The purpose of the Downtown Specific Plan Downtown Code is to direct public and private development consistent with the community vision for the Downtown Specific Plan Area. Redevelopment within the older areas of the City of Roseville presents unique development challenges. The Downtown Specific Plan Downtown Code is therefore a comprehensive document for the Downtown Specific Plan Area that provides detailed performance criteria and development standards that are intended to facilitate development while recognizing the area’s unique character. Key elements addressed in the Downtown Specific Plan Downtown Code include:
Permitted and conditionally permitted uses for various zone districts.
Prescriptive development standards including setbacks, height requirements, parking standards, and floor area ratios.
Development guidelines addressing buffers and adjacency issues, landscaping, entry monumentation, and public realm improvements.
Entitlement processes that vary from applications throughout the remainder of the City of Roseville.
Downtown sign regulations.
Details that define the character of the Downtown Specific Plan Area.
Downtown Specific Plan Area incentives.
Parcel specific considerations.
The Downtown Specific Plan Downtown Code is consistent with the City of Roseville’s goals, policies and applicable regulations and is intended to be the primary resource for development review within the Downtown Specific Plan Area.
(Ord. 5428 § 1, 2014)
“Downtown specific plan area”
means a 176-acre area encompassing historic old town, Vernon Street, and Royer and Saugstad Parks. This area is further defined in the Downtown Specific Plan.
(Ord. 5428 § 1, 2014)
The Downtown Specific Plan Downtown Code as amended by the City Council from time to time is hereby adopted and is incorporated into this chapter by reference as though it were fully set forth herein. A copy of the Downtown Specific Plan Downtown Code is available for use and examination by the public in the City of Roseville’s Planning Division and can be found on the City of Roseville’s website.
(Ord. 5428 § 1, 2014)
In the event of any conflict between the provisions of the Downtown Specific Plan Downtown Code and the provisions of the Roseville Municipal Code, the provisions of the Downtown Specific Plan Downtown Code shall prevail. However, with regard to topics that the Downtown Specific Plan Downtown Code does not address, the provisions of the Roseville Municipal Code shall prevail.
(Ord. 5428 § 1, 2014)
A violation of the requirements of the Downtown Specific Plan Downtown Code is punishable as an infraction.
(Ord. 5428 § 1, 2014)