This chapter establishes standards for the placement of telecommunication facilities on private property in all zoning districts and on public property not otherwise governed by Chapter 13.30 (Wireless Telecommunications Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way). It is the intent of this chapter to minimize the adverse impacts of such equipment and structures on neighborhoods and surrounding developments by limiting the height, number, and location of such devices.
(Ord. 5428 § 1, 2014; Ord. 5975 § 2, 2018)
Telecommunications facilities are permitted as identified in Article II. Satellite dish antennas and ham radio antennas are permitted as accessory structures pursuant to Section 19.22.030.
The following types of telecommunication facilities are exempt from permit provided they meet the following requirements:
Antennas and/or related telecommunication equipment attached to an existing monopole, tower, or similar structure provided the equipment does not increase the height of the existing monopole, tower, or structure by more than 10 percent or one additional antenna array not more than 20 feet (whichever is greater).
Antennas and/or related telecommunication equipment located on an existing building provided the equipment does not increase the height by more than 10 percent or one additional antenna array not more than 20 feet (whichever is greater) and the antennae does not conflict with the architectural treatment of the building and is screened from public view or painted to match the exterior of the building.
Equipment shelters/cabinets may be located on site as long as they do not adversely impact the approved building, parking and landscape design and shall be no larger than 160 square feet in size with a maximum height of six feet. Existing equipment shelters/cabinets may be modified by no more than 30 feet beyond existing site boundaries or no more than 10 percent larger in height as defined by Section 6409(a) of the Spectrum Act of 2012, as may be amended from time to time.
All proposed telecommunication equipment shall conform to the standards identified in Section 19.34.030.
In residential zone districts, HAM radio antennas are subject to a 35-foot height limit if ground mounted. If roof mounted, the antenna may exceed the height limit of the zone district by 15 percent. HAM radio antennas shall maintain a minimum five-foot setback from any property line.
The following telecommunication facilities may be approved pursuant to an Administrative Permit and must comply with Federal Communications Commission “shot clock” ruling as necessary.
Monopoles/towers and related facilities not exceeding 60 feet in height;
Monopoles/towers not located between a building and an adjacent street;
Antennas or related telecommunication equipment that increases the height of a building but does not exceed more than one half the height of the building on which the equipment will be located;
Antennas and related telecommunication equipment not painted or screened to match the existing pole/tower, building or roof;
In R-1 single-family residential zones and properties designated as open space such facilities will be allowed as long as the facility meets the standards of this section, are co-located within the footprint of an existing tower or attached to a monopole, tower or similar structure, and do not require permanent roadway or driveway access improvements; and
Equipment buildings, shelters and cabinets larger than 160 square feet in size and/or more than six feet in height provided they are screened from public view (street).
Cellular facilities and equipment that does not conform to the provisions identified within subsections A and B may be approved pursuant to approval of a Conditional Use Permit.
The following activities are prohibited on telecommunication facilities.
Advertising. No advertising or display is permitted on any telecommunication facility or related equipment.
(Ord. 5428 § 1, 2014; Ord. 6538 § 12, 2022)
The following requirements apply to telecommunication facilities in all zone districts, except where a more restrictive standard is required by Section 19.34.040 for satellite dish antennas.
General Standards.
Building mounted antennas are encouraged, provided that the wireless communication facility is compatible with the building design and does not negatively impact the surrounding area.
Where building mounting is not possible, an attempt should be made to screen new monopoles from public view and to co-locate new antennas on existing monopoles.
In order to minimize overall visual impact, wireless communication facilities should be designed to promote facility and site sharing.
No facility should be installed on an exposed ridgeline, in or at a location readily visible from a public trail, recreation area, or scenic area unless it is satisfactorily screened or made to appear as a natural environmental feature.
Wireless communication facilities should be painted color(s) which are most compatible with their surroundings.
Innovative design should be used whenever the screening potential for the site is low. For example, designing structures which are compatible with surrounding architecture, or appear as a natural environmental feature, could help mitigate the visual impact of a facility.
Wireless communication facilities and all other equipment such as emergency generators and air conditioners must be designed to be consistent with City noise standards when in proximity to sensitive receptors.
A professional telecommunications expert shall perform an evaluation of the radio frequency certifying that the frequency levels meet federal standards and that the facility will not interfere with the City’s or other public entities’ emergency broadcast systems.
Telecommunication facilities located on a lot adjacent to a residential zone district shall be set back from the residential zone by two feet for each one foot of total height. The required setback shall be measured at its widest potential position.
Standards for Building Mounted Antennas.
Building mounted antennas and all other equipment should be in scale and architecturally integrated with the building design in such a manner as to be visually unobtrusive.
When feasible, colors and materials should match the existing building.
All equipment should be screened from public view.
Standards for Monopoles.
Substantial landscaping or other screening should be provided to reasonably buffer any adjoining residential uses from the potential visual impacts of the facility. Landscape screening should be designed to achieve its desired appearance in a reasonable period of time.
Guy wires or support structures shall not overhang any property line.
Any antennas attached to a monopole should be mounted as close as possible to the monopole as a means of reducing the visual impacts of the antenna structures.
(Ord. 5428 § 1, 2014)
The following requirements apply to satellite dish antennas greater than three feet in diameter:
Residential Standards. In addition to the general requirements in Section 19.34.030, the following shall apply:
Maximum Height. Six feet from the natural grade at the base of the antenna.
Roof-Mounting Prohibited. No satellite antenna shall be mounted on a building roof in residential zones. Satellite dish antennas shall be ground-mounted, and shall not be visible from public streets.
Screening Required. Satellite antennas shall not be placed in front yards and shall be screened from public view from streets and adjacent properties by fences or walls of six feet in height and/or landscaping.
Commercial and Industrial Standards. The following requirements shall apply to satellite antennas in all commercial and industrial zones established by Article II:
Setbacks. If the zoning district abuts a residential zone, any satellite antenna higher than six feet shall be located a minimum of 10 feet from the residential property line. For each foot of height above six feet, the satellite antenna shall be located two additional feet back from the residential district.
Maximum Height, Ground-Mounted Antenna. 20 feet above natural grade.
Roof-Mounted Antenna. Shall be screened so as to not be visible from surrounding streets.
Height Measurement. The height of a moveable or adjustable antenna shall be measured at its highest potential position (i.e., with the face plane of a satellite dish antenna parallel to the support post) from natural grade.
(Ord. 5428 § 1, 2014)