval.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)