The procedure and practice of all survey work done on any subdivision, whether for preparation of a final map or parcel map, shall conform to the standard practices and principles of land surveying, the Land Surveyor's Act of the state of California, and the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 2747 § 1, 1993)
The traverse of the exterior boundaries of the tract computed from field measurements of the ground must close within a limit of error of one foot to 10,000 feet of perimeter before balancing survey.
(Ord. 2747 § 1, 1993)
When requested by the city engineer, the engineer or surveyor making the survey shall prepare complete field notes in a form satisfactory to the city engineer, show references, ties, locations, elevations and other necessary data relating to monuments, set in accordance with the requirements of this title, and shall submit such notes to the city engineer to be indexed and retained as a part of the permanent public record of the city engineer's office.
If exterior boundary monuments are to be set after recordation of the final map or parcel map, as provided by Section 18.22.060, Boundary Monuments, the city engineer shall require, prior to accepting such map for filing, the reference of said monuments of a sufficient number of adjacent reference points to accurately set each boundary monument after recordation of said map, the setting of only a portion of the boundary monuments, or the submission of complete field notes as evidence of a thorough survey.
(Ord. 2747 § 1, 1993)
Whenever the city engineer has established a system of coordinates which is within a reasonable distance of the subdivision boundary, as determined by the city engineer, the field survey shall be tied into such system.
(Ord. 2747 § 1, 1993)
In making the survey of the subdivision, the engineer or surveyor shall set sufficient permanent monuments so that the survey, or any part thereof, may be readily retraced.
(Ord. 2747 § 1, 1993)
Monuments shall be set on the exterior boundary of the subdivision at all corners, angle points, beginnings and ends of curves and at intermediate points approximately 1,000 feet apart. The locations of inaccessible points may be established by ties and shall be so noted on the final map or parcel map.
All exterior boundary monuments shall be set prior to recordation of the final map or parcel map, unless extensive grading operations or improvement work makes it impractical to set such monuments. In the event any or all of the boundary monuments are to be set after recordation of the final map or parcel map, and prior to the submission of such map to the city engineer, the surveyor making the survey shall, in addition to furnishing field notes when requested by the city engineer and showing the boundary survey as required by this chapter, furnish evidence acceptable to the city engineer to substantiate his reasons for deferring the setting of such monuments until after recordation of such map.
(Ord. 2747 § 1, 1993)
Monuments shall be set at all block and lot corners and angle points and at the beginnings and ends of curves, and along street and alleys, and at the points of intersection with the exterior boundary lines. Interior property line and center line monuments and ties may be set after the final map or parcel map is recorded.
(Ord. 2747 § 1, 1993)
In the event any or all of the required monuments are to be set after recordation of the final map or parcel map, the engineer's or surveyor's certificate shall specify the date, established by the city engineer, by which the monuments will be set and the field notes thereon furnished, and the subdivider shall, prior to the submission of such map to the city engineer for filing furnish to the city engineer a cash deposit or corporate surety bond in an amount equal to the estimated cost of setting such deferred monuments and conforming in all other respects in cash deposits or corporate surety bonds filed pursuant to Chapter 18.20. In lieu thereof, provision for the setting of said monuments may be included in the agreement prepared in accordance with Chapter 18.20.
In the event the deferred monuments are not set within the period of time specified on the engineer's or surveyor's certificate, or within any approved extended period of time, and provided that all improvement work has been completed, the city engineer shall, by written notice, forthwith direct the engineer or surveyor of record to, within 60 days of the date of such directive, set such monuments and furnish such field notes as were agreed to be set and furnished on said certificate. The engineer or surveyor may apply to the city engineer for reimbursement for the cost of setting the monuments, and the city engineer may reimburse the engineer or surveyor from the cash deposit or proceeds of the surety bond in such amount as the city engineer may determine reasonable.
(Ord. 2747 § 1, 1993)
All monuments set in the course of the survey as required by these regulations, shall be of the type specified by the city engineer and shall be set to the depth and in the manner prescribed therefor.
(Ord. 2747 § 1, 1993)
All monuments set as required herein shall be permanently and visible marked or tagged with the registration or license number of the engineer or surveyor who signs the engineer's or surveyor's certificate and under whose supervision the survey was made.
(Ord. 2747 § 1, 1993)
Any monument set as required herein which is disturbed or destroyed before acceptance of all improvements by the city shall be replaced by the subdivider.
(Ord. 2747 § 1, 1993)
The following survey data and information shall be shown on each final map or parcel map for which a field survey was made pursuant to this title:
Stakes, monuments (together with their precise position) or other evidence found on the ground, to determine the boundaries of the subdivision;
Corners of all adjoining properties identified by lot and block number, subdivision names, numbers, and pages of record, or by section, township and range, or other proper designation;
All information and data necessary to locate and retrace any point or line without unreasonable difficulty;
The location and description of any required monuments to be set after recordation of the final map, and the statement that they are "to be set";
Bearing and length of each lot line, block line, and boundary line and each required bearing and distance;
Length, radius and bearings of terminal radii of each curve and the bearing of each radial line to each lot corner on each curve;
The center lines of any street or alley in or adjoining the subdivision which have been established by the city engineer, together with reference to a field book or map showing such center line and the monuments which determine its position. If determined by ties, that fact shall be so stated; and
Such other survey data or information as may be required to be shown by the city engineer or by the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 2747 § 1, 1993)