Signs specified in this chapter are exempt from the fee, permit, and sticker requirements of Chapter 17.08 to the extent allowed by this chapter. Signs prohibited by Chapter 17.12 may not be erected or maintained except those allowed subject to an off-site sign relocation agreement as provided in Section 17.10.200.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
Lettering less than one foot in height which is either carved into a building or otherwise made a part of the architectural detail of the building is exempt from the fee, permit and sticker provisions of this title, provided, that it is not separately illuminated and is not made of reflecting material, does not contrast with the color of the building, and is less than one inch in thickness (depth).
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
Construction signs and development project signs are exempt from the fee, permit and sticker provisions of this title provided, however, that such construction and development project signs shall comply with the following regulations:
Not more than one such sign shall be erected for every 1,000 feet of street frontage, or portion thereof, per project.
Such signs do not exceed 32 square feet in area. The maximum height of such signs shall be six feet unless the sign is located on an existing sound wall in which case the maximum height shall be the height of the fence or soundwall.
Such signs for individual single family homes do not exceed six square feet in area and four feet in height.
No such sign shall be illuminated or contain any moving parts.
All such signs shall be removed within 10 days after issuance of the last occupancy permit for the project.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
Signs on doors and windows are exempt from the fee, permit and sticker provisions of this title.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
Pennants or flags may be flown and are exempt from the fee, permit and sticker provisions of this title. This exemption does not apply to corporate flags or pennants bearing corporate emblems, logos or copy unless flown on the same staff as a sign displaying a non-commercial image. Only one flag pole is permitted per individual use or building complex. A maximum of two flags can be flown on one pole. Flags not within this exemption are deemed freestanding signs.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
Every nonresidential use may maintain special exterior floor treatment, such as paint or terrazzo, indicating the name of the business and/or a business logo and such is exempt from the fee, permit and sticker provisions of this title. Provided, however, that such floor treatment shall be completely flush with the surrounding pavement and shall be on a floor or pavement which is completely horizontal.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
Garage/yard sale signs are exempt from the fee, permit and sticker provisions of this title provided, however, that such garage/yard sale signs shall comply with the following regulations:
No off-site signs relating to the sale shall be permitted.
Only one on-site sign advertising the sale shall be permitted.
The maximum size of sign shall be six square feet in area and four feet in height.
The sign shall only be displayed during the term of the sale.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
Governmental signs are exempt from the fee, permit and sticker provisions of this title.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
House number and name plate as well as business address signs are exempt from the fee, permit and sticker provisions of this title provided, however, that such house number, name plate and business address signs shall comply with the standards established by the fire department.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
Informational signs are exempt from the fee, permit and sticker provisions of this title provided that no such signs shall exceed two square feet in area.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
Interior signs located completely within a building are exempt from the fee, permit and sticker provisions of this title.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
Memorial signs are exempt from the fee, permit and sticker provisions of this title.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
Off-site open house directional signs within the scope of Civil Code Section 713 (Real estate for sale, etc.) are exempt from the fee, permit and sticker provisions of this title provided the following restrictions are complied with:
Such signs shall be displayed only while an open house is actually in progress, and a residence is actually open to prospective buyers at all times while the sign is displayed. Signs shall be removed by sunset of the day on which the open house is held. No such sign shall remain on display between sunset and sunrise.
Such signs shall be freestanding, and shall not exceed six square feet per face. Each sign may have a maximum of two faces.
Maximum height shall be four feet.
Signs shall not be located within the clear vision triangle.
No open house directional sign shall be placed on vehicles of any kind.
No temporary open house directional sign shall be placed in the public right-of-way or on public property.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
Signs not exceeding two square feet in area which designate the location of a public utility facility available for public use, including telephones, are exempt from the fee, permit and sticker provisions of this title.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
Real estate signs for the sale or lease of property are exempt from the fee, permit and sticker provisions of this title, provided however, real estate signs shall comply with the following regulations:
Individual homes or a vacant lot for an individual home is permitted one on-site freestanding real estate sign not to exceed six square feet in area and six feet in height. One off-site freestanding real estate sign not to exceed six square feet in area and six feet in height is also permitted with the consent of the off-site real property owner.
All other property either developed or vacant is permitted one on-site freestanding real estate sign for every 1,000 lineal feet of street frontage or portion thereof, not to exceed 32 square feet in area and six feet in height per sign. One off-site freestanding real estate sign for every 1,000 lineal feet of street frontage or portion thereof, not to exceed 32 square feet in area and six feet in height per sign, is also permitted with the consent of the off-site real property owner.
Real estate signs shall be removed upon sale or lease of the property.
Temporary real estate banner signs are permitted pursuant to Section 17.10.185 (Banner signs).
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008; Ord. 4985 § 3, 2011)
No permit or fee is required to repair, clean, repaint, or refurbish any existing sign, or to change the copy of any sign. This provision does not authorize off-site commercial messages or conversion of an existing sign to general advertising use.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
Seasonal signs which are displayed on-site in conjunction with an approval of a seasonal event such as pumpkin patches, Christmas tree lots and firework displays are exempt from the fee, permit and sticker provisions of this title.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
Temporary noncommercial signs that meet all of the following criteria are exempt from the fee, permit and sticker provisions of this title.
No individual sign shall exceed six square feet.
Not more than six square feet of sign shall be maintained at any one time on a single parcel or lot.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, 90 days prior to and 10 days following an election no more than an aggregate total of 128 square feet of temporary noncommercial signs may be maintained at any one time on a single parcel or lot, provided that each individual sign shall not exceed six square feet.
No sign shall be placed on public property or within any public right-of-way.
No sign shall be placed on private property without the permission of the property owner or tenant.
Non-commercial signs which are not temporary, or are otherwise not within the exemptions of this section, are permitted in all zones subject to the provisions of this title pertaining to signs.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
A banner sign may be erected and maintained on-site for an establishment. These signs shall not replace the primary permanent identification sign(s) for the establishment, and the establishment must have a permanent sign application on file with the city.
Number and Duration. No more than one such banner sign may be erected per establishment at any one time. This sign may be posted on a continuous basis, but shall be required to be kept in a good state of repair and preservation. These signs shall be made of durable material, and shall be subject to the same maintenance provisions as permanent signs as addressed in Section 17.14.020 of this title.
Design. The sign shall not be illuminated and shall not contain moving parts.
Maximum Total Square Footage. The following standards will be utilized in determining the maximum sign square footage allowed per establishment:
Buildings or tenant spaces within a building complex having less than 50 linear feet of building frontage are allowed 60 square feet.
Buildings or tenants spaces within a building complex having more than 50 linear feet of building frontage but less than 100 feet of building frontage are allowed 80 square feet.
Buildings or tenant spaces within a building complex having more than 100 feet of building frontage are allowed 120 square feet.
For the purpose of this provision of the sign ordinance, building frontage shall be defined as the building façade that directly abuts a public street, private street, parking lot driveway or parking spaces in which main public access is provided to the establishment.
Location. A banner sign shall not be freestanding and shall be affixed to the face of a building, perimeter wall/fence or permanent freestanding sign. If attached to a freestanding sign it shall be fully adhered to the face of the existing sign and be restricted to only one sign per center/use. Banner signs shall be restricted to the building areas that front onto a street or parking lot directly adjacent to the establishment for which the sign is posted. Sign locations shall also conform to the location standards established for permanent signs and are allowed to be posted in the areas permitted for permanent signage under the sign ordinance or an approved planned sign permit program. When affixed to a building these signs shall not extend above the roofline or parapet of the structure.
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to implement orderly banner sign standards in order to promote, among other things, traffic safety and aesthetic values.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
A-frame signs that meet all of the following criteria are exempt from the fee, permit and sticker provisions of this title.
Quantity. One per business.
Size. A maximum of six square feet per side.
Height. A maximum height of four feet.
Acceptable Materials. Professional quality materials (stenciled plywood is prohibited).
Location. A-frame signs shall be located on private property, which may include privately owned commercial property landscape setbacks. A-frame signs are prohibited in the public right-of-way including medians and sidewalks, and shall not block accessible paths of travel or inhibit sight distance for ingress and egress. All A-frame signs shall be located outside of the clear vision triangle as defined by Section 17.04.160 of this title.
Stabilization. All A-frame signs shall be freestanding and able to withstand wind gusts or must be removed during inclement weather. A-frame signs shall not be attached to structures, landscape trees, benches, or any other landscape features.
Sign Copy. Messaging on A-frames shall be limited to advertisement of on-site businesses only.
Daily Removal. All signs shall be removed at the close of business each day.
(Ord. 4985 § 2, 2011; Ord. 5236 § 1, 2013; Ord. 5720 § 1, 2016)
Temporary signs identifying access locations or establishments located adjacent to or within city construction projects are exempt from the fee, permit, sticker, location, number and size provisions of this title except as provided by this section.
City Construction Projects. The director of the city department responsible for administering the city construction project may approve the placement of the following signs:
One or more signs identifying access and driveway locations to businesses adjacent to a city construction project.
City construction project entry signs located at entries to the construction area indicating that adjacent establishments are open during construction.
Such director-approved signs shall not include commercial advertising messages. Such signs shall be mounted on approved construction barricades or skids and may be relocated or removed as is deemed necessary by the director. Such signs shall be no taller than 48 inches and no more than 11 square feet in area.
Major City Construction Projects. Additional or alternative temporary construction signs identifying a specific establishment’s name and address may be approved by the city council for major city construction projects. Major city construction projects include those city construction projects where for a period of 30 or more continuous days, construction activities occur in or along the street frontage of the same business. The planning department shall develop and maintain guidelines to assist the administering department in preparing a program for temporary establishment identification signs. The director of the department responsible for administering the city construction project shall prepare a program for temporary establishment identification signs and shall submit said program to the city council for review and approval prior to commencing construction.
The temporary establishment identification sign program shall identify the purpose of each proposed temporary construction sign and specify the type, number, shape, color and location of signs to be installed; the length of time for which the signs may be displayed; and any other aspect of the temporary business identification signs as the director deems appropriate. The city council may approve, disapprove or modify the proposed temporary construction sign program.
The temporary sign shall be limited to:
Establishment name or names, and addresses; and
Shall be mounted on approved barricades or skids and shall be no taller than 48 inches and no more than 11 square feet in area. Exceptions for signs that exceed these standards for height and area may be approved by city council.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
The city council may enter off-site relocation agreements as provided under California Business and Professions Code Section 5412, as it may be amended, for the purposes of eliminating certain pre-existing off-site signs and allowing one or more stipulated replacement locations. Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, sign(s) allowed under any off-site sign relocation agreement approved by the city council shall be consistent with this title, to the extent possible, except where expressly permitted by the relocation agreement.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
One searchlight may be used by a business for two weeks surrounding a grand opening event. All other uses of searchlights, except for legitimate law enforcement and public safety operations, are prohibited. Searchlights are exempt from the fee, permit and sticker provisions of this title.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
The following shall apply to signs on parcels where farmer’s markets are open to the public:
Signs shall only be permitted on premises as defined in Section 17.04.540.
Number and Location.
No more than two signs shall be oriented to the public right-of-way.
An individual seller may have one sign directly over the seller’s booth or space or attached to a table.
Signs advertising the collective market, oriented to the public right-of-way, shall be limited to a maximum of 60 square feet.
Individual sellers’ signs shall be limited to a maximum of four square feet.
The content of farmer’s market signs shall be limited to advertisement or notification of events occurring solely on the premises.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)