This title shall be known as the "City of Roseville Subdivision Ordinance."
The purposes and intentions of this title are:
To provide policies, standards, requirements and procedures to regulate and control the design and improvements of all subdivisions within the city;
To ensure that, insofar as possible, all proposed subdivisions, together with the provisions for their design and improvements, are subdivided in a manner that will promote the public health, safety, convenience, and general welfare in conformance with the general plan, and any applicable specific plan and specific plan design guidelines, any applicable development agreement, and other provisions of the Roseville Municipal Code;
To preserve and protect to the maximum extent possible the unique and valuable natural resources and amenities of the city's environment, including topographic and geologic features, open space lands, streams, recreational areas, fish and wildlife habitats, wetlands (seasonal and perennial), historical and cultural places, and scenic vistas and attractions; and to maximize the public's access to and enjoyment of such resources and amenities through the dedication or continuance of applicable easements thereto;
To relate land use intensity and population density to existing development, street capacity and traffic access, the slope of the natural terrain, and the availability of public facilities and utilities and open space;
To provide lots of sufficient size and appropriate design for the purposes for which they are to be used;
To provide streets of adequate capacity and design for the traffic that will utilize them and to ensure maximum safety for pedestrians and vehicles;
To ensure adequate access to each building site;
To provide sidewalks, and where needed, pedestrian ways, biking paths, and equestrian and hiking trails for the safety, convenience and enjoyment of the residents and employees of new developments and the general public;
To provide adequate systems of water supply, sanitary sewage disposal, storm drainage, street lighting, electricity, natural gas, telephone, cable and other utilities needed for the public's health, safety and convenience;
To provide adequate sites for public facilities needed to serve the residents and employees of new developments and the general public;
To ensure that the costs of providing land for streets, alleys, pedestrian ways, easements, and other rights-of-way, and for the improvements therein, needed to serve new developments are the responsibility of the subdivider;
To prevent land from being subdivided for any use or in any manner tending to create an increased detriment to the public health, safety or welfare which is actually or potentially dangerous by reason of being located in the 100-year future floodplain, proximity to excessive noise, inadequate access, inadequate water supply or fire protection, insufficient sewerage facilities, hazardous geological conditions, or critical soil conditions.
(Ord. 2747 § 1, 1993)
This title is adopted pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act (Government Code Section 66410 et seq.) as a "local ordinance" as that term is used in the Subdivision Map Act and is supplemental to the provisions thereof. All provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and future amendments thereto not incorporated in this title shall, nevertheless, apply to all subdivisions, subdivision maps and proceedings pursuant to this title.
All individuals, firms, corporations, associations, syndications, co-partnerships, trusts, or any other legal entities shall only sell, divide or convey title in the City of Roseville in compliance with this title.
Nothing in this section shall be read to limit the right of the city, as a charter city, to enact such further provisions concerning the division of land as are deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare.
(Ord. 2747 § 1, 1993)
Neither the approval of or the conditional approval of a subdivision map shall authorize or be deemed to authorize a violation or failure to comply with other applicable provisions of this title, other applicable ordinances or regulations adopted by the city, or any other law.
Nothing in this title shall be construed to permit premature or haphazard subdivisions in derogation of the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the Roseville Municipal Code, the City of Roseville general plan, or any applicable specific plan.
(Ord. 2747 § 1, 1993)
The latest edition of the "improvement standards of the City of Roseville" as adopted by the city council are on file with the city clerk and are incorporated herein by reference, pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act, as standards for subdivision improvements within the city.
(Ord. 2747 § 1, 1993)
Definitions set forth in this section shall be supplementary to the definitions contained in the Subdivision Map Act. For the purposes of this title, the following words and phrases shall be construed as defined in this section:
"Advisory agency"
means either the planning commission of the city, design committee, community development/planning director, or city engineer as specified in Sections 18.04.020, 18.04.025, 18.04.050 and 18.04.060, respectively.
means a public way, other than a street or highway, providing a secondary means of vehicular access to abutting property.
"Appeal board"
means the city council or planning commission as specified in Section 18.24.015.
"Building area"
means the area of a lot remaining after the minimum yard, landscaping and open space requirements of the Zoning Ordinance have been met, and including access, infrastructure and other improvements necessary to use the lot as permitted in the Zoning Ordinance—sometimes referred to as the "building envelope."
"California environmental quality act (CEQA)"
means both the Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq., and the CEQA Guidelines (California Code of Regulations Section 15000 et seq.).
"Certificate of compliance"
means a certificate pursuant to Government Code Sections 66499.34 and 66499.35 issued by the city engineer and recorded in the office of the Placer County recorder certifying that a parcel or parcels or real property comply with the provisions of this title and the Subdivision Map Act. A recorded final map, parcel map or official map shall also constitute a certificate of compliance with respect to the parcels of real property described therein.
means the City of Roseville.
"City engineer"
means the city engineer or the city engineer's duly authorized representative.
means the planning commission of the city. Also referred to as an advisory agency which has the authority to consider applications specified in this title.
means the design committee established in Chapter 19.70 of the Zoning Ordinance. Also referred to as an advisory agency which has the authority to consider applications specified in this title.
means the city council of the city, also referred to as the "Legislative Body," as the term is used in the Subdivision Map Act.
means the County of Placer.
means a calendar day.
means the community development/planning director of the city or the director's duly authorized representative. Also referred to as an advisory agency (as defined by the SMA) which has the authority to consider applications specified in this title.
"Fire protection"
means fire hydrants and other protective measures as may be required for protection of property to be located within a subdivision.
"Floodplain, 100-year future"
means that area which is inundated by a flood with a one percent chance of occurrence ("a 100-year flood event") based upon the best available information which assumes ultimate development ("build-out") of the watershed.
means a highway under the control of the state of California having limited access and, no at-grade entry or exit.
"Frontage, lot or parcel"
means the portion of a lot or parcel that abuts a public or private street.
"General plan"
means the City of Roseville general plan.
means the finished surface of the ground intended for the construction of a structure and/or other related appurtenances.
"Improvement standards"
means minimum standards promulgated by the city engineer and approved by the city council setting forth the manner in which improvements are to be designed, constructed and maintained.
"Legislative body"
means the city council.
means a parcel of land created in conformance with applicable law. Lots include, but are not limited to, a lot created by a final map, parcel map or official map recorded in the office of the Placer County recorder with a separate and distinct number or letter.
"Model home"
means a dwelling unit temporarily used to display, advertise, promote or sell or rent substantially identical homes or lots to the public in a particular residential subdivision.
means an area of land. A parcel is a lot if it has been created in conformance with applicable law.
"Pedestrian way"
means a right-of-way designed for use by pedestrians and not intended for use by motor vehicles of any kind. A pedestrian way may be located within or outside a street right-of-way, or may be at grade or grade separated from vehicular traffic.
"Specific plan"
means a plan for a specific portion of the city, or a plan for a specific municipal function of the city which has been acted upon by the planning commission and adopted by the city council.
"Tentative map"
means those maps for which the Subdivision Map Act requires a subdivision map for recordation (e.g., typically five or more parcels).
"Tentative parcel map"
means those maps for which the Subdivision Map Act requires a parcel map for recordation (e.g., typically four or fewer parcels.)
"Uniform building code (UBC)"
means the code most recently adopted by the city council.
"Uniform fire code (UFC)"
means the code most recently adopted by the city council.
"Vehicular access rights"
means the right or easement for vehicular access of owners or occupants of abutting lands to a public way.
"Water supply"
means such water supply and distribution facilities as are necessary to provide a reliable and adequate water supply for appropriate residential, commercial and industrial use, and for public and private fire protection purposes.
(Ord. 2747 § 1, 1993; Ord. 3286 § 1, 1998; Ord. 3732 § 1, 2001; Ord. 5279 § 19, 2014)
The following general rules of construction shall be used to determine the meaning of a word or phrase used in this title:
Section and subsection headings shall not be deemed to govern, limit, modify, or in any manner affect the scope, meaning or intent of any provision of this title.
In case of any differences in the meaning of or any implications between the text and illustrations in this title, the text of the provision shall control.
Words used in the present tense include the past and future tense. Words used in the singular include the plural, and the plural the singular, unless the context clearly indicates the contrary. The masculine gender includes the feminine, and feminine masculine and neuter.
Unless the context clearly indicates the contrary, the following conjunctions shall be interpreted as follows:
indicates that all connected items or provisions shall apply.
indicates that the connected items or provisions may apply singly or in any combination.
"Either . . .or"
indicates the connected items or provisions shall apply singly, but not in combination.
"Shall," "will" or "must" are always mandatory and are not discretionary. "May" is discretionary or permissive.
(Ord. 2747 § 1, 1993)
Tentative map applications shall be governed by the regulations in effect at the time the director determines the application is complete pursuant to Government Code Section 65943. All other applications and requirements pursuant to this title shall be governed by current regulations.
(Ord. 2747 § 1, 1993; Ord. 2791 § 1, 1994)
The city council shall establish fees for processing applications and appeals pursuant to this title, including, but not limited to, reviewing applications, checking plans, and inspecting improvements.
(Ord. 2747 § 1, 1993)