Whenever a lot line is adjusted between two or more lots, where the land taken from one lot is added to another lot, and where a greater number of lots than currently exists will not be created, a lot line adjustment application shall be filed with the director. A lot line adjustment associated with a residential multi-unit (three or more units) or mixed-use housing project that provides a minimum of 20 percent of the units as affordable units for low, very low or extremely low income households and where the applicant agrees to enter into an affordable housing agreement prior to recordation of the lot line adjustment, will be approved though the ministerial engineering permit process in lieu of the discretionary lot line adjustment process.
Whenever two or more adjacent lots are to be merged voluntarily pursuant to Section 66499.20-3/4 of the Subdivision Map Act, a voluntary merger application shall be filed with the director. A voluntary merger associated with a residential multi-unit (three or more units) or mixed-use housing project that provides a minimum of 20 percent of the units as affordable units for low, very low or extremely low income households and where the applicant agrees to enter into an affordable housing agreement prior to recordation of the voluntary merger, will be approved though the ministerial engineering permit process in lieu of the discretionary lot line adjustment process.
In accordance with Government Code Section 66499.20-1/2, subdivided lands may be merged and resubdivided without reverting to acreage by complying with all applicable provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and this title. All such requests shall be processed as a tentative map application in accordance with the requirements of Section 18.06.040 et seq. The filing of the final map or parcel map shall constitute the legal merger of the separate parcels into one parcel and the resubdividing of such parcel.
(Ord. 2747 § 1, 1993; Ord. 6477 § 8, 2022)
A completed application made on a form provided by the director.
A preliminary title report current within the previous six months for all properties involved.
A site plan which shows the following:
The date of preparation, a north arrow, and scale of the map;
If the map is based on a survey, the date of the survey;
A vicinity key map of appropriate scale covering sufficient adjoining territory to clearly indicate the nearby street patterns, major access streets, property lines, and other adjacent properties;
A statement of existing and proposed zoning and existing and proposed uses of the property;
Boundaries and dimensions of the property(ies) involved in the application, with sufficient information to locate all existing and new property lines of each lot;
Topographic information shall be sufficient to fully show the configuration of the land and any and all depressions that present drainage problems;
The location and general description of any trees with notations as to their specimen type, and other significant natural features, and their retention or destruction;
The approximate locations of all existing wells, abandoned wells and sumps; and an indication of any physical restrictions or conditions in the project which would affect the use of the property;
The location of all structures which are to be retained or removed within the project boundaries and their distances other structures and existing or proposed street and lot lines;
The locations, widths and purposes of all existing and proposed easements for utilities, drainage and other public purposes, shown by dashed lines, within and adjacent to the project boundaries;
The location, width and directions of flow of all watercourses;
The locations, widths and names or designations of all existing streets, alleys, pedestrian ways and other rights-of-way, whether public or private, within and adjacent to the project;
Any planned line for street widening or for any other public project in and adjacent to the project; and
The total area in square footage or acreage to the nearest one-tenth acre of each existing lot and each resulting lot.
Deeds to convey interest in the property, including legal descriptions of the areas being conveyed, to complete the transaction shall be submitted in a form approved by the city attorney (all deeds shall be in a form suitable for recordation at the county recorders office); except for voluntary mergers.
Legal descriptions of each new resulting lot for recordation.
(Ord. 2747 § 1, 1993)
The director shall review the lot line adjustment or voluntary merger application for compliance with the requirements above. When an application is missing information, it will be returned to the applicant and shall not be processed.
(Ord. 2747 § 1, 1993)
The director will refer copies of the application to any city department, local agency or other individual or group the director believes may have an interest. If no response is received within 21 calendar days of the referral date, the director will assume that the outside agency has no comment to make.
(Ord. 2747 § 1, 1993)
Following the referral period, the director shall send a letter to the applicant stating whether or not all required information for the lot line adjustment or voluntary merger application has been submitted, and itemizing all information necessary to accept the application. For discretionary applications the letter may also include recommended design changes or conditions of approval which may be recommended to the advisory agency.
If the director determines additional information is required, and the additional information has not been received within six months of the letter requesting the information, then the application shall be deemed withdrawn.
If the director determines that the application meets the requirements above, then the director shall:
For ministerial applications, forward the project to the city engineer for review and approval.
For discretionary applications, notice the project pursuant to Table 18.04.030.A and set a tentative action date. Except that the director has the authority to forward the application to the commission for it to act upon.
(Ord. 2747 § 1, 1993; Ord. 3732 § 4, 2001; Ord. 6477 § 9, 2022)
A notice of an intent to approve shall be provided for all lot line adjustment and voluntary merger applications except that no notice of intent shall be required to be provided for a prototype development plan project located within the Riverside Gateway specific plan area or for ministerial projects. Lot line adjustments and voluntary mergers associated with a Riverside Gateway specific plan area prototype development plan project shall be processed as stipulated in the Riverside Gateway specific plan implementation procedures. For all other discretionary lot line adjustments and voluntary mergers, notice of the intent to approve shall be given at least 10 days in advance of the approval as follows:
By mailing, U.S. first class postage prepaid, to the applicant, the property owner of the affected property and to the property owners of all property within 300 feet of the affected property as such owners are shown on the last equalized assessment roll of Placer County.
Each notice to approve shall contain at a minimum:
The name(s) of the applicant(s) and property owner(s) of the affected property;
The file number assigned to the application;
The location of the affected property, both in text and graphically in the form of a map;
A description of the nature of the request;
A preliminary environmental determination;
Identification of the advisory agency as community development/planning director and the scheduled date for action;
The following statement:
"The purpose of this notice is to inform you that an application for the described project has been submitted to the Roseville Planning Department. The Community Development/Planning Director may act on the application without holding a public hearing, unless a public hearing is requested in writing by you or any individual wanting to comment on the project prior to the scheduled approval date."
A notice that if the decision is challenged in court, the challenge may be limited to raising only those issues which were raised at the public hearing, if a public hearing is requested, or in written correspondence delivered to the community development/planning director at, or prior to, the public hearing; and
A discussion of the procedure for requesting a public hearing or filing an appeal.
Written notice shall also be given to any person requesting in writing notice of a particular application.
In addition to these notification procedures, the city may choose to give notice of the public hearing in any other way it deems necessary or desirable.
(Ord. 2747 § 1, 1993; Ord. 3732 § 4, 2001; Ord. 4368 § 1, 2006; Ord. 6477 § 10, 2022)
Requests for withdrawal of any application pursuant to this title shall be submitted to the director in writing, unless made at the public hearing. Upon receipt of such request, the director shall notify all concerned parties of the withdrawal. A refund of the filing fee shall be made in accordance with adopted resolutions and ordinances in effect at the time the withdrawal is made.
(Ord. 2747 § 1, 1993; Ord. 6477 § 11, 2022)
Following the notice, the advisory agency shall approve, conditionally approve, or deny the application in accordance with the requirements of this title. All decisions of the advisory agency may be appealed in accordance with the appeal procedures of Chapter 18.24.
The advisory agency shall attach conditions to the approval of a lot line adjustment to facilitate the following:
Compliance with the Zoning Ordinance for the district in which the parcels are located; except that if the parcels or structures are nonconforming with respect to Zoning Ordinance requirements, the lot line adjustment does not increase the degree of nonconformance;
Compliance with the local building regulations, including the UBC; and
The relocation of existing infrastructure or easements.
The advisory agency may, for a voluntary merger, attach conditions in addition to those listed above to achieve compliance with the general plan, any applicable specific plan, the Zoning Ordinance, the Roseville Municipal Code, the subdivision design standards in Chapter 18.08, and any other applicable policy or standard adopted by the city council.
(Ord. 2747 § 1, 1993; Ord. 3732 § 4, 2001; Ord. 6477 § 12, 2022)
Within two working days of the action by the advisory agency, the director shall mail a notice of the decision to the applicant at the address appearing on the application, or to such other address designated in writing by the applicant. The notice shall contain the following information:
Findings upon which the decision was based;
The environmental document prepared and date ratified, unless exempt;
The action of the advisory agency;
Conditions of approval;
An application expiration date and renewal requirements;
Notice of the appeal period and brief description; and
Notice of need to pursue administrative remedies.
(Ord. 2747 § 1, 1993; Ord. 3732 § 4, 2001; Ord. 6477 § 13, 2022)
A decision by the advisory agency to approve or conditionally approve a discretionary application shall be effective upon the expiration of the 10-calendar-day appeal period, unless an appeal is received. A decision by the city engineer to approve a ministerial application shall be effective upon the approval date.
(Ord. 2747 § 1, 1993; Ord. 6477 § 14, 2022)
An approved or conditionally approved lot line adjustment or voluntary merger application is assignable, but an assignment does not discharge any conditions or obligations of the application. If an approved or conditionally approved application is reassigned, notice shall be given to the director within 30 calendar days of the reassignment. Such notice shall include the name(s) and address(es) of the "party(ies)" assuming the approved or conditionally approved application.
(Ord. 2747 § 1, 1993)
All lot line adjustment and voluntary merger applications approved or conditionally approved shall expire 12 months after the approval date unless:
A lot line adjustment voluntary merger is reflected in a recorded deed; and
A certificate of compliance for each affected parcel has been recorded by the city engineer.
Deeds conveying interest in title may be waived for voluntary mergers, as deemed appropriate by the city engineer. A record of survey shall not be required unless required by Business and Professions Code Section 8762.
Expiration of the approval shall automatically terminate all proceedings, and no documents which would transfer all or a portion of the real property involved shall be filed.
However, the subsequent processing, approval and recordation of the documents may lawfully occur after the date of the expiration of the application if the completed documents have been submitted to the city engineer prior to the expiration date.
(Ord. 2747 § 1, 1993)